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StarDustDreamer 02-06-2015 12:50 AM

Kiesha'ra Series
Is there anyone else on Mene familiar with the series? It has to be one of my favorites, and it seem pretty unknown! Just to get conversation rolling, do you have any favorite characters? I have such a hard time picking one with this series!

KrysusKitten 02-09-2015 02:12 PM

Wow... never thought I'd hear about that anywhere! I got given The Shapeshifters: The Kiesha'ra of the Den of Shadows a while back that had 5 of the novels in one, I only read Hawksong at the time but I got so into it. Such a good story. I've really got to figure out where I put the book and read the rest :3

StarDustDreamer 04-05-2015 03:45 PM

KrysusKitten: Oh, it's so good to see someone else appreciating the series! I recently acquired Wyvernhail, and it's really good!! I love the social and political construct that Atwater-Rhodes has created~

salvete 03-03-2016 04:41 AM

Oh my goodness StarDustDreamer: KrysusKitten: I read and loved the Kiesha'ra books when I was younger!!!!!! I can't believe I just saw this now

Melissa 03-24-2016 01:05 AM

When I was in highschool about 10 years ago I really liked Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books....

but now after reading so many various and more interesting titles I find her books very...lackluster. I had one of her books laying around and picked it up to give a reread recently and it was pretty obvious a teenager had wrote it. XD

salvete 03-27-2016 05:04 PM

That was very cool, that she published those when she was only a teenager!

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