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Eevee 02-16-2011 01:55 AM

Valentine Woes
I was excited at first for Valentine's day with plans for gifts of love and all the yummy chocolate but now I'm just not feeling it.

I didn't get to mail off all the gifts for friends in time to get to them before or on V-Day... (got 2 that still need to be mailed out and I can't drive)

Husband didn't want to do anything since there's too many celebrations for us around this time of year... (thanksgiving, his bday, christmas, anniversary, valentine's day in a span of 3 months)

And on top of that he admitted to not wanting to be seen with me outside of our house while I have a doll in my hand. (I'm into BJDs and can't always take inside photos)

Anyone else not feeling the Valentine mood this year?
Let me hear your Valentine woes

BlackEggIceBird 02-16-2011 03:55 PM

Well I was felling down on valentines being it landed on a monday. And no baby sitter in sight. So we stayed home :( and hubby said that we will celebrate it this Friday. So I'm excited for that :)

Kalium 02-16-2011 07:49 PM

We don't celebrate Valentine's day in my neck of the woods.

chronic_heartbreak14 02-17-2011 06:13 AM

i had a good time, i didn't get anything from boys... but i never have XD i carried a valentine box filled with valentines through the halls of my high school and handed them out to some teachers and basically my whole class and some upper and lower classmen because i try to be friends with everyone :sweat:

it always bums me out that i don't get anything from boys... eh life sucks sometimes though, just got to trooper through it :D

RisikaFox 02-17-2011 09:34 AM

I've only ever received one real valentine in my life, from my best guy friend... In third grade. xD Yeah... But it's cool. Valentine's Day is all about the candy anyways, right? And you can always go buy it for yourself if everybody else is too stingy to gift you some. ;)

monstahh` 02-17-2011 10:10 AM

That sucks, I'm sorry your v-day was lame.
Mine was simple, but nice and I couldn't possibly ask for more.

/shares some post-v-day love with you.


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