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Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 01:27 AM

Through My Lens
Henry sighed as he walked down the street. He kept his head down and the waves of his blonde hair curtained down to cover a good portion of his face. The round frames of his glasses kept his eyes obscured as well and he liked to think that this made him invisible. It also made it very hard to see. As good as he was at moving by sound and periphery vision as he was, Henry still managed to avoid people by only millimeters.

He clutched a pile of reference books to his chest like a wall between him and the rest of the world. Somehow, it always ended up like this no matter where Henry went or what he did. He couldn't meet the eyes of the people he passed, but he couldn't stay inside either because he needed to chase his dreams just like everyone else in the world.

Sighing again, Henry turned a corner and tried not to think about the contents of the books he carried, and later, what he would do with the wonderful things inside. Yes, he would try to chase his dreams.

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 05:11 PM

His wild hair made him stick out, long unfettered and colored like a sapphire to lime paint swatch. His clothes were normal enough, though grey and black and just a little too large.

Kenneth glanced up now and again, but most of his attention lay inward. The library was just a little ways away; a dozen books awaited discovery. Soon, hopefully, he'd be plunging into tales of distant worlds, of spaceships, aliens, magic and epic battles. For now, the mundane world surround him, and how boring it was!

The tall man sighed. A sudden jolt broke Kenneth from his reverie, snapping his attention wholly to the present. He stumbled back and found himself staring at a blonde man, and books scattered across the pavement like so many leaves. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," said Kenneth as he bent down to pick up the books.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 05:22 PM

Henry didn't see the other man until too late, not that his subpar reflexes would have saved him anyway. The books flew out of his hands and Henry tripped, sprawling to his hands and knees on the pavements. He let out a small squeak of surprise before he realized what happened and glanced up. A very strange stranger stood in front of him. For a second, Henry forgot to breathe and stop staring, but when he did remember, he gushed out his apology.

"I-I'm so sorry!" he stammered with a flush growing across his face. He started grabbing at his books as well, trying to collect them as quick as possible. "It was all my fault! I'm such a klutz. You don't really need to help me like this." The words kept spinning out of him with his nerves. Even so, he'd yet to look away from the other man for longer than three seconds. Henry just couldn't help it.

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 05:40 PM

He laughed. "Hey, I was pretty distracted myself." Kenneth handed over the pile of books he'd collected with a smile. "I was heading to the library to pick up a stack of books of my own."

From the front pocket of his too large sweater, Kenneth pulled a cloth bag. This too he shoved the stammering stranger's way. Then, he ginned and tugged at a piece of bright cloth sticking out from the sleeve of his sweater. He kept tugging, revealing what seemed like an infinite length of tied together handkerchiefs. Resisting a chance to practice some magic, well Kenneth couldn't do that!

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 06:43 PM

Henry took the books and squeezed them to his chest like he needed them. In the back of his mind, he knew he acted like a fool, but his ability to reason always shut down in front of strangers. All he could do was try to keep from falling apart and it certainly didn't help that this other man fascinated him in the way that all things very different from him did.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked when the other pulled out the cloth bag. This wasn't normal was it? He got distracted by the handkerchiefs though and his eyes must have looked ready to jump out of his head. Now he had a reason to stare. "Um...what? How...? I don't understand..."

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 06:50 PM

As Kenneth motioned for the stranger to put his books into the bag, he explained himself. "I like magic tricks, close up magic really. That's the type you can do pretty much anywhere with little preparation, the stuff you do on the street."

He couldn't explain how magic made him feel invisible, like he could hide out right in front of whatever crowds gathered to watch him perform. Then, Kenneth hid in plain sight. They didn't see him, they saw the magic, the illusion. He loved it, that feeling. It was the greatest trick of all, something you'd find written about in fantasy novels, taking place in other worlds so unlike the one that mistreated so many of its people.

Kenneth plucked up his string of handkerchiefs and started stuffing them into his sweater.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 07:31 PM

His brow furrowed, Henry did as the stranger indicated and put his books into the bag. He really shouldn't. He needed to get home after all and try to figure out the practical application of his dreams, but he felt too meek to refuse such attention. As usual. "Magic...? I don't know anything about magic," he murmured in a quiet voice. "I..." And that was as close as he got to refusing the attention. His words got stuck in his throat and he knew he must be blushing something furious. The fact that not just this stranger, but a couple passerbys as well, started to look this way made him uncomfortable.

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 07:46 PM

"You know, magic tricks like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the kind of stuff magicians do." Kenneth hefted the bag of books before wrapping the straps over the blonde man's hands and letting go. The canvas strained a bit under the weight of its burden, but held strong in the end.

Brushing himself off, Kenneth stood and ignored the glances he and his shy companion were getting. Poor guy, he looked so awkward sitting there with cheeks flushed red.

"So, what are you planning with those books? Are you interested in photography?" He'd noticed some titles about the hobby earlier, wondered about them.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 08:05 PM

Henry stared at the bag for a second before he understood just what happened. It made him feel fluttery inside, unreasonable because of happiness. People didn't usually do nice things for him and when they did, he tended to react poorly and it never happened again. It was just, he could never say what he wanted to say.

Standing on shaky feet, he nodded in a jerky manner. How could this guy appear so confident and wild and...beautiful because of it? Henry really did envy him. If he could somehow capture that essence through his lens, it might in some way be his. He could actually capture this guy? Vaguely, Henry knew he asked about photography, but synapses were already connecting in his mind.

"Would...would you be my model?!"

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 08:16 PM

Startled by the question, Kenneth took a step back. Model, him? He nearly started shaking his head, saying no, but then he caught the look in the other man's eyes. That stare, that spark, was the one he wore when he practiced his newest close up magic trick in front of the mirror; it was the intense gaze of someone pushed to surpass their limit to make their passion come alive.

"Alright," said Kenneth.

He tucked his hands into his sweater and rocked back and fort from heels to toes. "What exactly do you have in mind? Where and when?" Then he started laughing a bit, realizing he was forgetting one of the most important questions, and answer.

"My name's Kenneth, Kenneth Glover, what's yours?" He held out his hand to shake with his lips quirked up in a smile.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 08:40 PM

Henry clapped both hands over his mouth, covering up a squeak as he turned a brighter shade of red than pink hoodie he wore. Wait, what did he just blurt out? What did this complete stranger just agree to, no hesitation? Henry felt like he might faint from the embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! I just asked that so suddenly and you don't even know me and-" It finally hit him that the other man said yes. "What?" His dizziness increased along with the feeling that he stepped into a dream and it would suddenly implode and suck him down inside of it.

Very hesitantly, he took Kenneth's hand and shook it after a fair amount of more stammering. "I'm Henry...Williams..."

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 09:08 PM

Henry's reaction was near as a trick of magic as anything Kenneth could pull off. He shook the other man's hand then started braiding his cool colored hair. "So Henry Williams, what exactly have I gotten myself into?"

The library could wait. "Maybe we could go discuss this in a cafe somewhere?" They were just standing on the sidewalk, still as rocks in a stream. Other pedestrians flowed around them, going on their merry way with little attention for the pair.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 09:24 PM

This was actually happening. Somehow, through fate, the perfect person dropped down right in front of him. Henry shook himself, shocked to realize where they were still. "Oh...okay. That sounds good," he murmured, his voice dropping back to its usual quiet volume. No doubt he looked even more like a fool than usual so he very readily agreed to find somewhere out of the way to talk.

Perhaps because of the library, quite a few cafes crowded the area and Henry dived toward the first one with his head down and his legs speeding along at a pace one wouldn't expect form someone his size. Not that Henry was short or anything. He just wasn't tall and his posture made him seem smaller than he was.

PapillonCameo 07-20-2015 09:41 PM

Kenneth followed the other man at a more sedate pace, taking the time to look at the cafe and its other patrons. It was a calm place, surrounded by potted plants and other greenery. A big sign proclaimed the cafe a to be a great place to find fresh-from-the-farm veggies and other produce.

The young man settled for ordering a cafe mocha, and staring across the table at the man in pink. "So, tell me what you expect." He didn't phrase it as a question this time. It didn't seem like questions worked too well on his nervous companion. Or maybe that was just because Henry was so nervous, and he didn't pay attention?

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2015 10:19 PM

Henry asked for earl grey tea with a stutter that had the waitress asking twice what he wanted before the two of them were left alone out in the fresh air again. He might appreciate this place too if not for being so hopeless. Instead, he stared down at the table and picked his nails.

"Y-you see...I work for this famous photographer, Mr Jack Neison. And it's the best opportunity of my life just to be near him even though I'm just starting out. To have such a mentor!" He sighed with a wide eyed, wondrous look. Henry absolutely idolized his mentor, which is why he couldn't disappoint him. Which he probably would. "And then, this morning...h-he offered me a chance for my own show! Oh, and I had no idea what I would do u-until I saw you. I just...want to take a few pictures."

PapillonCameo 07-22-2015 01:25 AM

Kenneth took a sip of his drink while he listened to Henry stutter along.

"So what, I'll be the star?" He didn't know if he liked the idea of so many people looking at him. "What do you have in mind for me anyway?" Kenneth set his glass aside and leaned forward, putting his elbows against the table top.

He worked with words as a copy editor for a publishing house. Photography was about as far away from what he did as could be; capturing pictures with a lens and light was a kind of magic, and that Kenneth could understand.

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2015 02:20 AM

Henry continued to pick at his nails. He felt like he should laugh but the sound would probably come out pathetic and desperate. What he planned to do? Other than idolize everything he wanted but could never have? Well, Mr Neison did always say to not just photograph what you love, but what you hate and fear and long for because it should be so much more than love. With a model like Kenneth, he figured he would get exactly that.

"I-I'm not sure yet, but nothing all that....strange," he offered as the best explanation he could. "Just photographs of you?" Henry's own emotions toward his model should give the pictures all the spark they needed without Kenneth having to do anything.

PapillonCameo 07-22-2015 02:42 AM

"When exactly do you want to start taking pictures, and where?" Kenneth tapped his fingers against the table and tilted his head. "I have a job as one of the copy editor's for this publishing company in town. It means my schedule is pretty flexible, because I work from home for most of the week then go in on Fridays to talk about the books I'm working on."

It would be easy to become nervous Henry's model, so long as he got his work done for the deadlines. But ... why would he put himself in the hands of someone who didn't even have any kind of plan, no idea? All Henry knew was that he wanted Kenneth for his model, something like his muse. The idea of that made Kenneth squirm in his seat and take a swig of his coffee.

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2015 02:54 AM

Obviously Kenneth thought this through more than Henry did. But then, he didn't think this through at all before he went blurting things out. He flushed a little more and just when the red started to fade from his face too. "There's studio space where I work and I have most of the equipment at home if I need it too," he explained as he fiddled with his teabag before drinking and nearly burning himself by gulping too fast. "I-If that's alright with you!" he added. "Art um...doesn't really need a plan. It just needs emotion..." He couldn't explain his emotion to Kenneth and wouldn't even if he could, but he did want him to know this whim meant something. Even if it really was a whim.

PapillonCameo 07-22-2015 03:04 AM

"I already said yes..." Kenneth shook his head.

"So what kind of clothes should I wear?" He glanced at the table, and felt his cheeks go red. "Eventually I may be alright with nude shots, with strategically placed cloth and items, but not right off the bat." Henry would have to wait til Kenneth felt more comfortable with him.

Sure, he was impulsive, but this was a first even for Kenneth. What did he know about the world of photography? Nothing at all.

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2015 03:18 AM

Henry turned about five times redder at even the thought of nude shots. He really, really did not need that messing with his head. This project already gave him more than enough fire to play with without involving physical things he wanted. "No that's-! I mean...wear whatever you think is y-you," he managed to stammer out. The loudness of his squeaking drew the eye of a passerby and he sunk back down into his hoodie again. "It's you I'm trying to capture after all..." he added in a murmur even he could barely hear.

PapillonCameo 07-22-2015 03:29 AM

Kenneth leaned back and covered his mouth with a hand to stiffle his laughter. What was with Henry? The poor guy was so shy, and as squeaky as a frightened mouse. "I'll bring a few outfits then. You can pick and choose from those, tell me how you want me to dress."
He paused, considering the photos he always saw in magazines. "Will I need makeup? Because I don't really do that stuff. Well nail polish sometimes, but that's about it."

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2015 03:47 AM

Even though Kenneth tried to stifle his laughter, Henry noticed and it made his heart drop a little. Was Kenneth laughing at him? It was an unreasonable thought and Henry did his best not to let it show on his face. He nodded his head with a weak energy. "That sounds good. Mr Neison has some studio makeup I can borrow if I need it, but I think you'll look fine without," he murmured. Kenneth had a good face, though make up did make professional photographs all the more professional. The rest of what what the other man said caught up with him after a second. "Nail polish?" Somehow he didn't expect that.

PapillonCameo 07-22-2015 04:02 AM

Kenneth pointed at his hair, then wriggled his fingers. "I like color, didn't you notice?" He smiled. "And there are so many amazing colors you can paint your nails." Was it really so odd? Henry seemed to have forgotten he was talking to a man with blue to lime hair. It made him wonder what would happen if he broke out his more colorful, and odd, wardrobe.

He was fairly certain Henry would have a priceless reaction to his cosplay outfits, and his larping costumes.

Kat Dakuu 07-22-2015 04:28 AM

Henry did notice. The colorful hair was why he couldn't look away from Kenneth in the first place. "Y-yes, I suppose so." Because he did have to agree. Nail polish didn't sound bad at all, just unusual for most guys to admit out loud and Henry never did well with admitting where he different from normal. "Um...should we exchange phone numbers?" he added on after a good half minute of awkward silence, or at least it felt awkward to him. Not often one to lead the conversation, he still felt awkward, but he was trying hard appear more confident next to Kenneth.

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