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LiviInLove 12-25-2017 08:56 PM

Livi's Winter Hangout
Hey ya'll!! Happy Holidays!

As usual, I'm late to the party and not sure how much I'll be on during this event as schools out so I've got all the kids at home.

How've y'all been? Good I hope!

hummy 12-25-2017 08:58 PM

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:00 PM

Same to you Hummy!

Would you mind making your font size a bit bigger, or not use the curly font, as it's kind of hard for me to read. [sweat]

hummy 12-25-2017 09:08 PM

I got on the laptop. my cellie is so haed to change anything on.

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:14 PM

Okay.. I can read it, it just is hard for me.... But I guess it's okay...

marnie 12-25-2017 09:15 PM

this is still the same BBC but it doesnt show cuesive on the laptop.
even the ones posted feom my cell phone show up block letters to me

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:20 PM

It's totally curly and cursive on the computer for me. It also looks like cursive on my phone too.
Even if it was a bit darker in color that might possibly make it easier for me to see... Can't guarantee that...

I might just sign off -- because the kids need me (I am currently hiding in my bedroom closet to try to get a bit of alone time for a few minutes)... and it seems like it'll always be curly and hard for me to read.
I'll be honest, when it's that font and light color, I'm not really feeling up to trying to read it sometimes -- I just want to look over it and not respond. It's cursive and curly letters no matter what device I try to read it on.... And it's REALLY hard for me to read - like you liking bold, this font and color are really hard for me to read. [sweat] Sorry if it feels like I'm making a bigger deal out of it than I should... doesn't help I've barely been sleeping and I've been dealing with bad dreams whenever I do manage to sleep, so I'm not in the best mood. [sweat] I'm sorry.

marnie 12-25-2017 09:22 PM

this is still cursive?

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:23 PM


marnie 12-25-2017 09:24 PM

weird how i don't see it that way. IE has a mind of it own

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:26 PM

There, it's not showing up as cursive now! :D

This is what it looked like to me. Hopefully this will work. [sweat]

---------- Post added 12-25-2017 at 01:26 PM ----------

That's so much easier to read now!

hummy 12-25-2017 09:28 PM

it's just easier to paste =3
but for you <3

LiviInLove 12-25-2017 09:30 PM

Sorry... I didn't mean to make it hard on you... [sweat]
All of your posts lately - no matter how I get on - all have that really curly cursive font, and it makes me not want to post, because it's hard for me to read no matter how I try to read it on. I mean I can... but it's not easy.

Sorry to make things harder for you... [sweat]

hummy 12-25-2017 09:31 PM

no worries. i'll try to remember.

---------- Post added 12-25-2017 at 03:33 PM ----------

Is this easier?
in case I do it out of habit?

Inzanebraned 12-26-2017 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774014169)
no worries. i'll try to remember.

---------- Post added 12-25-2017 at 03:33 PM ----------

Is this easier?
in case I do it out of habit?

Your recent posts have been small, fancy cursive. I have been having to zoom in on my tablet to read them, but that hasn't been a problem for me.

This post is a bit larger, but still fancy cursive.
I like the cursive but I do appreciate it a bit larger.

Liv...I totally get the lack of sleep and bad dreams when sleep actually comes.
It sucks and can make one more sensitive to what might normally seem like a small issue.
I never used to dream...but I used to smoke a lot of pot!
Now I don't smoke pot because I felt that it was compounding my depression...and now I have some really vivid f'd-up dreams and wake up super panicked and can't go back to sleep.
If your lack of sleep and bad dreams continue, you might want to get a check up and make sure your health is as good as it should be...
I thought my panic attacks were just panic attacks, but recently found out that I had heart rhythm problems and some blockages that required a triple bypass surgery.
I'm not saying that everybody with bad dreams and anxiety has heart problems...I just think it can't hurt to rule out any medical conditions that could possibly cause these symptoms.
I hope that your bad dreams subside and you get some much needed restful sleep!

hummy 12-26-2017 11:01 AM

Thank you, izzie

LiviInLove 12-26-2017 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Inzanebraned (Post 1774015007)
Your recent posts have been small, fancy cursive. I have been having to zoom in on my tablet to read them, but that hasn't been a problem for me.

This post is a bit larger, but still fancy cursive.
I like the cursive but I do appreciate it a bit larger.

Liv...I totally get the lack of sleep and bad dreams when sleep actually comes.
It sucks and can make one more sensitive to what might normally seem like a small issue.
I never used to dream...but I used to smoke a lot of pot!
Now I don't smoke pot because I felt that it was compounding my depression...and now I have some really vivid f'd-up dreams and wake up super panicked and can't go back to sleep.
If your lack of sleep and bad dreams continue, you might want to get a check up and make sure your health is as good as it should be...
I thought my panic attacks were just panic attacks, but recently found out that I had heart rhythm problems and some blockages that required a triple bypass surgery.
I'm not saying that everybody with bad dreams and anxiety has heart problems...I just think it can't hurt to rule out any medical conditions that could possibly cause these symptoms.
I hope that your bad dreams subside and you get some much needed restful sleep!

My bad dreams all deal with my twin’s death and me missing him a lot.
Nightmares about him being gone. And not being able to find him.
I’ve woken up sobbing more times than I’d like to admit.
I’ve dealt with these... for over a decade.
So it’s a mental health issue. I am seeing a therapist. I have been for years. But it has nothing to do with any medical issues. I know why I’m dealing with what I’m dealing with.... doesn’t mean I miss my sleep. Because I do. These dreams love to rear their ugly beads from time to time.

Plus I have 4 young children so that doesn’t help with sleep too. So it’s a combo of nightmares and my kids.

Hummy: those are sorta okay. Better than the tiny font for sure. And the darker is better.

hummy 12-26-2017 07:16 PM

Is this okay


LiviInLove 12-26-2017 08:13 PM

Oh, I'm fine with the normal sized font when it's not the cursive font. :) <3

sorry if this is getting too complicated. [sweat]

How's everyone's day going?

Mikio 12-26-2017 08:54 PM

Hellooo, Livi :3 hope you had a good Christmas

LiviInLove 12-26-2017 09:06 PM

Hello Mikio! We did have a pretty good Christmas - even though it started super early! [lol] Kids and the excitement surrounding Christmas -- they need to get up SUPER early! Our day started at 5 am. [lol]

How was yours?

---------- Post added 12-26-2017 at 01:07 PM ----------

Sorry if I'm slow with responding to people -- with the glitch with subscribed threads not showing up where they normally do, I don't always see responses here. [sweat] If you really want to get my attention - tag me in the post. ^_^ I usually hate tags, but I can put up with it, as it'll help me in the big picture. :)

Mikio 12-26-2017 09:18 PM

Oh wow! That IS super early indeed. Were they happy with their presents? Did you get anything nice?
My Christmas was good too. Helped my mum cook dinner and I also made a yummy dessert ^_^

LiviInLove 12-26-2017 09:29 PM

Surprisingly both the girls were up -- usually it's just our oldest who's up that early, and both were excited to be awake at 5 am. [lol] Normally our middle kiddo isn't such an early riser. The twins didn't wake up until closer to 6:30 am (well actually closer to 7 am) - which is usual for them, they didn't totally get what was going on - they're only 11 months old. But it was a good day.

They did all seem to like their presents. Lots of new toys, and some new clothes. We had gone through all their clothes and old toys that they rarely play with last week- to either throw them away or donate them. They know they only get new toys if they go through their old ones they rarely play with - so that they don't have mountains of toys.

I mostly just asked for my family to spend money on the kids, I don't need anything. But my mum did get us a few gift cards to places that we can use them for - mostly to stores we shop at for food and such. :) With a family of 6, any little bit helps for sure! To me, Christmas is more about being around loved ones, than the gifts anyways. :) I'll take hugs and love from them over presents any day.

That does sound like a good day! :)
Oh! What desert did you make! :D
Did you get anything good?

marnie 12-26-2017 09:51 PM

Early indeed =3

LiviInLove 12-26-2017 09:52 PM

Story of my life, especially with Becca.
She's an early bird, just like her daddy.

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