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Bishalisious 05-04-2015 02:52 AM

💞Mature & Intriguing Love Stories💞
*I need gold!* The open forums only spark my interest minimally & I get uninspired with them unfortunately. SO I love to read & I'm a great writer. If I could have a redo on my college years I would have majored in English & became
an editor.....Therefore here is where I will let my creative juices flow while earning as much gold as possible.

---------- Post added 05-03-2015 at 11:33 PM ----------


Yasmena plucked away at her keyboard studiously hoping that she could meet her project deadline without having to stay over late & work more hours. She was a very attractive & intelligent woman living in New York working as an advertising executive for a firm that was not yet at it's pinnacle but still substained a decent amount of noterity amongst the advertising world. Yasmena's latest assignment was for a versitle beer or wine cooler cozy that kept beverages ice cold. The options allowed the customer to custom make what color options they would prefer via an online site & was reversable/2-sided plus it came in many different options for print patters. Yasmeena sighed deeply as she glanced at the clock on the computer monitor. "One more hour to go before I have to turn in my rough draft to that bitch of a boss of mine." Yasmena's boss Mrs. Bianca Dupree was a hard woman to please. Add in the fact that she shamelessly flirted with all her male subordinates made Yasmena shake her head at the married woman in frustration countless times.

KNOCK...KNOCK! Felix, Yasmena's funny & gay co-workers interrupts her thoughts & workflow as he quickly knocks on the window cubicle at her desk. "Hey Fe-Fe", Yasmena greets Felix by his nickname while looking up at him . Felix places his hands on his narrow hips, flips his hair as if it is flowing down his back or over his shoulders when in actuality he is sporting a very close hair cut but with a nice curly texture. "Giiiiirl you will not believe the juiciness imma bout to drop on ur lap right now"!!! Yasmena giggles quietly while eyeing Felix up & down admiring his outfit but entertained by his very feminine mannerisms. Felix was all of 5'9, cute, slim with smooth skin but gay as all outdoors. However, he was a up & coming graphic art designer & could dress his ass off. "So spill it Fe-Fe. Whats the tea"? Felix leans over closer to Yasmena & starts to whisper the latest office gossip. "CHILE, WHY Mrs BIANCA propositioned the new mail clerk!?! Low key some how it got out that Mrs Bianca offered to take him out for drinks later!" Yasmena frowns up her face in disgust then ask, "Wtf? DAMN she's bold. That new guy just started 2 days ago" Felix flings his hands around in his usual feminine manner and shakes his head. "Yes girl, lil miss thirsty for young & fresh meat is unquenchable boo. The thirst is real". Both Yasmena & Felix burst out laughing a lil too loud, but their bosses slutty behavior was trifling & comical. Suddenly they both hear someone behind them clear their throat. Yasmena swivels her desk chair around while Felix leans back up cutting his eyes to Mrs Bianca as she stares them both down malisiously with an air of superiority in her body language.

Bishalisious 05-05-2015 02:09 AM

Chapter 2

Mrs Bianca tightly crosses her arms across her perfectly surgically inhanced boobs while focusing in on both Felix & Yasmena. She quickly darts her eyes in Yasmena's direction. "So the rough edit must be done since its looks like u two have time to hold confrence. Right Yasmena?" Felix rolls his eyes slightly at Mrs Bianca's obvious attitude before politely excusing himself away from both ladies. "My bad boss", Felix replies in his effeminate manner. "I was just askin Yasmena if she felt like having lunch with (muah) later". Felix gestures with his right hand on his chest dramatically while fake smiling & batting his naturally curly eye lashes before promptly but gracefully walking off switching his cute lil hips. Mrs Bianca shakes her head slowly thinking to herself what a waste of a good piece of man. She then quickly looks over at Yasmena & states, "5, your rough draft, my office", then confindently walks away click clacking her expensive heels across the office floor away from Yasmena's desk. Yasmena is so pissed that her eyes start to water with tears. Her work speaks for itself. Over the 6yrs she has been employed with the company, she has brought them in hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. She quickly & angrly finishes up her paperwork. Prints it, snatches it up after each page is produced, then angrily marches to the elevators headed up to the executive floor to meet with her boss.

Yamenah hits the up button at the elevators while absent-mindly staring out the office windows to her right day dreaming about one day going into buisness for herself. The elevator dings as the doors open. Yasmena still caught up in her thoughts walks unconsciously into the elevator instantly bumping into an attractive gentleman that she had never seen before. She instantly starts to apologize as her nose fills with the most masculine & alluring scent of the stranges cologne that she has ever experienced in a man. "Ooops my apologies, I should be paying better attention", Yasmena nervously replies. Mr Stranger looks down into Yasmena's blushing face & smiles. "No no no, miss. A beautiful lady such as yourself always deserves the right of way". Yasmena giggles cutley at the strangers flirtatious but intriguing response. "So are you getting off on this floor"? Yasmena states as she enters the elevator. "No ma'am, headed one floor down to the lobby". He smiles again at Yasmena winking his eye as he presses the L button. Yasmena nods her head then focuses in on her ad draft reading over her paperwork as a distraction & to hide her peeked interest in her elevator companion. (Ding) the elevator doors open up as Mr Stranger turns towards Yasmena. "Hope to be seeing you soon Ms Lady". With another wink, Mr Stranger walks out the elevator into the lobby leaving behind his masculine enchating presence & scent for Yasmena to enjoy all the way up to the executive suites. She smiles to herself with thoughts of eventually running into Mr Stranger he said.

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