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PapillonCameo 06-01-2017 11:24 PM

Kat and Cameo's OOC
Alright, Kat Dakuu:

I wanted to discuss what the next step in Runaway might be; as fun as having Key and Pris play games, something else has to happen sometime.

Dunno if it would work out or not, but I was thinking she could try applying for work with Key's theater company because of her sewing skills. What do you think?

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2017 12:42 PM

I had an idea the other day which seemed like a lot of fun, but I'm having trouble thinking of it now. Having Key and Pris basically work together may lead to a lot of the same casual and domestic sort of interaction so I dunno. Definitely an option though.

PapillonCameo 06-02-2017 01:26 PM

Hmm, what about a gaming competition? Don't they have those sometimes? And wouldn't it be a twist if it was the kind of thing Priscilla could win at? *is just throwing random ideas around*

Oh yeah, I wanted to maybe have Pris's Dad cut off her accounts, since they would all have been with his name on them. Then she would only have credit cards, which wouldn't be useful since then they could be tracked, but I dunno if she would actually think of that, so that could lead to some interesting develpments.

I'm sure your idea is great, I hope you remember it. ^^ Sounds like it might be awesome.

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2017 01:47 PM

Hahaha, that would be pretty awesome and then her fame could gather the attention of her father. Because it would totally have to get televised and somehow make its way around.

That makes sense. Even if Pris doesn't think of it, Key might tell her not to use her phone and credit cards if he knows how bad she's trying to stay hidden.

Yeaaaah, I think it involved past boyfriends so I don't know....

PapillonCameo 06-02-2017 05:23 PM

And it might cause friction with Key since gaming is really his thing. So a whole bunch of possibilities for getting things nice and tangled up.

*nods* I didn't even think about her cell phone, though I'm sure she does have one, just because ... I don't have one, lol.

Past boyfriends? I wanna hear it, lol.

Kat Dakuu 06-03-2017 01:29 AM

Cool cool then we can totally do that at some point. Not sure that it's a plot we can throw out too soon though since current Pris wouldn't want to go to a gaming tournament I would think.

You don't have a cell phone??!!!! How do you live!

I think I have an idea of where I was going with that so I will articulate that tomorrow. It's a bit late at night now to go rambling about plots...

PapillonCameo 06-03-2017 01:37 AM

Nope, she'd be too embarrassed about it, since it wouldn't be proper or something. But for later, it's going to be fun. ^^

Nope. I live with my parents, use the house phone, and ... to be honest I don't really have any friends in town. I send letters to the ones I do have who are in other cities.

Sounds good. You'll have a better chance to think about it too. So it works out.

Kat Dakuu 06-04-2017 03:43 PM

I agree!

I find that so impressive. Most people I know don't have a landline at all. This seems to be more common in America though to use only cell phones. My parents haven't had a landline since I first started college years ago.

I know my idea came from a thought of possibly connecting in our previous story with Key into the backstory and the existence of Lorn as a previous boyfriend but I don't know exactly where I thought that would go. *shrug* I'm not too sure how good of an idea that is, but it's just something that occurred to me.

PapillonCameo 06-04-2017 03:46 PM

Ooh, I think bringing Lorn in might be a great idea! I just need to re-read the Rose rp and think about it. I'm sure we could work at figuring a way to mess things up with his appearance.

My mom thinks having a landline is safer, but three of the people in the house do have cell phones though so it's a mix.

Kat Dakuu 06-04-2017 05:22 PM

Oh? Cool, cool. I kinda imagine that we could fill in the gap by saying they broke up because Lorn was in the end a rather straight man and Key confused the heck out of him.

For us, the only people that ever called that phone were telemarketers, we all had cells so it was a giant waste of money to have it.

PapillonCameo 06-04-2017 09:55 PM

After skimming through the rp, I definitely agree with that, lol. And ... what happened to Key's house? If we do bring Lorn in, that would need to be explained. And how long ago did they break up? Was it friendly? I imagine it would have been.

I can imagine a few reasons why Lorn might return to talk to Key;
1) He wants to make sure Key is doing well, being a complete worrywart as he (Lorn) is.
2) May want to begin a friendship with Key
3) Might want an introduction to another member of the theater company, or to make sure him starting a relationship with someone else in the theater company is alright with Key. (he would hate to make Key uncomfortable about it all)

I imagine he'd still be fond of Key, even if a romance between them just wasn't possible.

Yeah, that would be really annoying. Here, that's the phone relatives call.

Kat Dakuu 06-05-2017 02:54 PM

I don't remember what sort of dwelling Key lived in before. Was it different? I didn't particularly do that on purpose so we might be able to just pretend nothing changed.
I imagine the breakup was just as awkward as their relationship, but a mutual agreement. Since they were both still fond of each other, it probably hurt some, but they tried to leave on friendly terms.

Any of those reasons sounds good to me. They might seem to butt in on Key and Priscilla's new relationship and make jealousy and create tension. I'm more fond of 2 or 3 so whichever sounds more reasonable for Lorn to do.

PapillonCameo 06-05-2017 04:11 PM

He lived in a house full of knickknacks. But yeah, probably just pretend things are the same.

*nods* Sounds about right for that pair.

I think Lorn would definitely fall for an actress, and he would most definitely want to make sure things are alright with Key while maaaybe getting an introduction from Key, but at the same time he would also want to forge a friendship with Key ... So maybe a blend of 2 and 3 would work best?

Kat Dakuu 06-06-2017 12:22 AM

I can do the same with the apartment. I haven't described it much, so I'll treat it as the same.

okay, work's for me. I think this will get really, really interesting. I look forward to it. We can probably introduce this plot sooner too.

PapillonCameo 06-06-2017 12:51 AM

Yeah, and when this plot winds down, then we could move on to the gaming competition ... Depending on how long it takes, anyway.

Kat Dakuu 06-06-2017 02:08 PM

Yeah, or whenever it sounds believable to do that because it's too fun to put off for toooo long.

PapillonCameo 06-06-2017 03:22 PM

Yeah, so ... just whenever I guess! XD

Same goes for throwing Lorn in?

Kat Dakuu 06-06-2017 03:38 PM

Probably so. We can let key and pris get a little closer first though.

PapillonCameo 06-06-2017 04:10 PM

I'm not sure how Pris will react to the zombie games and stuff like that, lol.

Kat Dakuu 06-06-2017 06:24 PM

Probably not well. She'll be baffled by how much key gets into it too.

PapillonCameo 06-06-2017 06:27 PM

Either that or she gets hooked on it because she can finally vent her frustrations without getting in trouble. :P

I dunno which reaction yet.

Kat Dakuu 06-07-2017 11:43 PM

Hm, I think that's a believable end point. Maybe not the starting point though. XD We'll see.

PapillonCameo 06-08-2017 09:27 AM

*shrugs* It's kind of hard to plan character reactions in advance.

Kat Dakuu 06-08-2017 11:54 PM

XD A bit. I like to try to plan those to create very believable character developments, but that's not always how it works out ya know.

PapillonCameo 06-09-2017 12:16 AM

I usually wing it.

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