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Pearl 07-08-2013 04:20 PM

Pearl's Picnic Party :: Come and chat! Talkin' bout books, summer, and clothes :) PRIZE ON PAGE 10

Let's cool off with a picnic in the shade, with lashings of lemonade and sandwiches.




Are you working/studying this summer?:
What's the weather like where you are?:
Are you going on vacation?:
What was your best summer?:
Favourite picnic food?:


Cardinal Biggles 07-09-2013 02:09 AM

Ooh, this is timely, what with the EI

Are you working/studying this summer?: I just got back from a summer programme in Oxford
What's the weather like where you are?: No good/too hot
Are you going on vacation?: That was it. I got a week in Cornwall at the end.
What was your best summer?: It might be this one! We'll see, yeah?
Favourite picnic food?: Pimms. Does that count?

hummy 07-09-2013 02:10 AM

welcome to the event!

Pearl 07-09-2013 07:34 AM

@ Biggsy - What's the EI? Ooh Oxford, Cornwall, Pimms - all sounds lovely. My housemate saw her US bestie last summer because she also did an Oxford summer programme.

My picnic usually involves a lot of meat ;D

hey hummy

---------- Post added 07-09-2013 at 08:40 AM ----------

I'm going shoe shopping today! To go with my graduation dress.

I also think I'll write a novel. Which will make tons of money. Easy.

Moon! 07-09-2013 09:42 AM

-sneaks in- this looks like a fun place! :O

Pearl 07-09-2013 11:02 AM

Well that response only took 2 hours as opposed to 8 but I am now out on a shopping trip :'D

Moon! 07-09-2013 11:44 AM

That's great I love shopping! <3

spicedroses 07-09-2013 01:58 PM

Are you working/studying this summer?: working mostly,
What's the weather like where you are?: hot right now, with a few light breezes
Are you going on vacation?: yeah I wish!!
What was your best summer?: too many to choose from my friend
Favourite picnic food?: fried chicken and cheesecake

Pearl 07-09-2013 02:22 PM

Mmmm fried chicken <3

It's hot today by English standards, I bet we'll do a light dinner.

Cardinal Biggles 07-10-2013 01:50 AM

The picnic EI!

Is this the same novel you were thinking about before?

Pearl 07-10-2013 12:50 PM

Haha yeah I think so. It was my 2011 NaNo which I didn't finish. The school work was kinda crazy... I was in the US at the time, which might be why my NaNo was so stereotypically English. It's set in a small village in an indeterminate age (the 50s or 30s or something). I've never lived in a village. Or in the 50s. So it'll take some research and/or imagination.

I felt like writing again while re-reading "It" by Stephen King. I've read a few of his books but this is probably my favourite. Everyone knows it's about a clown, but it's also about 6 children in the summer of 1958.
My book is about 3 children in a 50s summer... it's also a children's book so it won't be quite as fucking terrifying.

But I think Stephen King writes kids very well and very honestly. He's like the adult version of Roald Dahl.

I'm wearing a new dress I got yesterday 8D
I thought I needed more summer clothes.

hummy 07-10-2013 03:22 PM

i got a new teal summer dress the other day
been too humid to even wear it, though

Pearl 07-10-2013 05:13 PM


What do you wear when it's humid?
I've never really felt proper humidity.

I love this dress but earlier I was just sitting reading when I had those random "ew you're so fat" evil thoughts. ;__;
Shut up brain.

KatMagenta 07-10-2013 09:05 PM

Are you working/studying this summer?: Nope, I just graduated so I'm back at home for the moment.
What's the weather like where you are?: It's been way too hot the last couple of days and just started to cool down again.
Are you going on vacation?: Yep, I'm going to be visiting my relatives in France.
What was your best summer?: Probably last summer, I spent time at home and went on lots of trips to Edinburgh to do fun things.
Favourite picnic food?: Wine. [:B]

I would rather wear a loose dress when it's humid than anything fitted.

dessertdesiert 07-10-2013 09:08 PM

-headbutts thread-

Pearl 07-10-2013 09:09 PM

I just graduated too :) Lit though.
I'm down in Kent. I want to visit France/Paris this summer but friends are busy/poor.

Mmm wine. I'm drinking a cider atm. Is that sad? xD

---------- Post added 07-10-2013 at 10:10 PM ----------

Hiya dessert ;D

dessertdesiert 07-10-2013 09:10 PM

Why would it be sad Pearl?

Pearl 07-10-2013 09:14 PM

Alcohol alone is just a sad stereotype :'D
Personally it's hot and I just wanted a cider.

Oh I'm also watching a Louis CK stand up for the first time. Hilarious.

Dystopia 07-10-2013 09:15 PM

Are you working/studying this summer?: q____q Y U NO HIRE ME?
What's the weather like where you are?: q____q Y U NO COOLER?
Are you going on vacation?: q____q Y U NO CHEAPER?
What was your best summer?: Probably one of my younger summers . Fewer worries.
Favourite picnic food?: Oh man. I feel like fried chicken and biscuits.

KatMagenta 07-10-2013 09:15 PM

Imma Chemist.

Now I want cider too. :P

dessertdesiert 07-10-2013 09:19 PM

Dystopia you crack me up xD

Pearl 07-10-2013 09:20 PM

@ Dizzy - I like your prose style ;D
Yeah young summers are good summers ;__;

I've only had like 2 biscuits in my life xD
They were good though. I was visiting a friend in NC.

@ Kat - Ooh you actually have skills xD

Dystopia 07-10-2013 09:22 PM

I love KFC chicken and biscuits. [gonk]

Pearl 07-10-2013 09:23 PM

I bet you would find the KFC a lot different here. And a lot smaller ;__;
The small popcorn chicken is literally about 6 pieces.

dessertdesiert 07-10-2013 09:25 PM

Doesn't smaller mean healthier?

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