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Sirocco 08-04-2008 08:09 AM

♠ Stardust ♠ Sirocco's Hangout and Freebie thread
I n t r o d u c t i o n

Hello and welcome to
Stardust, an event hangout & freebie thread by Sirocco <3
I love to talk with people and make new friends so hopefully it will help me get rid of my lurker-type personality, at least for the time of the event :3
F r e e b i e s

I want to practice drawing, so I decided that I will be giving freebies (probably only headshots, but I may do a few chibis, I'm not sure yet) during this event - probably 1-2 arts a day, depending of my free time.
I'm going to try different styles, so no examples right now xd Now you can see some of freebies I've already drawn in the second post :3

To get a freebie just stay here and talk with me or with others :3

Sirocco 08-04-2008 08:09 AM

P i c k U p s
Just as the title says.



It's oficially open!

Ghost Pony 08-04-2008 08:33 AM

welcome to the event!

Sirocco 08-04-2008 08:38 AM

I thought it will die XD

Hello, Ghost Pony :)
How are you today?

Ghost Pony 08-04-2008 08:48 AM

don't worry, i will help keep it alive!
or try to until i fall asleep

my day was great
Nordstroms had an anniversary sale and i bought shoes and stockings and a few cute shirts and jackets


sad_girlformat 08-04-2008 08:52 AM


doing great eveyrone??

Sirocco 08-04-2008 08:52 AM

Haha, thanks <3

Haha, that's good :3
I'm fine, though my day has only started a few hours ago. I'm in Europe XD
A bit bored though. I find it quite hard to jump in any conversation today x.x

SASA! <333
How are you today? :3

Ghost Pony 08-04-2008 08:53 AM

oh gosh, i know
i've been trying, but i'm so awkward or just get knocked aside by posting traffic

i think i've always been more of a lurker though

Kalliste 08-04-2008 08:53 AM

Hi hi!
Another new thread to go crazy in hurrah! :)

I'm not sure we've met Sirocco so hello :)

sad_girlformat 08-04-2008 08:55 AM

I felt that pain too... ;^;
I dont' know where to post... when usually I just pop in and chat.. today is sorta weird...
maybe because I'm tired... >O<

I'm alright... but tired~ ^-^;
and want to post away for the stars!! >)<

Sirocco 08-04-2008 08:55 AM

@Ghost Pony: Well, I'm lurker for most of the time, but during events I usually talk more. Not today though x.x

Hello Kalliste :3 Nice to meet you (because I agree that we've never met before XD)
How are you today? ^^


@Sasa: Yes, I'm like that today xd Hopefully having my own thread will help me.
And what do you think about new system of collecting stars? ^^

Kalliste 08-04-2008 08:56 AM

ooh, Sasa, hello!
I haven't seen you around here in a while... or Solia for that matter.

I'm ok Sirocco! Home time in 20 minutes YAY :)

How's everyone going with the event?

AZNpyro104 08-04-2008 08:57 AM

*pokes head in* Hallo~! ^^

Ghost Pony 08-04-2008 08:58 AM

maybe tomorrow i'll participate a bit more eagerly

it was great to meet you and good luck with your thread!

Sirocco 08-04-2008 09:00 AM

@AZN: Hello :)

@Kalliste: I'm good. I like the new way of getting items, though I keep forgetting about tokens XD *like just now*
And all the art around is amazing *.*

@Ghost: So I guess you're going now? :3 It was nice talking to you, hope I'll see you tomorrow!

Kalliste 08-04-2008 09:02 AM

Nearly home time hurrah!
I do hope I can get in tonight to add stuff to my avatar :)

AZNpyro104 08-04-2008 09:04 AM

I like your avi, Sirocco. @_@

sad_girlformat 08-04-2008 09:06 AM

the new system is nice... not too blinding like last time... X[

Sirocco 08-04-2008 09:07 AM

@AZN: Thanks <3
I like it too, but I'm a bit bored with it since I have it for a few months now XD (With a small breaks, but still). I have to come up with something new.

@Sasa: Yes. And it requires posting, not brainless refreshing pages x.x

@Kalliste: There are lots of new, beautiful items, aren't there? :3

Oh, I have to go now x.x
I'll be back in about an hour... or two.

sad_girlformat 08-04-2008 10:39 AM


Sirocco 08-04-2008 10:41 AM

Sasa the Saviour of Threads Falling of the Front Page has come and saved my thread <3

MasterChiefrei 08-04-2008 10:49 AM

*dances around in your thread* I have cometh and awesome signature, I see you know Lura Crane as well. >w<

sad_girlformat 08-04-2008 10:51 AM

well well... sirocco needs this thread up and around~ ;]

hello master!! <333

MasterChiefrei 08-04-2008 10:53 AM

Indeed! There's no reason to let good opportunities for great art go to waste!
Sup Sasa? <3333 >w<

Kirsch 08-04-2008 10:53 AM

- jumps to Siroccos Thread -
Hey =3 I just found your thread and figured that I shall post in here ;3

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