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lilis 01-01-2008 01:56 AM

Happy new year *^* - sketches
Happy new year everyone *^* <3

Since this is a short event *^* I won't do a game this time, but I will be doing random sketches when I feel like it, stay around and chat? <3

And might as well know other's resolution? <3
Mine is DO not procrastinate on my hwk =x=;; <- which i am already doing on my report hehes -shot-

Anyways.. Post away *^*



ack i can't draw other side ;o;

sy niece *^*

Dystopia 01-01-2008 01:58 AM

First post!

<3 Hey Lilis.

Chrome-Dome not back! ;.; I have to spend NEW YEARS without meh Chance too! T.T Is that Chrome-Dome gonna get it!

lilis 01-01-2008 01:58 AM

hi anna <3 -snuggles-

aww -pets- she will pay Dx;; -shot-

oh! you don't mind ur freebie from xmas done in pencil right? Dx;;

Dystopia 01-01-2008 01:59 AM

I don't mind at all. =3
How's it going, by the way?

Corrie 01-01-2008 02:00 AM

Heyy! C: <333

LOL thats my new years resolution too.
I never had a problem with it until doing school work just bored the heck out of me. D: </3

lilis 01-01-2008 02:02 AM

@anna - yay cuz i really dont like doing comp art right now ;o;''
haha i'm good x'D; most of us migrated to anitaria rofl -shot-
how about you?

@corrie - lawl i see *^* i'm mostly cuz.. i don't want to do it >.<;; so ghey =x=

Bunnyy 01-01-2008 02:12 AM

  • Hey lilis ! 8D
    You`re the person with the mega cool artsies . :o
    Happy new year ! :D <3

Corrie 01-01-2008 02:15 AM

Lawl school is just boring now. =( </3
I think senior-ritis is hitting me! D:
( I don't even think I spelled it correctly. 8D)

Lilim 01-01-2008 02:16 AM

*Takes her Lilis*

lilis 01-01-2008 02:18 AM

@bunny - =x i didn't know i had mega cool artsies ;o;'' -shot-
happy new year to you too *^* i have 3 more hours to go -counts down-

@corrie - aw -pets- Dx;; i know that feeling *^* tho now, uni is cool hehez x'D
senior-ritis =o;; scary Dx -i dont know how to spell Dx-

@lilim - y..your lilis? -blushes- *^*;

Bunnyy 01-01-2008 02:19 AM

  • Yah yah, in your auction . 80

Lilim 01-01-2008 02:19 AM

*Nods* Mines XD
We almost have the same name so why not :lol:

Candiie 01-01-2008 02:31 AM

happy new year lilis!
-hope i can finally get a freebie this time- D;

lilis 01-01-2008 02:34 AM

@bunny - oh oxo -blushes- thank you? <3 >0< -hides behind rock- ish shy >0<;

@lilim - rofl i see *^* sure.. why not x'D;; -snuggles- *^*

@candiie - hehes -pets- happy new year *^* <3

Nephila 01-01-2008 02:35 AM

Happy new years! It's still a few hours away for me :3

lilis 01-01-2008 02:36 AM

happy new year to you too neph *^* i have 2:30 more ish to go *x*
tho i probably go to bed at 11 ish x'D

Bunnyy 01-01-2008 02:39 AM

  • :o
    I have 1O hours and 2O minutes until the 2nd of Jan . :o

linapoo 01-01-2008 02:40 AM

Our resolution is the same! *O*
-admires- You are so cool.

edit; Ah, just got event item. So cute. * u*;;

Lilim 01-01-2008 02:42 AM

Besides our names being almost the same
I need someone to kiss :lol:

lilis 01-01-2008 02:43 AM

@bunny - woh you are so ahead of us oxo

@lina - oh yes! -high fives- *^* that's such a family trait =x;;
nyuu lina is more cool -admires more-

yup it is >-< tho i have no matching outfit ;o; -emos-

@lilim - haha yup true =x twins? x'D;;
o.o;; -sticks lina infront- :lol:

Lilim 01-01-2008 02:45 AM

:lol: Kinky
Could you handle me as a sister?

linapoo 01-01-2008 02:47 AM

lilis oooh, family traits are fun. *w*
noo, lilis is cooler! enough said! >__<

aw, that's sad. just think more gold. rofl.
menewsha needs more jewelry like bracelets and stuff.
and more underwear for guys. XD tidy widies = sweet.

Sylira 01-01-2008 02:47 AM

Aww the same New Year's Resolution~ 8DD;; Yeah hw I need to do my hw soon, yeah. ; 3;

lilis 01-01-2008 02:47 AM

x'D i dunno? can you handle me? =x

@lina - ya they are
nyuuu >.<;; i need to.. refute some way ;o; -urges-

haha i know ;o;
but i guess jewlerys are hard.. to pixel? Dx

@niece - haha totally *^* same here.. but desktop is taken over x'D;; oh well.. i'll do it tomorrow <- always say that @@

Sylira 01-01-2008 02:51 AM

Eheh yeahs~ -cough- U have to finish my precious pic. ;w; No wait, it sucks. Whatever then~ I don't even want to color after I'm done lining~

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