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CK 07-25-2008 06:11 PM

Fantastic Feast
Artwork created by Torikat. Banners made by Omi. Thank you both! <3

Eroy 07-25-2008 06:23 PM

The Contest

Honor the Goddess of the Feast by participating in an age-old competition - a cook-off! :) Why not take some time to put your skills to the test and preparing something delicious for everyone? :)

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, in some cases? XD) there is no taste component of the internet, so Creativity and Presentation in your dishes are what are judged on. So even if you aren't in any danger of putting the local gourmet chef out of business, you still have a shot at winning some rather sweet (and savory) prizes! And, best yet, you get to bake your cake and eat it too. :)

The Hosts

And what better time to get to know your hosts but for just before you read all the other information-y posts? :)

Hey guys! I'm so thrilled to be working with CK on this event cooking contest. I love, love, love to cook and bake so I'm really excited to see what everyone comes up with. Do you're best!

This will be my... gosh... my fifth time since joining Staff that I've assisted in some way with running a site event - sixth if you also count the user-run Menewshaversary... During which, speaking of, I ran a baking contest with a very similar format to this contest. ;D

I can't say that I'm much of a cook - not that I'm bad at it, it's just that my entire family is good at it, so I rarely have the interest to cook meals on my own (not when I have my family to do it!). When it comes to cooking, I'm pretty big on presentation - probably from a combination of lots of cooking competition shows on television and being an artist. :) When I cook (well, I mean take a serious stab at it, not every-day cooking), it's usually something that requires baking and presentation skills. I'm looking forward to what Menewsha can do! :)

CK 07-25-2008 08:13 PM


1) Follow Menewsha's TOS.

2) Entries must be submitted to this thread by the due date, using the form. (You are not eligible if you don't use the form!)

3) Do not submit with a mule account. (We can and will check!)

4) You may get help from family or friends on any cooking involved - but you must do the majority of the work yourself!

5) You may not get professional assistance! Home-made entries only, please!

6) Multiple entries in each category are welcome - but you may only win once in each category. (Ie: You cannot win First and Second prize.)

7) All users (including Staff) are welcome to participate! :D

8 ) Photographs only! (No artwork!) Video entries are also acceptable if viewable from an online service. :)

* Please fill out a separate form for each entry you submit. Do not combine them into one form. :)


[size=18][color=blue][u]Please Partake of My Creation![/u][/color][/size]
[b]Username[/b]: (Your username.)
[b]Category[/b]: (Which category are you submitting to?)
[b]Creation Name[/b]: (Please tell us what you call your creation! ie: "Yumeh's birthday cake" or "Chocolate doublecruch Crowncakes".)
[b]URL[/b]: (Where can photo(s) and/or video(s) of your entry be found online?)
[b]Comments[/b]: (Tell us about your creation! What is it made of? What were you inspired by? Did anything funny happen while you were creating your entry?)

Please Partake of My Creation!
Username: CK
Category: Menewsha
Creation Name: Three-Tier Yumeh Cake!
URL: pretend url here!
Comments: This three-tier cake is made out of one layer of chocolate, one layer of vanilla, and one layer of pumpkin spice cake! I decorated it with homemade black icing and I used blue M&Ms for the eyes! :D
My mom taught me how to use the new oven, but it was kind of funny because the layer of chocolate had to be done twice because she's still learning too. XD; My fingers are still black! D:

Eroy 07-26-2008 02:38 AM

Categories and Prizes
There are two entry categories!

+ Celestial
Please include something "Celestial" in your entry - the sun, the moon, stars, and so forth. You can do an entirely sun-themed entry, or mix and match to your pleasure.

- (First) Event commons totaling 2,500 or under.
- (Second) Event commons totaling 1,000 or under.
- (Third) Event commons totaling 500 or under.

+ Menewsha
Whether you create something to represent an NPC, a site item, or the site in general, it must be "Menewsha" themed.

- (First) Event commons totaling 2,500 or under.
- (Second) Event commons totaling 1,000 or under.
- (Third) Event commons totaling 500 or under.

CK 07-26-2008 02:46 AM

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to ask in-thread. :) We'll answer and then put the answer here in the FAQ! :)

1) How are entries judged?
Each entry will be judged in each category:

Fits Theme?: How well does it fit the Menewsha or Celestial theme?
Creativity: How creative is your entry? :)
Presentation: Did you take your photo with the cake still in the pan? Did you simply plop the sandwich on the plate? Is the lighting in the photo poor? Take care with this area - it can make or break your entry!

CK and Eroy will total the scores each gives individually to arrive at the winners. Your scores will not be posted publicly!

2) When are entries due?
Entries are due by the 9th of August at 11pm Central Time Zone so that we can get you your prizes before the event ends!
Use this site to convert between CST and your time. (Choose USA - Montgomery, AL as your start location)
3) Does it have to be a cake?
Of course not! Anything that is "food" is able to be used. :) That's not to say you shouldn't use cake - use whatever you think you could create a great entry from!

Eroy 07-26-2008 03:10 AM

Celestial Entries


Username: IndiGlo
Category: Celestial
Creation Name: Peanut Butter Muesli Munch
URL: ^ 3^
Comments: Muesli (aka Hippie Cereal....made by some Swedish guy), Creamy Peanut Butter, Cocoa Powder, Vanilla Extract. Frozen in the freezer. I guess this was coming for a while, I discovered Muesli while in Germany this summer, I saw Disturbia (he takes a spoonful of Crunchy PB and dips it in chocolate), and then my family made homemade ice cream the ingredients accrued over the summer. All coming together today in an "AHA!!" moment. Needless to say that my Mom was shocked I had created something and that I had cleaned it up afterwards...though she enjoyed the result.
The little piece off to the side is part of an apple, a trick I learned from my Mom that if you cut an apple a certain way, the seeds make a nifty little star shape.
Design on plate by fudge and the grain bits are from the muesli itself, piping by plastic baggy...blah blah blah.

Username: teacupmouse
Category: Celestial
Creation Name: Celestial Feast
URL: Okay, I've got a few photos for this, i wanted all the items to be seen.

Whole set-up
Comet Toast
Star Power
Cosmic Salad
Celestial Kabobs
Sun Tea
Goddess Offering

Comments: I created the Celestial Feast, in honor of the event.
For your viewing and taste bud enjoyment we have the following,

Comet Toast. Boiled eggs comets served along toasted whole wheat bread in the shape of comet tails.

Star Power. Home made curry chicken salad sandwiches with white bread cut into star patterns

Cosmic Salad. Pasta salad with tri color star shaped pasta, black olives, cucumber and spices. Tossed with a balsamic vinaigrette. Served chilled

Celestial Kabobs. Orange suns and kiwi moons, strawberries, blueberries, red grapes, cantaloupe, pineapple, and honeydew melon.

Sun Tea. Home made sun tea with a touch of cinnamon and a splash of apple juice. Garnished with orange suns and kiwi moons.

Offering to the Goddess of the Feast. One centerpiece fruit display, green apples, red delicious apples, kiwi, Clementine oranges.

I was in a rush to get the table set and the photos taken before our cats jumped up on the table. As soon as I had finished the photos my husband and my sister got to taste test. :D

Username: IndiGlo
Category: Celestial
Creation Name: Coconut Peanut Butter Banana Bits
URL: ^ 3^
Comments: Creamy Peanut Butter, crushed Banana Chips, Bakers Shredded Coconut, Vanilla Extract. Frozen for a bit, shaped and then frozen again till solid.
Slightly funny bit, I was going to melt down some white chocolate to form it into a decorative element (having done this before). I popped it in the microwave and was paranoid, but after three rounds at 25 seconds and no melting, I left it in for 45 seconds. I come back to charred white chocolate ; A;
So I scratched that idea and may save it for a different entry. Again with the fudge...seriously, brown is not the most interesting color.....

Username: sad_girlformat
Category: Celestial
Creation Name: Milky Way Brownie Cake :lol:
Whole cake
Close up look. Sorta like the milky way hey? XD
Chickie attack!! Xx
Comments: Ah... I was thinking of the milky way... if you stare at the second image long enough, you'll believe that you're in outer space!! XD Chewy brownies with peanut butter swirls, Cocoa puffs as asteroids, icing sugar to distinguish the Milky way. Yep~
It was good... even the chickie attack it!! XD

CK 07-26-2008 09:04 PM

Menewsha Entries


Username: Siaasgn
Category: Menewsha
Creation Name: Naughty Yumeh Pancakes
Top view
Side View
the Delicious aftermath

Comments: I love making pancakes and I was thinking about trying a new recipe I found in my cookbook and I decided . . . Yumeh pancakes would be delish!!

I mixed up the batter and started cooking, and Yumeh looked so lonely I made him some stars and a moon, and he went and ate one!!!

These are all gingerbread pancakes (recipe to follow) - Yumeh's eyes are hershey kisses and his mouth ad whiskers are made from chocolate syrup.


  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp ground allspice
  • 1/8 tsp ground cloves
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 3 Tbsp melted butter
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp molasses (or 1 more Tbsp brown sugar)
  1. In large bowl stir together both flours, baking powder, and spices
  2. In medium bowl beat the eggs. Beat in the milk, butter, brown sugar, and molasses.
  3. Add the milk mix to the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. The batter may have some lumps.
  4. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat until a drop of water dances across the surface before evaporating. Brush the skillet with butter or oil. Drop 1/4 cup of batter onto pan, cook until one or two bubbles burst, turn and cook until golden on the bottom.


Username: IndiGlo
Category: Menewsha
Creation Name: Waiting for the Fish
URL: Before melting
After Melting
Comments: Everything went wrong with this one. The first white chocolate I melted had the consistency of chalk so I had to discard it. Every time I tried to put stuff by the blue water...said water would get everywhere. The chocolate covering Yumeh wouldn't dry and blahhh. I must be crazy trying to form chocolate when it is in the triple digits outside....the melting occurred all within about a minute...... Oh and I accidentally forgot to include my little fishy...but everything was just going downhill so fast that I had to take a picture before it died completely. Hate it...

Username: starladyplace
Category: Menewsha themed
Creation Name: Menewsha Cake
URL: Video -
(might still be in the process of authorization)
Step 1 ) I softened 250g of butter in the mircowave for about 3 seconds. Then put it in a stainless steel mixing bowl. Add 1 tsp of vanilla essence and 250g of caster sugar. Mixed for about 1.5 minutes with an electric beater.
Step 2 ) Add 5 eggs while still mixing with the beater, continue to mix for 5 minutes.
Step 3 ) Add 100g of choco powder and mix again. Then add 250ml of thickened cream and mix again.
Step 4 ) Put aside the electric beater and using a cake spatula; fold inn 50g of plain flour and 200g of self-raising flour.
Step 5 ) After the mixture has been stirred properly, scoop the mixture into a baking tin that has been sprayed with canola oil. Spread the mixture to the sides of the baking tin, leave 1.5cm for the cake to raise.

I bought premade icing and used these funky tubes of coloured jelly to draw the word 'Menewsha' and the mascot. They are called "cake mate". The symbols are made out of these shiney silver ball things my mum had. My mum gave me the instructions for the cake but I made it. I'd never made a cake before so when I used the beater, the mixture flew everywhere! lol

Username: Mouynaka
Category: Menewsha
Creation Name: Menewsha Marshmallow Cloud Cake
URL: - whole cake - whole cake with front menewsha sign in front - tree - lady - kitty w/fishy - first part of front sign - second part of sign - last part of sign - flower with big marshmallow clouds - frosting clouds

Comments: Okay this was hard to make because the only thing i had big enough beside the baking pan was the cookie sheet. so no pretty plate to put it on.

Its ingredients are cake mix, eggs, oil, water, andies candy, Pocky, gold fish, peanut butter cups, frostings of various colors, gel frosting, bead candies, long candy thingies X.x marshmallows (lots XD) Hersey's bar, almonds joys.

I had a hard time taking pictures because my web cam is not big enough and the cake was too big xD but i did it in a few seconds so it shouldn't look to back. I haven't eaten it yet but when i do i know it will be good xD While i was taking pictures my daughters kept trying to come over and eat parts of it including trying to steal the kitties fishy XD. my favorite part was doing the andies candy tree. the lady was hard to do and i got bumped by my hubby while pouring out the rainbow candies XD. it was fun. took about 2 hours to do XD

Username: Mouynaka
Category: Menewsha)
Creation Name: Summer Fun in Menewsha
URL: - whole cake - menewsha sign XD - girls having fun in the sun XD

Comments:Chocolate/vanilla cake mix, eggs, oil, water, vanilla frosting with blue/purple gel frosting, paper girls because every time i tired to make a person the were to big or fell apart. The tree is made out of brown ice cream cones and licorice type green stuff XD..i know the kids like it. Candles as "street "lamps" When i was about to get some of it to eat my hubby droped it on the floor XD poor cake never got to eat you

Tayuki 08-03-2008 07:48 PM

First post!

CK 08-03-2008 07:55 PM

XD Yay for first post! :heart:

Cain 08-03-2008 07:55 PM

Cooking? *ears perk up* I'm interested to see what sort of things Menewshans will whip up.

Eesu 08-03-2008 07:57 PM

It sucks food can't be shared from the contestants. XD

fuyumi_saito 08-03-2008 07:59 PM

I love baking, so I'll have to get my decorating tools out and see how everything turns out ^^ This will be very fun

Tayuki 08-03-2008 08:00 PM

Go me getting the first post *high five

CK 08-03-2008 08:03 PM

Awesome. XD I've got an NPC interested too! I think that means I win! :O

Lilith W 08-03-2008 08:05 PM

This looks like a lot of fun.
And my step-dad is always telling me to bake.

Intoxicate 08-03-2008 08:10 PM

I wish I could cook well. xD
This looks like tons of fun though :]
Maybe I'll give it a try. You might not want to get
near what I cook though.

-spots Abel-
...hehehe.... -shifty eyes-

Cain 08-03-2008 08:13 PM

*laughs softly* Anything to show my support for the Goddess of Feast I suppose, CK.

*looks nervously back at Intoxicate*

CK 08-03-2008 08:19 PM

Now you have an excuse to bake for your step-dad. :3

And remember - it's not how well you do it, it's how much effort you put into making it look good, yeah? :3

Now, speaking of feasting and so forth, I'm meant to be getting dressed to go swimming while my parents buy items for my birthday dinner. XD; SOMEONE BAKE ME A CAKE. :D :heart:

Tayuki 08-03-2008 08:27 PM

CK I'll bake you a cake? But you wont be able to eat it?

CK 08-03-2008 08:45 PM

XD That's okay - I like looking at things too. :3 :heart:

::waits for ride to show up. would have been gone for now if brother hadn't called her parents as they were leaving the store to ask them to pick something up for him:: XD;

Eroy 08-03-2008 08:52 PM

Hey guys. Good luck with all your cooking endeavors!

Befu 08-03-2008 08:57 PM

I wish there was a way to let you guys know how good it is and let the prizes be based on the taste. :XD

But since I can't cook anyway, I probably won't enter this one. 8D~ *shot*

Eroy 08-03-2008 09:02 PM

Mmm. I wish I could taste everyone's food! XD

Noir Kalenthiel 08-03-2008 09:24 PM

Oh here is where the food is! Well I will just have to stick around and drool.

Shadowfflur 08-03-2008 10:24 PM

Ooh nifty! I may just have to break out my old cake icing tips and see what I can do. X3

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