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The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:51 PM

[Hangout] The Time Machine

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:51 PM

You've just secured passage on a time machine with some plucky alien youths. The machine is set to P for Prehistory. Dinosaurs, Volcanoes, and Cavemen roam the land below. What Hijinx will ensue on your pre-historic adventure?

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:52 PM

How Many Eggs?

Let's play a guessing game! How many eggs did Boq Boq swipe for his species catalog? Fill out the form and take a guess. All guesses get some gold, the closest guess will win "It came from outer space."

*Note: the final egg number will be rolled for close to the end of the event in a random 1-1000 number generator


[LEFT][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=skyblue]Soooo Many Eggs[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT]

[B]Egg count:[/B]
Should look like:

Soooo Many Eggs

Username: Boq boq
Egg count: over 9000!

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:52 PM

The peaceful night sky looks down on the denizens of Menewsha as they sleep. Crickets chirp a sweet night song as the gentle wind blows blades of grass across a field. A shooting star moves across the sky. Such a primitive little place. Not much history here. Are you sure the professor approved this world for our study or are you trying to see that Earther girl again? boq: Mean talker. Yes, Professor says go. Very well initiating Time Protocols. boq: And Extra credit Human friendship! Negitive! We must stick to protocol this time. No Earther "friends" on the Time Ship, Boq boq! We got in HUGE troubles last time from our parental guides. boq: You worry like an elder. School assignment Earth history and extra credit Human befriending initiated! BOOP! NEGATIVE!

Boq boq boops a button with his exclamation. Soft beams of light flow down into a young Cecilia's room. She lifts up into the air and gently floats towards the alien craft. boq: Time sequence initiated level P for Prehistoric!

In the alley below a certain kitty was on nightly patrol and notices Cecilia flying out her window. Yumeh hisses and jumps up toward the beam getting caught in it himself. I can not believe you! I am the elder sibling you must listen to me. Bad Boq boq! boq: Minutes should not dictate leadership. You are sounding like an Earther. Most don't believe in us either. Hehe. Humorous brother. NEGATIVE!

The ship phases into the distant past and nearly crashes into a volcano.

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

The Time Machine stabilizes and parks near a volcano. The twins make a few scans of the area. The ship alerts them to an intruder as Yumeh scampers around the cabin and hisses at the situation. boq: Aww human pet animal wanted to come too. It's angry. See it doesn't think this is a good idea either. boq: Pffil! Nonsense. It wants to wake up its human. Doesn't it? Yup, we'll be punished for sure if that happens.

Yumeh meows and bats at Boq boq's antennae as he's picked up by the scruff of the neck via on board security detection software. Floating around for a few moments it calms him.
Xeox finds the cats actions amusing and her mind is suddenly changed about the situation. However, I suppose if our parental guides will punish us once they find human is found in scan I might as well enjoy the mischief while it lasts. boq: That's the spirit, sis! Let me see the small mammal. boq: Wait your turn. You go after we wake Cessy. Fine

Boq boq holds yumeh up to Cecila's face. Yumeh meows and cooperates, he puts a soft paw on her forehead and meows some more. With the twitch of a nose and a big yawn, Cessy awakens to see her surroundings. Yumeh? Whaa? Oh hey Boq boq and Xeox! Been a long time since your ship crashed by on Menewsha. boq: Want to help us look some cool dino eggs for a school project? *giggle* Sure! Wait. What? She doesn't know where we are. Oh. right. Well how about I show you.

Boq boq opens the shuttle door in one of his usual "good ideas". The flutter of wings catches the attention of Yumeh and he takes off straight through the open doors into the wilds of prehistoric Menewsha.

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

Boq boq turns toward his sister in a slow awkward movement as Ceicila gleefully goes after the cat. Xeox stops her before she could get out the door and shoots her brother a dark icy glare. Do you even know what you could have done now?! That was not intentional I swear! Don't worry we can get Yumeh back. Yumeh is a good kitty.

Xeox pondered the situation for a moment. Putting together a way they could get the animal without doing any harm to their surroundings. Boq boq of course had his own ideas. He reached into a small compartment inside the ship and took out a ray gun. boq: We'll just set this to camouflage and we'll be good to go!

Without and further consideration Boq boq zapped both Cecilia and his sister with the ray gun. Lights flashed and they were all decked out in Carnivore styled Camouflage outfits. Seriously? Cool I'm A DINO! Rarr! boq: Well what would you suggest? Keep in mind further debating will have the feline animal spreading it's DNA everywhere polluting the timeline more with fur, dander and excre- . . . . . ALRIGHT! Alright proceed.

They made their way outside of the ship taking in their vast surroundings. The gravity of the situation sinking in. This shouldn't take long. Should it?

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

Cecilia stomps across the ground calling for Yumeh in "Dinosaur". Boq boq follows suit behind Cecila. Xeox eventually joins them in a more hushed tone. They eventually came to a clearing through the trees and a large nest site. boq: Oh! Look at all of these eggs. They'd make EGGcelent samples. *giggles* You're Punny. Paw prints! Let's follow them. Careful around those eggs Boq boq. Let's wait till after we've found Yumeh to get the samples.

Xeox and Cecila follow the recently laid paw prints leaving Boq boq behind. Boq boq walks slowly towards the eggs keeping an eye out for any angry parents. He took out his ray gun and zapped them to one tenth the size. boq: Now I'll just stuff these in the old pocket.

A rumbling in the distance is heard by the girls. Where's Boq boq? Probably by the eggies still. Of corse he is.
Yumeh: MEOW!! Yumeh! Come down from there silly.

Relived Xeox used her ray gun to put a protective bubble around the flustered animal.

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

With Yumeh safe in tow, Xeox and Cecilia start to make their way to the ship. That bubble looks super fun. Why is Yumeh so sleepy inside? When put in stasis like this creatures take a nap. Why? It's safer for them. Although I fear Yumeh may have been traumatized by something more than this situation. Poor kitty.

Boq boq caught up to Xeox and Cecilia. With a bounce and a roar he announced his presence. boq: I see you found Yumeh. No thanks to you. boq: I was just curious. . . You didn't?! boq: I can't help myself.

A loud booming roar is heard through out the jungle. Should we worried about that? boq: Start stomping. We're in camouflage so we should be able to scare away anything smaller. Umm but we're little.

Boq boq and Xeox hurry Cecilia along towards the ship.

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

The thunderous sound of foot steps were close to the group now. The tall trees rustle around them and clear to reveal the brood mother. It angrily eyes the group of children. The ray gun Boq boq I'm scared.

The large creature sniffs the air around them. It's maternal instincts kick in and no longer see them as a threat. In-fact between the carnivore camouflage and the egg samples in Boq boq's pocket she mistakes them for some of it's own. It nuzzled them and walked back to keep an eye out for the rest of the nest.

Boqboq beamed them with the ray beam again and they reverted back to their regular forms boq: Ha I knew it would work! Born fortunate. That was awesome!

Cecilia held the orb with Yumeh inside up to her eye level. Aww sleepy kitty missed it all. It's for the better. boq: Let's take the rest of the samples from the ship. Smartest thing You've ever said.

Boq boq and Xeox guided Cecila by the shoulders and walked with her to the ship.

The Time Machine 03-19-2017 06:53 PM

Once in the safety of the ship the twins continued their scans of Pre-historic Menewsha. Cecilia preoccupied herself with Yumeh's condition. Can Yumeh come out and play now that the door is closed? Yes I suppose so. boq: One happy kitty coming up.

Boq boq sent a beam of light in Yumeh's direction. The protection globe melted around the cat. Still lethargic and dazed from the experience Yumeh clumsily walked about the ship. Hmm Yumeh is walking funny. It was most likely traumatized by world outside. Poor kitty. I'll take you to Pamper Paws when we get back. I promise. boq: Pamper Paws? Interesting. . . It gives me a good idea for the next stop! Ancient Meket? boq: Yes! Exactly. We will need to execute with far more care this time. Interacting with ancient peoples of any planet is strictly forbidden. boq: Worry not. We will be most stealthy. Hey Cessy do you like the pyramids? Well sort of. They're kinda boring. Grandpa always talks about them and . . . boq: Perhaps if you saw them during their glory times.

Boq boq and Xeox entered a few coordinates into the computer. The ship began to phase into another time.

Join us in the next chapter of time travel tales in . . . An Ancient Celes-bration!

zeapear 04-29-2017 02:36 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Username: zeapear
Egg count: 241

So pumped for this event!

hummy 04-29-2017 02:37 AM

hiya, zeaper! *waves*

zeapear 04-29-2017 02:39 AM

Hi Hummy! How you doin'?

hanahaki disease 04-29-2017 02:45 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Username: hanahaki disease
Egg count: 700

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:02 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Egg count:670

Kiari 04-29-2017 03:24 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Egg count:487

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:44 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Username: dragoness129
Egg count: 850

Shadami 04-29-2017 03:51 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Egg count:42

Sporcle 04-29-2017 04:16 AM

Soooo Many Eggs

Username: Sporcle
Egg count: 555

Hey, hey, hey!

*Hime* 04-29-2017 06:41 AM

Ooooh new event! Just when I am going hiking for the weekend :/

marnie 04-29-2017 07:27 AM

HAVE fun, HIMEie!

*Hime* 04-29-2017 07:30 AM

Hiking, seems quite fiting for this event, no?
We gonna search for wood and cook on fire :)

hummy 04-29-2017 07:32 AM

i'll bring the marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers!

*Hime* 04-29-2017 07:38 AM

Hmm sounds delicious. The marshmellows are already in my bag. Together with the can of saucages :)

hummy 04-29-2017 07:43 AM

i'm a hot dog roasted over the fire kinda girl ;p

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