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p o p p e t ♥ 09-24-2011 05:45 PM

A Life on the Run [Kya x Dominator]

Name: Brooklyn Jane Henson
Her friends call her Brooke or Jay for short.
Age: 22
Story: Brooklyn is a smart girl who mixed in with the wrong crowd. That's how she ended up in this situation. She had a particular set of valuable computer skills and did some favors for a friend. Well, it turned out she had hacked into and stolen all of the Secret Services files for the US, China, Russia and a few other countries that you wouldn't want to mess with. Days later, the people she was working for dissapeared, poof, no trace nothing. She had been framed. Now the elite teams of each of these contries special forces are after her and she is trying to survive and elude them, using aliases, disguises, and living on the run. She is a good fighter and had killed many of the people after her in self defense.

Dominator 09-24-2011 06:19 PM

Appearance: Terry
Eyes: Black
Name : Terry Thompson
Alias: Wolf
Age: 26
Bio: Terry was a product of an international program, the goal of which was to train assassins and spies of exceptional quality for infiltrating enemy organizations, counterspying and assassinations. The program ultimately resulted in a failure with most of the trainees dying before they could "graduate". At the same time the different governments couldn't reach a decision of who should take control of these operatives. This situation didn't change for more than an year and by that time Terry had already gone freelance, using his obtained skills and knowledge to remain neutral. He fulfilled different contracts, both for official governments, rebels and terrorists. For the five years he acted as a mercenary he had already built himself an outstanding reputation and is now considered the best one for tracking, misleading and ultimately killing his target, hence his alias. His skills in subterfuge, close- and long range fighting and remaining incognito were exceptional, however his stubbornness and his strong, though sometimes weird, sense of justice had often gotten him into trouble.

p o p p e t ♥ 09-24-2011 06:43 PM

It was early morning, the sun barely peaking over the horizon. Brooke was in Nevada, in the middle of the desert, driving a stolen convertable. She didn't typically choose cars that would attract attention, but she was in the desert, and would dump the vehicle in the next town.

A sign up ahead read Las Vegas, 55 mi. Brooke smiled. Las Vegas sounded like a decent place to hide out for a while and maybe earn some cash. The weather was cool but quickly warming up as the sun rose. Brooke was wearing a thin red sweater, with a ripped jeans and combat boots. Her large black sunglasses covered a good portion of her face, a scarf tied over her hair to keep her long blonde locks from tangling too much in the wind.

With her foot heavy on the gas, she pulled into Las Vegas a short 40 minutes later. She pulled the car into a hotel garage and parked. Leaving the keys inside as she would no longer use this vehicle, Brooke gathered the few things she traveled with. A small suit case on wheels which held clothes, wigs, make-up, and weapons, including her pistol, a taser and a fairly large blade.

She headed towards the hotel lobby, scarf and sunglasses still well hiding her identity as she checked in with a fake ID. Moments later she had put the room tab on a stolen credit card and was handed the key to her top floor suite that overlooked Las Vegas city.

Exiting the elevator, Brooke made her way to her room, unlocking the door and stepping quickly inside, locking the door behind her. The room was large, the entire outside wall a window, half overlooking desert and half overlooking the busy city of Las Vegas. She was desperately tired as she had been driving all night, the time she found best for traveling.

Slipping off her sunglasses to reveal sapphire eyes, she pulled the scarf off to reveal bleach blonde hair. She had recently dyed it when a member of the special ops had recognized her with her black hair and surely reported her new appearance to his team. She kicked off her boots, her jeans and slipped out of her sweater, leaving her in a tight white tank top and her underwear. She pressed a button on the wall that was labeled 'blinds' as the shades over the large window began to descend, darkening the room.

Brooke flopped down onto the king sized bed, sinking into it's cloud-like comforter. Wrapping herself in the heavenly sheets, her eyes closed the moment her head hit her pillow and she fell into a deep sleep.

Dominator 09-24-2011 08:11 PM

The phone in his pocket rang with some generic ringing sound and Terry picked up without even looking at the display. He had no numbers in his phonebook, after all. Disposing of cell phones was everyday occurence in his line of work. Besides, this number was only dialed by people in need of his services.


"Long time no see, Wolf. How've you been?"

Terry paused for a moment. He recognized the voice, it was a US Army general who used to be in charge of his counterintelligence training a few years ago.

"Better than the time I had to escape those marines you sent for me, sir. Anything specific you want?"

"Straight to the point, eh? Alright, I respect that. We've got a target for you, one that has proven exceptionally difficult to pin down. Check your messages, then give me a call on this number."

Terry hung up and looked at his phone. One new message. Opening it, he raised his eyebrows, mildly surprised. Pretty young, and a girl at that. Not that age and gender mattered that much, he was just wondering what she could have done to upset highly qualified military experts enough for them to want her dead. Terry brought the phone to his ear again, dialing.

"Made up your mind then?"

"Not yet. I need the reason for extermination, the one who approved it...and 1/3rd of the price beforehand. Depending on the difficulty, I could ask for as much as ten mil..."

"I've been authorized to offer you twenty, if you can confirm target neutralization within two weeks and drop all other questions about the task"

Terry blinked in disbelief. Twenty million? For a girl? Now he was really interested, but not nearly interested enough to just pass up this big of a sum. He was, in the end, an assassin for hire.

"Agreed. Send me the target background, relatives and acquitances, last know location and physical description. I want to know what I'm working with here."

"You got it. Sending the data now. Funny story - she was last spotted on a camera some three hours ago. Can you guess where she was headed?"

Terry sighed "I'm on it." as he looked at the entrance to the Las Vegas airport. Now he knew why they had called him out of the blue. The target was in this area. Alright then, it was time to get to work. But first he needed to do a bit of shopping...

* * *

The sun was already setting when Terry parked his car in the underground garage of the hotel. This girl obviously knew how to cover her tracks. It had taken him quite some time to sort through all of her fake identities, frauds, thefts...the list went on. And yet, there was no indication in her background that she was a trained assassin or anything like that. Most bizarre. In the end, however, he had managed to sort out the mess of data and was now in the posession of a tidy list with the target's latest activities. Next time she tried to use one of her previous aliases, he'd know within minutes. She might have had good luck avoiding the government, but he wasn't so easy to mislead. Terry got out of the car and walked to the convertible he was looking for. Keys were in. Smart. She wasn't planning on using the same vehicle again. The assassin looked inside for a few minutes, but in the end only took the car keys. He could use them to take her fingerprints, proving that he was making progress...and besides, he wanted to make sure she couldn't go anywhere with this car, just in case.

Walking towards the hotel's lobby, he checked whether he had everything he needed. A high-caliber silenced pistol, short, easily concealable automatic blade, some tracking chips and a syringe full of strong sedative.Everything was here, placed in a way that wasn't going to obstruct his movements or be visible to people looking at him. That should be enough, or so he thought.

"Good evening" he smiled warmly to the receptionist as he stopped at the front desk "A friend of mine should have arrived at your hotel? Family name..." the list of names he was organizing this whole afternoon popped up in his head "...Anderson?"

"One moment, sir...yes, your friend checked in earlier today. Room 552."

"Thank you."

Terry entered the elevator and started whistling quietly to himself as he was going up. Well, this was easy. If she hadn't left yet, he'd neutralize her in a matter of minutes, not days. A short walk through the quiet corridor and he was in front of the room already. So...the time had come for the girl to go. Pity, really. The man knocked on the door lightly.

"Miss Anderson? I've been sent by the hotel manager to tell you that you are to recieve a discount for your stay. It seems there was a miscalculation, for which we are terribly sorry." the gun was already in Terry's hand and the safety was off "If you could just come with me or provide me with your bank account number, we can transfer your refund first thing in the morning..."

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 04:17 AM

Hours had passed when Brooke rolled over in bed, eyes opening slowly. She yawned and stretched as she glanced over at the bed side alarm. The red digital numbers read 8:12 pm. Staring up at the ceiling Brooke contemplated her next move as her stomach growled. That was an easy decision.

She kicked off the comforter and swung her legs over the side of the tall bed as she rested her head in her hands for a moment, elbows on her knees. She couldn't keep doing this. Her friends and family were long in her past now, she could never contact them again, nor could she ever settle down in one place, start a family... She shook the thoughts away as she stood and made her way to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror her own sapphire eyes stared back at her, but she hardly recognized herself. But what was new? She looked different every few weeks, at the longest. Her suit case was filled with wigs, hair dyes, colored contacts, make ups... Sighing, she removed her tank top and underwear as she turned the water on to the shower and stepped inside. Standing under the water for a long time, eyes closed, she let the hot water wash away her stresses.

Not wanting to get out of the relaxing shower she frowned as her belly growled at her again. She turned off the water, dried off and wrapped herself in a towel and made her way out of the bathroom and to her suitcase. Brooke unzipped the black case and threw back the top staring at all of her options. She just wanted to be, her again. Assuming she would be harder to pin point in a place like Las Vegas, she decided against a disguise. It may have been a bad idea, but she tended to be a pretty ridiculously lucky girl, despite the trouble she'd ended up in.

Digging through the suit case, Brooke found a bra and pair of boy shorts, she was going for 'comfortable' as she only planned on finding some chinese food and locking herself back in her suit for the evening. She pulled on a pair of pink capri sweats that had a large white logo written down the side and and a tight grey hoodie. Not her classiest outfit, or most matching, but again, she just wanted to hole up in her suite with a movie and some grub and lay low tonight.

She grabbed a pair of socks and her small white tennis shoes and sat on the edge of the bed to pull the socks apart when a tiny rectangular flash drive fell from the bundle. Picking it up her heart raced a little. She wanted nothing to do with the thing but it held files that the governments would want returned. She'd never looked at it, nor did she want to. There were times she wanted to flush the damn thing down the toilet, but she knew at some point the chances of her getting caught were great and this tiny USB device could be the leverage between her life and death. Who would kill her when she was the only one who knew where the files were?

Brooke shoved the flash drive into the pocket of her hoodie. Planning to stay in Vegas for a while she would need to keep the files safe, but not on her or at the place she would be staying. She quickly slipped her shoes on and headed out of the suite, locking the door behind her.


It was almost ten o'clock now, the sun was long gone and the city was buzzing, as Brooke headed back to her suite, chinese food to go in hand, and flash drive safely hidden. She exited the elevator to the top floor as she fumbled around for her room key. She was about five doors down from hers when she looked up to see a large man standing in front of her room. Shit, she thought as she immediately knew this wasn't good. When he looked at her she could see in his face he knew exactly who she was. Dropping the carry-out she turned and ran as fast as she could, pushing through the door at the end of the hall and making her way as quickly as she could down the stairs.

((Feel free to chase my character or whatever you wish, steering her where you want to make the story!))

Dominator 09-26-2011 06:21 AM

Terry knocked on the door one more time. He didn't here any sound from within the room and was just about to break down the door, when the rustling of clothes got his attention. He looked at the end of the hall...and then he saw her. Sure, she looked different than the pictures of her he'd seen, but the hired assassin never mistook his target. And, considering the way she looked at him, she wouldn't mistake his intents. Then now wasn't a time for pretending. The gun pointed in the girls'direction just as she was exiting through the door. Terry shot three times, the silencer making sure he didn't attract unwanted attention. It didn't sound like he hit the target, however, just the door and wall behind it, which meant he had to chase after Chime. Terry intended to, too, though not in the conventional way, She had survived for so long, despite being such a high-profile target...she was probably very good at escaping and running away. It remained to be seen whether she could also deal with cold, rational decisions and pragmatism in her new "admirer". Terry looked at the elevator - it still was on the same floor - and entered it, dialing as he walked to its door.

"I read ya, Wolf. What do you need?"

"Evening, Hailey. I was wondering if you could do me a little favour."

"And by 'little' you mean..."

"Tapping into CIA's tracking network. I need satellite surveilance over The Venetian Resort hotel." Terry had concealed his weapon once again and had almost reached the lobby "My target will exit it within a minute. Currently blond hair, height about 5'8'', wearing shorts and a hoodie. She might steal a car, so I need you to also check every vehicle exiting the hotel. I want to know where she will go now." the elevator's door opened and Terry walked from it and through the lobby, looking around to see if he'd spot her. He wasn't going to attack, not here in front of so many witnesses, but if he could get to her, he was surely going to figure out a way to neutralise her without being discovered "Think you can do that for me?"

"Mmm, sure, but you know the drill - four hours maximum. Then they do an automatic network security sweep and block all outside connections, meaning I'll be out of their system for a few hours. I could still break through the firewalls and what not, but if you only need the eyes in the sky for a short period..."

""Don't bother. Four hours should be plenty. Payment to be transferred to the usual account?"


Terry hung up, then looked around again and sat on one of the sofas in the lobby, sighing lightly. If she came by here to escape, he'd get her. If not, his friend would find her. And her options were now far more limited , seeing as how most of her possessions were in the hotel room. He shrugged and leaned back calmly, narrowing his eyes. He had set his traps. Now all he had to do was wait for her...or the call that was going to lead him to her.

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 03:17 PM

Brooke reached the bottom floor of the hotel quickly, feeling pretty good about the chase. As she looked over her shoulder it didn't seem the man was on her tail. Instead of leaving through the lobby, she pulled her hood up to cover her hair and face and pushed through the back door, out of the back of the hotel and into the dark alley.

She was walking quickly, eyes darting around for the man who was looking for her. As she came to the end of the alley she turned right, and headed away from the hotel. She would need to come back, all of her things were there, but when it was safe. Keeping her head down she stuck close to the wall, avoiding eye contact with the many people that swarmed the sidewalks.

Up ahead was a strip mall. What a relief! Most places wouldn't have a thing open at this time of night, but this was Vegas. She pushed open the door to a small boutique and stepped inside, lowering her hood as she looked aroud. She was hoping to find a pair of jeans and maybe a different colored hoodie, but this store was more chic. Instead she settled on a pair of leggings, a flowy shirt with a waist belt attatched, and a chic little hat that she stuffed her hair up into. If she kept her head down, the hat would do well to hide her face. Her hair was hidden, and she wasn't wearing the same clothes anymore, maybe the man wouldn't spot her now. She paid the cashier with one of the many credit cards she had stuffed in a little pouch. Brooke hadn't used that one before and she tossed it to the ground when she exited the store. Maybe that's what got her caught so quickly at the hotel. Being careless and using a credit card she'd already used.

Brooke was still hungry. She made her way to a small diner a few doors down and found a booth in the back where she could see the entrance, but had easy access to the kitchen in case she needed to make a quick exit. She picked up the large menu to hide her face as she allowed her hat to help by tilting her head down. Sighing she considered retrieving the flash drive and stealing a car and just leaving Vegas, but she really didn't want to leave her things. And if her luck held out like it always had, this new bafoon would fail at capturing her and she would be able to return to her hotel and get her belongings before being on her way again.

She thought of her dear family, her little brother, her sweet mother, their family dog Bucket, and tears filled her eyes, but she refused to cry. She missed them every day and wondered what they were doing, if they thought of her, if they believed she was the bad guy the media made her out to be. Brooke was suddenly filled with a great regret and sadness, as she layed the menu down. She crossed her arms on the table in front of her and layed her head down, why her? Why did she have to trust people who were only going to frame her, why!?

Dominator 09-26-2011 04:21 PM

Terry was sitting at the hotel bar, his fingers quietly tapping on the empty glass in front of him. Casually ordering a drink while he was on the hunt may have seemed anyone who didn't know him personally. He didn't believe in rushing things and instead relied on preparation and precise timing to get things done. He had already planted tracking chips in virtually any posession in the girl's room where they could be placed without being discovered quickly. Running aimlessly around Vegas was going to achieve nothing, just stress him out. And stress increased the chance of making stupid mistakes. He'd have none of that. That did not mean he was any less driven or persistent in his chases, just that he did them in his own way. He was good at what he did and enjoyed it, especially on ocasions when his prey managed to outmaneuver him. Testing his skills and intelligence against those of his targets was...incredibly stimulating. And he had learned a little trick or two from each of the people he had killed. He was just about to ask for a refill - about an hour had passed since he called Hailey - when the phone in his pocket rang.

"Got something for me?"

"Your girl just entered this strip mall...clever one, that. I might have missed her if you haven't mentioned the clothing. Sending you the coordinates now."

"Yeah, well, those clothes are going to change. That's why she went in there." Terry was already walking towards the car he was renting - using fake ID, naturally. It wasn't anything special, but that was the whole point. He didn't want to attract attention at this point. The moment he had heard about Brooklyn entering a shop, he knew what she was planning to do. She was successfully avoiding pursuit, constantly changing her appearance and whereabouts to avoid detection. He had to admit, that was probably the best strategy for someone in her position. Either that or give up.

"No problem. Now that I've got her build and current location, she can't shake me. You'd be amazed what kind of zoom those CIA boys can use. Just as long as we don't reach the time limit."

"We won't. Let me know as soon as she makes a move." Terry started up the car and drove slowly in the direction of the mall. The radio was playing reggae and he perked up in excitement, recognizing one of his favourite songs. He looked around, just to make sure nobody he knew was around before he started singing along...practically butchering the song with his dreadful performance "Uh-huh, don't worry abooout a thiiing. 'Cause GONNA BE ALL..!"

His phone rang again and he turned the volume down quickly, as if embarassed. His temperament - outside of his work - was at times almost childish, far from the image he had built for himself as an assassin. A fact he was very careful not to let his employers know.

"Talk to me."

"Having fun there? Sure looks like you were having fun. What're you listening to?"

"Quit being a smartass and stop fucking spying on me, weirdo." said Terry, but without a hint of malice in his voice. Hailey was...well, the closest person he had that knew of his profession. She was a hacking genius and was as reliable as anyone in her line of work could get. And she had saved her ass on a couple of occasions, just as he was watching out for her and eliminating the threats "Did she or did she not change location?"

"Yeah, she just entered a diner not too far from there, I will send you the adress. Clothing changed too, as you said, will attach a picture."

"Alright. Thanks, Hailey. You'll have your fee before the end of the week."

"I'd better, musical prodigy."

Terry hung up on the chuckling woman and narrowed his eyes in irritation. Just great. He'd never hear the end of this. About twenty minutes later he pulled up near the diner and exited the vehicle, still without approaching the entrance. She'd have the door covered, sitting somewhere where she could see anyone who went in and from where she could bolt the easiest. So he'd approach from the back. And so he did. It only took him a minute to convince the cook smoking a cigarette in front of the door that he wanted to propose to a lady inside. A twenty dollar bill in the man's hand ensured that they wouldn't be bothered by the staff. Terry shook his hand, but his smile disappeared almost instantly as he turned his back to the cook. Great. He had her pinned, but now what? How could he finish the assignment now without civilian casualties or attracting media attention to himself? Not only was it highly unlikely, it also wasn't worth the risk. She was probably going to stay in the diner until dawn, so there would be more people in the streets...more potential witnesses. So he wasn't going to take the shot tonight. He could always corner her in a place more...comfortable for him. However, he also wasn't about to just pick up and leave. All this trouble finding her, Terry intended to at least meet her. A talk with a target, no matter how short, always provided him with insights in the end. Then he finally entered the diner and immediately spotted her, her head down on her arms. Perfect timing. She wasn't going to do something stupid before he reached her if she couldn't see him. The assassin sat across the table, almost eerily silent.

"I would ask you to refrain from any rash actions now. As you can see, you are very much alive, so I obviously don't want you dead now." Terry spoke calmly. His words sounded kind of arrogant, but they were true. A single shot from the kitchen door could have increased his bank accoun balance by a substantial sum and yet he hadn't taken it. Finally able to get a better look at the girl, he absentmindedly thought that she looked prettier in person. Maybe it was the living on the run thing, got the blood and hormones flowing... "Brooklyn, right?"

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 04:50 PM

Brooke was listening to the sounds of the diner as she kept her head down. She had just closed her eyes when someone began speaking to her. Sitting up quickly, eyes widening, she saw the man who was at her hotel, sitting in front of her. He was sneaky, she'd never even heard him approach. As he spoke her heart raced as quick as her mind, trying to think of her next move. None of the people after her ever got this close without some sort of fight. She cursed herself for not taking her pistol when she'd left earlier.

The waitress approached with a large grin. "Congratulations!" she said to both of them. "What can I get you love birds to drink?" Brooke stared at her confused, what the hell was she talking about. Maybe she should alert the woman somehow that she needed help, that this man was bad. But he must have been smarter than the other people sent for her, the staff here seemed to think they were in some sort of great relationship. Brooke asked for a minute as the waitress toddled off. Without answering him, Brooke questioned him instead, "Who are you?" Her mind was telling her to run, but she had her back to the wall, in the corner of the booth, there was no way she'd be able to get past him if he wanted to stop her.

She assessed the man as she waited for a response. He was tall, with pale hair, tanned skin, very muscular, he was going to prove to be a problem for Brooke she could already tell. She was trying to take him in and absorb anything that might be useful to her to escape him. This guy was smart though. She shuddered slightly at the thought that she would have to kill this one to get him off of her tail. Brooke wasn't a violent person, she hated it and it sickened her. But, better him than her, any day.

The waitress returned with two waters before quickly dissapearing to give them some time to look the menu over. Brooke suddenly wasn't hungry anymore.

Dominator 09-26-2011 05:54 PM

"Want to grab something? I'm thinking a beer, maybe some fries." Terry was checking the menu already, then looked at her and smiled "Oh, try to at least look cheerful, will you? I'm about to propose, though the waitress kind of ruined the surprise. You should be thrilled. Rarely do it on a first date."

The man put the menu away and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Alright, she hadn't reached for a weapon yet, which meant she either had none or didn't want to use it. Both worked for him, he wasn't going in for a kill this time. Another thing occurred to him - she didn't look terrified. She looked...cautious mostly, despite knowing she was sitting in front of a man sent to execute her. Instead of panicking, she was trying to analyze him, no doubt to find a possible weakness she could later exploit. Oh, this was going to be fun...this one wasn't an easy mark, despite impossible odds stacked against her. It made him wonder, though...why send him? She was already a fugitive and they had the resources to track her if they really put their mind to it...why not send a hit squad of commandos or something? Lacked finesse, true, but got the job done. That, and the "no questions asked" policy of this contract. Food for thought. For now, though...he wanted to establish himself as the dominant conversationalist. He had to pressure her early, unless he wanted her to take the initiative and eventually corner him.

"The name's Terry. Since we're about to get married and all, I think we should be on a first name basis. Meaning, you don't really need to know my last name. Though if you're a good girl and don't cause a scene I could give it to you, see what you dig up about me. Might be fun." Terry suddenly leaned forward with a light smile and a curious look in his eyes "What I don't get is, what exactly did you do? 'Stealing highly classified data' is what they say on TV, but really? Classified data? Sounds a bit...vague, you know? Classified enough to get your entire family in the Witness Protection Program out of 'fear of a public hate reaction'? The public doesn't hate you. They don't really care that some files went missing. So why relocate your folks? Unless they are valuable, to use as a bargaining chip. Off the books in some unknown location... Well, not really. There's always a paper trail if you know where to look." Terry sort of switched from bad cop to good cop in an instant "And I know people that are really good at looking up such things."

The assassin leaned back once again and shrugged, his smile widening. This whole situation excited him, really. A lot of unknowns and he was a curious man. In what kind of trouble had a girl like that to get into to recieve such attention? Now he had a perfect chance of finding out.

"See, the thing is, I've been offered a breathtaking amount of money to take you out. And, just so we're clear, I plan on collecting. I have a time limit as well, how mysterious is that? Anyway, though I intend to take your life, I can do that in any way you'd like. And I'm more civilized than most of my...colleagues. And I can provide you with the location of your family." well, at least he was almost sure he'd be able to. As long as the suits didn't know he was looking for the information "Nobody else is going to make you an offer like that. And even in the event that you somehow manage to avoid or kill me, another one will come. Or many. Or they'll just blackmail you straight off. Why not tell me your story? In return...I'm buying us dinner for a start." his hand suddenly extended and held her, as he looked in her eyes, a perfect picture of affection...too perfect to be real "Relax and play the part, dear. The fact we have some issues doesn't mean we can't at least grab a drink and chat, right? You order. I totally trust your choice."

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 07:10 PM

Brooke was frowning deeply, her eyebrow slightly twitched when he held her. Who in the hell did this guy think he was? Telling her what to do and acting like he had the upper hand. She seemed to recall being the one with the 'classified information' stored away on a handy little flash drive that was now safely hidden away. He was grinning in a way that made her want to punch him. He was certainly cocky and sure of himself.

Jerking away from him she snapped, "I'm not bargaining with you, and nothing about me is any of your business. If you're so good, you can figure it out yourself." She thought about his comments of her family as she was beginning to grow more noticeably annoyed. How dare he try throwing her family into the mess. "I've delt with plenty of people like you, and you're all the same. Why don't you just give up now and save yourself the trouble before you end up dead too." She certainly wasn't going to sit here and have dinner with some egotistical oaf out for her head. She stood, flipped him the bird and screamed, "Someone help me! This man is a stalker he's threatened to kill me!"

A few of the men in the diner stood, and headed towards them, along with the janitor and cook still holding his butchering knife. The waitress picked up the phone, probably to call the police. As a small crowd began to form as the men in the diner began to angrily threaten Terry. Brooke took her opportunity to make her way to the door and rush outside into the crowd. She needed to get to her hotel and get her things as quickly as she could. For all she knew, Terry would push past the crowd and be right behind her, or he could end up detained by police. Either way she wasn't going to mosey around to find out.


Brooke had all of her things shoved back into her suitcase, zipping it closed quickly. She was now wearing a short black wig, a short tight black dress, and strappy black heels. Blending in to the Vegas crowd would probably be her only chance. Her pistol was strapped to her inner thigh and she contemplated hiding the tiny tin of pepper spray in her top, but there wasn't an inch of extra room in the small dress. She headed to the elevator, got to the ground floor and quickly exited the hotel, head down, hoping not to be spotted if that goon was around.

It was almost midnight now as Brooke hailed a cab. She cursed herself for hiding the flash drive in a place that was only open on normal business hours. That meant, it would be two more days, until Monday, that it would be open and she could get iside to retrieve the USB. She needed to be making her way out of Vegas, but she couldn't leave the files, they could be her only leverage between her life and clearing her name, and her imminent doom. Thoughts raced through her mind, she could break into the place, or she could simply leave it behind and safely stored in Vegas, but that didn't seem logical, neither of the options did.

She instructed the driver to take her to a hotel on the other side of town. Brooke would have to stay there until Monday and hoped being on the other side of town might help to keep Terry away, searching in the wrong part of town. Thirty minutes later she hopped out of the cab, paid the man with a wad of cash and headed to the lobby, where she checked in with a fake name, and paid this time, with the last of the cash that she had. She sighed a sigh of relief knowing that she was untraceable by using cash and an alias. The hotel was just as nice as the hotel before, but she didn't want to be too predictable, so she chose a suite on the bottom floor that led directly out to the massive, and beautifully landscaped pool.

Brooke made her way to her new room, leaving her things packed and in front of the bed. The room was fairly large, the bed was queen sized, a stocked mini bar, couch, microwave, and huge sliding glass door leading to her patio. The two hotels she'd found here in Vegas were fit for kings compared to some of the places she'd had to stay since this mess. Brooke knew she would need to be paying for another nights stay, plus food and anything else she would need, and didn't want to use the credit cards. Figuring she would try her luck at the casinos, Brooke locked her room up and had the hotel send for another cab, which promptly arrived and drove her to the famous strip. It was beautiful and flashy, just as the people who walked about were.

She fought her way through the massive crowds into a casino called Mirage. The place was loud and colorful, lights flashing everywhere, cocktail waitresses in close to nothing handing out drinks, and ugly carpeting, a typical casino. Brooke found an open poker game. This would be easy money. Not only was she good at poker, she had good luck and knew how to count cards. She sat, crossed her legs and rested her head in her hands, elbows on the table as she glanced seductively at her two male opponents, it was all part of the play.

Dominator 09-26-2011 07:59 PM

"Oh! Oh yeah, that's just great! Yeah, just walk away and leave me like that! You know what, being polite to you was a damn mistake! Bitch." he finished quietly, but the truth was she had played her cards right. This way she was able to get away without him knowing where to, Hailey no longer looked for her. Well played. Terry sighed and raised his hands slowly "Relax, people, just a little argument. Do I look like a stalker? Really? You know what, screw it, I'm just going to leave right now. Stop me and I call the police, then sue your ass for unlawful detention."

In the end nobody had called the cops. After the initial excitement had subsided, it wasn't hard to convince the men inside it was all a big misunderstanding, up to the point where the cook was shaking his head, saying "Women, eh? What can you do?" to which all Terry could do was nod in all seriousness. Outplayed by a girl. Apparently he had underestimated her, but that was no excuse. More like a wakeup call.Being too cocky was a mistake. In another situation, behaviour like this would get him dead. No more risky moves like that. Oh, he was still going to get the information, but this time he'd make sure she wouldn't refuse to cooperate. Sitting back in his card, he gote his notebook from his backseat and diligently wrote down the characteristics he had learned about the girl. Quick thinking, level-headed. Potentially dangerous. Terry closed it and reached for his back on the back seat, leaning back as he watched the tracking monitor. Brooklyn had no choice, she had to return to the room. Too many things important for her survival were there...some were already bugged. It was just a matter of time.

When the signal moved, he instantly followed, though keeping a fairly big distance. He wanted her to think she had lost him. Then the movement stopped. Great, so this was the place. But he still waited for about an hour before approaching. Just enough for her to let her guard down. Terry casually stepped out of the car, leaving the keys to the vallet and took a stroll throughout the hotel, until he found the room the signal was coming from. He could hear no noise from within and paused for a second. Was it better to break the door down or unlock it? It was late in the night, early morning even, nobody was around...he decided he'd go with stealth. Unfortunately he had left his lockpicks in the car. Feeling incredibly annoyed, he returned to the vehicle, got them, then stopped through the reception and booked a room near the girl's just so his repeating appearances wouldn't seem suspicious.

Twenty minutes later, however, he was closing the door quietly behind her back. Pointing his gun at the bed, Terry switched on the light...nothing. She wasn't in, but her things were? That worked perfectly for him. The assassin switched off the light and entered the closet. He felt kind of silly for using the maybe most cliched ambush technique of modern history as he closed the door in front of him, leaving a tiny crack to be able to hav a look, albeit limited, into the room. Then he steadied his breathing, and "froze", not letting a sound escape him. He had been made to look like a fool the first time. This time around, Terry was going to respect the girl, taking her more seriously.

When she came back, she was going to have a hell of a surprise.

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 08:15 PM

She was flipping through the cash she'd won counting it to herself. $935. She smiled. She had eaten by now and was tired, sitting in the back of the cab on the way to her hotel. Brooke usually slept in the day and traveled in the night, so her schedule was by no means, off. As the sun would be rising soon, Brooke would be sleeping soon.

Thanking the driver she tipped him generously with her payment and slipped out of the vehicle. She reached down and adjusted her pistol that was tightly strapped to her inner thigh. She would be happy to have the thing off and under her sleeping head tonight. She yawned as she waved a hello to the attendant and continued to her room.

She unlocked the door, pushing it lazily closed behind her and locking the dead bolt. Dropping the key and her roll of cash on the dresser, she passed by the bathroom, t.v. and closet to the sliding glass doors. Brooke took in the beauty of the lit pool with it's small waterfall, the palm trees and colorful flowers that lined the pool and tables, and the beautiful night sky, stars shining. Sighing again she reached up and pulled the curtains closed. She didn't want any light coming in and she didn't want anyone who might be after her, like Terry, able to see inside.

Moving to stand in front of the mirror next to the small closet, Brooke threw off the black wig letting her blonde hair fall over her shoulders. That felt much better. Out of the corner of her eye Brooke noticed the small crack in the closet next to her. Had that been open earlier? She put her hand out reaching for the handle of the closet, wary.

Dominator 09-26-2011 08:28 PM

The patient hunter gets the pray. The patient hunter gets the prey. Terry thought to calm himself down, but he still was pretty annoyed. Here he was, hiding in a closet, while she probably was laughing her ass off at him, partying somewhere. The irony was not lost to him. Suddenly he heard the door of the hotel room open and he gripped the gun tighter. That was it. Now he just had to be careful, he didn't want her to even have the time to say "What?" before he had the crosshair pointed at her. Suddenly something in the closet apparently caught her attention and Terry gritted his teeth. The moment of truth. When she made the first step towards him, he finally came out of the closet(lol:D), looking at Brooklyn over the steel barrel. Now, he wasn't going to admit it openly, but a part of him was really going to enjoy getting back at her for earlier. Usually he didn't let himself get affected, but the combination of mystery and the infuriating tendency of the girl to vanish in front of his eyes made it personal to Terry.

"WOW, this must be awkward for you! Bet you wish you had taken me up on that offer, huh?" Terry nodded slightly. There was no trace of the smiling young lad from earlier, now he definitely had his 'game face' on "Hands up and you-down on your knees. Scream or make a sudden move, I put two in the head. Clear so far?"

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 08:40 PM

((Out of the closet lol you're funny :D))

Her fingers were barely on the handle of the closet door when Terry busted out causing her to stumble backwards as she gasped and put her hand up over her racing heart. His gun was pointed straight at her. She thought about making a move for the pistol strapped to her inner thigh, but there was no way she would be quick enough. Her mind was working overtime as she scanned the room trying to assess the situation and her exits and weapons. Her eyes back on Terry, his anger obvious, she ignored his demands. If he was going to shoot her he would have.

She had her hands up, palms towards Terry at chest level, as if to defend herself as she spoke. "Y-you don't want to kill me," she said, wondering if she should tell him about the flash drive. Anyone else would be pleading for their lives at this point, but Brooke wasn't that type. She had backed up to the point her legs hit the bed and she couldn't back up anymore. Her thoughts back to her pistol, it was her only chance. She needed to get him talking, and distract him. "What are they paying you? I can double it." That wasn't true, in the least, but she just needed to buy some time until he took his eyes off of her, all she needed was a second and she'd kill him, without a second thought.

Dominator 09-26-2011 09:00 PM

"If you could double what they're paying me, you wouldn't be on the run, you'd have the funds to buy yourself a small army to protect you." holding the gun with his right hand, he grabbed the girl's shoulder and turned her around, not too softly, then stepped a few steps back "I figured you were a smart girl, but I miscalculated how smart. Won't happen again, promise. Stand still."

Terry pulled up a chair, not taking his eyes off his target, and sat on it. Okay, now that he had her...and all the time in the world, he'd finally get to the bottom of this. This time - not without proper precautions. He wasn't going to like it if he ended up dead, especially considering his position right now.

"Strip." said Terry with an emotionless voice "I am dead serious. You can leave the ligerie on, as long as you throw all weapons you have on the ground in my direction. I'd search you myself, but you'll end up liking it less than if we do it like this, besides I don't really want to risk you getting a lucky shot up close and taking me out. Then you're going to tell me the story I asked for, since now I'm really interested. Only this time it's not an option you can refuse. Do it, or I end you right now and get my prize. Hell, I'm probably going to do that either way, but there's always hope, right? Miracles happen. But I guarantee you, if you try and pull some trick like you've been doing this whole day, I am going to be really pissed. And you...well you just won't 'be'. Don't fucking test me, because my mood is far from good right now. Let me tell you who I am. Family name's Thompson, Wolf by alias. You've been known to dabble in classified info, ever fin out something about me? I damn sure hope so, because it should make you more cooperative, for a change. " Terry leaned back in the chair, still pointing the gun at her back. In other circumstances, he'd really enjoy doing this weapon search, but he had already decided to play it professionally. At least until he got what he wanted...after which he was going to decide on his next action "Start talking."

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 09:35 PM

When Terry grabbed her shoulder and shoved her around she thought for a split second he was going to shoot her. But he didn't seem like the kind of guy to be so cowardly about it, so probably not. She heard him bark more orders and couldn't believe what she was having to do. It wouldn't be the first time she'd stripped to get out of a sticky situation, but it still felt just as demeaning as the first time.

She slowly slipped the black straps of her dress over her shoulders, pulling her arms out and wriggling the dress down to the floor, revealing lacy light pink undergarments, and her pistol strapped to her inner thigh. All the while she was taking her time, trying to buy some, she told him what he wanted to hear.

"I have a certain set of skills, that I've had since I was young. I was always the kid who could solve puzzles and math probelms in my head within seconds. As I got older I started focusing more on things related to electronics, computers, databases... things of that nature."

Instead of removing her pistol, she turned to face him instead, not wanting to chance getting shot if he thought she was going for it in the wrong way. "When I was nineteen I met some people who pretended to be my friends. They started asking me for favors, to break codes and crack passwords. They always had excuses as to what they were for, old e-mails, accounts, things I never looked into, it wasn't any of my business. By the time I was twenty it turned out I had hacked into almost nine countries military, top secret, government files, things like that. I was young and trusting and stupid. And I was working for terrorists, but I never realized it until one day, they dissapeared along with everything in their homes and businesses. I tried to return home, but there were SWAT and police everywhere. The media pinned the entire thing on me. So I ran, I was scared, I didn't know what else to do. Ever since people have been after me, trying to kill me over the files, but I never even saw them, I couldn't even tell you what was in them. It's just a big misunderstanding, that's gone too far."

She shrugged, hoping he believed her. In a way she felt relieved to get all of it off of her chest. She had never talked to anyone about it before and now she felt like some of the weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Brooke wondered if she should tell him about the flash drive, but instead she waited for his reaction, it could still be a bad situation if he thought she was lying.

Dominator 09-26-2011 10:13 PM

Terry listened carefully, but also didn't forget to leave his finger on the trigger. Whatever she tried to do now, he'd only need a pull of the trigger. Actually he was wondering whether it was actually time to do it. She sounded honest in her story, but then again she probably was a really good at concealing the truth. It never was simple, was it? But even if her words were true, they still didn't explain everything.

"I seriously doubt you'd be worth twenty mil if it was all a big misunderstanding. People don't spend that much money to get to somebody who has no real value anymore. There must be something else. Think harder." the assassin stepped forward and his eyes narrowed "And throw. The gun. On the ground. I don't like having to repeat myself. Seriously, what is your problem?!" Terry's irritation finally got the better of him as he started almost ranting "Haven't met a more ungrateful person in my entire life! I could have offed you a hundred times by now, I have no real reason to keep you alive and yet I do, offering to buy dinner on top of that! Some common courtesy would have been great, but what do I get in return instead? An angry mob and being called a stalker, that's what. Oh, and having to run around the city like I have nothing better to do. Are you intentionally trying to make me lose my nerves?! I honestly don't see how this could be a good idea..." Terry sighed and raised his free hand in the air "You know what, forget it. I'd have thought you'd be more appreciative about a mersiful side in your potential assassin, but you apparently want an authentic one, cold-hearted, silent, deadly and all that. Fine by me. You don't like me, well, I don't have to like you too. Don't say I didn't try being nice first. If you've got nothing more to say, you can throw the gun and get dressed. Is drug overdose as a cause of death OK? Or did you want me to make it look like a suicide?" Terry had gotten the syringe from his inner pocket and was now tapping the needle with one finger. Come to think of it, that was the first good looking target he had gotten so far. Quick in the head too. It was going to be a shame to erase her, really, especially given her resourcefulness. She didn't look like the typical diabolical terrorist, that much was certain, but by now he had pretty much given up on finding out who she was exactly. The girl probably cared more for her secrets than she did for her life. Pity. He wasn't going to enjoy the last part of his contract this time.

p o p p e t ♥ 09-26-2011 10:26 PM

Brooke raised her eyebrow when Terry began to rant. "Calm down..." she said soothingly, "I'm telling you the truth." She suddenly felt defensive. "And don't call me ungrateful, you don't know me. In fact, you're only trying to kill me, what about that do I need to be grateful for, are you stupid?" Brooke was angry now. The stress of the situation was getting to her, which never lead to nice words.

Her stomach turned when he pulled out a syringe. He was really serious, of course he was, didn't he say there was a 20 million dollar bounty on her head? But why, that didn't make sense to her either... oh! "It must be the flash drive..." she mumbled under her breath. What on earth could be on that thing that was worth twenty mil?

He looked to be busy playing with that scary looking needle, so much so that he seemed to have let his guard down and his hand off of his weapon. Now was her chance, she needed to make a move. In a split second decision, she grabbed her pistol from it's holster and pointed it at him seconds from pulling the trigger.

Dominator 09-26-2011 11:25 PM

"Statistically, from this close range, I have a better chance to get out of this alive if it came to a simultaneous shot. Experience. How many times have you taken a bullet so far?"

His hand was steadily aiming to the girl's chest as he was speaking slowly and calmly. Terry stood up with a sigh, putting away the syringe. It wasn't the needle that made him lose concentration, it was her last words. Flash drive? Bingo. He had the ever growing feeling he was standing on top of a gold mine right now. If somebody was willing to spend so much, just to make sure the data wouldn't see made him wonder how much was the contents' real cost. There was still time until his given time expired. He could check for himself what this was all about and then, if it didn't seem like it was worth it, he could still finish the job. He was right, this was going to be fairly interesting...and possibly a very, very big find. He wouldn't pull the trigger, not now, he decided.

"What was that about a flash drive now? Why leave the best part for last?" Terry tilted his head slightly and smirked "Oh, calm down, do I need to again stress out how I could have killed you already? Put the gun down, I'm going to do the same afterwards. And then we'll talk. That's all. You sound like somebody with an interesting story to tell. And get dressed, you'll catch a cold." the man stepped backwards carefully and reached the mini-bar with his left hand "Want a drink?"

p o p p e t ♥ 09-27-2011 12:29 AM

Before Brooke could pull the trigger Terry was standing, gun raised. He was really quick. She decided she would put her gun down, as killing eachother wouldn't get them anywhere. He was asking her about the flash drive, but she didn't know much about it. And she didn't trust him either.

She lowered her weapon throwing it onto the bed. She wouldn't try and kill him if they were only going to talk, after all he was the only person who knew her story now, maybe he could help her in some way. Still in her strappy black high heels, and not much else, she picked up her dress off the floor, but she didn't put it back on, instead she picked up her suitcase and plopped it on the bed. She should be sleeping right now, but it was clear Terry wasn't going to let that happen, so she was going to get dressed, in clothes appropriate for running, or a fight.

Kicking the heels off, she pulled on her ripped style short shorts and a simple t-shirt that had a logo on the back, she pulled her hair into a hair tie and slipped on her tennis shoes. She picked up her gun and stuck it into the back of her shorts, just to be safe. Turning her attetnion back to Terry she finally spoke again, "I had a sort of, romantic relationship with the leader of the terrorist group," she said, half embarrassed at what a fool she'd been. "A couple of weeks before they dissapeared he gave me a flash drive, and told me to keep it safe, and never under any circumstances look at it, or let anyone else have it, or know I have it. It wasn't until recently I started to assume there must be some of the important government files that I'd hacked on the drive."

She sat on the edge of the bed leaning back onto her elbows, watching him closely. She wasn't about to let her guard down now, not that it would matter, he probably wouldn't kill her now that she might have something he wanted. She refused the offered drink as she didn't trust him to drug her, and waited for his input.

Dominator 09-27-2011 01:27 AM

"Classic." Terry grinned and shrugged at Brooke's refusal. Opening himself a beer, he leaned on the fridge, putting his own gun on the cupboard next to him "Sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive,, hook, line and sinker, such an obvious scheme! I would have never guessed, you've handled yourself really profesiional so far." his eyes turned to Brooke's gun and his smile all but disappeared. He was the one to talk, with all the stupid moves he had made today "Though I guess we all make bad calls every now and then."

The man took a sip and cleared his throat, seemingly lost in thought. So she didn't know what was on the drive. Oh, it had to be really important to make such a big fuss in the higher echelons. Enough, maybe, to outweigh his promised reward. He couldn't pass this opportunity. It seemed like the two of them could be mutually useful. This wasn't too bad...provided she didn't try to screw him over or ditch him at the first possible chance. He'd have to make sure not to let her out of sight.

"Here's how I see it - you don't really have a use for this thing, right? I'm guessing it's encrypted? See, I've got a friend who'd love to take a look at it. Just let me copy it. You won't be any less sought after, but it will buy you a little time while they think I'm looking for you." Terry drank again before continuing "Who knows, maybe you'll end up being safer around me than without me. I know how to remain under the radar, much like you, but I also know how exactly people get tracked. I do it all the time. Also, how often do you think you'll be able to go to casinos for a quick hit without being spotted eventually? You need financial backing. This I can also provide." he paused for a second, as if considering what to say next "Also...what I said in the diner wasn't a bluff. I think I could get to this information as well. Help me, help you. To call ourselves allies might be going a bit too far now, but why not put our...conflict aside for the time being? At least I'm offering something that could be of use to you here, unlike your...radical Prince Charming." Terry chuckled before he could successfully cover it with a cough "Sorry, sorry, it's just...ah, nevermind. Well? What do you say?"

p o p p e t ♥ 09-27-2011 01:51 AM

Light had begun to peek through the cracks in the hotel room curtains as Brooke listened to Terry's offer. He did make a good point. She might be safer with him than against him, but she still didn't trust him. When he commented on how prfessionally she'd handle herself she blinked owlishly at him, "You think that? I'm lucky is all. I know some basic things about outwitting and escaping situations, but really, I'm not a pro at any of this, I just don't want to die," she said. Immediately after she spoke she regretted it. She should have let him continue believing she was a pro. She shifted uncomfortably on the bed, big mouth.

When he laughed at her prince charming she frowned at him. Mostly the frown was directed at herself, but she didn't say anything. Liam had used her, for her brain, her skills, her young stupidity, her body... and she knew that now. She shook her head, "You don't know him," she said, still defending him, for what reason she had no idea.

Brooke sat there for a moment in deep thought before speaking again. "I'm not going to give you the drive," she said matter of factly, as she sat up. "I don't trust you. How do I know you're not just going to kill me for my bounty and then have the flash drive to yourself? That USB is the only thing keeping me alive, if I don't have it anymore then what is my significance?" She shook her head, "Sorry, if you want that drive you'll have to read my mind," she said childishly.

Dominator 09-27-2011 02:20 AM

"Point taken. I don't expect you to give me the drive out of your trust in the good of mankind." Terry nodded slowly "Okay, I'm just brainstorming here, but...can you send pieces of the data? I only need a few to send to my friend to find out what it's all about. If it proves interesting enough - we negotiate. If not..." the assassin's smile this time was devoid of humour "...I'll give you a head start"

He downed the rest of the beer and stretched before holstering his weapon and heading to the door. It was about time he got some rest if he wanted to be sharp during the day "Give it some thought and get back to me when you've had some sleep. We'll talk over breakfast. Or lunch, whatever." Terry yawned and paused just as he was exiting the room "And please do not try to sneak away again. So far it hasn't been working for you very well anyway. I'm staying three rooms down the hall. See you later."

The door closed behind him and Terry shook his head slightly as he went inside his own suite. He really hoped she wouldn't just pack up and leave, otherwise he'd have to finally give up on that flas drive and take her out. But it sounded so promising...seconds later the man practically collapsed on the bed, gun still in hand. He had spent the whole day sniffing around, reading, researching and tailing this girl, now he was really tired. It occured to him that she might try and kill him as he slept...but he was a light sleeper, very light in fact. If she tried to open the locked door, he'd wake up sufficiently before she could enter. But now he really didn't want to think on that anymore, preferring to resume the execution of his plan when his mind was fresh. Not long after he had already fallen asleep...

p o p p e t ♥ 09-27-2011 03:17 AM

Responding to his question about transfering bits, Brooke nodded, "Yeah, I can do that, easy." She stiffled a yawn as he joked about giving her a head start. He really was a cocky fellow. She watched as he exited her hotel room and quickly made her way to the door to lock it behind him. She wasn't so worried about Terry coming back for her, more worried about other assassins and agents and people of the sort who were no doubtedly also hunting her.

She had a million thoughts racing through her mind. She wanted to trust Terry, hell she wanted to trust someone. She thought differently for a moment, contemplating sneaking the three doors down and executing him then and there and being done with it. But Brooke had hope that Terry was right about the flash drive and that they would be able to sort this mess out and she wouldn't have to live on the run anymore. The chance of that happening was worth her not killing him tonight.

Kicking her shoes off she flopped down on the bed, too tired to change or even take her clothes back off. Who cared, she'd just put them on, they were clean. She wriggled around, pulling the gun from the back of her shorts that she had flopped down onto and stuffed it under one of the big fluffy ivory colored pillows. She wasn't looking forward to getting back together with Terry, but she thought she'd give his idea a shot anyway, what's the worst that could happen? Death... she thought.

Her eyes closed before she could move herself to lay on a pillow and climb under the sheets. Her legs still hanging off the edge of the bed she fell asleep.


It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon when Brooke was awoken by a knock at her door. She groaned as she sat up, putting her in a sitting position on the edge of her bed. She rubbed her eyes in a way that didn't mess her mascara and stood. That Terry coming over here and waking her up now, uhg, he sure was persisent. She slipped her feet back into her tennis shoes and made her way to the door, opening it to a crack, but leaving the chain lock on. She half hoped she could convince him to let her sleep for a few more hours.

Peeking through the crack, Brooke's eyes widened as the man she saw standing there was in fact, not Terry. He looked down at her giving her a wide grin, "Hello Brooke," he said with a Russian accent. Shit, the Russians were ruthless. She cursed herself for not checking the peep hole, or at least having her gun. She tried to slam the door shut, but he was quick, sticking his arm through the crack and grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. She pushed away, "Let go of me you big bafoon," she said as he lost his grip on her sending her falling backwards onto her ass.

In the next second the man had kicked the door in, breaking the chain lock. He walked towards her appearing to be unarmed. That was strange. She was still on the ground as she turned to stand, she was going to make a run for the back door, but as she stood he grabbed her arm pulling her to him. "Where is the files?" he said with a heavy accent and broken english. What? How did he already know about the files? Terry. He had to have told someone already, who is apparently untrustworthy. That or she had been bugged, allowing almost anyone to pick up on the frequency. Great. With all of the people after her head, they now knew she was potentially even more valuable. She contemplated the possibility of Terry being bugged too, by his CIA friends.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said. The Russian became increasingly angered as he threw her into the tv stand, quickly grabbing her shirt again and throwing her into the mirror. All of the air left Brooke's lungs as her body crashed into the glass causing it to shatter. She gasped for her air, as he came at her again. "I will force you to give me files, I will make you suffer, tell me!" he yelled as she tried to scoot off of the dresser, but was surrounded by glass. When her feet hit the ground he had already grabbed her arm again pulling her face to his. "You pretty for being so much trouble. Maybe I show you what happen to pretty girl who doesn't behave," he said as he reached to unbutton her shorts.

Brooke's heart was racing. Her hands were cut, her back hurt, her arms were already bruising, and now he was forcing himself on her. She cocked back and spit into his face, "Fuck off," she said. The Russian was livid, he reached back and swung his heavy hand, back handing her onto the bed. Brooke could taste blood as it seeped from her lip. Perfect, she thought as she reached for the pistol under the pillow. The man was on top of her now, saying something in Russian, her hand wrapped around the pistol still under the pillow. Without a second thought, Brooke pulled the gun out, aimed it quickly at his chest, and pulled the trigger.

He grabbed at his chest, "You... bitch," he choked as his body fell to the floor. Brooke's entire body was shaking as she sat up. She knew she had been hurt, but couldn't tell his blood from hers on the front of her shirt. Staring down at his body, she dropped the gun and began to cry. That was far too close.

All times are GMT. The time now is 03:24 AM.