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McNugget 04-18-2014 08:47 PM

McNuggets McThread of Spring Madness. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Welcome to my humble Spring Event thread, forum people of the Menewsha nation. I am quite aware of the fact that when most of you see my name, you instantly decide that I must be of the delicious and edible nature - but I assure you I don't taste nearly as good as my name makes me sound so please don't try to eat me or combine me with your happy meals. I still have nightmares from the last time one of you tried to do so. *shudders* I will never look at barbecue sauce the same again *gives another shudder*. [gonk]
Anyway, it is that time again when we crawl out from the usual hangout and migrate to the event counter part. So sit back, relax, scratch your butt, do a hand stand with your nose, eat some chicken nuggets on a tight rope riding on a unicycle accompanied by a large gorilla like man that keeps asking you to shave his back - and enjoy the insanity this thread has to offer.

McNugget 04-18-2014 08:48 PM


McNugget 04-18-2014 08:48 PM

reserved again

McNugget 04-18-2014 08:49 PM

One last reserved post.... And.....................
Now everyone may post~

Amane 04-18-2014 08:56 PM

*dives into thread*
I meant to do that with the Nations thread sometime, but never did. Sorry! D8 I do that often.

I'm giggling a lot at the first post. [rofl]

McNugget 04-18-2014 09:09 PM

*makes sure you land in the pool of green jell-o.... Because every good thread needs a pool of green jell-o. Or almost any colour of jell-o except the red kind - because no one likes the red kind unless you're weird*

Oh are you? I am glad you enjoyed reading it~

Amane 04-18-2014 09:30 PM

… Bluuue? [eager] *SPLASH* [squee]

I should read first pages more often, but I tend to just jump into a thread without thinking about that.

McNugget 04-18-2014 09:42 PM

Blue jell-o it is then~

lol why? Sometimes reading the first posts are enjoyable - like sniffing your undies fresh out of the dryer! [insane]

Amane 04-18-2014 09:43 PM

I don't know when it started, but I got out of the habit of reading first posts of big threads long ago.

McNugget 04-18-2014 09:48 PM

I guess when the posts are really long sometimes you don't want to read it.... I understand.
My eyes tend to get lazy on me and I'm all like : <_>
Anyway - What are you up to?

Amane 04-18-2014 09:50 PM

Same here. .w.

Just posting. I have to go out later.

McNugget 04-18-2014 09:55 PM

Ooooh. Where are you going? [:O]

Amane 04-18-2014 09:56 PM

Out to eat with family. It's a regular thing. Twice every single week. It gets old.

McNugget 04-18-2014 10:03 PM

Oh. If your family likes to go out regularly, why not try doing different things every week? Like, maybe go out to eat one week, and then maybe see a movie or go somewhere another week and so on?

Amane 04-18-2014 10:10 PM

I know, right? It has been suggested, but we always end up going out to eat. Because of life things, that might be changing, though.

McNugget 04-18-2014 10:14 PM

Life things? Well.. What ever these life things are, I hope all goes well for you and your family?

Anyway - on a more cheerful subject:
I think I'm in love with baby bats. They're so cute. *squeals a manly squeal that only men can ever squeal: the squeal that sounds like an excited little girl*

Amane 04-18-2014 10:32 PM

Don't worry! It's not necessarily bad life things. My sisters are moving because of school.

*giggles and claps hands*
That is cute! :O

McNugget 04-18-2014 11:07 PM

Oh. Are they going to college or something?
Bats are so awesome. I want one!! >______>

Elmira Swift 04-18-2014 11:10 PM

Now that bat is very cute!

McNugget 04-18-2014 11:14 PM

I'm looking at a tumblr page full of them and I think I now know how fangirls feel when they see a really hot guy or something.


Elmira Swift 04-18-2014 11:15 PM

I used to get that way when I saw pics of fuzzy tarantulas.

McNugget 04-18-2014 11:19 PM

Tarantulas!! I love tarantulas. What is your favourite kind?
I love cobalt blues the most~

Shadami 04-18-2014 11:24 PM

I am still sick because of spring allergies "suppossedly"

but yay for spring being here. Also.. i'd like to say that I actually find McNuggets, from that fast food joint... quite disgusting. So I'm glad you're not like them :D

Elmira Swift 04-18-2014 11:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Usually the garden-variety rose hairs. I've had two, but my daughter wanted a pink toe for her birthday! He's a bit more spastic than my rose hairs were. Very young, jumps, and runs quickly. He winds up staying in his tank most of the time.

However, if I could find something like this Brazilian pinkbloom, I'd be stoked!

Can bats be kept as pets?

Attachment 531

hummy 04-18-2014 11:35 PM

happy mcspringtime!

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