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Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 06:49 AM

Wedding Planning Input? {{New Question - MUSIC--See P.4}}
Hey, guys! My fiance and I have been engaged for a little over a year, and we've set the date for 11.11.11 {we started dating on 08.08.08, so it's fitting ;p}. I'm in the process of planning our wedding, and I'm stuck on a major issue here: the colors.

D= Ugh. Before you roll your eyes, keep in mind that I just need someone who hasn't been doing this crap for the past year {i.e. someone a little detached from the situation} to give some helpful input.

I'm wearing a green dress, probably something in the "peacock green" range, so obviously that's going to be one of our colors. My fiance likes green as well as red, but if we incorporate the red, we don't want it to look "Christmasy." Another thing we've been thinking about is taking some colors from a peacock feather {mainly, the lighter blue} to use as the second color, but we don't want it to be too much color, you know?

My bridesmaids and I are facing a similar conundrum; we have no idea what color to make the dresses. One of the BMs and I are making the dresses for them as well as my gown ourselves, to save money.

So, what colors go well with that shade of green? Would it be tacky to have some sort of blue bridesmaid dress? If we did, what colors should the accents be? AGH!

See why I'm going a little crazy? ;p And I normally wouldn't be planning all this so soon, but I'm in school right now, so there's a LOT going on. Besides, better to start a little early than have a panic attack at the last minute, right?

Thanks in advance, haha.

sweet_serender159 01-06-2010 08:10 AM

congratulations on your wedding!!!!!!
if you get a nice blue im sure it wont look too tacky ahahahaa
blue wud be really nice, if your going to try for a peacock colour thing.
i like the idea of a green wedding sounds very original and unique!!!!!

i dont think im much help hahahaha but i hope it does!!!!!
again! congrats!!!

AlexOzzysSychophant 01-06-2010 08:16 AM

Whoo! Almost two years! Congrats~ And I wish you the best of luck~ -^^-

Peacock green would go well with a nice, light teal, I think. Perhaps the accents should be silver? Or black, seeing as that would go better with the whole peacock color scheme.

Sorry if I wasn't any help. I'm not the next fashion expert or anything ^^;

Cherish 01-06-2010 08:29 AM

Hmmm... I think whether or not that would work depends upon the exact shade.
Like a peacock green like this, would look better with this extremely pale blue, than it would with a pale blue like this, but that's just in my opinion.

So I think before you buy the fabric for the bridesmaid dresses, it would be best if you could bring a piece of the fabric from your dress along, and hold them up next to each other to make sure they go.

For the accents, I'd be tempted to go for a nice, fresh shade of yellow.
That would contrast nicely with both colours, and really make them pop, while still keeping in with the peacock theme, as peacock feathers do have that tiny bit of gold/yellow underneath the eye (like this).

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 03:39 PM

Ohhh you're engaged too? Awesome! best wishes (=
Hmm interesting...well.. you see how in the peacock feather there is also some dark color nearby? I was thinking that something like that would be good to balance it out so it doesn't feel too colorful, but so it still maintains the life. I mean not to have the whole rest of it be darker, but to have a bit in there. I think in the feather it reminds me of like mermaid blue.. idk what you think of that but that strikes my interest. My fiance and I are going more with black and blue or black and red with a bit of white.... but you can also maybe think of ... did you want the bouquet to match? Because usually the flowers have some sort of symbolism if that matters to you at all and if it does, then you might take that into consideration.. Of course you can always play around and you have plenty of time to decide... lol.. more than I do xD but that can be a good thing if you have a lot to take care of (= Sooo some questions for you then:

~What kind of mood do you want to set?
~Does the symbolism of the flowers matter to you? If so, there's plenty to pick from.. passion, purity, romance, ect.
~Do the colors you are thinking of work okay with the setting?

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 04:41 PM

Thanks for the input, guys!

Alex: We were thinking of going with black, actually. ^^

Cherish: For the shade of green, I'm fond of this: For the blue, I was thinking of something like a lighter version of the light blue in the feather. Do you suppose that might work? Of course, black dresses with a green or blue ribbon might do nicely, too.

Strange: I'm planning on a bouquet of magnolias and white lilacs with the feathers in there, though I might do a different flower (than lilac) so it doesn't get too, uh, fragrant. ;p

Mood: Vintage-y
Symbolism: I thought about it, but it doesn't really matter too much at the moment. I just want a pretty bouquet! :3
Colors: The setting is a ballroom in a huge, historic hotel in the city where we live, so the colors are pretty much wide open as far as choices.

Also, congrats on your engagement! When are you guys getting married?

Ivvy 01-06-2010 04:55 PM

I am planning my wedding as well. So congrats on your engagement. :)

I would suggest for your bridesmaid dresses going with a coppery gold. It would be in theme with the peacock feather, and compliment you dress and make you stand out as the bright part of the wedding. Accent their hairdos with actual peacock feathers that have been cut shorter and arranged nicely. and maybe make their flowers have some various blue shades in them from medium to pale blue. with some greenery as well. It would tie the colors together and push the peacock look. And depending on how you line them up it will almost have a flowing feather effect when they follow you back out down the isle. :) These are just suggestions but I hope they were helpful and that you liked them some. :) Good luck with your planning. :)

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:00 PM

Maybe I was a little unclear...we don't want a full-on peacock-themed wedding, just some of the colors. The copper dresses sound nice, but all of my bridesmaids are quite pale, so it might wash them out. D= Thanks for the advice, though!

Ivvy 01-06-2010 05:01 PM

Ahh okay true copper would wash pale girls out. I am pale myself. Though if you put them in a pale color it will do the same. I like your idea of black with an accent sash in color. It would be nice and they could wear the dresses again. >.<

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 05:06 PM

Clockwork- lol i totally had to google those. It's so easy to forget what they look like ahaha XD
Oooh awesome a ballroom!! sounds like it's easy to work with and could be pretty fun too! >w<
eeto.. either 5.12.10 or 5.12.11 depending on what the family says...
wow so weird o.O we're all planning our weddings.. xD but i guess that makes sense why this thread would attract us ne? : p

Ivvy- lol that sounded like a cool idea if that was the effect she was looking for : D very creative

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:09 PM

I do like the peacock effect, but I don't want the wedding to be too theme-y, you know? ^^; I'm going for more of a vintage elegance, with the peacock feather as the inspiration for the color palette. :)

Yeah, I don't like to think about how expensive the venue's gonna be...>.<

And for the bridesmaid dresses, my friend (also a B.maid) came up with these awesomely cute little peacoat-styled jumpers, complete with the buttons on the front. Love it! I think going with black would probably work best, and we could bring in the accent colors on their dresses. I have three bridesmaids and a Matron of Honor, so maybe the b.maids could wear one color (say, blue) and our MOH could have the other color?

Ivvy 01-06-2010 05:10 PM

@ Dreams.. aww why thank you.. And yes wedding stuff attracts those who are planning. >.< I am doing kiwi green and candy pink >.< Lots of daisies and lilies. We are doing a fay theme though. I am not wearing white myself either... More than likely I am doing a dark ivy green shade. >.<

@Clock.. I like that idea. I got lucky on my venue. 200 for the chapel and 150 for the event location for the reception and it is huge. >.<

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:12 PM

Ivvy - That sounds gorgeous! And I looooove non-white wedding gowns. I think you should go with a color you love instead of adhering to a tradition that holds no meaning for you, yeah?

fuyumi_saito 01-06-2010 05:14 PM

aw yay. That's so fun. Congrats!

I think Sapphire blues and basically bright blues go really well with peacock green. So do bright purples. I don't think blue would be tacky at all. Good luck! It sounds like a lot of fun. Post pictures! I'm sure it'll be really interesting ^^

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:15 PM

It's not til 2011, but I definitely will post pics! I'll keep you guys updated on the planning, too. :)

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 05:16 PM

lol hey fuyumi XD <3 my uh... >.> speech giver xD lol *huggles* (=

Ivvy- just being honest (= and yes that is so true lol xD found it so funny going to the mall right after being engaged... a whole another experience, I swear... o.o"

Clockwork- ok awesome... well it seems like you're getting a better idea of it so that's good too x3

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:17 PM

Haha, yeah, since I've got all of you to bounce ideas off of, it's starting to solidify a bit. :3

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 05:19 PM

*happy dance* : D coolness >w< and lol should talk it over with your fiance too (=

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:20 PM

Haha, he's sitting right here.

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 05:20 PM

XD well that works aahaha... pretty well, i'd say... >> << i have to wait for mine to be done with classes... maybe I'll email lol. since I'm in a bit of a better mood now (=

fuyumi_saito 01-06-2010 05:20 PM

Awesome! I can't wait to see. I'm sure I'll still be part of menewsha then. lol.

Hey *hugs back* Good to see you on ^^

Ah, I'm just participating in a wedding, not getting married. *doesn't stop her from daydreaming about it sometimes though* lol.

Ivvy 01-06-2010 05:21 PM

The white wedding dress is a fairly new tradition I mean its old but not enough so to be set in stone.. designers just made it stick. Queen Victoria wore one to show her virginity. And it took off. I love green myself and am pale and not a size 4 so while would wash me out make me look 20+ pounds heavier than I am, and well its boring to me.

I love that there are other bride to be's on here. :)

Clockwork Lime 01-06-2010 05:22 PM

My aunt threw a shit fit when I told her I was wearing a green dress, honestly. She was like, "Why? Why would you do that?" And then she tried to pressure me into wearing ivory or champagne or something, but I stood my ground. Hellll no, I won't wear white! D= I'm a size 2 and really short, but white still makes me look fat...I think it makes all but beanpoles look fat, honestly.

Ivvy 01-06-2010 05:28 PM

I so agree. I am plus size if you will I am a size 16-18 depending on the designer! And white makes me look like a house!

strange_dreams_512 01-06-2010 05:30 PM

Hmm I'm pretty thin but it's still iffy whether or not Imma wear white or not.... was thinking at first not to but it's still possible... idk..
lol and then there's rings.. there's soooo much that can be untraditional i dont think people should throw a fit if someone wants to change it up a bit... or a lot.. whatever... its their wedding right?

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