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Emma Corrin 12-24-2011 09:40 PM

Emmie's Workshop of Lurveeeee - V.2! - FINISHED!
Hiya guys! Well, everyone knows how in love with Baby Yan I am. Last event I made him from scratch, but I wasn't able to win a Baby Yan. HOWEVER! The lovely and amazing sdgfam08 semi-donated the Baby Yan to me shortly after the event! I am forever grateful for the act of kindness <3

Unfortunately, my greedy little Baby Yan wants someone to boss around and cause mischief with. So here I am again trying to win a Baby Yan from scratch! Maybe this time I'll be able to win my little Baby Yani a Baby Brother! Wish me luck!! ;)

The Process:
When I saw that the challenge for this event was to create a Baby Yan Ornament, I of course couldn't resist! In honor of the holiday spirit, I'm going to make my Baby Yan out of Gingerbread! I'll be updating this post as I go along, so be sure to stop back and see my Baby Yan Ornament's creation process as well as the finished Ornament!

Step 1: The Recipe

Step 2: The Ingredients

Step 3: Making the Dough!

After 2 hrs of setting, the gingerbread is ready to mold!

Step 4: Cutting out the starting point for Mr. YanYan!

Step 5: Measuring Yan to make sure he's up to code!

Step 6: Bakin' Time!

We had some mishaps with his legs in the first baking round, so I remade him when I put in the second batch of cookies and made lots of extras in case he broke his legs again :3

Step 7: Time to bring him to lifeeeee!!!! -maniacal laugh-

A Special Message To The Judges ;)
(It's a little hard to read but what Mr. YanYan wanted to say was "Let Emma Adopt Me!")

Step 8: Time to see if he'll hang as an ornament!


Finally, my Baby Yan Yan Ornament is complete and he's happily swinging freely and safely!
Let's just hope my brother doesn't spot him and eat him up!! ;)

Emma Corrin 12-24-2011 11:45 PM

Just made up the dough for Mr. YanYan! Now I wait for it to set for a couple of hours and I can roll him out and bake him! <3

jellysundae 12-25-2011 02:13 AM

This looks good, do we get to eat him once he's cooked? :D

Emma Corrin 12-25-2011 04:18 AM

Thank you! :D
He was really fun to make today! My brother ate some of the other cookies I made using the same batter and he's hooked xD;
He's never had gingerbread cookies until today - so it worked out all around in the end!
And of course you can eat teh Yani replica ornaments ;D
I made lots of spares to go around! -passes them out before my brother eats them all- LOL

jellysundae 12-25-2011 04:33 AM

Don't let Yan get eaten before he's photographed D:

Emma Corrin 12-25-2011 04:43 AM

Haha Nope nope!
Mr. Yan Yan didn't get eaten!
I managed to keep him away from my brother long enough to take a pic and get him strung like an ornament - I can't guarantee he'll still be here tomorrow though LOL!!
I think he turned out adorable though - very happy with him :3 <3

crazymuch 12-27-2011 03:46 AM

cookie Yan is making me hungry :drool:

Emma Corrin 12-27-2011 03:50 AM

Apparently he was very yummy!!
He got eaten along with most of the batch of gingerbread cookies I made :gonk:

Aerinn 01-04-2012 02:27 AM

Was Yan tasty? :o

Emma Corrin 01-04-2012 03:06 AM

Apparently he was very yummy!
He got eaten along with the rest of the cookies and my brother is nagging me to make more hahaha
Apparently homemade gingerbread cookies really are the best!!
I didn't eat Yan, but I did eat some of the other cookies from the batch and they were quite tasty, so I imagine Yan was too!

Roachi 01-04-2012 03:08 AM

Awesome yan baby Emma. Goodluck i hope you get one :)

Emma Corrin 01-04-2012 03:09 AM

Sankyuu Roachi-chan!
I hope so too :D <3

Roachi 01-04-2012 03:12 AM

He looks delicious enough to eat :P ;)

Aerinn 01-04-2012 03:15 AM

Mhm! Gingerbread sounds yummy~

Emma Corrin 01-04-2012 03:28 AM

@Roachi: Haha Thank you!
My family thought so too ;P

@Aerinn: It is!
It's definitely one of my favorite cookies, but it something I can't have all of the time because I get sick of it if I have too much :3
Definitely yummy from scratch -- it was my first time trying but it came out really well!
Soft, moist, and yummy <3
But I think next time I'm going to add a little bit more ginger, cloves, and cinnamon - it didn't have a big taste like I like, it was kind of mild, so I'm going to experiment a bit haha

Aerinn 01-04-2012 03:31 AM

Sounds so good. :drool:

Well everything tastes better in moderation! :yes:

Roachi 01-04-2012 03:33 AM

I wanted to make gingerbread but i didn't get round to it. I needa buy the proper ingredients too.

Aerinn 01-04-2012 03:35 AM

I don't really love eating gingerbread, but I find it very nice when people bake it and offer me some. It's very nice of them. :yes:

Emma Corrin 01-04-2012 03:36 AM

It really is!
If you like baking this is definitely one to try :3

Aww :(
I scrambled around town trying to find the ingredients!
Who knew molasses was so dang hard to find??
Crazy how hard it is - and there was like, none, on the one store I DID find it in :gonk:
Luckily I went when I did or I wouldn't have been able to make it!
Same with the ground cloves - those were a beast to find - and ground ginger - it was nuts :gonk:
I should have bought the dang mix when it came out early December >.>

Roachi 01-04-2012 03:46 AM

I know right?? I was thinking the other day, where the hell do you buy molasses from??! LOLOL
Glad to here it's just as hard there as it is here lol. I thought it would be much easier being the US and all lol.

Emma Corrin 01-04-2012 03:55 AM

Haha Not a chance!
It's really hard to find baking ingredients of any kind!
I mean, I can't even find frosting 90% of the time XD;
All I have is Price Chopper or Wal-Mart - and that's it :/
P&C closed down, and that was the only decent grocery store around :gonk:
Price Chopper is expensive and limited, Wal-Mart here is limited and screwed up because it tried to be a Super Wal-Mart with half the space - so it remodeled itself and did a partial Super Wal-Mart, which just made this Wal-Mart ridiculously stupid and pointless xD;
So we have to travel almost an hour away to go to a Super Wal-mart that's actually worth going to lol
I don't know if they have a wider range of baking stuff because we don't go up there that often, but I know our Wal-Mart here has NOTHING lol
And molasses is thrown in with the maple syrups which isn't even in the baking isle here >.>
I just don't get stores these days lol
Ah well - if you search around enough you'll find it - it just takes awhile :gonk:

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