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Rhys Luna Emweise 11-30-2009 02:48 AM

Writer's block-- Please HELP!
I decided to go for an evening stroll.* I walked about three blocks when I felt it. The eyes boring into my back; I knew there was someone following me. But, me being me, I still took the back way home, cutting through dark, deserted alleys and walking along the old back streets where no one would be able to see or hear my pursuer, or me for that matter.

It had been getting dark when I’d decided to go out, and by the time I had left the tavern, it was past 9 o’clock, and it was dark. Not just that dim-lighted, twilight type dark, I mean, middle of the night, inky blackness type dark. The moon and stars were partially shrouded by clouds, from which snowflakes were falling lightly. The air held a distinct winter chill, though it was only just nearing the end of November. I pulled my cloak tighter about myself, in a weak attempt to block out the cold. When my mind had drifted to other thoughts than who was following me, he struck.

Now, you see, our lands are in the midst of a war. The rebels have been fighting for control for nearly a decade now. I was seven when the battles began, and am now sixteen. I am the middle child in my family, second of three sons to Dyllon Terrens and Serris Mallack. My brother, Sethlun, is three years my senior, and a soldier. He gives his old cloaks to me, James, and our younger brother, Terry, who is only 9 years old, so we can get around at night without being attacked by other soldiers. Seth knows but doesn’t care that I am a rebel, and would have chosen so also if he could have. Though we- my brother and I- are glad for him having been drafted as a soldier, for otherwise we would likely have been attacked numerous times for being rebels.

The one following me, one of the rebels, had mistaken me for a soldier on patrol, because of my cloak. My hood was up, so they couldn’t have seen the bright blue hair that would normally have shown me apart from the soldiers. He jumped down onto my back from the roof of a nearby house. When this happened, I backed into a wall with enough force to stun the poor boy, and he fell off of me. I took a few steps away before turning to face the rebel. I went a step or two closer, and knelt down in front of him, trying, in the dim light, to determine which of my friends it was who’d mistakenly attacked me.

He was quite a bit smaller than me, thinner, a few inches shorter. The bright purple eyes were enough of a give away as to the person’s identity, even if I hadn’t noticed his hair, which was the same shade as his eyes. “Ah shit…” I said, recognizing the boy as Kalen, my best and closest friend. He and I have been inseparable since around the age of two, when we’d first met and have been friends ever since. Though sometimes… sometimes I wish we could be more than just friends. Yes, I know, it’s not a very well accepted thing in most places, for one boy to be in love with another, especially here. But still… The eyes, the hair, both their natural color, I must admit, were so attractive. Kalen had many a fans, girls and guys alike, though the males in his fan club merely said to admire his courage and such. Though I’d seen the looks they often gave him, the ones of longing and lust. I knew what they were because I had often caught myself watching him with the very same expression on my own face, though not as noticeable, and only when we were alone, or no one else was paying attention.

“Kalen…” I called, cautiously trying to bring the other teen back to consciousness. “C’mon, Kalen, get your lazy arse up off the ground.” I said, calling his name a second time as I shook him by his shoulders slightly trying to wake him. Though as he woke, a sudden look of shock and fear passed over his face, seeing how the hood of the cloak was still up, and set half my face in shadow. I realized this just as he was about to call out, and moved on hand to cover his mouth, the other rising off his shoulder to push back the hood of my cloak. “Hush, Kae. It’s just me, no need to alert half the town.” I said, using his childhood nickname as he started to calm down as he realized it was just me.

“Damn, Jae… scare the living shit right out o’ me, why don’cha? I seriously thought you were one of the soldiers. Why do you insist on going around in that cloak whenever you’re not on patrol?” Kalen asked, using the name from our younger days as well.

“Sorry, Kae, y’know I didn’t mean to. And that is exactly why I wear it... If I can fool even you with this cloak, then it’ll work to keep the soldiers from thinking anything I do to be suspicious, and they’ll usually leave me alone. Besides, its really the only thing I’ve got of Seth’s- you know that.” I replied, helping my friend up. “Now, just what are you doing out so late? Aren’t you supposed to be home by now?”

“Yeah, I was just on my way there... I kinda got held up a little earlier by a couple of other soldiers.” At that mention of the other soldiers, he started shaking slightly. It was obvious to anyone who knew him as well as I did that something had him spooked, and that itself was a hard thing to do, get him that worked up.

“What happened, Kalen? You don’t shake like that unless somethin’ real bad’s happened...” I asked, looking him over for the first time that night, noticing his hair was messier than it normally was, and there were obvious signs that he’d been in a struggle. His jacket and shirt were torn, and there were scrapes and bruises on the skin that was visible- face, hands, and arms up to the elbows. I was sure that there were more injuries, as well, because of the faint splotches that looked an awful lot like blood soaking through the fabric.

He only turned his head and looked away, and I knew something serious had gone on that he didn’t want to talk about. Normally, with anyone else around, this behaviour wouldn’t have concerned me, since Kalen wasn’t one to talk about his defeats around anyone but me. But, it was just the two of us there, so it was obvious that something besides a fight had gone on.

“Kalen, you know you can tell me anything without fear of me saying anything to anyone else about it... Now, will you tell me what happened?” He only shook his head in the negative. It would take more than just my asking to get him to reveal what he’d been through that night. “Alright... Well, why don’t we head home? You can stay the night at my place, if you don’t feel like going home...” I offered, knowing his place was all the way on the other side of town, and he wouldn’t be able to make it in his current injured condition, while my place was only a couple blocks away.

“You sure your mother won’t care, James? I mean, I’ve been over a lot in the past few weeks...” Kalen replied. It was true, he had been over a lot. But my mom knew that it was because our place was closer to the rebel headquarters, and it was easier for him, and safer, especially since his folks were gone a lot of the time, and he would be the only one in the house, and very susceptible to attacks if the soldiers were to decide to raid the homes of suspected rebels. They wouldn’t check ours- a home which had produced two of the ruler’s best soldiers couldn’t ever have any positive connection with rebel forces.

“No, Kae. She knows it’s easier, and safer for you, than having to go home every night. Plus, the soldiers wouldn’t raid our place in a search for rebels, you know that. Now come on... it’s getting cold out, and I want to be home before the curfew comes into effect.” By eleven o’clock each night, everyone- aside from the soldiers, of course- had to be inside their houses for the night. For anyone who wan’t either inside or a soldier, it was the usual case of attack first, ask questions later if they were caught.

“Alright, let’s get going, then...” He said, taking hold of my arm and pulling me in the direction of my house. Strangely enough, we didn’t run into a single soldier on our way, which Kalen seemed rather thankful for.

When we arrived home, I called out to my mother, who was in the living room of our small, three bedroom house, that Kalen was staying over again, before leading him upstairs to my room. I suppose it was lucky that we still had the bunk beds set up, from when Seth still lived with us, because it made things that much easier and less awkward than both me and Kae having to share one bed.

I looked over at him again, and the blood splotches were much more prominent. “Kalen... You’re bleeding. Why don’t you let me tend to your wounds?” I asked, reaching towards him to help remove his shirt and jacket. It was then that he pulled away, quickly moving away from me, pulling his jacket around his lithe frame and wrapping his arms around himself.

“No!” He shouted. In his efforts to get away from me, he ran into the bed, falling onto the bottom bunk, nearly hitting his head on the frame of the top one. I watched as he scrambled to the far corner, then sat down on the opposite end.

“Kalen, what exactly happened earlier, between you and the soldiers?” I asked, watching him with only concern and curiosity, not other emotions showing on my face or in my actions. When he merely shook his head, I asked him again, reminding him that no matter what had happened, He’d always be my closest friend, and he’d never have to worry about me turning my back on him.

“I...I don’t want to talk about it right now, James, so just drop it, alright?” He asked, angrily.

“Alright, I’ll drop the topic if you’ll let me tend to your injuries.” I replied, pulling the first aid kit out from under my bed, opening it and taking out bandages, gauze, and a number of sterilizing wipes.

“Fine, just no more questions, alright?” He said, moving closer to me as he pulled off his jacket and sleeveless top, showing off his usually tanned chest, which was now covered in a wide assortment of cuts and bruises. “Geez, Kae...” I said, more to myself than anyone else.”This’ll sting, Kae...” I opened one of the sterilizing wipes, and started wiping the blood off his chest, revealing in more detail the cuts the blood had come from, and the numerous bruises which colored Kalen’s skin a mix of dark plum and yellow, already. “Damn, Kalen... When I find out which soldiers did this to you, They’re really gonna pay...” I said, carefully cleaning off the rest of his chest, and arms, before quickly bandaging his wounds. “Now, is it just the cuts and bruises, or d’you think there’s broken bones, too?” I asked, not having noticed any real damage to his ribs while bandaging him, but I couldn’t be too sure.

“No, James. That’s good, thanks... Now if you don’t mind, could I get some sleep?” He asked. Kalen looked so exhausted right then, it completely covered the look of fear that had been on his face since I’d gotten him into my room, alone. He shifted slightly, looking uncomfortable, and I briefly wondered if I’d maybe missed any injuries, or if there were some that went below the belt that he hadn’t told me about. But I’d promised him that I wouldn’t ask anymore questions, so I’d just leave it for now.

“Yeah, Kae... You want to change into some pants that would probably be more comfortable for you?” I asked, going over to my dresser and pulling out two pairs of pajama pants and tops, before going back to the bed and holding one out to my best friend, and secret crush. At his nervous look, I set the outfit down on the bed, and went towards the door. “If you’d rather, I can leave the room while you change, Kalen... I’ve gotta go wash up, anyways.” I said, only just then noticing the slight amounts of dried blood on my hands from having to clean Kalen’s injuries.

Kalen merely nodded, and as I left the room and shut the door, I saw him reach for the outfit. I went down the hall to the washroom, with my change of clothes, shut the bathroom door and stripped down after starting the water for a quick shower, letting it heat up before I got in. I let the hot water flow down my body, jumping slightly as it first hit my skin, tense until I got used to the temperature, then relaxing completely as I washed quickly, scrubbing my hair and body before rinsing. That done, I turned the water off and got out, drying off quickly before pulling on the pair of boxers I’d grabbed before I left my room, then the pajama pants, and tank top.

Once I was dressed, I went back to my room, knocking lightly at the door, before opening it slowly, seeing Kalen already curled up on the bottom bunk, the blankets pulled over him and wrapped tightly around his thin frame. I went over and sat on the edge of the bed, and placed my hand lightly on Kalen's shoulder, though the boy didn't stir- an obvious sign he was already asleep, or just faking it. Had he wanted me to know he were still awake, he would have turned to face me.

“'Night, Kae...” I said, leaning in and, tentatively, placed a light kiss to his forehead, brushing his bangs out of his face and pulling the blankets closer around him. I likely would have stayed up the rest of the night, watching him, had my body not been threatening to shut itself down on me. So I got up and climbed the ladder to the top bunk, laying under my own blankets, staring up through the skylight up at the moon and stars above, and watching the snow fall down upon us, and eventually I fell asleep like that, worrying about my best friend.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-30-2009 02:49 AM

The next morning, I woke early to the sounds of crying below me. I climbed down from the top bunk, sitting myself carefully on the bottom one next to Kalen, and placed my hands on his shoulders, about to shake him awake. It was then his eyes shot open with a shout of “No!”, and he tried pushing me away. I just tightened my hold on him, and drew him to me,despite his efforts to break away. “Kae, calm down, please... It's just me- James. I'm not gonna hurt you.... So shut up before you wake my mom and brother, alright?” I said, holding him tightly until he finally calmed down, and collapsed against me, sobbing.

I was at a loss of words- never had I seen my best friend so scared and nearly broken. It was then I knew something had happened, more than just the usual attack from the soldiers. “Shh, Kae, it's gonna be alright. No one's gonna hurt you ever again, I swear it to you on my life. I'm gonna protect you from now on, you hear?” I said, holding him close, letting him cry into my shoulder and cling to me as though his life depended on it. And, to him, it probably did at that moment. When he calmed down a little, to where it was just the occasional hiccup, and sniffles, I pulled back slightly, and looked Kalen in the eyes, holding his face in place with one hand so he couldn't look away. “Now, Kalen... Please, just answer one question for me. The guards... what did they do to you, besides the beating, Kalen?”

At my question, he visibly flinched, and shut his eyes, shaking his head hard enough to pull free from my grip. “Please, Kalen... If I'm gonna help you, I need to know what happened. You don't have to tell me any details...”

He was quiet for another minute or two, before he spoke, though he refused to meet my gaze again. His answer was so quiet, I had to ask him to repeat it, twice. “They... they tried to rape me, alright?” He said, finally loud enough that I could hear him, before burying his head against my chest once more, breaking into another round of sobs.

I was stunned. Kalen? My Kalen, nearly violated in the worst oof ways... When the whole thing finally registered in my mind, I growled lowly, furious that anyone would ever dare to try such a thing. I tightened my hold on him as well. He froze when I growled, and slowly looked up at me, fear written clearly on his face. “James..?” He asked quietly, scared that I was mad at him.

“Who was it, Kalen?” I asked, voice low in my attempt to stay calm, and not scare him worse. He just looked at me. “Who the hell was it that nearly raped you? Because I swear, when I find the fucker, I'm gonna bloody well kill the bastard with my own hands.” I was gripping his shoulders tightly, and I didnt even realize how hard until he winced, and I automatically loosened my hold so it wouldnt hurt him.

“James... Please, don't go killing anyone because of me...” He said, but I wasn't in the mood to argue.

“Kalen, no. I'm gonna make whoever it was that touched you that way pay for it... No body hurts you like that, got it? I wont let them get away with it, even if I have to kill every single guard to make sure it never happens again.” I said, my face completely serious.

He turned his face away from mine. “It... it was your brother's team. Damien and Sam...” That made me freeze up completely. Damien and Sam... They'd been my brother's best friends since forever, and they were like family to me.

“You have to be shitting me, Kalen... Damien and Sam? The same ones we used to play with all the time when we were younger?” I asked, and he just nodded. I pushed him away from me, and got up, going to my closet and grabbing some clothes, heading to the washroom to change. I quickly slipped into a pair of close fitting black pants and form fitting black shirt before going back to my room, running my fingers through my hair.

When I returned he looked so scared, and hurt- probably thought I was mad at him by the way I'd just pushed him away and stormed out of the room. I went over to him, and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling him into a hug again. “Kae, listen, I'm not mad at you. I'm glad you told me what those two did... I swear, they'll pay for hurting you.” I told him, pulling back slightly and I brushed his hair back out of his eyes, smiling down at him. He wrapped his arms around me in response, pressing his face into my chest, practically curled up on my lap now. It was a shock to me, seeing him like this. Normally Kalen never would have been so touchy, and I would have expected him to be even less so after what happened last night.
“Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble, Kae... Please, don't do anything stupid...” He said, quietly, his voice muffled from his face still being pressed into my chest. I just held him like that, knowing right now this is what he needed. I was sort of glad that he was acting this way, just so I could be affectionate without him discovering my true feelings.

“Don't worry, Kalen. I'll keep myself safe. You don't need to worry about me.” I said, hesitating a moment, before leaning in and placing a kiss to the top of his head, at which he looked up, a little confused.

“W-what was that for, Jae?” he asked, shock, confusion, and a mix of other emotions showing in his eyes, one seeming a lot like... hope? But surely my frend couldn't like me like that, especially after everything that had happened to him the night before... Could he?

I merely shook my head, and pulled back from him slightly, shifting on the bed next to him before pulling him up onto my lap, holding him there as he struggled slightly. “Hush, Kalen. I wont hurt you. Just... stay like this for a moment, okay?” I asked, nearly begging, needing this comfort as much as I knew he did.

He was majorly tense for few minutes, then eventually relaxed aganst me, realizing I wasn't going to hurt him. He curled up on my lap, snuggling right into me, hs head resting under my chin. I buried my face into his hair, breathing in deeply his scent- cinnamon and nutmeg and oranges. His scent always calmed me down when I was scared, angry, or upset. Why? I have no clue... Maybe it was just him, in general.

We stayed like that for a good twenty minutes, and as I'd though, By Kalen's stillness, he had fallen back asleep. I felt bad, leaving while he slept, but I knew if I didn't, I'd lose my nerve and never be able to get revenge on the ones wwho had hurt him. So I carefully moved him onto the bed, and pulled my blankets down from the top bunk to cover him with. My scent was still strong on them, cedar and sage, he'd told me once, and I knew it would keep him calm. I got up and, quickly writing him a note telling him I'd gone out to take care of some business, I pulled on my boots and thick black cloak, knowing it would be cold out, by the snow still falling outside the window. Weapons were gathered- two katanas, and numerous daggers hidden- within the cloak, up my sleeves, and in the hidden sheaths in my boots. I didn't bother with any foorm of armour. It would just be cumbersome, and slow me down. For this, I needed all my speed and agility, because I knew that, with years of training as soldiers, Damien and Sam would easily be able to overpower me if I didnt have the element of surprise on my side. Even with it, I was likely to get my ass kicked. But they would never dare hurt me the way they had Kalen. I was Seth's little brother. They wouldn't, on the fact that I would most definately tell my brother if they did. ...At least, I hoped they wouldn't. They had hurt Kalen. Who knew what they were capable of doing?

I snapped myself out of those thoughts, turning back to thoughts of getting revenge for what they had done to my best friend. When I thought this way, I was able to clearly concentrate on the task at hand, and still manage to keep my wits about me. Mother was up already when I went downstairs, and grabbed some toast, smothering it with jam. “I'll be back later...” I said. She looked up from her book and asked me where I was going. I responded that I had some business to take care of, and that no, it could not wait. With that I headed to the door, opening it, stepped outside, and swiftly shut it behind me. I pulled my gloves from my pockets, pulling the thin material on. While thin, they kept my hands warm, which was good. Couldn't have them going numb in the middle of a battle, now, could I?

I walked down the street, not needing anyone to become suspicious... though me being up at this hour was probably enough to arouse suspicion. I was walking with a purpose, though, my hood up to hide my hair, not knowing where or when I would run into Sam and Damien. Knowing they likely would be at the tavern most frequented by soldiers, I went there first, peering in first through one of the small back windows to check if they were there. Lo and behold, there at the end of the bar, they were seated, each drinking still, a plate of food between them. Knowing they would be soon kicked out, for the owner kicked everyone out at six, I took up post on the low wall across the narrow, dingy side street, seated there and waiting for them to come out.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-30-2009 02:51 AM

About 20 minutes later, they came out, laughing at some joke one of them had likely made. No one had yet to notice me. There was just the pale yellow light from the streetlamp over the door, and it didnt illuminate more than a few feet in each direction. I jumped down off the wall I'd been crouched upon, following the two drunk men I used to look up to. Now, I merely dispised them, for what they were ,and what they had done to my friend.

I eventually ducked down into an alley, making my way up onto the flat roofed buildings in this section of town. It was easier for me to follow them, because there were no people up here, rebels being the only ones who ever used the roofs as means of getting around the city. I had to hurry to catch up with them, which was difficult. The roofs were worn and slippery with freshly fallen snow, and I was thankful for the new boots mother had bought me at the end of last season which had been a size too big, but now fit perfectly. The tread helped me keep my footing, and they were warm, and kept the wet snow out.

When we were finally alone, Damien and Sam dropping into a dark, empty alley, I watched them for a moment, searching for weapons. No swords tonight, since who would be out in this cold weather? It was, however, likely they had knives hidden under teir cloaks or in their boots, much like I did. Drawing up all the courage I had, ignoring the cold wind biting at my exposed skin, I jumped down, landing directly behind them, with just the softest of thumps. Somehow, luckily, they did not hear me- senses must have been dulled by the ale they'd been consuming all night. I grabbed both quickly by the backs of their cloaks, and held tight as they struggled. I spun each one around, and punched them rigth in the face, watching as they stumbled back. I pulled out the two daggers at my belt, and got ready for another attack. “I'm going to make you two pay for what you've done... You seriously thought you could get away with hurting Kalen like that?!” I said, loudly.

Damien just sneered at me. “Yeah, we did... But what's it to you, anyways? That boy's a rebel, and he's got so few friends.... Who knew someone would actually find out, eh, Sam?” He ssaid, turning towards the shorter of the two, away from me. He didnt know who I was, couldn't, because my hood was still up, keeping half my face in deep shadow, the thin lighting from the windows above not throwing much light to see by, anyways.

“Yeah... Why do you even care? Not like that boy means much in this world, anyways....” Sam added, grinning, licking his lips slightly, quite likely remembering last night's occurances.

I couldn't stand the look, or the hint of lust in his voice. “How can you say no one cares? He may be a rebel. He may be hated by some, but he has family nd friends that care deeply about him, you know? What if it had been one of you, or Seth? Would it have meant anything more, had it not been a rebel you two decided to prey on? ...Oh, and I think you may know why it matters so much to me, and why I care so much, if you knew wwho I am...” With that, I pushed my hair back, soft light shining down and illuminating the bright blue hair. When they realized it was me, they both were in shock. “It matters to me because not only did you two hurt my closest friend, but you also betrayed our trust... We used to look up to you both, Sam, Damien... Now, I can hardly even look at the two of you without feeling utter hatred and disgust. Word of this will get around to my brother. And when it does, you're both as good as dead. Seth sees Kalen as a younger brother, even though they arent related. Imagine how he would react if it had been me you two attacked, and nearly raped last night, then went off gloating about it?”

“You won't tell... You try, and you won't like what we'll do... We'll do worse to you than what we did to Kalen. Mark my words on that, kid.” Damien said, glaring straight at me. It was obvious he didn't like being threatened by someone younger than him, and a rebel to boot.

“Oooh, soo scared...” I responded, turning my face to a look of fright. Deep down, I was slightly worried they'd hold their word, but I didnt let it show. Instead, I turned that fear to anger at them for even trying to scare me, drew my katana, and attacked. They obbviously werent expecting it, since I managed to land a few blows before they both drew out their own daggers to attack. We fought, me landing the majority of the blows, but Damien got in the worse blow to me. He ad, somehow, managed to circle around behind me while I was fending off Sam's attacks, and caught me on the shoulder, knife blade stabbing in and slicing, tearing my shirt and cloak, and skin beneath that. I cried out in pain, and dropped one katana, my right arm now rendered useless.

I took the pain, and turned it to anger, and attacked them viciously, doing plenty good damage to them, to where they would not be able to come after me right away, or fight. My anger was slowly fading, leaving me exhausted, and in pain. I looked directly at the two soldiers, and warned them. “This isn't the end, Sam, Damien. I will thell Seth about what happened, and you'll be wishing you'd never laid your filthy hands on Kalen.” That said, I turned and walked away, leaving them drunk and bleeding in the alleyway to maker their own ways back to the rest of the soldiers.

I myself was bleeding, mostly from my shoulder, but I had numerous cuts along my arms and sides, as well as my back, and face. Mother would not be happy, having to wash blood out of my clothes and repair them, again. But it was just something I would deal with later, after I'd gotten to Seth, and had my wounds tended. But, thing was, I didnt even know where to look for my brother. He would probably be either on shift, or out somewhere with others who weren't doing their rounds. Then I remembered, Terry's birthday was tomorrow, and he had promised to come home for a few days. So, instead of going to my brother, I would let him come to me.

I walked home, wishing I could run, or at least get myself up onto the roofs to travel. The sun would be up soon, and with it, other citizens, who would be coming out of their homes and start their day. And I did not want to be seen in my current state. I went as fast as I could, cutting through alleys, and rebel passages, making my home faster than by street or rooftop.

I went in quietly, heading upstairs and into the washroom to take a secoind shower that morning after grabbing a clean outfit from my room. Thankfully Kalen was still asleep so he wouldn't have to see me in my current state. In the washroom, water on hot, I stripped down and got in, hissing in pain as my fresh wounds were pelted with near burning temperatures. I quickly washed as best I could, hardly able to use my right arm. I ignored the harsh sting from the soap, knowing it better to deal with it than to risk infection. I rinsed quickly, before getting out and shutting the water off. I dried off and pulled on boxers and a pair of pajama pants. I left the shirt off for now, needing to bandage my shoulder first. I headed back to my room, keeping my shoulder from bleeding everywhere by pressing a damp cloth to it to soak up my blood. I got to my room, and was surprised to see Seth there already. He was standing there, watching Kalen sleep, taking in the injuries littering his body that had not been serious enough to need bandaging. He must have heard me come in, because when I did he turned and looked at me, abbout to say something, but stopping himself when he saw how I looked.

“James... What the hell have you bee n doing?” He asked. I responded with 'revenge', then briefly explained what happened the previous night until I'd gotten back this morning. His look was one of shock and disbelief at first, but by the end of it, his whole body exuded anger and hatrred for his two closest friends when I told him they had outright admitted it to me. He slowly calmed himself, remembering my wounds when I shifted the cloth pressed to my shoulder. He made me sit down on that desk chair and pulled out the first aid kit from my closet, and proceeded to take care of my shoulder, bandaging it up better than I could have done on my own.

“Thanks Seth... Hey, Damien and Sam were invited to Terry's party, right?” I asked him. He nodded. “Perfect time for you to bitch them out about what they did, then. I told them you would learn of what happened... They threatened me with worse than they had done to Kae if I told anyone else....” I looked up at my brother, truly worried right then, since the facts of what had happened to Kae really sank in. He'd managed to get away before he'd been raped... Did that mean Sam and Damien would make sure I did not escape them?

I voiced my worries to Seth when he noticed the fear and asked what was wrong. “Don't worry, little brother. I won't let them lay a hand on you, or anyone else, ever again. Even if that means they need to be killed.” He said, pulling me into his arms. Finally I couldn't hold back anymore, and I slumped against him, my head buried in his chest as I cried. Out of fear for not just myself, but for Kalen, and for Seth, knowing that while Seth was stronger than both Sam and Damien, with two against one, it might not work out as we planned.

I cried hard, and long, and obviously loudly, too, because that's what woke Kalen. “Mhh, Jae? What's wrong?” He asked, worried, because I never cried in front of anyone, not even him, or my brothers. I tried to stop my tears, sniffling slightly as I wiped them away with my left hand and pulled back from Seth.

“It's nothing, Kalen... Sorry to wake you.” I said, sitting back down on the desk chair, after slowly, and painfully pulling my shirt on.

“What- Did they do that?” He asked, motioning to my shoulder, and all the other numerous wounds on my arms and torso that he saw before my shirt was pulled on over my head. “I thought I told you to be careful, James...”

I couldn't help but grin. Through everything that had happened- which had been more to him than me- he was still worried about me. “Sorry, Kalen.... I tried, really I did... Bastard snuck around and got me from behind, though.” I said, standing and going over to him, sitting on the bed beside him.

When I sat down, he wrapped both arms around me. I returned the gesture, though with only one arm. Seth left the room, not wanting to interrupt mine and Kalen's time together. I'm still thankful for his help and support then.

We sat like that- for how long, I have no clue, but it seemed like just a minute or two later Terry came running in, saying mother had sent him up to get us for breakfast, and to get our butts downstairs before it got cold. At nine years old, I doubt he thought anything was odd about the way Kalen and I were sitting together. A good thing, too, that he didn't know any difference between the way we were acting now, and the way we usually did.

I sighed, stood, and offered my hand to Kalen to help him up. He took it after a brief hesitation and I carefully hauled him to his feet. He wavered slightly, and I wrapped an arm around his waist, letting him lean against me as we went downstairs and into the kitchen. I let him sit down first, then took up the seat to his right, which was at the end of the table, so no one would bump into my arm.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-30-2009 02:53 AM

So, folks, what do you think? I'm doing my best with it, but right now I'm kind of at a loss of words... Any possible help wuld be much appreciated.

Sizzla 11-30-2009 03:07 PM

I'm going to go ahead and move this to the main Lit Spot forum, as I think you'll get more and better replies there. :D

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-30-2009 04:10 PM

Alright, Thank you, Sizzla.

Grammar Nazii 12-27-2009 01:04 AM

It is quite interesting, although I find that all the characters are very cliche. I do feel like as if I've seen the same personality and appearance in a lot of role plays.
The story itself is piquant, and do urge you to keep it going.
The spelling mistakes I found weren't serious, and I forgot to mark them out... =A=
There weren't any grammar mistakes as far as I could see.
Back to the characters, I do advise you to take care on their personality, and making them less cliche-like. It could be just me, but I just feel like I have seen so many of the same in the role playing forum.
Good luck, and keep going!

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-17-2016 01:11 AM

Hello everyone. I've recently returned, and would like more opinions about this story... I haven't added anything else to it as of yet.

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