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Veno 07-05-2015 05:04 AM

Ocean Air & Sunshine Adventures

I've been through some internal and external turmoil in the past but here within the recent probably nine months I've had I guess a one-eighty change. Honestly I think the day I found out I was pregnant was actually the day something changed in me. Like a ray of sunshine trying to push through all my dark demons. It took awhile for me to really come to grips with how my life was going to play out. Obviously some dreams and goals just either altered or pushed back, but better goals and dreams came alive. It's exactly 2 weeks until my Finnley Reids' due date but of course he gets to pick the date. I'm still living at home with my parents, getting my school together (Sonography/ultrasound tech) as well as some work hoops I'm jumping through. * Not entirely sure if I still have a job, but we will get there another time when I have more details and time.*

My 2015 Goals

~ Have a healthy baby.
~ Completely cut meat from my diet.
~ Switch to homemade/all natural shampoo/conditioner/toothpaste.
~ Start yoga/meditation/exercise routine.
~ Pass all my college courses this semester & the TEAS V exam.
~ Catch up on bills/debt & get a bank account.
~ Take a picture every day of my son.
~ Completely cut out drinks other than teas, coffee, water and juice.

Veno 07-06-2015 03:35 AM

07.05.2015 :: Sunday

Just an ordinary day really. My brother and his family came over and celebrated the weekend with us. (My pregnant self and my parents) I actually got myself out of bed fairly early, went shopping with my mom, came home and took a nap.
Now growing a baby takes lots of energy and I was already spent. Lol Enjoyed the rest of the evening with my family, did a few errands and now prepping and preparing for the really busy day tomorrow. I am T-minus 13 days until my little boys due date and I have a boat load and a half of things to get together for school/work. >.< Yikes! It's really crunch time. And my schooling paperwork has to be done and submitted by the 22nd! I'm a little bit of a stressed mama-to-be to say the least.

The "sperm donor" finally decided to message me today for the first time in quite some time to see how me and "his boy" are doing. That's a whole other story for another day.

I think I have finally gotten all the baby things I need. Yay me. I only have to set up the pack and play, but I'm sure I can talk my dad into doing that for me since I'll do that when I get home from the hospital. No reason to do it before. It doesn't take forever to set up Lol

Current goals:
~Get all school things situated by the end of the week 07.10.2015
~Continue to put something that I'm thankful for daily in my thankful jar. (I'll admit it's been lacking and that makes me sad, but I try.)
~Have a healthy baby. Hopefully naturally and unmedicated.
~No issues with breastfeeding.
~No issues with cloth diapers.
~Get custody/child support junk sorted out and arranged.
~Sort things out with work. If not, find a new job.

I also want to try to at least post in here weekly after my son is born and to keep up with things on Mene. But that is just a want not really a goal.

Veno 07-07-2015 04:43 AM

07.06.2015 :: Monday

Today went... interestingly. Basically stayed up all night last night until after my mom went to work and then stayed up longer until about 10:30 am. Slept until 3:30pm and then I've been up an at 'em since. Basically doing nothing. I really just want to laze around or sleep lately. Growing a baby is wearing me out physically. Lol I can fold some laundry and be like "It's naptime now" some days. Other days I'm "balls-to-the-wall" full of energy which I take advantage of. I didn't get a single thing done today that I wanted to and I'm quite upset with that, but that's my fault.

Tomorrow is a new day and it's filled with running errands. Yay me. I also broke my toenail off today setting up the baby things in my room.

PLUS sides for the day. Almost everything is in order for baby. I can still reach my toes to paint them and to shave my legs. I am trying to have a more positive outlook and focus on life. I want to wear a rubber band and anytime I think or say something negative I pop it and replace that thought/or words said with something positive. My mom is always saying "You hate everything. What do you even like?" Yada Yada.

Tomorrow I want to try to incorporate more water into my diet. I honestly can't remember the last time I just had some glasses of water. Probably about a month ago or two when I stopped drinking juice and water religiously. Yikes. >.< I need to amp up on that and the raspberry leaf tea. They are both suppose to make labor/delivery easier. I want to try to finish my baby wrap and to practice front braids in my hair prior to him being born. I always say "I'll try today" and never do. I really need to step it up. I feel like I've been the most sloth like person on the planet here lately.

Veno 07-07-2015 10:19 PM


Alright so my little mister still hasn't decided to make his appearance yet regardless of all the walking around I've done. He still has 12 days until his due date, but I am so ready to not only see him, but to be able to do things at least somewhat comfortably haha. Sitting/walking/sleeping/eating/showering it's all become a "labored" task. Waddle waddle waddle. Being pregnant has been an amazing adventure but as all adventures do - it must come to an end. lol Plus it will be nice not to have carpel tunnel issues related to pregnancy. Haven't been able to feel my right hand for about the past month.

It'll also be nice to be able to have a beer during the summer, and to start working on losing my baby weight. Though that's just the wants. I think I have a list front and back of everything I want to do/take pictures of etc of his first 3 months, hah and I'm already planning Christmas, his birthday and 999 other things. I never thought someone could occupy this much of my mind! It has been a slight blessing being single in all of this. Getting to choose the name/outfits/decor without anyone giving me grief or their two cents or arguments. :)

I'm hoping that the custody/child support arrangements and court things wont be drawn out and terrible. I don't care if he sees his father even if he isn't the best person in the world, he's very far from the worst. I would never take away that opportunity for either of them unless of course my son would be in danger of any kind. BUT that's neither here nor there currently.

My goals for this week are as follows :: Make a flat hemp bracelet :: Finish registering for college classes :: Practice front braids :: Finish my baby wrap :: Finish the wall collage for Finnley Reid. - That's my sons name - <3

Veno 07-09-2015 02:59 AM

07.08.2015 :: Wednesday

HAHA Okay so today I thought it was Thursday. Threw me off and for a loop. Still no baby popping yet. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so we will see how it goes. Hopefully she says I'm at least more dilated/effaced. The past four days I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea (two cups) and it's suppose to not really help you go into labor, but to ease labor by strengthening the uterus muscles and other things as well and the healing process after. SO we shall see how well that even works. It's not the tastiest drink in the world but it's not too bad either.

I started using camomile tea mixed with some conditioner on my hair. I am going to try the Clairol Shimmer Lights Conditioning Shampoo after I finish my current bottle of shampoo. I want to make my own shampoo but right now the money just isn't allowing me to buy all the upfront ingredients to start it. But by New years I plan on not buying any shampoo/conditioner/toothpaste/ or deodorant. I've got a homemade recipe for all of them. :} That cuts down on the chemicals I release in the environment as well as the plastics the bottles are made out of.

Yesterday I started "oil-pulling" which is where you swish organic-unrefined coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. It's suppose to whiten your teeth, promote healthy gums and overall mouth health. I didn't do it for quite 20 minutes. More like 15, but tonight (after I post this and finish my raspberry leaf tea) I will swish with it. I will keep everything updated in here. <3

Also have decided that I'm not going to cut my hair. At least until my 25th birthday. well I'll get it trimmed but nothing more than an inch every 6 months cut off. Just to keep it looking healthy and the split ends manageable.

RANDOM SHTUFF :: I think I want to rewatch Orange is the New black. I watched 'The Foxy Merkin' about a week ago, and to my surprise it was a pretty decent movie.

To sum everything up of today, I have been really lazy. Stayed up til 6am and then slept until 3pm. My sleep schedule is totally obliterated and it's only going to get worse with a new baby. LOL

Veno 07-10-2015 03:32 AM

07.09.2015 :: Thursday

Doctors appointment went good. I wish she had told me I was more dilated and effaced but unfortunately that wasn't the case. But everything is looking just great. I have my next appointment the 16th, IF he isn't here by then of course. I'm really hoping he comes before his due date the 19th because I don't want to be induced. :/ I really need to start paying attention to kicks and movement. I would rather be safe than sorry. She is giving me the go ahead of being induced into my own hands (within reason) she said she will give me until the 31st of June to have him. Which is 12 days after his due date. Which granted that's with keeping an eye on everything and if there isn't a reason to induce sooner than that. My brother was 6 days late and I was 2 days late. So I think I'll give him a week past his due date (which will make him a Leo and not a Cancer in the horoscope but that's okay haha)

Anyways I will keep updates in here of course. 9 days after tonight before his due date. Then possibly another 7. Yikes. I sure hope he comes in the next couple days. Lol And here we all were thinking he would be early because everythings been so smooth and measuring a little further along that expected. Guess not. He's quite content where he is, and can't say I blame him. haha but mama wants her belly sleeping and back sleeping back and so I can hold him.

My nerves have been a total and complete wreck about it, about being a mom and everything.

Tomorrow is another day and I have a lot to do and get accomplished. Including thank you notes for my baby shower. >.< It's only like 20 that I have to fill out. And I have a complete list of items and addresses and everything just haven't done it yet and it's been almost a month.

Veno 07-11-2015 04:07 AM

07.10.2015 :: Friday

Eight days left until his due date. Can I even begin to say how nervous I am about everything. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was even pregnant. - That was a scary day. So many emotions. I was a wreck. I can admit now, and I don't feel bad about it, I was really upset. I had all these hopes, dreams, ideas of how my life was going to go and within a matter of a couple of minutes - seemed like hours, my life had changed. I think I kind of knew in my heart about a week after Halloween (when he was conceived) that I was pregnant. Something just seemed different in me. I decided I would just wait until a missed period. Well it never showed up mid November. Took a test and it was very positive, even after only being pregnant for 2 weeks. I waited another two weeks and took another one. Yup. Positive. Went to the doctor and that's when it started to really sink it. It wasn't something just out of sight out of mind. It was really happening. Told the father - my best friend of 9 years - no response. Up until a couple weeks ago. That's another entry all in itself.

Anyways I am now carrying my own personal ray of sunshine. He has changed my life yes but entirely for the better and he isn't even here yet. I have become a much better person. More of the person I've always envisioned I would be. He was that "push" I really needed to become this person. I have mended a lot of old friendships with people I haven't talked to in years and years. I might be single. I might be a lesbian. Might be living at home with my parents. But I have myself and I have him. I have a plan and a crazy support system.

I just cannot wait until I get to hold him. It's going to be my greatest adventure. Storms and all. Mama loves her little Finnley Reid.

Today I bought a new journal, even though I have a good bit of time before I'll need it. I have about 200 pages left in my other journal (haha) But now at least I have it when I need it. Plus it's black and white chevron and teal edging. Very gorgeous. It's hardcover and almost identical to the one I currently am using. <3

I also am on day 3 of my oil pulling. So far haven't noticed much of a difference, but that's okay. It can take a month or two to see an actual difference. I also started used Clairol Shimmer lights conditioning shampoo. It's suppose to cut down on the brassiness of my hair, lets see how it really works :} Fingers crossed. It was 17$ for a 32 ounce bottle. YIKES. Regardless I don't use a lot of shampoo, only wash my hair roughly every 3 days. Give or take. And I use chamomile with a little squirt of condition to spritz my hair every day. Two bags of brewed chamomile and a quarter size of conditioner lasts me a week and a half or two weeks. <3

Tonight I have to fill out all my thank you notes. My lazy self didn't do it today. Or anything on my to do list. Not to happy about not having that list completed. That's for sure.

Veno 07-13-2015 05:32 AM

07.11.2015 :: Saturday

Yikes so I didn't keep up during the weekend. Saturday was a pretty busy day. Between picking up my nieces from my brothers, spending the day with them and my mom, I kinda slept on and off. I'm just so tired as of lately. More than usual this pregnancy. But I mean I'm literally in the home stretch. Lol 6 days until his due date and 20 days until they will induce me. So literally anytime within the next 3 weeks. Which I'm hoping is sooner than later. - Even if I really am starting to get nail-bitingly nervous about everything. Dx I know I can do a natural birth that's unmedicated so that's not really the nervous part, but the fact I don't know what to expect pain wise, is. I know no matter the amount of pain it's only for a relatively short period of time *compared to the length of our life and everything* and it's of course totally and 100% worth it. Not only am I doing this because I believe natural is best but I'm doing this for myself and also for all the women out there who wanted a natural birth and their bodies just wouldn't work with them to produce those results. I actually have a friend who states that "The reason that c-sections and epidurals are on the rise is because women are no longer rightly equipped to have babies and so it causes more complications and the pain is higher than it use to be" I'm sorry I don't believe that. It's only on the rise in basically the U.S. I don't put anyone down for having an epidural or whatever, but it's like they aren't knowledgeable to know that we are women and THAT is why our bodies are WHY they are. - end rant -

I didn't do my oil pulling tonight. Shame on me. I have been using that Clairol shampoo. I really like it. Except the smell it just reminds me of an old ladies bathroom powder or something. Lol but that's okay. Had a good day with the girls and did some arts and crafts with them and my mom. On top of having some awesome homemade pizza sticks. [drool]

Veno 07-13-2015 08:24 PM

07.12.2015 :: Sunday

HA today was interesting. I slept most of the day. On and off with naps. I've been so drained as of lately and then I've started swelling up on top of that. 1 week left to go until my little one is "suppose" to be here. Lol watch him be late. I've been making sure to keep up with the movement. The heat here in Florida is absolutely blistering here lately. I don't know how I've survived all the past summers, but this one - being pregnant and all - has been entirely brutal. Even in the pool yesterday the water was like 89 degrees and it was still like swimming in a hot bath it felt. The Braxston Hicks contractions have been more frequent but still nothing to even make me believe I might maybe be in labor. Lol If I'm anything like my mom I'll probably be in labor for 2-3 days (with the last 12 hours being pretty yucky with contractions) but that's okay. I've waited this long, and the journey is almost over. At least this stretch of it. Lol I've been doing a lot of reading up and watching help videos on youtube about how women make it through natural childbirth and the techniques they used, so I'm going to try to remember those. But of course you never know how it'll go once that pain sets in. I do know that I can do this. Pain and all. That I wont give in to the pain and get an epidural.

I kinda am starting to think Finnley is going to be a Leo instead of a Cancer. He's got until the 22nd to be a cancer. LOL My mom is shooting for a Leo, so of course you know my luck she will get her way. - Long as he's not born on the 26th I'm totally okay. I would rather him NOT share the birthday with my ex fiance. Uck.

I have to admit I've had a really lucky and really smooth pregnancy up until a couple days ago. I just can't get comfy, my hands are swelling, and my hot flashes are even crazier. Not to mention the PGP - Pelvic Girdle Pain it's been really rough. It was later in my pregnancy so I haven't been worried about the waist band for that. Or the wrist bands for the carpel tunnel. It's been uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle. <3

Now we're just waiting on those lovely contractions because everything else "ingredient" wise is all set for go.

Veno 07-15-2015 01:18 AM

07.13.2015 :: Monday

Yup once again my laziness took over and I did diddly-squat and just slept all day. This last couple weeks have sucked with the having zero energy. I mean I know that I'm catching up on not sleeping a lot and getting sleep prior to Finnley being born. Who has 5 days now until his expected due date. I'm wondering when he's going to decide to actually show up. I think if he's not here by the 22nd I'll be induced. Not really how I want to go about it, but I don't want to wait forever. I've been looking at horror stories about people who waited until after their due date - had a perfectly healthy baby throughout entire pregnancy and ended up having a stillbirth because the baby wasn't getting enough oxygen and everything. That absolutely scares me to pieces. I would rather just be induced. ;o But we will see what my doctor has to say about everything the 16th. I'm not against getting induced it's just not entirely how I wanted to go about it, but that's okay. I'm ready to meet him anyways. <3 I'm just trying not stress about everything surrounding new mom life, and the court I'll have go through with his father. Which maybe I wont even have to go to court? Just file the paperwork and if he doesn't contest it and doesn't have any issues with my custody issues. Which until about 6 months he's only welcome to come visit with the baby. I wouldn't mind him watching him, if it wasn't for the fact he doesn't live here he lives 3 hours away so the only way he will see the child for the first like year or more is if he comes here and visits with the child. I wont be able to make that trip, not with all I have going on.

ANYWAYS - I was willing to work with him but he kinda gave that up himself.
I've been using that Clairol shampoo, and everyone says it makes their hair feel brittle, I haven't had an issue, but I use spray in conditioner made of camomile tea, water, and about a quarter size amount of conditioner per bottle. shake and spray.
Started using the Sun In that you blow dry in your hair and it lightens it today so we will see how that turns out.

Veno 07-15-2015 07:23 AM

07.14.2015 :: Tuesday

So last night I went to the store and got some more Raspberry Leaf tea. It's suppose to help in a multitude of ways with pregnancy/labor and healing afterwards. I want to try to cut out soda all together, and only drink tea and coffee. I need to get around to drinking coffee with limited creamer/sugar. I want to slowly cut down on all of that and just enjoy coffee by itself. We will see how that goes.

Today has been a very "dry" day for friend/family interaction. I think I've gotten 2 texts throughout the day. Which is strange to me, but I'm okay with that. ((Not really)) I feel pretty alone today. Not going to lie. I think I've been sleeping more because I'm bored. I need to make a trip over to an old friends house and collect some things of mine. I hate that we've grown apart, but me and her just don't get along and are never on the same page.

So update on my hair. Between that shampoo and the spray in bleacher, it has lightened about a shade, maybe a shade and a half, but also my "roots" blend in with the rest of my hair. I say "roots" because they are really only darker than my natural hair color because i haven't been in the sun a lot this year. *haven't dyed my hair in years*

Well I've got some things to do tomorrow, and then I'm going to try to stay up and straighten up my room and everything tonight. I really need to settle down and write in my journal.

Tried greek yogurt with my granola instead of my regular yogurt. Not entirely sure how I feel about it at this point. I mean it's edible but not sure if I actually like it.
Also I'll be going a few days *like until Friday night or Saturday day* before washing my hair again. I've washed it a boatload and been blow drying it and so it needs a good relaxation time to rebuild my oils. I'll do the spray again next month. I figured twice a month is good.

Veno 07-16-2015 02:07 AM

07.15.2015 :: Wednesday

Here it goes. Today was better than it has been. I actually did a little of what needs to be done. Still have to run by the college, but I figured I would do that tomorrow after my doctors appointment. Or prior. Not entirely sure just yet. Doctors appointment is at 3:15 and I always get there 15 minutes early, so maybe if I get to the college about 12:45-1 I can either have time to kill between appointments or something. Or i could just wake up early in the morning go get it done, then come home take a shower and get ready for my doctors appointment. -probably after a little nap -

Anyways I must get that done tomorrow. Because Friday the campus advisors aren't there. Ha. And personally don't think I'll make it past the weekend with Finnley. He's technically due Sunday but I guess once again we will see.
My hair has gotten a whole couple shades blonder and brighter between the Sun In and the Clairol shampoo. I wasn't going to wash it and everything today...but I did anyways. Lol Added some extra hydrogen peroxide (the Sun In already has some) to the bottle and sprayed it on my hair. Blow dried it and then washed it all pretty so I could get the chemicals out of my hair. I've had conditioner in my hair to help with any frizziness and whatnot that could arise. About to wash that out and wash my face. I'm already super sleepy. I didn't get but a little nap today which I was kinda proud of myself with. Probably from 1-5? Something like that. Now just to stay up for a couple more hours, and then I'll get my happy ass up at 8-9 in the morning and go to the college, then come home, nap, then doctors appointment. Probably another nap. Lol I feel like all I do is sleep lately. I also have to do some laundry between now and the doctors appointment. I don't have any clean pants. ;o Which I only have 3 pairs that I can wear. well 4 but they are shorts and super short for maternity wear.

I'm drinking another double cup of the raspberry leaf tea. I'm really really hoping this helps with labor and healing. If not this shit has been pretty nasty for nothing. I mean it's more of an acquired taste. Though I'll admit I totally chase it with my soda. I need to finish cleaning up my bathroom and cleaning up my room incase Finnley decides to show up any day now.

Which I totally hope my mom gets the crib sheets finished. I mean at the very least we can just really really tuck in a blanket. I mean newborns really don't wriggle a whole whole bunch when they first come home from the hospital. It wont take my mom but an hour tops to finish cutting and sewing a couple anyways so that would be only if he needed a nap like right then. I've got so much paperwork and everything to fill out once he's born. Sheesh. I need to make a sticky note list so I don't forget anything. Like I have to call work, file stuff online with my medical, and then all his paperwork. Usually there's two people to do all this, but that's okay. I can do this myself. Also have to go by the WIC office and to get the breastpump they're loaning out to me. Which I'll call about tomorrow just to make sure I know the procedure and everything.

But tonight I'm going to write in my journal and probably rinse the conditioner out of my hair...and finish my tea. Probably going to be all. Lol Maybe use my sugar scrub on my feet and hands. - always a plus side to massaging feet, it makes my hands soft too with the coconut oil sugar scrub and it totally smells amazing* Also have to remind my mom to Sage the house before I go to the hospital and once again before I get home. Cleanse the house.

Veno 07-17-2015 12:45 AM

07.16.2015 :: Thursday

I am really trying to do this today. It's been a struggle for real. I'm trying excruciatingly hard not to beat myself up about...just about everything right now. I know there is no reason to. That being down and negative on myself will do nobody any good. Let alone myself. Plus I do not need those vibes in my life right now. I can only control me now and what I do in the future. Cannot go backwards. And even if we could - we shouldn't.
I've been trying to get the last bit of everything tied together and finished before Finnley's arrival. Doesn't seem like that's really going to happen unless he is later than next Thursday. (4 days past his due date) About the school though. I am not going to fret over it until Monday. I will call my advisor first thing Monday morning and then the financial aid office. Which is the snag up right now. It hasn't been applied. I also have to go down and get my decal and all that jazz, but that can wait. I don't start classes at the campus until the 8th of September. Everything else is online and starts the 17th of August. I have no idea how to do online classes, so that's another thing I'll need to speak with my advisor about. I think I just log onto the elearning website for school and all that but I don't know what my username and password will be. The only class I take at the college is Algebra which is what I really needed to take hands on. I'll more than likely need major tutoring but I know I can do this. Juggling everything is going to be a task that's for sure. I also need to file an extension if possible with my work for an extra month of leave. Going back the first of September is going to absolutely kill me. And of course I will have to post my hours and all that >.< This is going to be hell. Considering right now I'm not even sure I'll have a job to go back to.

But I can only control so much. So I intend to do that and what is out of my hands - is just that. Out of my hands and then time to fill my hands with something else. I've just had a lot going on between all of the stress with work and school and now there's emotional stress, plus of course all my crazy emotions and the fact I'm about to be a mom. And how I'm trying to handle and cope with that. I just have to keep faith in myself and keep the door open for good vibes and opportunities.

Made 900g.

Veno 07-18-2015 01:52 AM

07.17.2015 :: Friday

There's a lot of things going on that have wrecked havoc on my heart today. 2 million pounds of chicken are having to be disposed of by a company because of the fact it ended up contracting salmonella. What a waste of life. Humans just don't give a fuck anymore and I hate that. I could go on for days about this, but I'm just going to leave that there. Also Blue Bell icecream is going out of business because of the breakout of Listeria earlier this year. The company just never recouped from that. - The only icecream I've ever really chose to eat. And of course Walmart is still allowed to sell the junk that doesn't even melt when left out of the freezer and in warm temperatures. Our world is in total chaos. Wasteful. Horrible creatures we are. I'm just as guilty. I am just trying to better myself about it and while gaining knowledge for me, also I want knowledge to give to others if they want to know. I'm not very pushy about it. I post what I want on facebook whether they read it or not. But I don't degrade anyone for any of their choices. It's not my place, plus I know from experience that if someone tries to push their opinion on you, it's going to make you hate it.

Lol alright so I drank two cups of that tea today. I officially no longer have to call out of work or worry about posting my hours or anything. Just have to pray and hope I actually have a job to go back to, but if not, I'll figure it out. There are worse things happening in our world and I am going to remain positive about everything that comes, and goes, in my life. Just like I'm not stressing about the work situation until I get there and not worrying about the school ordeal until Monday. No reason to at all.

Had a total bitch fit today over not having anything I want to eat in the house. Sheesh hormones and everything have really gotten ahold of me lately, plus all the anxiety and stress. But I managed to keep it pretty reigned it, which shocked the shit out of me. About to do more coconut oil pulling. I haven't seen any difference yet. But I also have started rubbing it on my belly full of stretch marks. My poor belly looks wrecked. ;o I am going to go socialize with my mom for a little bit and then enjoy the

MENE-CON user-ran event <3

Made 1,300g

Veno 07-19-2015 05:14 AM

07.18.2015 :: Saturday
Today was a very great day. :) Me and my mom went grocery shopping (which was a pain because it was SO HOT) but that was after she got back from trading in her car for an SUV to haul all her grand babies in. haha. It's really really nice. It's a Buick Enlcave. Then when we got home my brother and his family were here, we socialized and then got into the pool. It was a really nice and relaxing day. Even got Starbucks coffee which ended up making me wired. - and firing up my heartburn ugh-

I've already done my coconut oil pulling. yay me. My hair feels amazing too by the way. And getting a lot blonder. Yay <3 Also almost done with my raspberry leaf tea. Yum. (not) So my social life has been really dry lately. I guess it's because I haven't really been talking to people...(except my three ex's how fucked up is that ugh) And now they all have gf's or wives. ;o So kinda back to just being a lone wolf. At least until Finnley is born. <3 I cannot wait. Though he just needs to hold out a couple days past his due date.

So my emotional attitude and the way I feel has been getting better. I think writing in my journal, and on here is really helping with that. Which is a good thing. I'm getting back to being positive. But my sister-in-laws birthday is in 11 days. lol then 27 days after that is my birthday. :D Everything is really starting to get so lovely. School is starting back, work will be starting back soon after that, and then I also have a birthday and a baby coming around the corner. Lol So much happening this month and the next two months.

Finnley Reid is really kicking up a storm today. Like holy cow. I think he knows it's his due date. haha Baby please just stay put for a couple more days. I'm getting all giggly like a kid on Christmas the closer and closer it gets to him being here though that's for sure. I don't think it's really really really sunken in all the way how everything is going to be. You never know it until it gets here though. If he actually shows up not too late I'll be shocked. Most first time moms deliver past their due date. I'm preparing myself for the worst with labor, but I'm really really hoping it's not the pain-horror I am imagining. But I am prepared mentally for it. Physically, well I'm a female and for the most part we're prepared and my midwife says I'm good to go just waiting for contractions and all that jazz. :)

Made 1,700g

Veno 07-20-2015 05:33 AM

07.19.2015 :: Sunday

Today was my sons due date. :P Still not looking like he will show up even in the next day or two. Since my mom was in labor for 2 days with both me and my brother, so even if I went into labor now, it would probably be 2 days before he's born. Which hey that works for me. I'm just hoping he's not going to be TOO big of a baby, but you never know how big the baby will turn out to be. I have a couple newborn pieces of clothing but it's mainly 0-3 and up. Once the midwife told me he's probably going to be an 8-9 lb baby I was like "nope not buying newborn clothes, he will only be able to wear them for a week or two, and then he will be in 0-3 months anyways more than likely" But I did get some at my shower. And if he's smaller than that then we can just go pick up a couple of outfits. ^^ No big deal.
I have decided I'll be using 'sposies until the umbilical cord falls off. Just because I don't know how the cloth diaper covers will rub on them or they might not even, but it'll get me use to using cloth too. Kinda ease myself into it for the first couple weeks. We will just see how it all seems to go. haha. If that woman hasn't called me back by 11 tomorrow afternoon I'm going up there. Which I have a couple errands, including to get gas to do tomorrow. Long as labor stays away. lol But that is my most important stop but I'm going to try to have faith that she can and will handle it and it'll all be kosher and smooth.

I can't believe it's actually his due date! Like holy cow it's actually here. It's actually about to happen. I'm fixing to be a mom. Taking care of a little one. I'm like so anxious and nervous and just fully of holy fucks. We finished getting the house all together and ready for him. there's still some things I'll need to do but when the time comes. Like washing the bottles and all that. But he wont be using bottles for quite some time anyways. Sidenote my feet are quite swollen today. Yuck. My belly feels more like a basketball than it has in prior weeks. I'm just hoping my mom doesn't want to crazy be hovering over my shoulder and being up my ass about everything. >.< That's the most stressful part is the fact I'll be at home with my parents and having them all up my butt. Having people watch me makes me even more nervous.

Sprayed Sun-In in my hair again tonight and blow dried it. then washed my hair with the Clairol after letting it sit in my hair for a good 5-6 minutes. I'm hoping when it dries it's even blonder than it has been. Fingers crossed. I've been wondering how much time my parents will take off for me being in labor and having Finnley. Probably none but still curious. Well I know my mom wont be at work once I'm in labor and everything but I don't think she's going to take off work or anything. Lol
Well maybe this time tomorrow I'll have school news, and then maybe even baby news.

Made 1,600g

Veno 07-21-2015 05:23 AM



Once again another lazy day for me. I need to finish getting my room straightened up. Seeing as how I'm pretty sure my water just broke. Lol I was in the shower, was going to shave my legs, decided against it and had a crazy what I thought was Braxston Hicks contraction and then while showering felt like I peed myself but it was kinda...slippery feeling? (I know TMI but I'm describing so hush) Anyways it happened again while I was in the chair just sitting here, THEN once more a little after that. I had decided to put a pad on incase of leakage so that worked. I haven't woken up my mom or anybody yet (it's now almost 1am, this happened an hour and a half ago) Just because I haven't really started having contractions yet and I know they need their sleep. My dad will more than likely go back to sleep, but my mom wont.
I'm super excited and nervous and anxious about everything, but at the same time I had things to do tomorrow. Lol Mommy Life gotta love it. I still have to get things situated at the college before Friday. I at least have my tablet fully charged and my phone is charging now and I'll take both chargers so I'll have something to do if I need to.
Lol I just got my room situated tonight how I want it, well at least without crazy rearranging the room. The contractions are starting to pick up a little. I have a feeling I might of underestimated them but I also have techniques to bear with them, and I trust my body. Millions and millions of women have done this even not in a hospital setting and even not with *knock on wood* a perfect like pregnancy. My belly already feels a little less tight since losing a little bit of amniotic fluid. Lol I just have to get my bathroom stuff together and I'll be ready to go. :)
I'll have to figure something out with the school stuff because it does have to be paid by Thursday or no school and it's not like I have the money or my parents do to pay it for me until financial aid kicks in and reimburses me. >.< Just I do believe the term is FUCKED.

I'm really hoping he will be born on the 22nd, which will be a little over 24+ hours since my water broke at 11:30 But he might be born the 21st. :P Either way I'm pretty sure he's going to be a Cancer not a Leo now. <3

Made 2,200g (granted that is including the Admins Pick Award Gold)

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