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CK 01-11-2008 12:25 AM

Mene's First Birthday Baking Contest! - Due date extended!
Banner by Nike13. Thank you! <3

Get out your baking pans, Menewshians! It's almost time to celebrate Menewsha's first birthday! Horray! For this contest, I (CK) am asking you to test out your baking skills in celebration! You can win gold or items - and you get to eat the cake too. :)

Photographs only! (No artwork!) Video entries are also acceptable if viewable from an online service. :)

Entries are due posted in this thread at any time before this Event Sub-forum is closed. If the forum isn't locked, you can still enter! (Please use the form.)

CK 01-11-2008 12:52 AM

1) Follow Menewsha's TOS.

2) Entries must be submitted to this thread by the due date, using the form. (You are not eligible if you don't use the form!)

3) Do not submit with a mule account. (I can and will check!)

4) You may get help from family or friends on the baking - but you must do the majority of the work yourself!

5) You may not get professional assistance! Home-baked entries only, please!

6) Multiple entries in each category are welcome - but you may only win once in each category. (Ie: You cannot win First and Second prize.)

7) All users (including Staff and those with their own Menewshaversary threads/contests) are welcome to participate! :D

8 ) Photographs only! (No artwork!) Video entries are also acceptable if viewable from an online service. :)

* Please fill out a separate form for each entry you submit. Do not combine them into one form. :)


Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: (Your username.)
Category: (Which category are you submitting to?)
Creation Name: (Please tell us what you call your creation! ie: "Yumeh's birthday cake" or "Chocolate doublecruch Crowncakes".)
URL: (Where can photo(s) and/or video(s) of your entry be found online?)
Comments: (Tell us about your creation! What is it made of? What were you inspired by? Did anything funny happen while you were creating your entry?)

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: CK
Category: Birthday Cake Contest
Creation Name: Three-Tier Yumeh Cake!
URL: pretend url here!
Comments: This three-tier cake is made out of one layer of chocolate, one layer of vanilla, and one layer of pumpkin spice cake! I decorated it with homemade black icing and I used blue M&Ms for the eyes! :D
My mom taught me how to use the new oven, but it was kind of funny because the layer of chocolate had to be done twice because she's still learning too. XD; My fingers are still black! D:

CK 01-11-2008 01:13 AM

Categories and Prizes
There are three entry categories! Remember that the Menewshaversary theme colors are gold, green and blue and it's considered Yumeh's birthday. :) (It is not, however, necessary to have your entry meet the theme as long as it has a general Menewsha theme to it. ;) )

Each category must have at least five contestants (not entries) for the prizes to be handed out. Otherwise, each participant will receive 50 gold. (Example: If the Cake Event has only 3 entries, I will hand out 50 gold each and not the listed prizes.)

+ Birthday Cake
Bake a cake with a "Menewsha's First Birthday" or general Menewsha theme to it. :)

- (First) 1000 gold
+ your choice of either1 Winter Event Rares Set or 1 Halloween Event Rares Set.
- (Second) 500 gold
- (Third) 250 gold

+ Birthday Cookies
Bake cookies with a "Menewsha's First Birthday" or general Menewsha theme to it. :)

- (First) 1000 gold
+ your choice of either1 Winter Event Rares Set or 1 Halloween Event Rares Set.
- (Second) 500 gold
- (Third) 250 gold

+ Birthday Confections (ie: Other)
Create candies, cupcakes, pies, or other confections (gelatins are fine!) with a "Menewsha's First Birthday" or general Menewsha theme to it. :)

- (First) 1000 gold
+ your choice of either1 Winter Event Rares Set or 1 Halloween Event Rares Set.
- (Second) 500 gold
- (Third) 250 gold

On the 21st, all nine winners will be put into a poll. Users will be able to vote on the one they think is the most awesome-spectacular until the Event ends.
The winner of this poll will receive one set of January Contribution Items. :) In the event of a tie, we will figure something out. XD;

CK 01-11-2008 01:15 AM

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to ask in-thread. :) I'll answer and then put the answer here in the FAQ! :)

1) How are entries judged?
Each entry will be judged 0 - 5 in each category:

Fits Theme?: How well does it fit the Menewshian First Birthday theme? How well does it relate to Menewsha in general?
Creativity: How creative is your entry? :)
Presentation: Did you take your photo with the cake still in the pan? Is the lighting in the photo poor? Take care with this area - it can make or break your entry!

CK will participate in the judging and select two or three extra judges when the event is closer to going through. :) Your scores will not be posted publicly!

2) Do entries have to be baked to be eligible?
I think most cakes and cookies (if not all) are made by baking. But the "Other" category is open to all other forms of desserts. :) Puddings, gelatins, candies - whatever dessert type thing you can make and turn into a Menewsha theme is acceptable, even if you don't use an oven. ;)

3) When are entries due? / What about People's Choice?
Entries are due 'sometime' by the 22nd of January - whenever the Event forum is closed. Your best bet is to get them in as quickly as possible, however! :o (Because I don't know the exact minute or hour of when the forum will close on the 22nd. But probably around 12 noon Pacific Time Zone!)
After the Event subforum has closed, I will make the People's Choice polling thread in Community Discussions to allow people to vote for their favorite. :)

CK 01-11-2008 01:19 AM

This is where I will store all entries. I'll update regularly. :)

+ Birthday Cake Entries

Username: Scribble Me Orange
Category: Cakes! =D
Creation Name: Menewsha Island Celebration!
Comments: I used Duncan Hines White Fluffy Frosting and I used 8 different kinds of Gels to make it. ;D My mom and I are gonna have a piece soon! :] I am also extremely messy with frosting it, and I am extremely bad with decorating. >_<

Extra: HEY CK! Would you mind adding that pic to my submission? It was just a little extra thing. The cake went bad (well it got hard) so I eated all the frostings off of the top of it and made the rest into a crown. ;D <333

Username: ToriKat
Category: Could I just put it in the Birthday Cake category?
Creation Name: Banana-licious Luffles for the Kitty-Yumeh-Face!
Comments: I used bananas, flour, brown sugar...oh, guess that's not really important. xD Let's see...something interesting. I originally made half the recipe, but when I realized I had too much bananas, I doubled all of my ingredients. Since I'm at my dorm room - which lacks kitchen supplies, I had to eyeball everything and convert using Google all of my measurements. I feared it would taste disgusting, but my roommate just ate it and said, "It really has a buttery taste, not too sweet, but it's good."

Username: 'clockwork
Category: Birthday Cake
Creation Name: Clockwork Cake! [xD]
URL: Pic One:
Pic two:
Comments: This is the Mene Clock Cake. xD I used funfetti cake mix, white frosting, and colored icing. The numbers are green, hands are blue, and the cake is goldenbrown. xD The hands are pointing to one because Mene is one year old! :]

I'm not really good at baking, so the cake wasn't done all the way. It looks sorta messy too o.o; It didn't taste very good... But my bf and I ate some anyways. We laughed really hard because the inside looked nasty... it was all colorful and mushy. I said it looked like Carebear vomit. :']

Username: Lyca
Category: Cakes!
Creation Name: Yummy Yumeh
Yumeh ated my rose
Oh noes, a crumb!
I gots sparkles in my roses
Comments: I made this cake from the Betty Crocker white cake mix. Came out a little overdone and thin so it was slightly crumbly. I put in a chocolate filling between the two layers and made the frosting myself. This thing's got 2 pounds of powdered sugar sitting on it!!! Frosting coma anyone? I made my frostings really stiff for the roses, and forgot about having to do the base I cracked the cake a few times. XD
Yes, I made the roses myself too, it's actually pretty easy once you practice...but I dropped my first rose on my foot and had to start over. Yumeh is made out of cake layered on the main cake cause I really didn't want a huge glop of frosting making him 3D. He really is popping out of the rose garden. I painted black food coloring onto his white frosting coat by hand. I also got these pretty sparkly sprinkle flakes that make the roses shine and gives the white an ice effect, though it's hard to see. The whole thing didn't take me too long though...only 3 hours including baking time.

Username: Amari Tsuki (Cami)
Category: Cake
Creation Name: Cami's Chaotic Kitchen
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Comments: I'd like to thank the mini-cabinet, box, and pot that made this video possible. Without their help holding the camera, I never would have been able to tape my crazyness.

XD I entertain myself. I hope I've managed to entertain some of you as well.

Username: raszala
Category: Birthday Cake
Creation Name: The Crownie Cake
URL: Right out of the Oven
After getting vanilla blancmange between the two layers
Yummeh raspberry marmelade <3
Here it got packed into marzipan
And that's what it looked like after decorating
Some details
Another detail
And yet another detail
Comments: It's a sponge cake with yummeh vanilla blancmange filling ^.^ i had to put yam on it to get the marzipan stuck on it xD
the golden/yellow crown on top is marzipan too, colored with food coloring.
as you can see in one of the detailpics, the crownie is sparkling <3
I took the crown cause yumeh is wearing one, and it's the very first Collectible Item on Mene ^^ and i have one by myself ö_ö and i love et
While i made the cake and it's decoration i was cleaning some of the stuff i used and the dish liquid was red, alike the yam
so there was a drop of dish liquid near the yam and i thought "oh, yummeh, yam!!" and ate et o.o
it was totally "WOAH!! i'm clean now" xDDD

Username: ladyumbra
Category: cakes
Creation Name:Mene's misspelled birtday cake
overall shot
again with lighting

dedications to CM's who made the site special for me
( gave me my first clothes)


always makes things interesting

Sizzla is a great friend ( much apologies for the misspelled name
love for josh
Sorry for the misspelled birthday

detail of crown and yumeh

Comments: Homemade vanilla cake , cream cheese icing and variety of coloured icing, gel and sugar crystals were used to make this cake. I had several misspelling issues but it just made the experience more fun.

Username: Madoneko
Category: Cake~
Creation Name: A Very Yumeh Menewshaversary!
A lighted top view~ Kitchen counter view~
And to see the other pictures, check my album! x]
Comments: My friend Lizz very kindly let me borrow her kitchen, and her camera! xD And she helped me out, couldn't have been done without her. <33 [gratis]
It's a strawberry cake with white frosting, and with added jello for flavouring. ^^ All of the colours are the same white frosting, except with added colour dye. Black was fun to make, I added a lot of blue...and red...and green...and added more. And more. And it wouldn't turn darker!
And then I added some more, and more, then Lizz said we should just settle for a very very very dark grey. x]
The cake took around 8 hours total to get done, I had to keep calling my dad to pick me up later. XD The Menewsha lettering alone took around an hour, colours included!
But it was tons of fun to make; the cake was very yummy too! I wish I could download it on here so you all could taste it. ;]
Anyway, I hope you enjoy me entry, and a Happy 1st Menewshaversary to you all! ^__^


Username: Karla
Category: Birthday Cake :]
Creation Name: Fantastically Amazingg Chocolate Yumeh? XD;~
URL: I made videos, and they're really short, but there are like 10 of them. XDDD
[1] // Hello! This is what I'm making. XD;~ Where'd the eggs go!? D:
[2] // Mixing in the dry ingredients. Mhm. Those eggs again >_>
[3] // Flour mixture timee. XD
[4] // Time to put it in the ovennn. <3
[5] // Yay! It's done. XDD && time for frostingg? XD;~
[6] // Trying to cut Yumeh? XDDD
[7] // Frosting? o.O; Not working? D:
[8] // Tada! Finished. <3
[9] // Extraaa. <3 Menewshaaa I love youuu. <3 && Vaughn, I love you too babe. ;D <33

Comments: Okay. XD So mhm. This one was a lot harder than my little cupcakes, and a lot messier. XD;~ I kept losing the eggs. D: && then I couldn't break the eggs because I had the camera. X.x Actually, I had a lot of difficulties with the camera if you didn't figure that one out. XDD I suck. So Yumeh sorta looks ugly in the end, but I tried. XDDD I had to make him secretly because it would be weird to be all "Oh yeah, I'm making a Yumeh Cat for some website you've never heard of, mom" XDD So yeahh. Sorry there are so many little videos. D: My camera fails. </3 But yeah, hope you enjoyed those crappy little videos. XD;;~

Username: Archer
Category: Cakes
Creation Name: Yumeh's Paw Print Birthday Cake
URL: Happy Birthday Yumeh!
Side View
Top View
Comments: This cake didn't turn out exactly as I had envisioned it. In fact, my idea's for it changed several times as I was baking and the paw prints were a last minute decision. (I was running out of frosting! ;A; )

It's a chocolate fudge cake with chocolate mousse in the center. Yum yum. Except when I was waiting for the mousse to set in the fridge... it never did. I'm hoping it will do it's job, though, of adding moisture to the cake. <3 The frosting is a basic Wilton buttercream, but will milk instead of water to add to the taste. The only good thing about winter is that I can store cakes with spoilable frosting out in the garage. XD Covered, of course. >> <<;

I couldn't figure out how to work green into the cake, but I managed blue in the frosting and gold foil on the cake board and the gold (Well.. yellow.. u_u ) sparkles and candle on top. I haven't tasted it yet, but my family and I will enjoy it after dinner tonight. <3


Username: Sakura_Madison
Category: Birthday Cake Contest
Creation Name: Yumeh and Mr. Mayor; First Time Decorating A Cake.
URL: Before decorating:
After decorating:
With a candle:
Wishing a Happy Birthday song! Video:
Cutting the cake:
Eating the first piece:

Comments: This cake is the first time I did by myself and the first time I decorated one.

My cake is made of Betty Crocker Chocolate Mix, with the other ingredients of 3 eggs, stick of butter, and 1 1/3 cups of water.

I was inspired by this contest itself. I saw this contest and I wanted to bake a cake. I saw a lot of Yumehs on the cake. So, I decided to add Mr. Mayor on there too.

The funny thing that happened while mixing the cake was that I lifted the mixer and kinda spattered around the wall, kitchen wear, and on me. At least, my mother did not find out I made a mess. I cleaned it up before anyone saw the mess.
+ Birthday Cookies Entries


Username: Akiou
Category: Birthday Cookies
Creation Name: Menewshan Birthday Assortment
Comments: For my entry, I made some basic sugar cookies. x3 I used some special paste food coloring to get black. I used a powdered Sugar glaze for some of them, and regular store bought frosting for the rest. :3

Silly me, I can't follow recipes very well... so I messed up a bit, but I think they still taste yummy!

If you can't tell, I made a little Yummeh cookies, and some of the blue gift boxes that have been given out. The snowflake is from my favorite set, the winter event set. ^^ And the purple one is just to represent a cake with candles or something. x3

Username: Reya
Creation Name: Yumeh's Yummy Birthday Cookie!
URL:I hope this workes!
Angular View:
Top View: Close up!:
Comments: Yes, this larger-than-your-head block of sugar is really a cookie! Measuring 113/4 inches its almost a cake!...but not.

Im very proud of my self and the fact that i did not get burned! I have an ongoing argument with the oven and every time i use it it attacks me.

This did not go as i would have hopped tho'. While the edges burned the middle was still gooey, so i had to put tin foil around the edges(or, because i was afraid of the oven, get my braver father to do it for me. Under strict orders and supervision of course. >.< ). I was planning on using chocolate frosing for the Yumeh, but when i opened it, someone had slashed open the sealer thing, so aparently it was "tampered with" and "unsafe to eat", i say it was a waste of perfectly good frosting... :( , but i had to mix all of the food dye to get a blackish color, so now i have blue hands and yellow all over my face! And it doesn't come off! I also stuck my thumb through the frosting tube when i was doingthe bday hat...ruined my nail polish! XB.

I think it turned out pretty good tho! Were going to eat it...well, as soon as i get the picture up and i better hurry!

Happy Birthday Mene!

Username: ladyumbra
Category: cookies
Creation Name: Cookies of Doom
#1 for it being our one year "Birtday"
M is For Mene and its good enough for me.
Gift box ^.^
Heart with V V for Vicky Valentine <3
A crown ^.^
Me eating a crown<3 (It smells like a pretzel)
A video. I am eating the gift box. The mysterious voice int he background is the wife.

Comments: Commercial sugar cookie mix was used to make the cookies.

Username: Bunnyy
Category: Birthday Cookies (:
Creation Name: Crunchy Coconut Celebration Cookies <3
This is when I put it in the oven for about 1 minute then, I remembered I should take a piccy first so I took it out. XD;

All together. Done! Yay! x3

One of the cookies. (:

Some of the cookies.

Yumeh coconut cookie! x3

Crown coconut cookie! x]

Another groupie of them all. :]
Comments: Well, I was looking through all my drawers and cupboards in the kitchen but I couldn`t find anything to make cookies with except for flour. :<
But then I found a bottle which had no label on it so I opened it up and looked inside.
I didn`t know what it was! O:
So I sniffed it and then it was obvious.
It was coconut! 8D
So I mixed some flour, coconut, sugar, milk, eggs and some other stuff and then I made the shapes. >:]
Then baked them.
And finally... YAY! 8D
*munch munch*
Gone ...
Nah, I saved one cookie each for the rest of my family. x]
They tasted nicer than I expected. XD <3
I nearly burnt myself taking them out though. Dx

+ Birthday Confections Entries


Username: Karla
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Yumeh's Neapolitan Cupy-cakes.
URL: The batter. [x]
All the cupcakes before baking. [x]
Right out of the over. [x]
Frostinggg. [x]
Decorations. [x]
Yumehh. [x]
Eating. <3 [x]

Comments: These delectable cupy-cakes are Neapolitan inspired! :] They have three different batters, vanilla, strawberry, & chocolate. They were a lot of fun to make. The frosting is homemade cream cheese frosting with homemade royal icing on top. :] I drew a Yumeh & a couple other little things for fun. <3 I destroyed my kitchen 3 times to make these cupcakes. XP;~ I got powdered sugar EVERYWHERE and then some. XDD They were fun to eat too. XP; Because they were so random in the inside <33

Username: Vadeil
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Two Layered B-day Brownie

Comments: Well earlier to day i made brownies <.< >.> (used the Betty Crocker Brownie mix) and i wanted to enter this contest and the first thing i thought of was make muffins. but the i saw my many cut up brownies and thought i can do something with these. so i stacked one on top of the other then decorated it with valentine sprinkles. (i know vary creative arnt i? xD) so i took the pic when i was done it didn't come out as good as i wanted it to T.T a little to blurry for my taste. my favorite part of this entry was the vary colorful paper plate!

Username: raszala
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Yumeh Crown Moffin <3
URL: Moooooffin ^.^
Comments: i made some muffins for selling on the farmer's market tomorrow and i decided to participate with one more decorated moffin
the crown is made of marzipan. there are some cherrys in the muffins and all in one it's a normal muffin recipe
i made it while i baked the crownie cake, so i ate the dish liquid instead of the yam o.o

Username: Vadeil
Category: Confections
Creation Name: Awesome Apple Thingy
The Apples: X
De-skinned Apples: X
Cut Up Apple: X
Found out one of the apples where rotten >.<
Cut Up And Placed Apple Peaces: X
Finished With A Caramel Sweetness: X

Comments: Its made out of apples and caramel, a some what healthy midnight snack. as i said up there one of the apples where rotten T.T that sucked. I was inspired by the fact that we could use fruits in this contest.

Username: Azureile
Category: Birthday Confections
Creation Name: Yumeh's Yum-meh Fishy-not-a-Fish
URL: x

No Bites
One Bite
Two Bites
Three Bites, Gone!

Comments: Simply made with bread, peanut butter, and sugar. Oh, and a broken Smartie for the eyes.

I ate it all in three bites. :D

Username: Viéko
Category: Confections @_@
Creation Name: "Magical Vortex MeneMuffins" >_>
Comments: My creation is muffins. Specifically, chocolate surprise muffins. That means they may look like your average chocolate muffin at first glance, but should you happen to get inside one, you may find a wonderful chocolatey surprise. Wonderful, if you are not lactose intolerant or if chocolate and dairy products cause allergic reactions upon consumption. If you can relate to either of those things, I sympathise with you.

The icing was made of various food dyes mixed with varying amounts of icing sugar, butter, water, cocoa and vanilla essence. Do I need to list them all? >_> I used blue, rose pink, yellow, and cocoa for Yumeh (X3). Small plastic cookie bags make for great disposable piping bags and I felt very artistic.

Extra decoration elements included little sugary cutout sprinkes like hearts, dots, and leaves (though you can't really see the leaves, i used a yellow one in yumeh's crown >_>) etc. These lovely little shiny balls of happiness apparently called cachous, the insistent notion that I was absolutely no matter what, to decorate one muffin with a picture of a little black (cocoa >_>) cat on it... and my sanity.

As I have never really decorated cakes or anything before, I can say this now to all those pastry chefs and the guys who write the happy birthday messages on top of your ordered birthday cakes: RESPECT.

That is all. XD

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: Bunnyy
Category: Birthday Confections (:
Creation Name: Pretty Party Pancake <3
Pretty Party Pancake <3 - a coconut creation 8D
Comments: It`s a cocunut pancake! xD
I`m surprised by the taste. o_____o
I thought a coconut pancake would taste... WEIRD. O:

CK 01-11-2008 01:21 AM

And posting to let people know that questions, comments and entries are officially open as of now. :3

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters 01-11-2008 01:27 AM

This looks interesting!


Gabriel 01-11-2008 02:25 AM

Agreed. What an interesting contest this will be.

Scribble Me Orange 01-11-2008 02:45 AM

Oh that's very awesome! I may make something for that..OH OH I KNOW!

CK 01-11-2008 03:05 AM

:3 Excited to see entries. :D

This thread, btw, will be moved to the Menewshaversary Event forum once it opens. But I'll leave it here until such time as it does. (It's a contest that requires preparation, so you guys get a few days before the event starts to get your ingredients together!)

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters 01-11-2008 03:18 AM

If I tried to do this, i'd end up making little black pebble type things. .____.;;

But i'm still going to be lurkin'

Scribble Me Orange 01-11-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by CK
:3 Excited to see entries. :D

This thread, btw, will be moved to the Menewshaversary Event forum once it opens. But I'll leave it here until such time as it does. (It's a contest that requires preparation, so you guys get a few days before the event starts to get your ingredients together!)

I'm definitely going to be at that event! HELL YES! When is it, exactly?

My mom says she wants to make a cake anyways, so once I get to baking that (Saturday probableh~), I'll be like. MOM CAN I DO A CONTEST ON TAH INTERNETZ? And she'll be all. Yeah. I don't care. :P So be prepared for an entry from me!

CK 01-11-2008 03:46 AM

@Scribble Me Orange: You can start posting entries now! :) This thread will be here until the event forum opens on the 18th. And the due date for submission of all entries is the 20th. So you have about 10 days to get to baking. :D

ToriKat 01-11-2008 03:54 AM


I made a cookie...but then I ate it. >_>;

(I'll go grocery shopping soon and see what I can do :3)

Scribble Me Orange 01-11-2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by CK
@Scribble Me Orange: You can start posting entries now! :) This thread will be here until the event forum opens on the 18th. And the due date for submission of all entries is the 20th. So you have about 10 days to get to baking. :D

I'm certain I'll be bakin' on Saturday. =D I'll be all perfect with the decorating. It'll take me like a half hour to freaking get it all the way I want it. (that's a long time considering I'm a fast cake decorator).

Tori: WWAAAH I LOVE THAT PICTURE! I made you a cookie. But I eated it. :(

CK 01-11-2008 04:13 AM


I've been super-excited about this contest for months. I'm really interested in what results. :3

(Also - I love that lol-cat meme picture too. :33 )

ToriKat 01-11-2008 04:17 AM

xD I love that too! I wasn't sure if it was eated or ated. 8D I think I'm going to run with that idea. >D

Xaevan 01-11-2008 04:41 AM

Ooh~ This is a lovely idea! >w<

I already feel hungry reading about the contest.

Hmm... I have not baked in a while. Maybe I should get my cooking utensils back out this weekend for this contest. XD

clock 01-11-2008 04:55 AM

I'm tempted to make Mene cupcakes. >__> It'd be a good excuse for making baked goods. lol

Caroline 01-11-2008 05:20 AM

I wish I had an oven. XD

CK 01-11-2008 05:42 AM

Aw, Caroline... You don't need an oven, really. XD If you make gelatins or puddings, they don't require an oven. XD

Lyca 01-11-2008 06:54 AM

This'll be a perfect excuse to make that red velvet cake I've been craving. :] Let's hope I can get the kitchen clean in time. (it really is bad...sink issues) And I'll get to play around with frosting! Woot!

clock 01-11-2008 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Caroline
I wish I had an oven. XD

Just raid a friend or relative's house and use their oven. xD
I'm sure they'd allow it if you offered part of what you made.

wish 01-11-2008 12:13 PM

jelly! XD <3 Thanks for adding the word gelatins into the confections catagory!! :]!

Ti 01-11-2008 12:21 PM

sounds fun... if i get the chance to do any baking i'll see what i can come up with

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