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Woofie267 09-15-2014 03:56 AM

Only A Minor Distraction
Magdeline paused for a moment at an intersection before she nodded. Though faint, she could still feel the pull of another's magic in the area. And since peri weren't exactly a dime a dozen, she felt fairly confident that this one would be the one she was looking for. Or at least would lead her there.

"We're getting close," she told Danielle.

Mageling 09-15-2014 03:59 AM

"Good, because I don't like how that guy over there is leering at me," Dani said as she pulled her jacket a bit tighter around herself. "I don't want to have to break any more arms this week."

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:00 AM

"You should be used to it," Maggie replied, rolling her eyes, though she did unobtrusively step between her friend and the guy. "Come on, let's go see what we can find out." She headed across the street as soon as the light changed, heading straight for the bar. Go figure, he would work in a bar after retiring.

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:17 AM

"Doesn't mean I like it all the time," Dani grumbled as she followed Maggie towards the bar. "You sure this is where we're supposed to be? Isn't a bar kind of... anti-everything-associated-with-heaven?"

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:21 AM

"Yeah, it kind of is," Maggie said, looking around with bright eyes. "But there's a peri here, and I haven't really felt any others in the city. Besides, he's retired. There's a reason for that. He just keeps thumbing his nose at them." She pushed the door open and let them in, her gaze zeroing in on the peri at the bar.

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:30 AM

"You really think you'll find him here?" Dani asked as she glanced around the bar. It was definitely a bit more paien than she anticipated it would be, even considering the area it was in.

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:33 AM

Instead of answering, Maggie went straight up to the bar.

"Are you Ishiah?" she asked without preamble.

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:39 AM

"I am not," the peri behind the bar replied, looking at her with mild curiosity. "Are you looking for him?"

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:41 AM

"I am. I need to see him, soon if possible." Maggie looked at the peri with Ish's eyes. Clearly she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:42 AM

The peri looked at her warily now.

"And may I ask who you are?" he ventured.

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:45 AM

"He doesn't know me," Maggie said shortly, tapping her fingers on the bar. "Not yet, anyway. He knew my mother. Now are you going to page him or tell me where I can find him, or am I going to have to go back to searching the city?"

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:46 AM

"That didn't answer my question," the peri pointed out. "I asked who you are." Because he wasn't just going to call Ishiah for what might be nothing.

Woofie267 09-15-2014 04:47 AM

Maggie debated for a moment before she smiled. It wasn't a nice smile.

"I'm his daughter."

Mageling 09-15-2014 04:53 AM

The peri just raised an eyebrow. That was one he hadn't heard before.

"I see," he said neutrally. "You'll have to excuse my skepticism on that point."

Woofie267 09-15-2014 09:54 PM

"As much as I'd love to sit here and explain exactly how it works to you, I need to see him first." Maggie crossed her arms over her chest. "I have something of his that he gave to my mother, and I'm here to give it back."

Mageling 09-16-2014 03:30 AM

The peri just raised an eyebrow again and turned back to the bar dismissively.

"He's off today," he said. "Come back tomorrow."

Woofie267 09-16-2014 03:43 AM

Maggie's eyes narrowed at that. Oh, now she was angry. She'd driven a while to get here, after all.

But instead of trying to get his attention again, she started casting around for any other peri in the area. It didn't take her long to locate at least one other.

Mageling 09-16-2014 03:49 AM

Dani perked up a bit when Maggie turned away from the bar.

"Now where are we going?" she asked, ignoring the looks she was getting from some of the bar patrons.

Woofie267 09-16-2014 03:52 AM

"To find every peri in the city until we find the right one. By my estimations, there are at least three others. Possibly more, I haven't fully expanded my search yet." Maggie looked at her. "You don't have to come with, you know, if you don't want to."

Mageling 09-16-2014 03:55 AM

"No way, you think I'd miss this?" Dani asked as she followed Maggie outside. "Not a chance."

Woofie267 09-16-2014 03:57 AM

Maggie cracked a grin. "Yeah, I'm sure you'll have fun," she said, shaking her head. "As long as no one starts throwing bolts around, anyway."

But she was trained and combat-tested with her sword, if need be.

Mageling 09-16-2014 04:06 AM

"I know when to duck and cover," Dani said, grinning. "After you, fearless leader."

Woofie267 09-16-2014 04:13 AM

Maggie snorted but headed for the nearest peri.

It took only one more try, so the third stop of the night, for her to find the right apartment. She pounded on the door to Robin's apartment, wrinkling her nose briefly at the smell of puck.

Robin yanked open the door without looking. "Caliban, I swear to the gods--" He cut himself off sharply when he realized it wasn't his favorite Aupheling at the door. He blinked. "Can I help you?"

"Only if you know Ishiah," Maggie said, looking at him evenly.

Mageling 09-16-2014 08:52 PM

Dani couldn't help but glance appreciatively at the puck. She'd heard about pucks, and she might just be the tiniest bit interested in what they might have to offer.

Woofie267 09-16-2014 11:03 PM

Robin shrugged a bit. "Who's asking?" he asked, looking her and her friend over.

"I need to talk to him. The sooner the better." Then Maggie stopped and looked at him before gently plucking a feather off his shoulder. "He's here, or has been here recently. This is one of his."

Robin flailed internally for a moment, because really, not that many people were supposed to know Ish's feathers. Then he sighed and glanced over his shoulder, back at the kitchen.

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