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ghostPastry 02-05-2016 09:57 AM

Crash Landed!

ghostPastry 02-05-2016 10:26 AM

"Computer, launch program A15-B, override default system presets and chart a course for the Solexa galaxy," said the lanky, softly glowing alien at the helm of a starship freshly stolen from the prestigious Interstellar Academy. his long fingers tapped away at the ship's manual input keyboard, producing strings of code inaccessible through voice commands and not exactly what you would call regulation.

"Computer, display ship rear view on screen three," he said, still typing. "Shit, they're still on our tail, Pouriin..." he tilted the screen towards the alien sitting next to him, still frantically typing. "If I can just override the system presets, remove the limitation on maximum warp speed, and turn off the homing system, we should be able to lose them. If we lose them... we should be completely untraceable." His eyes flicked nervously over to the screen showing three Interstellar Academy security ships. They wouldn't shoot at their own ship, right?

Meeloh typed in the last line of code and hit compile. A loading bar popped up, progressing about one percent every five seconds; it was excruciating. "Come on, come on, come on, come on!" he muttered under his breath, anxiously tapping his fingers against his thigh. He tilted his head slightly towards Pouriin, still keeping the loading bar in his periphery. "This is gonna be pretty rough, by the way. We're going to be shifting from Warp 5 to Warp 11 in under one minute, if my code checks out. The ship might suffer a little damage... but..." he glanced at the rearview again and gave an anxious little sigh. "But we've got no choice, because they're almost in range to open fire on our asses. Ugh, shit, compiling at 30%, come on!"

~LONGCAT~ 02-07-2016 11:24 PM

She was fidgeting and nervously tapping as they maneuvered through space and further from the academy. One set of eyes was glued to the screen showing a proximity of the other ships, the other flitted between the slow progress of the percentage bar and the rapid movements of her co-conspirator. She knew to trust him with the computers of the ship, but she was feeling antsy and useless right now.

“... Remove the limitations on max warp speed…” her mind flipped a switch. She knew just which valves directed the energy into which engines for warp. She had watched the warp coils intently during the field class, the way things moved and changed directions when shifting between speeds, it was hypnotizing and intoxicating. And one of the few classes she had gotten a natural high grade in.

“I can do this…” she muttered under her breath, “I know what I can do.” He was right that it was going to cause some damage, but glancing at the download bar it was going too slowly. They wouldn't be able to lose the other academy ships in time. Her hands flew to the straps and buckles holding her to her seat. “ Meeloh, don't do anything extra stupid.” She grinned wide as she threw herself from her chair, “that's my job! I'm heading down to the engine room, if I can divert the plasma flow from the condensers straight into the coils it's gonna get hot, but we should get to speed quicker. Wish me luck Glows.” She took off, tearing down the halls sliding into the engine room where she immediately began prodding things and turning cranks and flipping levers.

ghostPastry 02-14-2016 04:06 PM

[[sorry this took so long!! last week was stressful and Bad...]]

Meeloh's eyes remained fixed on the windows he was toggling on the screens in front of him, alternately showing the ship's statistics, the rear view of the ship, and Meeloh's own agonizingly slowly compiling code. His long, spindly fingers continued tapping away at the keyboard as Pouriin sprang from her chair. He tilted his head slightly to call to her as she bolted out of the bridge. “Have I told you lately what a badass you are?!” And then, as an afterthought, “Good luck! …Try not to die!” She probably didn’t hear that part, but it’s the sentiment that matters.

Apprehensively, he once again enhanced the window streaming the ship’s rear view. The academy ships were only minutes away from being within range to open fire on them, but they weren’t yet close enough to make it impossible to give them the slip. He lifted a hand to wipe away the sweat that had started to bead up on his forehead. The heat in the bridge was starting to become unpleasant, and Meeloh could feel it rising corresponding to the gradually increasing speed of the ship. That was good sign. That meant that Pouriin’s plan was probably working. Meeloh couldn’t even imagine how hot it must have been getting in the engine room; he could hardly stand how hot it was in the bridge!

At this rate, it would be a miracle if the two of them survived, much less manage to keep from completely annihilating their ship, even if they did somehow outrun the Academy ships. There was no way the ship would withstand the distance of the course they had initially entered into the auto-navigation system. There was only one thing Meeloh could do under the circumstances, and it was no stroke of genius. But it was so conspicuous, so extremely simple that it actually had a chance of working. He cleared the auto-navigation system’s current route, then, after pausing to make some mental calculations, he entered a new route. This route would— if Meeloh’s calculations were correct, and assuming the existence of a benevolent god— hopefully throw off the Academy ships long enough for their ship to reach maximum warp and go far enough away to shake the Academy for good before crashing on one of the handful of inhabitable planets that would— given, again, that Meeloh didn’t make some fatal error in his calculations— be conveniently near enough for them to crash land on.

“Just gotta make it a couple more minutes…” Meeloh mumbled to himself, preparing to re-initialize the navigation system. “And then we can reach max warp, and we’ll be outta here. It’s gotta work…” He took a deep breath, hands shaking and sweat dripping down his back then started the navigation system, gripped the wheel hard with all four hands and plunged the ship into the sharpest turn the vessel was capable of. He wished he could have warned Pouriin before he pulled this stunt. The force of the turn sent things flying across the bridge, and Meeloh had to duck to keep from getting hit, and wrap his legs around the base of his seat to keep from flying through the air. But he had done it! Or, done the first step, at least. The ship was now barreling full-speed-ahead in a new, unexpected direction, and the Academy ships were fading to small, blurry dots that began to blend into the infinite expanse of stars around them. Meeloh gingerly spun the wheel left, turning then right, then a little more left; stabilizing the ship as much as possible. The ship was now making groaning, creaking noises indicating that they only had about ten minutes before crucial ship systems started to break down. He switched steering to locked position, stood, and started to head for the bridge door. There was no way to contact Pouriin from here, and the bridge was the only place they would be safe when the ship started to nosedive. The ship hit a patch of turbulence, and for an instant, everything was completely weightless; Meeloh felt something almost like serenity, something blissful and calm, before the ship righted itself, slamming Meeloh to the ground with a sickening thud, and knocking the wind out of him.

~LONGCAT~ 02-24-2016 05:02 AM

The heat got hot fast, she could feel herself starting to dry out. She forced herself to continue pushing the engine harder, they needed the boost if they were to out run and escape. Loud creaks and pings sounded from various areas of the engine room, the metal was stressing under the heat and pressure. She was going to have to redirect the coolant back soon, the plasma coils in the warp core could be damaged beyond her repair skills if she kept them hot. Or worse they could breach and they'd both be dead before they knew it.

Her gills had sealed shut some time ago preventing too much water loss in the extreme heat, but that left her with some breathing issues. Taking deep labored breaths, she attempted to make her way back to the coolant tanks. A sharp pull on the ship sent her across the room, colliding with the pipes her body sparkled with pain. Shit, this want a smart idea, the only place that could withstand a direct impact was the deck, and she had run out of there. Wincing she pulled herself up, using the pipes to help guide her movements closer to the tanks she twisted a few of the valves along her way. The water wasn't moving along the pipes to the coils, something was jammed.

The groans of stressed metal only got louder and more frequent, it was getting critical. The heat was intense now, she could feel her skin was dry to the touch she needed out of the dry hot air. There, in tank, the solution to both her current problems, something was blocking the out flow pipe. Getting into the tank she was able to sink to the bottom and grabbed hold of what was blocking the water, just in time for another rough patch of space. Water rushed past and the hissing and popping let her know the water reached the coils, hopefully in time to save the integrity of the ship. With no time to make it to the bridge she remained in the coolant tank, watching as items in the engine room skid around with the ships movements. A brief moment of loss of gravity followed by a heavy thud, Pouriin sloshed safely in the water tank. Waiting until things seemed calmer she climbed out of the tank, running back down the halls leaving puddles behind her in her tracks.

"No!" She cried out at the sight of Meeloh's prone body.

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