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Sparky435 06-17-2015 01:35 PM

Another day gone by (sparky and originalsin)
Name: Roland
Bio: Born inside vault 203, Roland grew up under strict rule of a corrupt overseer. He was 20 when the vault doors were opened so people could flee from the trapped hell that was inside. Without his parents or any close family, Roland had tought himself to servive in the Eastland that was waiting them in the world. Not many old structures were still in good condition after bombing at raiders but there were plenty of people out here trying to service that made small villages for training and places to sleep.

OriginalSin 06-17-2015 03:27 PM

Eliza Morris
  • 21
Having lived her entire life inside vault 158, Eliza wants nothing more than to go outside and see what the war has done to the world. Surely it must be habitable by now? Her mother used to show her pictures of the house that she and her father had lived in; all the gardens and trees and different flowers... Now though, who knows what's left of it? Eliza lost her mother when she was 13... They threw her in the 'death vault' at the back. Having lived in almost complete darkness for most of her life, Eliza is desperate to see the sun...

Sparky435 06-17-2015 04:35 PM

The sun was hot and the air was dry where Roland was laying, the shade from the rocks behind him was only thing keeping him cool for now. He was laying back taking a drink for a bottle when he head some fumiluar sound, explosives. The blast shook the ground and Roland quickly got to his feet and got his rifle ready, he could easily guess what was going on. There was a vault door just down the path he was walking and by leading over a ledge he saw five guys setting another charge on the door. It wouldn't take much more to pop it open, the built up air would blast the door right off like a pop bottle under presser.

Roland looked down the scope and settled on one man as the second blast went off, he fired, nailing the man in the head under the cover of the smoke. He waited for the dust to settle and aimed another shot at a guy starting to run inside the vault. The other three men went in before that and started opening fire inside. "Fuck" roland said as he shouldered his gun and pulled out a postal, he hurried down the slope knowing he had to help the people inside.

OriginalSin 06-17-2015 05:33 PM

Eliza woke from a restless sleep filled with nightmares and long gone memories of her dead parents. Most of her generation had lost their whole family by now; People didn't live to be old in the vaults. However, most of them had started to create a new generation. Eliza was quite happy on her own, who needs another mouth to feed when you can barely feed yourselves? Suddenly, there was a thunderous noise of explosions that ripped through the dead air inside vault 158, and the ringing carried on in Eliza's ears long after the first blow... But there was no time to worry about that.

Men, three in total, were moving into the vault, guns raised and firing at anyone that moved. What the hell? she thought to herself. A woman only slightly older than herself was shot twice in the chest, and Eliza felt the hot, thick blood spatter across her face. The light from outside was blinding her to almost everything, but Eliza knew she had to hide. Grabbing the body of the fallen woman, she slid herself underneath, holding her breath to stop from heaving. The thought of what was happening and what she was doing was making her sick to her stomach, but she had to survive! She had been locked in this vault for her entire life, there was no way she was giving up now.

Calming herself down, she settled under the body's weight and tried to clear the spots and patches from her vision. Her eyes were used to pitch black darkness and the sunlight was crippling her sight. From somewhere in the distance, Eliza could hear more gunshots, but these ones didn't seem to rip through the vault like the others had been doing... These ones were met with dull thuds as they planted into the men that were shooting inside. Suddenly, there was no noise at all. No gunshots, no screaming. Just dust settling and the agonized moans of the barely living all around her.

Someone help me! was Eliza's only thought as she remained buried under the weight of the corpse.

Sparky435 06-17-2015 05:46 PM

Roland was breathing heavy as his last shot went off killing the last man shooing inside the valt, he had feadlred he was too late. He holstered his pistal and slowly walked inside, the smell of stail air filled his nose the further he got inside. Sounds of groaning could be heard but his eyes had not adjusted yet to the darkness. "Anyone still alive.." He said loud enough "I'm not here to harm, I'm here to help" he added thinking if there were people alive, they would be afraid of him right now , or at least of outsiders.

Outside there was a cloud of dust picking up and heading to the vault. Roland saw it and cursed again "shit, more are coming, if anyone can walk you better now!" He yelled but it was too late, the other bandits were getting closer. He pulled out the pistal and reloaded it, "god, please let me servive this" he whispered quietly.

OriginalSin 06-17-2015 05:57 PM

Eliza head a voice. A man's voice. He said that he was only there to help. He must have been the one shooting the bandits! she thought. Taking a quick glance out she saw that he was standing alone. There were no other survivors. Outside however, more were drawing closer, and Eliza knew that they didn't stand a chance of survival if they ran for it. Her eyes were still way to fragile. Reaching up, she grabbed the man's sleeve and yanked him down as hard as she could, praying that he didn't shoot her.

"Shh!" she whispered to him, her eyes reflecting him back to himself as though they were mirrors. "You need to get under them. Under the bodies! If your really here to help, you have to understand that I can't see out there. We'll never make it. Once they come inside to search, I can show you where to shoot through the darkness" she whispered, looking into his eyes. How long has he been out there? she wondered to herself, vowing that when they made it out of there, she would ask him. And they would make it out... They had to!

Sparky435 06-17-2015 06:24 PM

Roland put a cloth over his mouth and as soon as he did he was pulled down to the ground. A woman was right in front of him, so close it was slightly unnerving 'how didn't I see her before' he thought as she spoke to him. He nodded without hesitation and scooted close to a wall and under a body, the smell was starting to get to him no matter how much he had smelled it before. "I'm trusting you" he said softly as he could feel her still close by.

The sun was blocked out by a man that started walking in, "struggle.. They didn't make it, dam morons" the guy said as three more guys came in behind him. "Search for anything and kill anyone hiding" he added. Roland took a deep breath, the room was dark a hell to him and he was hopping this woman was able to help him aim before they got caught, or before they started shooting back.

OriginalSin 06-17-2015 09:12 PM

Eliza carefully moved closer to the man, he looked a little green and his cloth was pushed so close to his face she worried he might suffocate. She looked down and saw the pistol clenched in his hand. Gently, she put her hand around his and the gun and looked him in the eye. "When I tap, you shoot" she whispered, as quietly as she could.

Waiting for the bandits to enter into the vault seemed to take forever for Eliza. The weight of the corpse was pressing down on her and she could feel hot blood running down her waist. Eventually, the one she assumed to be the leader gave the order to hunt and kill, and she slowly rose her arm up, taking the man's with it. Taking one final glance at him, she nodded and took aim. Planning ahead, she made sure she knew where the others were, because once they made the first shot their location would be exposed, so they had mere seconds to kill them all or they would die.

Four men, four seconds... Okay, let's do this she thought to herself, and with her free hand she tapped the man's leg four times. Each time she tapped, she moved the gun in his hand to point directly at another one of the bandits, and then there was silence. Did we do it?

Sparky435 06-17-2015 09:46 PM

Time was slow for Roland as well as he could head the men in the room but he couldn't see them at all. He hidden at the woman's orders even though he knew she would see him. When he felt her tap him he pulled the trigger without hessitation and when the vault was silent he waited, it seemed too easy to him. He waited for a brief second and aimed quickly at the door and fired as one last guy started running into the vault to see what happened. "I think we got them" he said softly and moved the body from them, it was getting too weird to have it just stay there. "We better move now, here" he said and stood up hand I g her a pair of goggles, "they look dark now but trust me and thy will help you as you get us to the outside" he said offering her his hand as well.

The woman had helped save them and he was glad for that, knowing she would have questions he said "let's get safe and I'll tell you anything" he added as they headed out of the vault. Roland didn't know how fast she would adjust so he kept ahold of her and walked up a path, "its a bit steep bit its safe, and thanks fr back there" he said making their way to the top. He let he go and he sat down "first things first, I'm Roland its a pleasure.. Sorry about you group, I wasn't fast enough" he said in a smooth voice.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 08:39 AM

Another Bandit entered the vault, but the man next to her could see him silhouette against the entrance, so he took the shot. They had done, and all Eliza could think was I'm going outside!. When he moved the body off them both, she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air again. Taking the goggles, she pulled them on and adjusted them over her eyes to make sure no light could get through. Suddenly, for the first time, she found it impossible to see through the darkness, and accepted the man's hand with gratitude.

Carefully, and a little too slowly, Eliza followed him out of the vault and into the real world beyond. This was not what she was expecting. Eliza thought the world would have healed by now, that it would look more like what her parents left behind for her... But it was nowhere near that. She stayed close as he lead her up a slope, and when they reached the top, she too sat down. The ground was welcome relief, Eliza had never walked more than the length of the vault she had lived in, and she had definitely never conquered any hills as big as this.

"Nice to meet you Roland, I'm Eliza" she smiled warmly at him. "Please don't apologise, you've saved me from that place. I was starting to think I'd never get out! Thank you for trusting me". Eliza couldn't think of anything else to say, then she remembered the vow she made to herself. "How long have you been out here, doing this? Did you grow up out here?"

Sparky435 06-18-2015 10:17 AM

Reaching into his pack, Roland pulls out another water bottle and handed it to Eliza. "I tried to same more but I'll be happy with one person" he said with a smile before shaking his head. "I was born in vault 206 if I remember right, I've been out here for about three years now" he said with a small sigh thinking of his past. He remembered his parents and the few good times they had together, but he was glad things had gone this way, no more suffering. "Its sad to say out here was better than in there, at least were we can have guns to defend our selves." He said pulling his pack closer to him.

Rummaging through the bag, Roland had to make his way to the bottom before pulling out an old looking revolver. "Here, I trust you enough for his, I can have you out unarmed." He said handing her the gun. His eyes met her as he looked up and saw all the blood she had on her, "there's a small town to the north, let's go get you cleaned up" he added as he got to his feet again, moving was always the safest way to live out here. "How's your vision?" He asked not sure how fast they would adjust after being in there for so long.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 10:56 AM

"Oh my god, thank you!" Eliza gushed as she took the bottle of water from Roland. "I think it's probably been about 3 years since I drank clean water" she said, and then poured some into her mouth. It was cool and refreshing as she swallowed it, and it made her feel instantly better. Eliza listened intently as Roland spoke of his time in the vault and how long he'd been free from it. "I don't think humans were made to survive like that, living in vaults like we were. I feel better just being out in circulating air. It was so stale and rotten in that place. I'm lucky I never knew anything else, because I watched it kill my mother, you know, being locked up like that" she sighed. Tears were springing to her eyes but she blinked them away and have a brave smile. "I'm free" she laughed.

When Roland handed her the gun gun, Eliza took it cautiously. She knew what they were, she knew how they worked and how to use them, but With Roland was the first time she had ever been behind one when it killed someone. That was a scary thought... I'm going to have to kill a lot more from now on she realised. When he said he would take her to get cleaned up, Eliza realised that she was covered in drying blood. "Yeah, clean sounds good" she smiled and then in reply to his question of her eyes "They don't hurt, I don't know what it will be like when I take these off though". Carefully, Eliza removed the goggles from her face and opened her eyes into the natural sunlight. "Everything's kinda pulsing, like different colours. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. It's not too painful either" she smiled up at Roland and then got up onto her feet and stood beside him. "So, which way to the town?" she asked, thankful that he was sticking with her.

Sparky435 06-18-2015 11:52 AM

Seeing the look on Eliza's face when she took the gun, Roland knew what she was thinking "if you don't want to use it that's fine for now, but it will come in handy when its he only option" he said softly. He had the Same feeling when he killed his first bandit and stole the guys gun to safe himself from the rest. He shook the thought from us head and pointed "not far that way, I know someone that will help you more than I can for this" he said meaning at ettig he better cloths four out here.

At the top of the hill and in the distance here was a small looking town that was about maybe 30 minutes walk from where they were. The sand would be a bit rough to walk in but they could make it with no problems. "Keep the goggles, I have another pair" he said as they started walking slowly back down the hilly path "they will come in handy during the storms" he added. The wind got bad at times and its hard to see with sand blowing in your face like that.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 12:42 PM

The words Roland spoke were a welcome comfort for her. It was a relief that he didn't expect her to start killing straight away. The look on his face however, sent shivers down her spine. He's seen too much she thought to herself. Roland quickly drew back his composure though, and before Eliza knew it she was looking in the direction of the little town they would head to. "Thank you for all of this. For saving me and taking me to the town, for showing me to the right people to help me get ready for outdoor life and for the gun, but especially for the goggles" she chuckled, clutching them to her chest. Eliza might have been locked up her whole life, but she had heard the storms hammering the side of the vault and she knew they were bad. "I used to hear sand storms and thunder storm and I didn't understand how anyone could survive out here, but you seem to be doing really well!" smiling, she began to follow Roland in the direction of the town.

Sparky435 06-18-2015 01:33 PM

When Eliza starts thinking him for almost everything, Roland poured some water on a rag and whipped the dried blood off his face. "No need to thank me, there will be a day you probably wished you stayed away from all of this" he said softly and waited for her to get beside him. He showed little expression and moved his hair from his face "I hope I don't regret what I did, I haven't helped anyone like this in a long time" he started to say "the guy was nearly mad when he got outside, I tried to help him but all I got were these" he added and ran his hand over three lines that went across his cheek.

The man that attacked him was the first guy he had to kill that wasn't a bandit, and that insident made home not trust people for a while. This woman was the first the he had to trust in order to live another day, "I think your different though" he said turning back to the path again "I could see the fight in your eyes back there" he added and went quiet. The town was getting closer and he wasn't sure how he was going to pay for the things they would need to continue their journey, that's if she was stay in with him

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 02:03 PM

Eliza felt a little sad when Roland said that he hoped he didn't regret saving her. She didn't let it show though, she knew why he'd said it once he told her his story. "I want to live. It's all I've ever wanted. I knew there had to be more to life, and if the time comes when I have to defend that, then I'll do whatever I have to. Don't worry, I won't let you down" Eliza smiled at Roland and continued walking. After a while, she slowed down, and eventually drew to a complete stop.

Staring at a patch of destroyed rubble, Eliza had caught a glimpse of something familiar. "Do you see that?" she asked Roland. There, lay in the rubble, was an old letter box that read 'Morris'. "I think this is my parents old house. Or what's left of it anyway" she said, barely above a whisper. Eliza started to move towards the wreckage and remembered that Roland was waiting for her. Turning around, she looked at him as if she had forgotten how to speak. "Do you mind? My mother told me that she and my father had hidden their treasures and family heirlooms underground before the war started. They hoped that I would one day get to have them. I don't have anything to survive with out here. No money, no bargaining tools, maybe if we can find it I'll be able to pay you back for the gun and buy my own clothes" she was desperate to check it out, but would not leave without him. She did owe him after all...

Sparky435 06-18-2015 02:43 PM

The sound of foot steps stopped behind Roland and he turned to look at Eliza. After hearing her he nodded "feel free, we just need to be there by night fall" he said as he looked around where they were. He didn't notice the old structures until as mentioned them and he walked over to the old frame of a house to have a look him self. He for a broken feller door and he opened it, sand had filled he inside about ankle high but he continued inside anyway. There we're old bookshelves and a bunch of other old things scattered all over but what coughtis eye was the safe that was poking out of a wall. He pulled out his lockpicks and went to work opening it. Inside was a note and some ammo which he placed in his bag, the note was addressed to some Dorothy and he was going to asked Eliza if she knew them. He walked back out to try and find her, he followed her footprints around the back of the house.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 03:59 PM

Eliza watched silently as Roland walked into the wreck of a house that used to be her parent's home. She felt overwhelmed with sadness that nobody would ever make happy memories inside it's walls again. Though she never knew her father, as he had died in the war before the vaults, she still felt a deep sense of love for him. The memory of him had made her mother's life infinitely more bearable inside the vaults.

As Roland entered the house, Eliza decided to go around the back to see if she could find the entrance to the basement. Rounding the corner at the back of the house, she was immediately greeted by a pile of bricks and mortar and wood panel. Underneath that pile is where the entrance is she thought. Starting at the top and methodically working her way through, she managed to clear all of the debris and was greeted with two large, steel doors and a solid bar that had obviously kept bandits from getting into it all these years. The locking mechanism has a small hole for a key. Reaching down the collar of her bloodstained plain beige shirt, she pulled out the mandatory ID tags that hung off a chain around her neck. Years ago, in the dead of night, her mother had attached a small key and stuck it to the back of one of the tags. She had said that one day Eliza would need it. Surely this can't be it? How did she know that I would get out? Cautiously, Eliza slid the key into the mechanism, closed her eyes and turned it gently to the right. With a slight groan, the bar gave way and the doors were left unlocked. Feeling quite please with herself, she stood there looking at them with a grin on her face. At that moment, Roland walked around the corner with a puzzled look on his face. "Is everything alright?" she asked, feeling concern for her new companion.

Sparky435 06-18-2015 04:33 PM

Going around the house, Roland saw the big door as it was unlocking. "I didn't find much inside but some ammo" he said as he go closer and pulled out the letter "your mothers name was Dorothy by chance was it?" He asked calmly as he showed her the envelope, "it was in a safe, but there was no gun" he added. Staying quiet he stood there, know how it would be to find something like this after eveyhing had changed so much. His parents didn't leave him anything worth value except the memories they had all made together. "I'm sorry about your family" he finally said braking the silence.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 05:08 PM

"How did you.... Oh" was all Eliza could say before Roland handed her the envelope. "Yes, well, everyone knew her as Dotty, but her given name was Dorothy. I can't believe you found this!" she said, gratefully taking the envelope from his hands. Eliza was about to open it when she saw a sad look descend over Roland's face. When he said those words, it cut right through her bravery and courage and broke her heart all over again. Those words sounded as though they weighed a thousand tonnes, and Eliza's heart wasn't only breaking for her own family, but for Roland and his lost family. "Please don't. You've lost as much as me, if not more. I never knew my father, only pictures of him, and my mother was very sad towards the end. I think she knew that it was time for her to go". As Eliza spoke, tears welled in her eyes and began to flow down over her cheeks.

For no reason at all, and before she could stop herself, Eliza pulled Roland into a tight hug. "We'll always have the memories" She sighed. Pulling away, Eliza wiped her tears away with the back of her and then tore into the letter. "It's from my father. All it says is: Our blood will open the seal. Which is really creepy!" she frowned and stuffed the note into her pocket. Looking at Roland with a confused frown, she said all that she could think of... "Shall we descend?" and then she let out a nervous giggle.

Sparky435 06-18-2015 05:32 PM

Roland stood there as she told him it was alright, those words crossed ha mind at one point but the greaf came back seeing it happen to someone else. He was shocked when she pulled him in for a hug and without thinking he hugged her back in return, reassurance that everything would be fine. He chuckled at the note as she read it out loud "sounds like a riddle to me, its been a while since I embarked out something like this.." He said as a bit of excitmen started to go threw him "after you" he added knowing it was her safe and not his.

The door opened to a small short stair case and behind Eliza, Roland sparked up his lighter he had so they could see around a little. "Good thing to have at times when I don't need it" he said with a chuckle. He ha smoked on occasion but not all the time yet.

OriginalSin 06-18-2015 06:10 PM

It was a shock to Eliza that Roland hugged her back, she thought he might just stand there and take it, or even worse, that he might push her away. But the warmth from his arms was a wonderful feeling, and Eliza realised it was welcome releif as she had started to get cold. Seeing the excitement on Roland's face made Eliza giggle. She had often wondered what it looked like on some else; nobody was ever excited in the vaults. "It does sound like a riddle. But I'm not my mother, and I genuinely have no idea what my father was thinking about when he wrote this. She probably would have had some idea" Eliza sighed and the furrow in her brow returned.

As she began to descend the short staircase, Eliza felt a rush of heat coming from the basement please don't be fire she thought, and just as she did, Roland struck a lighter and Eliza had to hold back a laugh. She forgot that he would need something to help him see. It seemed that the talent for seeing in the dark had not gone away, even though her eyes had adjusted to the sunlight.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Eliza became aware that the heat coming from the room there was abnormal. It was too hot, too sticky. A feeling of claustrophobia swept over her and she had to fight the urge to run back out screaming. "Do you feel that? It's weird right?" she mused, mostly to Roland but partly to herself and the memories of her parents. Taking a quick glance around, Eliza accounted for a small white vase, a broken end table and a chair leg, but there was one more thing... "Do you see that box?" she asked Roland. "Do you think that has anything to do with the stupid riddle in the note?" it occured to Eliza that the note had to have relevance to something in the house, otherwise, why would it be stored in a safe in their house with nothing else but some old ammo?

Sparky435 06-18-2015 06:27 PM

Roland could feel some small connection with Eliza, thy had had similar experiences up to now and he felt like he was actually getting a friend for the first time in three years. He didn't notice the feeling until she mentioned it "its damp and well.. Odd" he finally said as he looks around the small room. "It shouldn't feel like this down here" he added softly more to himself.

He spotted the box she was talking about and he knelt down on the ground quickly "hold on.. I need to see better" he said pulling out his goggles and slipped them on. They had a slight modification to them and they worked as night vision goggles as well, solar charged with a small battery but they would help. He put away the lighter and grabbed the box, placing it on the broken table "our blood will open the seal.. What seal? Its a combination" he said alone looked over at with trying not to chuckle a little.

OriginalSin 06-19-2015 08:19 AM

Eliza was momentarily shocked when Roland pulled his glasses onto his face. What on earth? she wondered and then realised that they must have been specially adapted for the dark, because he seemed to see a whole lot better with them on. "A combination? Hold on, lemme see" she said as she knelt down by Roland's side.

Running her finders along the seals of the box, she noticed that there was a line through the ornate pattern on the top. In the centre of the line was a small hole, barely visible if you weren't looking for it. "My mother taught me of these, it's a trick box! Most people would see the combination lock and try to open it that way, others would try to break into by the hinges at the back. But the lock and hinges are just for show. See here?" she said, showing him where the line and indentation met. "That's the real opening... And I think I know how to open it" she smiled.

Eliza pulled the pin that held her waistband to her stomach. Her pants were instantly way too big for her, but she would fix them again later. Taking the pin, she plunged it into her finger as hard and as fast as she could, and there was an instant rush of blood to the surface. Once the blood had risen and her finger was continuously bleeding, she pressed it onto the lid of the box where the indentation was. Instantly, there was a clicking sound and the movement of mechanism from inside.

With a groan, the box popped open and Eliza sat back on her heels and tried to put the pin back into her pants. "Well, I opened the box, but now my pin's bent!" she laughed, and then tied a knot in the side of her pants to keep them from falling down. "What's inside Roland?" she asked, afraid even to look.

Sparky435 06-19-2015 10:16 AM

As Eliza explained the truth of the box, Roland looked and watched a bit fascinated. He hasn't seen a contraption as interesting as that, "that's nifty" he said looking over at her. He quickly looked away realizing she was striving with the pin "you won't have that problem real soon" he said with a chuckle. New clothes and more ammo was hopefully waiting for them back at town. His eyes moved to the box again as it popped open and his eyes got wide, there was a note with Elisa wrote on it along with a big stack of bills. "You have money, like what was destroyed in the war" he said picking it up slowly. "If you take this with, you better hold onto it tightly" he added handing her the stack and letter.

A hard scratching feeling was hitting his throut and he started caughing "I need air" Roland said as he quickly got up. He was getting light headed and stumbled as he was headed for the stairs, he almost made it to the bottom when he collapsed still coughing. "What the hell" he managed to say, he felt like he wouldn't make it and wasn't sure what happened. Was something in that damp air?

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