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Kory 09-22-2015 01:58 PM

Faun'd of the Forest (Ava x Kat)
In the woods, there is a faun who enjoys spending time with nature and all of her beauty, but an outside force finds its way into her forest and threatens to destroy the life that the forest has created. Faun tails are being collected and sold for a high price, as they are now rare and valuable. There are not very many fauns in the forest anymore and some humans believe that they are only legend. One human, an outsider of this town from the other side of the mountain range, has found this faun...

Kat Dakuu 09-23-2015 04:02 PM

Name: Tarek
Age: 24
Species: human
He’s relatively tall and has the slightest tan. His hair is brown and falls past his shoulders with a couple shorter strands falling into his face. The color is on the cooler side, but toward the tips, a purplish-red hue is more prominent. He normally has feathers tied in or a couple flowers. Any other natural objects would not be out of place. His eyes are purple. It is not unusual for his people to use face paint or colored eyeliners. He wears clothes that flow and suit the natural environment, but are not impractical for travel and carries a small knife at his waist.
Personality: He’s a gentle soul and always in tune with nature. However, he’s defiant and known as something of a rebel among his people. His curiosity is something of a rarity and it’s made him easy to frustration. He’s naturally a protective sort, never wishing harm unto anyone, but willing to fight for himself and others alike. If he does make an enemy, they should tread lightly because he won’t give up easily. Will state his opinion without hesitation, even if you don’t ask.
Bio: He’s someone that’s questioned the structure of his own society. Raised by an uncle along with one younger brother and his older cousins (the youngest ten years older than him), he’s had a lower status as well as lots of other people’s mistakes to learn from. He became something of a scholar because of it, though such learning was forbidden to him. Because of this, he left his home village in a fit of frustration. There’s something he’s determined to prove and he things he can find the answer on the other side of the continent.

Kory 09-24-2015 01:09 AM

Name: Holly
Age: Unknown
Species: Faun
Appearance: Holly has tanned skin, bright eyes and a warm smile.
Personality: Holly is playful and curious, however, upon first meeting she can be rather shy. She doesn't say much and prefers to use her hands to talk rather than her voice. She trusts very easily and is quite naive at times. She has a big heart and is a friend to all creatures in the forest.
Bio: Holly was is one of the last born fauns in the forest she likes to call, Cosmia Woods. In her lifetime, she has never seen another faun besides her mother, of which had disappeared mysteriously some years ago. Since then, Holly has fended for herself in the forest, making friends with all the creatures mythical and common. She is blissfully ignorant of the people in the nearby town, having her focus be placed mostly on the nature she surrounds herself with. Despite being ignorant of the humans that live in the town surrounded by her forest, she is ever curious about them, which can lead to her downfall.

Kory 09-24-2015 09:15 PM

They tried to warn her about the news from the human village, but Holly didn't want to hear of it. She firmly believed that no one could be so heartless as to bring harm to any creature in her beloved forest. She never wondered what happened to her parents, they simply went out in search of better flowers to eat and never returned... Holly never grew suspicious of the humans, after all, her parents taught her that all living creatures had worth and value. The humans were no different.

Holly let out a long sigh... It was days like these that made her so lonely. She'd never seen another faun in the forest and she'd yet to meet a human or any humanoid creature. Her friends now were the Cosmia moths and the birds, mostly. Since the humans built their village there some odd years ago when Holly was an young faun, the forest creatures have slowly been disappearing. Some went off in search of a safer forest, some simply vanished. Even the Cosmia moths were slowly thinning out.

"No one would do such a thing..." She spoke to the butterflies that fluttered and flew around her, all trying to convey the message of danger to her. She could understand without the sound of a voice, their movements said everything. "I'm not in any danger. I've been in this forest forever and nothing bad has happened yet..." She idly played with her tail. The humans couldn't possibly be so dangerous as the other creatures feared. "Look, I'll prove that there's no danger..."

. . . .

If Holly took one more step, she'd be at the edge of the forest, where the town began and the forest ended. It was a place she'd never dared to travel before, out of fear, mostly, for she was very shy and only preferred to converse with her animal friends. She stared out from the shadows of the trees and looked into the village. Too many people for her liking and she immediately wrinkled her nose and turned back. Another day she'd prove there was no danger... another day.

She decided to spend this time she had to herself to do something useful. Sleep.

Holly found a nice fallen tree truck in the middle of the forest right in the spot where the sun was peeking in through the leaves of the trees. The perfect spot for napping. Holly gently picked up her tail and held it to her chest as she sat down on the tree and leaned back, closing her eyes and finding peace in the nature that surrounded her.

Kat Dakuu 09-25-2015 11:30 PM

Tarek leaned against his white pine staff, just where the mountain path dipped down into a lush valley. Woods spread out beneath him and for a second, the green and gold wonder stole his breath. The land looked just as magical as the stories told. He feared perhaps in the back of his mind that he would reach disappointment past this last hill. After all, no one--recorded anyway--made the journey to the other side of the continent in decades. In some distant past, the two countries had relations, but the path now ran wild and it took weeks of determination for Tarek to pass. Not to mention the month before spent researching. Looking out on what seemed like undiscovered land made it all feel worth it.

A breeze lifted the hair off his neck, bringing the scent of fresh water. He couldn’t dwell too long on it all though. Tarek came here looking for a new home, one that he could help and love where he could not in his home city among the strict fools of old. Turning toward the east and the sprawling town that edged the forest, he continued his journey, once again along the path that cut right through the heart of the forest.

They said the very trees on this side of the mountain were 'magical'. What did magical mean? It seemed wondrous, just like the creatures he saw illustrations of in books. People with fur and animals with horns or voices that could kill a man. In Suntar, nothing ever spoke from out of the water and in the far reaching sands, hardly a thing moved. The forests he knew stayed green year round unless snow covered them, but he still new nothing of magic.

Sighing, Tarek passed through sunny beams of light without paying the least bit of attention. He was too stunned by the existence of this forest at all to even properly look at it.

Kory 09-27-2015 04:18 AM

The twitching of her ears woke Holly from her sleep. She realized quickly that there was a shift in the aura of the forest. The trees seemed to be upset and the butterflies were nowhere to be found. Holly knew she couldn't be alone, though she was the only faun she knew of that lived in the wood, she was certain that her forest friends had no reason for hiding. Her ears twitched again... No, she was definitely not alone.

She shot to a sitting position, suddenly overcome with giddy excitement. It had been too long since she'd seen another faun. She'd never seen a human before and was positive none would wander in this forest... Still, she didn't give up her hopes of seeing a human for once. If only her ears would stop twitching.

There was a sound off in the distance... A voice. Holly jumped to her hooves and excitedly followed the voice. The closer she had gotten to the voice, the more she realized that there were multiple voices coming from out in the woods. Whether or not they were human or faun, she was unsure, still, she called to them...

"Hello?" Holly waved. "Hello?!"

"It sounds like a girl..." Holly heard one of the voices say. Ah, so these were humans, then.

"I'm not a girl!" Holly called, "I'm a faun! Please, I'd be most happy to welcome you into Cosmi-" But, Holly was cut off by an overwhelming sound of feet stomping on the forest floor, the footsteps coming closer and closer to her at a rather quick speed. When the humans finally came into view, she noticed they carried strange items with them. One had something that looked like a stick that was bent like a crescent moon with a string attached to both ends. One human pointed something at her with the crescent moon stick and before she could react, another stick with a sharp edge on it had flown and gotten stuck in the tree next to her...

Holly understood, these humans were firing weapons at her! She did what was logical in this situation, she ran. The voices and shouts of the humans were rather loud in her sensitive ears. Holly ran as fast as her hooves would carry her, dodging trees and foliage in her hast to get away. All the while the only thing going through her head was, "Why?" Why would they want to harm her? She had done nothing to them!

Holly ran and when she could no longer hear their shouts, she kept running until she was completely out of breath. She stopped by a large tree, only a short distance away from the foot of a mountain. One of which, she'd only seen a couple of times in her life. Holly leaned against the tree, allowing tears to fall from her eyes. The butterflies were right. Humans were not nice. As much as Holly tried to rationalize their behavior, she found she couldn't and had no explanation for why they'd want to hurt her when she posed no threat.

Her silent tears turned into sobs and she sank to the forest floor and wept.

Kat Dakuu 09-28-2015 02:11 AM

Voices in the distance woke Tarek from his distant state of mind. He froze instantly, the end of his walking stick boring deeper into the soft ground. For a second, he just tried to listen, hoping to understand these new people. He already found himself near the village? He must have lost himself for quite a while if he walked that far. As the voices got louder though, he realized that must not be the case at all.

Stumbling back, his eyes went wide. Far quicker than he expected, the group sounded right on top of him. He'd just ducked out of the way when two men with a dog in the lead came barreling through the brush. Poor leaves found themselves mashed like they weren't something beautiful and worth notice. Dark green eyes turned to meet his. A second later, something whizzed by his head, making the string of flowers he started picking and twining in his hair loosen their hold.

"What?" he asked, too confused to form any more proper response. Did people just attack him before they could even properly meet? He had no expectations like this.

Another voice yelled. Something like, 'Idiot! That wasn't the faun!' But Tarek already fled back the way he came, trailing flowers behind him. Only when his breath became labored and he couldn't even hear the dog behind him did Tarek slow. It was then, oddly enough, that his boot connected with a root and sent him tumbling right in front of a giant tree. He blinked dirt out of his eyes and tensed at the sound of...something?

Lifting his eyes, Tarek found himself looking at the most wondrous thing he'd ever seen, all wrapped up in a sunbeam and crying. "Um...." He flashed back to the word of the attacking men. "Are you Faun perhaps?"

Kory 09-29-2015 08:04 PM

Holly didn't realize that her tears were so loud, she didn't hear someone approaching her. She only noticed that someone was there when she saw their shadow looming from the light that surrounded it. Still, she nearly jumped out of her skin when a person, attached to the shadow, came into view.

Were they human? What sort of creature were they, she was unsure, still, she immediately shot up to a standing position and wrapped her long tail around her arm, holding it close to her chest as she slowly backed away from the person.

"I don't know what you want with me, but I didn't do anything to deserve this!" She nearly shouted, but thought better of it, seeing as how, if this person was human, they were alone and their friends could be nearby. "... I wouldn't hurt anyone. I don't understand... Why are you attacking me?!"

The fear that was welling in her heart soon started to fade and she felt herself getting a little braver for a moment... Then, in almost the same instant when she heard the other voices echoing in the woods, she immediately panicked again. She let go of her tail and let it stand up as she looked around in fear. So much for humans not being bad... Well, that idea was long gone now. She looked at the person who spoke to her with a sour expression, tears now wetting her eyelashes.

"I refuse to let anything happen to this forest." She whispered, "That was my promise..." When the voices grew a little louder, Holly turned away from the stranger and ran off to hide in the foliage.

Kat Dakuu 09-29-2015 08:29 PM

Tarek brushed the dirt off of him from his run and fall. Not that the earthen tones he wore showed dirt well. He felt too hesitant to move from his spot though. This woman creature yelled at him, things he didn't understand at all. Did they meet before? She had a grudge against him or his people? He didn't think his people had much of anything to do with this forest and it took him a minute to realize how true that was. Of course she couldn't know anything about him, but he didn't really expect a welcome like this.

"Excuse me?" he tried to cut in, to explain some of this. "Do you know who's attacking....and why?" His voice came out a little weak though and he couldn't be sure she heard him. What was she anyway? With a beautiful tail like that, he couldn't believe he went his entire life without seeing such a thing.

Tarek didn't have a chance to explain anything though before she took off again. He sighed and turned to hear shouting not far in the distance. They seemed to be catching up. "I'm so terribly confused," he mumbled before taking off in the same direction that 'Faun' left in. Or, he thought she was Faun anyway since the men called her that. Maybe he was wrong? But he would much rather hide and try to understand this strange creature than just run away.

With his stick still in hand, he stumbled through the bush to do just that.

Kory 10-01-2015 10:54 PM

As the voices grew louder, so did Holly's panic. She crouched in the shadows, her wide eyes watching and waiting as the voices grew louder. It scared her when they sounded like they were getting closer. She tried to crouch lower, to make herself disappear into the bush, but it didn't seem to be effective. At least, it didn't feel effective....

The stranger came closer as well and Holly almost jumped out of the foliage in fear. She glared at them. This stranger was persistent. She backed away from them as far as she could, while still being covered by the bush. Holly was confused, why were they hiding too? Were they trying to trick her and then give away her position to the other... creatures that were attacking her?! The humans...?!

Holly didn't have much time to think, as the other humans were approaching quickly. Her immediately reaction would have been to jump up and make a run for it, but she was hidden pretty well in this bush, running would give away her position, and she wasn't that fast on her feet. Still, Holly couldn't risk this one giving away her position by calling out to their friends.

She grabbed the stranger's sleeve and slapped her hand over their mouth, holding them tightly and wrapping her tail around them to keep them in place...

"I don't know what you want with me, but I am not going to allow you to harm me anymore!" She whispered in their ear. "Don't struggle, I won't kill you..." She had to admit, even though she was upset and scared, she'd never have the strength to hurt another living creature. If anything, she'd give them a warning and once the other humans were gone, she'd let them go and be on their merry way while she went her own way... It was just a matter of staying quiet until the other humans left.

The voices were very audible now, and Holly peered through the bushes to get a glimpse of one of the humans. They had those strange, bent sticks in their hands with the sharp sticks on their backs. Two legs, two arms. Very strange looking ears, no horns, hair... They weren't too different from her, their legs just looked funny and a lot like the stranger's legs! Holly held onto the stranger tightly and stopped breathing when the other humans got even closer to the bush.

"We lost it!" One of them cried. "I knew I shouldn't have listened to you! I suppose the faun just sprouted wings and flew away then?! You're such a terrible shot! If I had seen it I would have planted an arrow in it's head right then!" The humans continued to yell at each other, as their voices slowly dispersed into the quiet, pleasant noise of the forest. Holly didn't let go of the stranger or even start breathing again until she was certain they were gone.

After a few moments of silence, Holly let go of the stranger and crawled out of the bush.

Kat Dakuu 10-02-2015 10:28 PM

Tarek looking this way and that, trying to figure out just where the beautiful creature got away too. He couldn't search well when he himself was running though. He just about gave up and dived deep into a bush when he felt arms on him and he went tumbling right into another bush. Squeaking, he tried to pull out of the arms before he twisted enough to see just what captured him. His eyes went wide to see the faun herself and he narrowed his eyes in a small glare at the treatment. He still had no idea what she spoke of, but he did not like the implication that hurting him was even an option. Still, he silenced as she instructed.

By then, the other humans were almost on top of them. Just why were they attacking in the first place. Did they haunt this one they called Faun? It sounded downright barbaric and Tarek's heart squeezed a little at the thought. Turning his eyes to the side, he tried to read this faun creature, but he really didn't know what to think.

Finally, the humans passed by, sounding upset. He let out a great sigh when she realized him, unaware that he too had been holding his breath. After flopping out of the bush, he turned a full on purple glare at the woman. "What was that about?! I haven't harmed you. I don't even know what you are!" he huffed in irritation. He may have been gentle, but he didn't like slights against him either. Standing, he placed his hands on his hips, though he didn't look all that intimidating with foliage in his hair and his clothes all out of order. The last flower rolled off his shoulder, landing by his feet.

"I...I mean," Tarek continued, feeling flustered. "Were they hunting you? I'm not them though. I'm Tarek and I am from Suntar, across the great range of mountains." He coughed a little behind his hand as he turned pink at his fail introduction before he offered the faun creature thing his hand.

Kory 10-06-2015 11:35 PM

Holly huffed and she stood tall on her hind legs and stared at the stranger's eyes... "For your information..." She began, "I'm a faun..." She immediately regretted telling them this. She still wasn't sure if she trusted this stranger. Out of nervous habit, she allowed her tail to swing from side to side as she backed away a little further. "Are you 'human'? You look like those other creatures I saw that came from the village."

Her gaze softened a little when Tarek introduced himself. Maybe she was being a little too brash. "I'm Holly." She said in a soft, low voice. "I'm sorry, I thought you were with those other... humans. I don't know why they're trying to hurt me, I did nothing to them, you see... I haven't even seen a human before today." Holly wanted to come a little closer to Tarek, to get a good view of him (and to make sure she couldn't find any weapons on him), but she thought against it. It would be better to let him show his own true nature.

Holly giggled a little as he turned pink. It was so amusing to her, for her skin was dark and she'd never noticed it changing color as his skin did. She took this opportunity to come closer, still being cautious, however. Curiously, she came a little closer to smell him. He was so foreign and exotic, she couldn't help but be curious about him. She ignored his hand, not knowing what she was supposed to do with it, anyway. Holly circled him, keeping some distance between them, but not much. He smelled so wonderful, like no other creature she'd smelled before.

Holly wanted to know all there was about him. He said he came from beyond the mountain range? He must've come a long way... And for what purpose?

"Why are you here?" She asked.

Kat Dakuu 10-08-2015 08:30 PM

Tarek relaxed a little as the creature--faun--introduced herself. So faun was what she was, not her name? He offered a small smile as he received that as well. "Well, it is nice to meet you, Holly," he said. "And yes, I am human." A second later, he dropped his hand and forced himself not to sigh. Obviously she did not understand the gesture. Either it was something they only did in Suntar or only a human thing. He couldn't be sure which.

Watching her warily, he twisted his body slightly to keep Holly in view as she circled him. Although he didn't really think she would hurt him, she already man handled him once so he'd just try to keep an eye on this unpredictable creature. "You don't know why those men were trying to hurt you? That is very troublesome. I don't know the customs or people of this area at all," he admitted with a sheepish smile. "Um..." he started when she sniffed him, but he gave up, not sure how to ask what the faun was doing.

Tarek shook his head and backed up a small step to give himself a little more space. How should he explain this? How much should he explain? "Let's just say I came here looking for some answers. I've looked and studied everywhere I could in my own homeland so I've come to ask the people here. I can only hope that the people here will listen to me." He sighed and turned to look back in the direction the other humans last passed. He didn't much want to deal with people like that, but he felt sure the answers he sought could only be found there, not here in the forest. His tone still distant, he continued. "It is...very important."

Kory 10-10-2015 09:28 PM

"You have come all of this way for information? Before today, I didn't know there was more to the world than just this forest. I'm sorry, I do not have the information you are seeking." With that, Holly circled him one last time, just making sure he didn't have any weapons on him and she came to stop in front of him with curiosity in her eyes. He was so strange! And rather cute for a stranger.

"I would not suggest leaving the forest." Holly's face became solemn as she remembered the way she feared for her life when the other humans attacked her, or tried to. "It's safer here, in the woods. Those other humans... I don't know if I can trust them. They do not seem kind and I feel it would be better for you to stay here in the woods."

Holly's ear twitched out of habit and she sucked in a deep breath. It felt nice to talk to another person after such a long time of being by herself with only animal friends to talk to. Hearing another voice was very pleasant and Holly almost didn't want that to go away. Besides, what if Tarek left to see the human village and he became one of the unkind humans and turned against her? No. Holly wouldn't let that happen.

She came closer to him, still looking directly into his eyes. "Life can be good here in the forest. You can stay here." She came a little closer, probably invading his own personal space a little bit, but Holly wasn't yet aware of boundaries, having been alone for so long... "I want to show you something..." She smiled and gently shook her hind legs, feeling giddy about making a (possible) new friend.

Kat Dakuu 10-14-2015 12:18 AM

Tarek nodded his head once. Yes, he did come far, but the quest made it necessary. He was young still so the travel didn't bother, but rather exhilarated him. Otherwise, he may never have reason to leave home. His brow furrowed when Holly suggested not leaving. "Why not? I..." His face softened at her reason. Of course, she must feel quite wary of the outside world. He however, did not grow up in a forest. He enjoyed it, but how could he belong here? Shaking his head, he offered the faun girl a reassuring smile.

"I must leave though. I'm sure that it must be very nice living here, but I'm a human, not a faun. The questions I have are ones best answered by those who know the outside world." He didn't even know if the people here could help him, but he had to try. He came far too far to give up now. Lifting a hand, he reached toward her before he figured out what he wanted to do. No, he knew no good comforting gestures and he didn't know why he felt the need for one. He dropped his hand just as she stepped into his personal space once again and he needed to back up.

"Show me something?" he asked with curiosity. Though really, he should get going. "Maybe...ah, if it doesn't take long?" he finally amended. She looked too earnest and he didn't want to turn her down. Tarek didn't mind a little more journey.

Kory 10-15-2015 04:19 PM

It made Holly sad that Tarek seemed to have his mind set on leaving her. He was the first person she'd seen in a long time, she certainly didn't want him to leave. Not now that he's been so nice. She came closer to him and tugged on his sleeve,

"Follow me." She whispered. Then, she took off running into the woods, hoping he would follow her. She didn't run as fast as her hind legs would normally take her, she assumed he'd only follow if she ran slow enough for him to keep up. It made her rather excited to have someone in the forest with her, other than the animals, the butterflies and the moths at night. She would drag this out for as long as possible.

She came to a stop when she neared a patch of wild berry bushes. Getting a little too excited, Holly scraped her hooves against the dirt floor of the forest and jumped, having too much energy from all the excitement of sharing her home with a new friend. She turned around and waited for Tarek to appear.

As she waited, she practiced what she'd say about the bushes, whispering quietly to herself. "... This is my favorite place to visit. I sometimes sleep here when I eat too many berries...? No, I don't like that very much. How about.... 'This is my favorite place to sleep on long days'? I guess I like that better..."

Kat Dakuu 10-17-2015 05:50 PM

Tarek barely had a chance to respond before Holly took off running. "Oka...ah-?" he yelped before he struggled to follow after her. The girl could run fast. He almost wanted to stop and admire that fleeing form, to properly appreciate how graceful that body worked. But no time for that. He stumbled over a tree root and went crashing through a bush with far less poise than Holly flitted through it.

He could just barely see her tail disappearing into a bush now and Tarek almost lost her. He chided himself though, reminding his eyes that they may not have known the forest as well as a faun, but well enough for this. With that in mind, he followed the noise of hooves just a little further, calling out to his companion just in case. "Holly? By the gods, my legs do not go that fast!" he whined. "Where did you go?" By now, she seemed to have stopped running and the forest animals fell back into their routines, leaving him lost. In reality though, he stood just on the other side of the bushes from Holly.

Kory 10-17-2015 11:27 PM

Immediately, Holly ducked into the bushes. She could hear Tarek nearby but she wanted to have fun. She was going to drag this out for as long as she could, hopefully to prevent him from leaving. Her tail curled and uncurled as she giggled softly in her hands, still hiding in the shadows of the berry bushes.

Holly chose to let Tarek stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds before she poked her head out of the bushes, looking for him. "I'm right here, you silly starling!" She giggled as she dragged herself from the bushes, leaves and twigs stuck in her hair and the fur of her hind legs. (Which, she shook off quickly after emerging from the bushes.)

Now was her chance to recite the little bit of information she was practicing...

"This is my favorite place to nap. Isn't it pretty? It's probably much better than where those humans come from." She mumbled the last sentence, but mumbled it loud enough for Tarek to hear. Truthfully, Holly was lonely and the idea of him leaving was too scary to think about. "Here, eat some!" She turned and pulled some berries from the bushes to pile them in her hand so she could hold them out to offer to Tarek.

Kat Dakuu 10-20-2015 05:03 PM

Tarek thought he heard a laugh, maybe. Before he could really discern anything though, something jumped out of the bush next to him. "Holly?!" he exclaimed, stumbling backwards. Feeling his heart start to race, he placed a hand over it. He was a gentle man accustomed to books and calm naps outside. This girl would drive his heart to death!

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" he muttered before he fully turned his attention to the secret spot. He saw bushes and berries with their branches and bright fruits tangled together, and a good amount of it stuck to Holly as well. Now that his heart calmed, he felt a chuckle rise in him as well. "It's very pretty and the fruit looks delicious," Tarek explained. He took the berries and nibbled on one, enjoying the sweet taste before catching Holly's eye again with a serious look. "You know, even if I leave, I can still come back and visit. Every day if you would like." He could tell she wanted him to stay, but he already made his decision. Still, he would be loath to entirely leave such a wonderful forest as this.

Kory 10-21-2015 10:42 PM

Holly covered her mouth as she giggled when Tarek fell backwards. She knew somewhere, somewhere really, really deep in her heart that it wasn't a very nice thing to startle someone else like that... But gosh darn if it sure wasn't fun! Holly turned away until her giggles ran out... Then, when she turned her head to look at Tarek again, the giggles returned.

She felt better after getting him to taste the berries. For a while, Holly was convinced maybe now he'd stay. Then he gave her a serious look, which, she returned with sadness....

"Wouldn't you rather stay here...? Why do you need to go see those other humans? They were so mean and horrid. I'd rather you stayed here, you'd be safer!" Holly wasn't very good a persuasion, but she tried her best. "The truth is, Tarek, I don't want to be alone. I've been alone for a long time, you see..." She came a little closer, again, probably invading the man's personal space. Holly was still unaware of boundaries. "You've been so kind, I believe this forest would appreciate you! Please don't leave..."

Kat Dakuu 10-22-2015 04:56 PM

Tarek's purple eyes narrowed into a glare at the way Holly laughed. What a miffing thing to do! And yet, he couldn't really stay angry at her because she looked so carefree and happy. It took everything he had not to laugh as well. "Are you always like this?" he muttered with exasperation.

The mood and the laughter did not last though. As they both turned serious, he stood awkwardly next to the berry bushes, not sure how to tell her no. "I'm sorry," Tarek whispered. For almost a minute, he couldn't think of anything else to say. Holly sounded so sad after all that laughter and he did not want to be the one who caused it. It felt too wrong. "I will come back. I promise it to you. Here-" He held out his pinky finger toward her. "If we twine our fingers together and say a promise, neither person can ever go back on it. And I promise that tomorrow when the sun reaches its highest point that I will come play with you. Every day at that time, I'll come visit. But now, I really have to go."

He waited, hoping that this little gesture would come her fears. As a man of extreme loyalty, Tarek fully intended to honor his promise no matter what.

Kory 10-26-2015 03:05 PM

Feeling tears welling up in her eyes when Tarek apologized, Holly wanted to turn around and run away. Maybe, if she left him now, it would hurt less when he didn't return. Still, she couldn't force herself to do that. She liked him too much and truthfully, she was desperate for some contact.

When Tarek held out his pinky finger, Holly looked at it curiously. Say a promise and no one can go back on it? Well, she had nothing to lose. She wrapped her pinky around his and stared straight into his eyes and said, "I promise I will be right here when you return." She didn't want to let go, but she had no choice after a point, as he had his heart set on leaving the forest.

She kicked up some dirt under her hooves anxiously. "I'll be right here..." She said, just to make sure, if it wasn't clear already, where she would be exactly. "W-wait, before you go, I want to give you something..." Holly turned around and, with her finger, counted the berry bushes. When she made it to the fourth one on her left, she dropped to the ground and started digging beneath the bush. Her fingers got pretty muddy when she was done, but she pulled out a brown, muddy, clay ocarina.

Holding it in her hands gently, she carried it over to Tarek and offered it to him. "Here." She gave her best attempt at a smile, though it looked rather sad instead of cheerful. "I want you to have this. This forest is big... If you get lost, just blow on it and I will come and find you." Holly hoped he'd take it, she really didn't want him to get lost in the forest, though, she knew her way around well enough she could find him without it. Still, it would be much easier to find him with the help of beautiful music rather than relying on her senses.

Kat Dakuu 10-27-2015 01:00 AM

Tarek nodded his head, both relieved and even more saddened when Holly agreed to his terms. He knew this hurt her, but he wanted her to trust he would return. Without saying anything, he nodded again, trying to express he understood her. It didn't feel right to speak so soon after saying what he did. As Holly started counting the bushes, he looked on with open curiosity.

"What could you-?" he started to ask, already forgetting his desire to stay silent. Curiosity overrode. Before he could finish asking her intentions though, she pulled something out of the dirt. He had to lean closer to see what it was. Faintly, a smile crossed his face. With gentle fingers, he touched the ocarina's outside before taking it in his hands, mindless of the dirt. Unlike Holly, he knew nothing of this land and the forest. As strong as his survival skills had grown, he could still use such a gift. And besides, he found the little instrument oddly beautiful.

"Thank you. You are very thoughtful," Tarek whispered back. Leaning over, he gave Holly a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping back again to cough behind his hand. "Ehem, it is the traditional parting gesture of my people if you are to meet again soon." And just a little bit, an extra thank you. He felt an odd compulsion to do it, even if the kiss meant nothing except perhaps comfort and kindness. "Farewell Holly. I shall see you again." With that, he finally turned away and started walking before either of them could talk him out of leaving.

Kory 10-28-2015 02:13 AM

Holly was curious when he leaned in to kiss her cheek. It was a strange gesture that she didn't understand until he had explained. It was still so painful to see him go, and she knew she'd spend another night in the forest, alone. Holly tried to smile, the gesture was kind. She liked kind.

When Tarek began to walk away, Holly opened her mouth to call out to him, hoping that maybe she could convince him to stay. But Tarek was set in his ways and she certainly wasn't going to leave the forest, not with those mean humans out there in the village. Holly wouldn't be safe out there, so she'd remain in the forest alone, if that's what it took.

Holly's bottom lip started to quiver a little as she watched Tarek disappear into the thick shadows of the forest. She fought back tears as she finally saw that he was gone. Out of habit, she drew her tail up and around her arm and began to twist it a little with her hands. She missed him already. He made her question whether all of the humans were bad or not. Maybe they weren't. But did that change her mind about leaving the forest? No. Holly would remain here, even if she would be by herself.

She hung her head low as she wandered over to a fallen tree and she sat on it, still staring off in the direction where Tarek had disappeared. She'd wait for him here. It was the. That Holly decided she liked his gesture. She liked kind.

Kat Dakuu 10-29-2015 09:49 PM

Tarek wandered through the woods, trying to keep to a straight path so he wouldn't get lost. He spent most of his day traveling already and the sky darkened above, casting long shadows from the trees. In the forest, night always came so much sooner. He quickened his step, not wanting to spend the night outside somewhere strange yet again. And yet...he fingered the ocarina Holly gave him. He supposed if he did stop, he could at least spend the night not alone...

He shook his head. No, he would make it to town before dark. It took another hour, but soon the path opened up and he found himself on a proper road paved in stone. This he followed until he came to a gate made of sharpened logs. It seemed foreboding and Tarek guessed the forest once ran all the way up to the town's doorstep. How selfish. He shook off the thought though and called to the men at the gate looking very official like.

"Hail there. I'm a traveler from the other side of these woods. Does your town have room for me to stay?" Tarek called. Unlike before in the woods, the men greeted him with rowdy calls, all smiles. Were they perhaps not of the same people who hunted dear Holly? He felt a little relieved at the thought.

"Of course, stranger. Tell us, where are you from? It has been a long time since we had visitors and our land is sad with it. Come, Marcus here will take you to the inn. Mrs. Tieger will be happy for the business."

They continued to talk as Marcus led him into the town. Tarek gave one last look over his shoulder to the woods before he followed. It as for the best. Tonight he would sleep, then start researching in the morning. When noon came, he would once again return to the woods.

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