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jellysundae 05-20-2012 04:31 PM

Jelly's procrastination thread
Hey, I do not need any help with being distracted from what I'm supposed to be doing. But what the hell, have at it! :lol:

How you guys doing today?

hummy 05-20-2012 04:42 PM

*helps jelly procrastinate*
i like to help,
even if you don't need any.

Keyori 05-20-2012 04:42 PM


I just woke up at my friend's house. I can't wait to get home to a proper computer so I i can start entering contests and open my event art shop!

Shoudn't I be :feesh:ing you about the yan global domination thread? I guess I am just too nice xD

hummy 05-20-2012 04:48 PM

you are too nice.

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 04:52 PM

Hiya Jelly!

Yay for another place to post!

hummy 05-20-2012 04:53 PM

is jelly tired of tagging the event commons yet?

jellysundae 05-20-2012 04:55 PM

I finished tagging those last night, before I went to bed :P

Keyori, there's just not enough hours in the day for me to get everything that I need to do, done ._. One day though, I will get everything caught up :illgetu:

Amane 05-20-2012 04:56 PM

Procrastination is a lovely thing. Until it's time! But it still plagues me. :P

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 05:01 PM

I was just trying stuff on, and everything I tried seemed to work, so it appears your work is done, Jelly.

(For now)

jellysundae 05-20-2012 05:01 PM

See, now I'm wasting time making an avie contest entry xD

I never realised now nice Apricot's jacket looks with the Athena dresses :O

hummy 05-20-2012 05:02 PM

you're not wasting time,
you are participating, jelly.
we love seeing our admins/mods participating with us.

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 05:03 PM

*looking for Apricot*

Where did you see this?

jellysundae 05-20-2012 05:06 PM

Her jacket from the Newbie store :yes:

This contest entry is gonna be harder than I though xD I'm not sure if I'll be able to have white hair to be honest, that's probably too much to be counted as an accent colour *goes to change*

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 05:06 PM

I never enter the avatar contests....
lol...I have such a thin skin at times.

hummy 05-20-2012 05:07 PM

you have a great eye for rmaking avi's, Jeannie.
you should enter.

jellysundae 05-20-2012 05:11 PM

I like the challenge of not being able to use any colours other than yellow, orange and green :yes:

Amane 05-20-2012 05:11 PM

I don't do avvie contests, either. I just toss together what I have and if it's pretty, yay. :XD

jellysundae 05-20-2012 05:12 PM

I'm giving myself a challenge within the challenge xD To create a "normal" outfit within those colour limits :ninja:

Artsydaze 05-20-2012 05:13 PM

Procrastination? Yes, I am procrastinating! *Makes herself at home*

Amane 05-20-2012 05:13 PM

Color challenges seem so hard. I made a 100% red and black avvie once, and it was a little difficult. Luckily I have a lot of red and black. If it had been other colors besides blue, I probably couldn't have done it!

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 05:21 PM

I never read the challenge.

Hmm....Yellow, Orange, and Green?
That would be a real challenge to me.

I'd be tempted to go with just a green one!

Amane 05-20-2012 05:24 PM

I think I could accomplish a 100% blue avvie. Well… actually, maybe not. Too many other colors mixed in with my blue stuff. :XD It wouldn't look too good.

Jeannesha 05-20-2012 05:40 PM

I don't stick with just one color...
I find that there are styles of clothes that I like, and I usually try to get every color in that style.

Amane 05-20-2012 07:06 PM

I have a lot of colors, but most of my stuff is blue.

hummy 05-20-2012 07:07 PM

most of mine is teal.
i need to get more commons.

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