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jellysundae 10-29-2007 03:30 PM

[IMPORTANT] Regarding clue "spoilers"
Do NOT make numerous threads about not understanding the clues..


Originally Posted by Mr. Mayor
Please remember:

- Do not start any threads or PMs asking where the NPCs are hiding.

Listen to the man!

If you're at a loss, post in the FAQ thread, that's what it's there for. Many people will also be giving out hints for clue solving in the main event thread.

Create your own hangouts for the duration of the event by all means! Or make shops sellling spooky art or items to commemorate our first hallowe'en, but any more threads asking questions about clues/candy will be deleted.

Thank you

Chuchila 10-29-2007 03:37 PM

Okay, well I'll let you know this since you're a CM: no one in the main event thread would help any of us, not even remotely, when the first clue was out yesterday. How might we go about getting clue help otherwise? I'd wager it's the same in the FAQ thread. Some girl had finally made a thread about help with the clue because of this and many people, including a moderator, came and helped her and the others posting there. Seems like a better turn out, right?

Edit: To make it more clear: no one would give us the time of day at all, even to give us a clue about the clue. No one was asking for an outright answer.

jellysundae 10-29-2007 03:39 PM

Well I'm sorry about that, but people are helping in there now

Temmon 10-29-2007 03:41 PM

The FAQ thread has a LOT of pages of clues. A good 10 or so from what I've heard. Glancing through that can be quite educational. ;)

CrepsleyKabob 10-29-2007 03:42 PM

Good idea posting this thread jelly ^^

Chuchila - Hmm, well, people are helping now and if nobody helps when you post then just read through the pages in the FAQ thread, to see what tips were posted before ^^;

@jelly, you should probably put that too. xD just say that if nobody helps when you post to look through the pages before and see what tips were given out before ^^

Chuchila 10-29-2007 03:42 PM

Well good, I hope that's so because the other day that wasn't the case. I did sleep you know (to be non-sarcastic) and things do change during that time so I couldn't have read 10 pages in my sleep.

Sagitar 10-29-2007 03:43 PM

A Question:

Are we allowed to say who it is directly, or do we just have to give clues?

Cami 10-29-2007 03:43 PM

Chuchila: I don't know anything about the main event thread, but the FAQ thread has been nothing but hints for the past 18 hours. <<,, I got the hint that told me where to find the NPC there last night, and have given some hints myself. When I've been in there this morning, they were still giving hints.

You say you'd wager it's the same in the FAQ thread. You really should check yourself. <<,, There are plenty of people who will be happy to help you. I'll be there myself, if you'd like.

Neyor 10-29-2007 03:43 PM

Chu; Maybe not enough people had figured it out to be able to help? And there was some issues with the candy so not everyone was able to get the clue as fast as others. It took me a long while to get the first 6 candies since it glitched at first, and then I kept getting tricked. xD;;

The FAQ thread has, like Temmon said, A LOT of pages with hints, starting very early. I'm not sure what thread Jelly means with the main event thread but the FAQ thread is the one to check for clues imo. xD;; <33 People started helping in there very early. :3

Temmon 10-29-2007 03:44 PM

@Chuchila: :? There's a feature on these threads where you can read through previous posts, you know.

jellysundae 10-29-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sagitar
A Question:

Are we allowed to say who it is directly, or do we just have to give clues?

No, please don't do that, it ruins it for everyone else.

AppleDumplinCutie 10-29-2007 03:46 PM

I found the answers in the faq rather easily last night, you just actually have read what people are posting. I'm crappy at riddles and even i got it after a bit!

Sagitar 10-29-2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by jellysundae
No, please don't do that, it ruins it for everyone else.

okay, that's what I thought :3 I wont tell it to anyone.

I just hope todays clue wont be as hard as yesterdays xD

Chuchila 10-29-2007 03:47 PM

I didn't say I wouldn't go and read it. I stated my concern to someone because of what I personally saw happen the other day when I was on. If you have a concept of time, you might understand that I might not have been online when people started helping each other about the clues. No need to jump down my throat just because I was concerned. Also, I said "I'd wager" because I couldn't recall whether I had seen people helping there or not - and now that I do all I remember of them helping at the time I was on was with how to obtain candy and when the clue will show up. So, I'm not in the wrong for stating my concerns and I shouldn't be semi-belittled for it either. Thanks. <3

AppleDumplinCutie 10-29-2007 03:54 PM

Wow it's pretty sad that you thought that statement was belittling. No offence but you totally construded that whole statement out of whack, but whatev!

Neyor 10-29-2007 03:57 PM

Chu; I'm not sure who you think is belitting you, but I don't think that was the intention of anyone. o:

I think people just find it odd that everyone got help and saw help around the time you say you and your friends didn't. xD At least that's how I feel. o3o But you say now that you recall it, which makes sense. :3

I was on when the event started and a few hours after that and the help started ariving after 1-2 hours, when people started getting 6 candies. The first hour was a mess though since no candy was being given out, but that got solved rather quickly. <3

nvs 10-29-2007 03:59 PM

this was locked when i first checked it xD

jellysundae 10-29-2007 04:02 PM

Yeah, I unlocked it though, so I'd know if anyone had actually read it.. :roll:

I'm horribly afraid that the people I want to see it wont, and will proceed to fill the forum up with repeat threads when the next clue comes out ._.

Trinitydoll 10-29-2007 04:04 PM

I had the hardest time realizing what was clue one heheh thanks someone who "helped me" and so I could manage to get it ...sigh friends are pearls

Neyor 10-29-2007 04:05 PM

You should change the title Jelly.. to like.. "READ OR GET BANNED!". xD <3

Sugar Rush 10-29-2007 04:12 PM

Ney! xD don't give her ideas <.<
But yea,i didn't know people had started posting clues to the clue in the FAQ till i looked in Aero's posts after he said he found it <.< ^^; but it helped alot,i spent a good few hours looking alot at a different sort of NPC,and i didn't get the new kid thing xD since like...2 days of being on a website isn't enough to know whos knew other than yourself :P but i didn't see any threads asking for where it was o.o; i guess i wasn't looking x3

jellysundae 10-29-2007 04:13 PM

I had a thread with exactly that title in Fresh Meat during the Tektek invasion

nvs 10-29-2007 04:15 PM

tektek invasion?

someone explain?

i'll make sure to tell everyone if they don't obey!

Chuchila 10-29-2007 04:18 PM

Thanks for being nice, Neyor. I'm not as crabby as I seem; I just use the English language well. D:

Sugar Rush 10-29-2007 04:18 PM

I think tektek invasion refers to the time Mene was advertised on Tektek and they got overloaded with signups?
xD i heard about it in another thread
<.< sorry if i'm wrong -hides behind Ney-

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