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hillary84 02-22-2018 05:47 PM

Artifacts,messages and hidden secrets ( An Avenger rp)Hillary84 and Phoenix of the Immortal
First, a mysterious artifact is found. Next a message posted deep within the Internet. Who is lurking in the shadows waiting to get the artifact for themselves ?

Name: Andrea Carpenter
Appearance :
Bio: Andrea has been interested in computers ever since she was a child and was encouraged by her parents and grandmother to pursue her career. She's currently an independent hacker and lives outside Washington DC.

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-23-2018 06:02 AM

(Just a bio, nothing to start off on)

Name: Alexis Sakamoto
Age: 25
Appearance: Wears blue jeans, black sneakers and a light blue tube top with a darker blue shirt over that. This is usually covered by a black cloak. She has black hair and blue-green eyes.
Job: Assassin hired by Hydra
Skills: Hacker, Martial Arts - judo and akidao, Swordsmanship, sneaking, marksmanship

Bio: Born to a drunkard and a whore, Alex was never wanted by her parents and ran away as soon as she could. Found on the streets she was taken in by an old man who taught her the ways of the world. Now, she's an assassin for hire, going from place to place in an attempt to find something worthwhile to do with her life.

hillary84 02-24-2018 03:57 PM

Andrea kept hoping that some of her contacts would be able to help her with the messages she had been finding around the Deep Web. She had sent messages to her contacts in Nepal and to a friend at the FBI. Somthing wasn’t adding up and it was bugging her. Being a freelancer hacker had its perks. She got to work at home and he an objective eye for some major companies. Looking the clock, Andrea got up from her computer chair and changed into some nicer clothes so she could go visit her aging grandmother. It broke her heart that her grandma was getting worse and hoped that today was a good day.

Phoenix of the Immortal 02-28-2018 05:02 AM

Alexis was waiting in an alleyway for a contact and her next job. Dressed like any other girl, no one would expect that she was actually an assassin for hire. All of this sounded fishy and she wouldn't be surprised if someone was going to try and double cross her. Its why she had countermeasures...just in case.

hillary84 03-02-2018 03:13 PM

Andrea walked down to the parking garage and decided that it would be best to take the bus. She had a feeling she was being followed by someone and knew one of her contacts was a driver of the bus. Andrea wanted to be around people since she was feeling apprehensive about that she had been working on.

Phoenix of the Immortal 03-03-2018 04:54 AM

Alexis was waiting in the garage, knowing that one of her contacts would be there.

hillary84 03-03-2018 04:06 PM

Andrea heard people in the garage and hid in the shadows. She didn’t want to be seen by anyone but wanted to know who they were. She hoped her minimal training as spy was enough not to be seen but knew that this might answer her questions.

Phoenix of the Immortal 03-04-2018 02:13 AM

Alexis saw the male come towards the empty garage and spoke a specialized code phrase before she responded in kind. After that, she was handed a piece of paper with her next mission on it.

hillary84 03-11-2018 02:28 PM

Andrea heard speaking but none of it made sense. She quietly went towards the door to the outside and thoughts went to her grandma Peggy. It had been a few days since she had visited and felt bad for not going the day before. She tended to get absorbed into her work.

Phoenix of the Immortal 03-12-2018 01:15 AM

Alexis heard the door close behind someone, narrowing her eyes. She had been sure that she hadn't been followed...

hillary84 03-14-2018 02:08 PM

Andrea was tense and wanted to know what those people had talked about. It was in her nature to be observant and sometimes heard more than she wanted to. She sat on a bench and waited for the bus and hoped she was still safe.

Phoenix of the Immortal 03-14-2018 11:16 PM

Alexis kept an eye on the female, wondering who she was and how she had followed her in the first place.

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