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Panda Spirit 08-10-2009 11:17 AM

The House of the Spirits: Come on in, we have Cakes, Gifts and Freebies!
As you come out from one of the houses where your Team hangs out (Or the thread house you were just visiting), you notice small house that stands in the clearing, looking like it has grown out of the earth - the walls are brown and covered in all sorts of plants which also seems to make up most of the roof and window frames looks like wood it self weaved them self.

In front of this strange building stands a equally strange girl and energetically waves at you. When you stand confused, tyring to decide what to do, she runs over to you and you can have a closer look at her strange outfit. Her one hand and leg is covered in black roses and in one hand she holds a silvery wand that sheds purple sparkles every which way. It looks like a panda is sitting on her head, no, wait it's a hat and a panda is actually hugging her leg.

"Hello there, Stranger!" she greats, strange purple eyes lit with happy laugh, "I am Panda Spirit and it would make me very happy if you would come in and join the party we are having in honor of the Goddesses, their protector and Celestial Gods. We have cakes and other tasty things and lots of friends!" Seeing that you are uncertain still, she grins wider. "My friend Fox Spirit shall arrive soon and I have heard that she is going to hand out some drawing of the visitors... And I like to gift my friends as well!"

Now, this offer is certainly too good to reject and Panda Spirit seems too nice to have bad intentions and with a smile, you follow her to the house that is much bigger from inside than it seems from inside... And, My Friend, that indeed was a good choice!

Panda Spirit 08-10-2009 11:18 AM

The house seems to have only few rooms and this is the main one, apparently. It is neatly seperated in many sections, though. At one wall yoou see gallery of drawing and nearby table you see a colorful clothed girl with Fox Hat sitting and working on some drawings while she also manages to speak with some of the people flocking around.

On other side, there is large table, covered with all sorts fo food you could imagine as delicious. And another table next to it is covered with all sorts of presents. Seeing your interest of it, Panda Spirit smiles. "Like I said, I love handing out gifts to my friends. In fact, I and my dear freind Fox are planning on moving our house to the Charity Street and help everyone who stops by. And on that table, you can find what gifts I have handed out and any that we have received from our lovely visitors."

She glances around and then sighs softly. "I would love to chat with you more but, unfortunately, I must attend to other guests. But," she pauses and claps hands, "my friends Sadrain and Hime will be more than glad to keep your company. In fact, when I and Fox Spirit cannot be here, they are the ones that takes the most care of our visitors. So, please be respectful to them... And any other people here. Also, don't forget to follow Menewshan Rules!" With this final warning, she disappears in cloud of purple glitter, leaving you with some choices:
  • Viewing the few rules you should follow in this house
    Heading over to Fox Spirit and seeing her Drawings
    Visiting the gift table
    Or starting chatting!

sadrain 08-10-2009 11:26 AM

~ Rules ~

~ Follow Menewsha's Rules and TOS.
~ Do as I (and Panda Spirit, as she is my mule, even if doesn't admit it) and Hime say. We're the 'rulers' here, even if we won't pressure you much.
~ Be respectful of everyone, it's not that hard.
~ No complaining if you don't like what has been given to you.
~ No begging.
~ Don't use too much chatspeak or explict language.
~ I reserve the rights to add new rules any time but, please, don't make me do that.

*Hime* 08-10-2009 11:29 AM

-Reserved for artz-

sadrain 08-10-2009 11:39 AM

~ Gifts Given ~

None yet! But we will get around that soon. ^^

~ Gifts Received ~

None. >: But it's not like we're actually expecting any...

~ Special Thanks ~

White list. <3

~ Past the Point of no Return ~

Black list. </3

*Hime* 08-10-2009 11:46 AM

-cuts ribbon-

Start chatting folks! (:

Leafey 08-10-2009 12:13 PM


chicChick 08-10-2009 12:16 PM

Hey! =]

*Hime* 08-10-2009 12:16 PM

Yay, visitors! <3

chicChick 08-10-2009 12:18 PM

hey *Hime* *squish*

*Hime* 08-10-2009 12:23 PM

Hey chic (:
What's up?

chicChick 08-10-2009 12:26 PM

hahaz nothing much. just on the computer now, ebaying and on menewsha. hahaz. you?

*Hime* 08-10-2009 12:27 PM

Having a serious headache :(
And unfortunately I have to get to work now. So I'll see you later! <3

chicChick 08-10-2009 12:29 PM

aw really? hope you feel better on your way to work... otherwise it would be really bad. *hugs* poor thing.

yupyup see you later. =]

dragoness129 08-10-2009 04:49 PM

Hello Spirit, Sad, and Hime. Spiffy thread!

ChOcOlAtE_PiE 08-10-2009 05:11 PM

Hello Panda Spirit, sadrain, and Hime nice thread :boogie:

sadrain 08-10-2009 06:52 PM

Hello! Sorry for the typos if I get any but the thing is, Im on bro\s laptop and the typing is really weird. D8

Glad to see someone in the thread, btw!

*Hime* 08-10-2009 09:32 PM

Hooray! Done with work for today XD
Though it's almost midnight already ;_;

chicChick 08-11-2009 05:55 AM

Hey!~ LOL this is from uni so yeah I'll have to go soon. HAHAZ!!!

Goblin Maiden 08-11-2009 06:00 AM


*Mai makes a flying leap and hugs sadrain*

You made your own hang-out! Now we can hang together more than EVAR. 8D

I've found all the clues so far! How are you doing with that?

chicChick 08-11-2009 10:19 AM

Hey!~ hows everyone going with the gifts as far?

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 11:30 AM

*prods thread looking for life* hiro?

HikariKuro 08-11-2009 11:35 AM

*Makes ghost noises* OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm a ghost! A scary ghost! XD I also didn't have enough sleep last night because of my evil cat.... Can you tell?

chicChick 08-11-2009 11:48 AM

Hahaz yeah. Whats everyone doing now?

Troubledfox 08-11-2009 11:49 AM

Making pretty stars! And Goldies, And Posts and conversations you?

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