Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   The Giving Tree 2008 (
-   -   The Giving Tree, 2008! 21st-5th [THE EVENT IS OVER! Thanks for coming all, an admin will shut down the thread soon.] (

The Giving Tree 11-20-2008 04:22 AM

The Giving Tree, 2008! 21st-5th [THE EVENT IS OVER! Thanks for coming all, an admin will shut down the thread soon.]

Welcome to The Giving Tree!




Basic Rules:

Give as well as Take
Enjoy yourself!

TGT is an event geared to celebrate how wonderful Menewsha and its’ users are! In four years on ‘that other’ avatar site, I have received two donations. Ever. One was in my first month. The other was a few months ago, from a user I met here on Menewsha. On other sites? Little to nothing. I've found them to be dry or boring, hard to get into, and not terribly user friendly.

On Menewsha however? Starting off I worked for my items like everyone else, but I had -help-. I posted in threads and people replied kindly with suggestions, links, and answers. From the day I started until now, everywhere I go on this site I'm seeing kind gestures, doing kind gestures, and receiving kind gestures. Several users have sold me items at much lower prices just for the heck of it, many have sent me friendly donations, and one user even lent me 10k when I was in a pinch. People here are just so awesome!

The forums are active, and users that are rude, ungrateful, or just a burden to our community are really a rarity and stand out like a cross-dresser in a bikini contest. (Nothing against bikini-wearing contest-entering cross-dressers) Usually they don't fit in well and don't last long here.

Maybe it's just me, but I find Menewsha to be truly different, and an incredibly wonderful place to be. The staff are there when needed, the users are always ready to help or to share a friendly word, and getting your 'dream item' is generally quite possible.

So, as a thanks to all the users, and in general celebration, I am hosting The Giving Tree. An event focused on giving away gold and items to other users while chatting and participating in fun events.

This event is not intended to, but undoubtedly will, draw the greedy. I encourage you to donate as well as receive. Poor in items? Draw freebie arts. Not an artist? Write poems or give quotes. Just have fun. n.n

NOTE: Due to the judging process, thread hosts are able to enter events, however when judging, they must not give their work points. This puts them 10 points behind in the point system, making it fair for them to be able to enter. I thought it unfair that the only people that couldn't participate were those making it possible. n.n

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 01:07 AM


Main Thread:
...Run By: Burnt Biscuits
...... Description: This will be a basic welcome thread introducing the event, the rules, and some info.
You Should: Ern, yeah. XD
Prizes: None here.

Art Exchange:
...Run By: Tilly, Stormy1, Xaeven
...... Description: Draw anyone! All artists gather! Post your ocs, favorite avatars, favorite characters, ect! Draw anything and everyone for free, and get freebies in return! For those who don't have the gold to part with but the skills to offer, this thread is for you. After all, free art is charitable too! There will be several in thread artists as well, and a prize for he or she that provides the most freebie art. n.n
You Should: Set this up as sort of a ‘draw the person above you’ thread. People here are welcome to talk, advertise shops, draw each other, and be drawn. Welcome the users to post ocs, avs from other site, their own av, ect. Maybe reserve a post on the front page for user requests, let them fill out a form and post what thye want drawn on the front page. If things get slow try to contact some artists to do freebies, or do some yourself. <3
Prizes: Free art for all! <3

Charity Recognition:
...Run By: KitKat
...... Description: This thread is to give each of the currently active charities one post of advertising, and a place to donate freely while getting their names out to the public!
You Should: Contact the charities and let them know this is here, they can do what they want in the thread for the most part. XD Link each charity in one of the posts on the front page, maybe give a little info about them.
Prizes: none

The Charitable Menewsian!:
...Run By: Duchess, [L]ove[H]ate
...... Description: Users may nominate other users for this title. As nominations mount users may share accurate stories, they must be honest and accurate, of what nominated users have done to deserve the title. Voting will begin on the second to last day of the event and last through the end, the winner will receive a prize. The best part is, they're receiving a free prize just for being a good and charitable person. Users may debate within the thread why particular users should receive the title, however negativity will not be permitted.
You Should: Have a nominate form, users cannot nominate themselves, but may nominate other users. Users will post who they are nominating and up to 1000 words on why they are nominating them, or why they deserve the prize.

...Run By: Queen Demon (Second host unable to participate, Queen, if you need help with this, let me know and I’ll find someone to help you out.)
...... Description: A place for users to talk about what they've given or gotten to or from other users.
You Should: Just moderate for behavior, chat and be friendly. n.n
Prizes: none

Avatar Contest:
...Run By: Cherry Flavored Antacid, 'Kitami
...... Description: Using Mennewsian items, the MAC, photoshop or paint, create the most hobo-looking avatar you can come up with. Catch, you can't use the peasant shirt. May add other categories.
You Should: Have a submission form, be sure they use a host link, not a link from mene, when providing an avie image. And Cherry, if you want to change the theme I suppose you can, but please ty and keep it relevant to the event. Maybe have them dress as trees. XD

Art Contest:
...Run By: SangALee, Pixore, Xaeven
...... Description: Self explanatory... There will be two categories, cg, and traditional. Users may draw any staff member they wish. The Pixel category was omitted because in the past, turn out has been poor.
You Should: Have a submission form, post all submissions 12-24 hours before closing date and time of contest, but not before. (Users may get intimidated and not participate)

Story Contest:
...Run By: Winter WolfGoddess, Enzuru, Zombie
......Description: Story contest, stories submitted must be related to kindness and charitableness. ((My comp didn't mark that wrong, that's actually a word? o.o; ))
You Should: Collect submissions, keep track of them, moderate the thread.

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 01:08 AM

Future Endeavors

The Exchange:

This is TGT's exchange thread where I buy low, and accept donations to support the event. Occasionally there may be raffles here, special sales, games, or whatever else I come up with.

The MiniShop:

Soon to come, TGT will have a mini shop selling an assortment of things from pixel art to holiday cards, and whatever else I find myself able to provide. All proceeds of course go to the event to be donated back to users.

The Events:

TGT likes to appear at every event in our own thread, so keep an eye out for us! I often give out freebies and play games to promote the event. Every year this event will repeat until I'm one of the following: Tired of running it, out of stuff, unable to for some other reason. XD
If we find ourselves unable to get a forum in the future, for any reason, we will likely continue in the GD under one thread.

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 01:12 AM

Special Thanks

Alright, if I were to list out all of the people that donated to this event, whether that donation be monetary, time, or just basic support, the list would go to Mars and back a few times over.

While it's rue that I, Burnt Biscuits, am the driving force behind it, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the help of those that supported me through every twist and turn.

Thanks to an assortment of users, we have nearly 200k in items to support the event and allow us to likely go on next year.

I want to thank all of my hosts, JellySundae for the forum, King for some last minute tweaks, Alicia, who donated 150k pure to the cause and a banner for siggies, all of my thread regulars for their never ending support, and Shel Silvertien (the poet). All the banner art is borrowed from his books. And Kitkat. Just cause. And Tilly too... and a bunch of other people I'm forgetting. If I forgot you, just imaging yourself here. <3 Here's a spae for you even. _____________. See? You're loved!

And thanks to you, for participating. n.n

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 01:26 AM

About Biscuits

I am Burnt Biscuits, the user behind The Giving Tree.

I'm a college student with a part time job living with my parents and grandmother. I'm an artist and a writer, I enjoy roleplaying and reading, and of course, hanging out in avatar sites. True to my geeky impulses, I also play chess and am a part of the chess club at my school. I think I might be the only girl on the team... XD On Mene I have an avatar art shop which has been horribly abused since I took up this event. I think there are about four people I owe art to. n.n;

If you want to know anything else, just ask!

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 01:39 AM


linapoo 11-22-2008 02:23 AM

WOOOOOOO. Let's get this party started. -breaks champagne on thread-

Enzeru 11-22-2008 02:25 AM

Did you have to waste the whole bottle? :(

linapoo 11-22-2008 02:27 AM

It's for a good cause. XD

kitkat 11-22-2008 02:37 AM

Kitkat took a nap just now.. :3

The Giving Tree 11-22-2008 02:51 AM

I just had some chow! <3

Tell people the event's open, I don't think many realize it. XD

Azntwins 11-22-2008 02:59 AM

AMG YAY! <33
-luffles on thread-

.Simplicity. 11-22-2008 02:59 AM

I just thought it was in the other thread.
Never knew it'd be here.

kitkat 11-22-2008 03:01 AM

there has been lot o' user run events licity :3

.Simplicity. 11-22-2008 03:04 AM

But...I've never seen them?
So this is my first one~

kitkat 11-22-2008 03:05 AM

well cool :3

i'm not sure if its going to be given out this year but i think biscuit has a oriental fan -winkwinknudgenudge-

.Simplicity. 11-22-2008 03:07 AM

That would be awesome!

But...I'm trying to get one in the auctions! D:

Azntwins 11-22-2008 03:08 AM

Good luck Simplicity! <3

.Simplicity. 11-22-2008 03:08 AM

Thanks azn. :]

Just gotta hope I have enough gold to outbid some of the people.
On of the people bidding on it has 51k...and it scares me.

Azntwins 11-22-2008 03:10 AM

Don't worry. xDD
just be there when the auction ends...
because a lot of people submit when it's too late and they do not get it. xD

.Simplicity. 11-22-2008 03:11 AM

I shall be there! :'D
Me and Eroy are in the same timezone, so it works out for me almost always~

Just gotta hope nobody will beat me.

M i n u x e 11-22-2008 03:26 AM

Yay the event is finally under way!!!
I hope this event is successful so everyone's hard work pays off <33333333

Burnt Biscuits 11-22-2008 03:31 AM

Kitkat, don't spread rumores about that, it won't be given away this year.

Rylynne 11-22-2008 03:32 AM

Yay for the opening of The Giving Tree! =D

This'll be my first user-run event too, like Shanny. =) So, I'm really looking forward to this~ <3<3

Burnt Biscuits 11-22-2008 03:37 AM

Spread the word!

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