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Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:05 AM

I May Be Fierce, But I Am Not Sasha
Banner? We don't need no stinkin' banner D:
Is it really a shop if it's free? D:

Welcome to Teh 'Lurfer's Freebie Shop!
XD I'm seriously lazy---I just transferred over my other freebie thread.
I'll perhaps edit this later and make it more...tailored to the event. ^^;
Please take a look around and feel free to chat!

What am I getting?
Honestly, this depends a lot on my mood and how much free-time I have. Also how much I like drawing your avvy/OC. >>;; If you really hardcore want a certain form, you can bribe me. 8D
Or, you know, just ask really nicely. ^^
Or just say, "Yo, Kitty, you dumb dork, I want this and I wants it noa! D<"
Any option works. ^^;


Sketch: X X X

Coloured: X

I've gotten a little better, so the colouring will be of higher quality. ^^

Full-body chibi: X


Sketch: XX

Coloured: X X X X X

How long do you take?
Again, this depends a lot on what I've got going on at the time, as well as what style I'm doing. If it's a simple chibi, it should only take a few days max. If it's a coloured, it could take a while. If you start getting impatient and wondering if I'm dead, just PM me and I'll let you know how it's coming. :3

D: You messed up my OC
owo Woops. If I really screw up on the picture, feel free to ask for a do-over. If it's a coloured picture, though, I'll show you the sketch before I colour it so I don't have to go back and do it all over again.

\^0^/ Please be as specific as possible with any OC requests. I get really obsessive about getting it right, so include a bit about the personality, style of clothing, etc...anything that could affect their appearance.

What will/won't you do?
o_O I'm kidding. (Maybe.)

I will not do any nudity. >> I suck at it. I will also not do any hardcore furries. Anthros are okay, though. ^^ I will do crowded avvies, but I ask that you post a list of items the avvy is wearing so I don't skip anything. Plus, if there's something on it I just cannot do, I'll take it off.

As for everything else...chances are, I'll do it. :3

Queen Demon 11-23-2008 03:20 AM

Hey there! =D

Lovely freebie shop!

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 03:21 AM

D'aww... Too bad we couldn't have made our freebie threads into one. -Pout- Oh well. Guess I'll lurk here since my thread's most likely going to be dead here soon. Don't you just love drama? -Hugs and cries-

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:24 AM

XD The BBC got so screwed up when I transferred it over, it might have been quicker to just make a whole new thread.

D: Awww, if you'd told me Cricket, I would've been more than glad. ;-;
OwO We could probably still do it.

Thank you, Queeny! <333

Queen Demon 11-23-2008 03:29 AM

Your welcome. =]

So how are you?

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:30 AM

I'm pretty good. Just waiting for the Father Figure to finish dinish. :3 Mmmmm, food.
And how is you?

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 03:33 AM

I guess we could ask a mod to fuse our threads and have your posts under mine. What do you think? Worth a try?

Queen Demon 11-23-2008 03:37 AM

Man , I wish I had some food. I ate dinner not too long ago thought. But Imma cow. I eat alot. -_-

Im pretty good thought. =] Im watching this move called No Reservations.

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:49 AM

Oh, never heard of it. OwO Wuz it about?
Cricket: ^w^ Perhaps. Right now I just kinda want to get it alive. XD
>w> Wish Biscuits would get she can see that I invaded her event.
Invasion of the Lurfer! Mwahahahaha!

[L]ove[H]ate 11-23-2008 03:50 AM

*runs around the thread* YEYEIEYIEYIE! <--ninja scream =]

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:51 AM

Oh em gee! NINJA VISIT! :'D I feel so honoured!

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 03:52 AM

Well I guess we won't fuse them then. ^^;;

I'm making stupid little doodles for the people in my thread.

[L]ove[H]ate 11-23-2008 03:53 AM

Pssshhhttt ya! I am the master of ninja art!

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 03:59 AM

OwO Seriously~? Teach me! *bows down at your feet*

Queen Demon 11-23-2008 03:59 AM

The movie was about some woman who is a chef and was raising her neice. It was a really funny movie. I liked it. But it went off now I'm watching Twice Upon A Christmas. =]

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 04:03 AM

XD Oh noes! Christmas movies already! How scary.

Tilly 11-23-2008 04:12 AM

Haha, nice. XDD


Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Queen Demon (Post 4274114)
The movie was about some woman who is a chef and was raising her neice. It was a really funny movie. I liked it. But it went off now I'm watching Twice Upon A Christmas. =]

Oh, I really wanted to see that chef movie. But the boyfriend creature isn't really into chick flicks, and I kinda rely on him for my movie going experiences. So I haven't seen it.

Bishie: One of the local radio stations has been playing Christmas music since the day after Halloween. Methinks this country is a weeeeeeee bit obsessed with Christmas.

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 04:18 AM

I finally meet you. :ninja: Biscuits talks about you a lot.
Like, a lot, a lot.

Insane Cricket 11-23-2008 04:21 AM

I think I've met Tilly before... Or at least posted in the same threads once or twice. =S

[L]ove[H]ate 11-23-2008 04:23 AM

Well I can't tell my secret.

Tilly 11-23-2008 04:30 AM

Does she? <__<;

Weirdo. I don't know what she would say.


Nice to meet you. <333

To Insane

Well, now ya met me! ;D How are ya?

This is so weird.

It's like I'm awesome or something


[L]ove[H]ate 11-23-2008 04:31 AM

Did you get the art I drew for you tilly?

Bishielurfer 11-23-2008 04:36 AM

Loves: ;o; But-but-!
Cricket: UGH, I knooooow! DX I walked into the store today and there was some weird Reggae version of "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" playing. I was like, "WTB?"
Tilly: XD She just rambles about you. It's kinda weird.
>w> Well soooooomone has an ego.
And for once it isn't me!

Tilly 11-23-2008 04:37 AM

I dunno. - 3-

I didn't check.


That is kinda weird! Hmm.. I'll have to stalk her and see what exactly she's talking about. <__<;

Cause if it's like 'haha! My friend Tilly get into SO MANY SHANANIGANS! They're so hilarious!', that's fine.

But if it's like 'HAHA! my friend Tilly is SUCH A WIMP! Tilly can't even lift 100 pounds1' I'll be like 'D:<'

And if it's like 'OMGTILLYTILLYTILLYTILLYTILLY' I'll be freaked out.

Haha, it's only for lolz.

I don't really think the moon of myself. XDD

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