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ClockReject 12-23-2014 03:35 AM

Travel between the Islands with a trip to the Closet! [Open!]
wait is this Narnia?

D.J. Dead:
R u b y:
Moonlit Freedom:
Citrus Hammer:
Whimsical Sadist:
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa:
R a n d e h:

Nephila 12-23-2014 03:36 AM

You beat your biffy it is!

Amane 12-23-2014 03:37 AM


Antagonist 12-23-2014 03:40 AM

Oof! Where am I? o ___o

ClockReject 12-23-2014 03:41 AM

best Closet ever.

//flails around Nisty

Antagonist 12-23-2014 03:45 AM

Oh...okay then. :DDD *frolics in the closet*

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 03:46 AM

Awesome event Closet!! <3

*hugs it* Now let's see if real life lets me on for long enough to actually get pretty items!

ClockReject 12-23-2014 03:52 AM

I don't know how I feel about what we have to do for the team game :C

yeah, it's difficult when they have an event on the actual days of the holiday.
not that I have anything to worry about there.

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 03:55 AM

And now you have to post four times for one full token... T_T I'm never going to get any items at this rate. :(

I wasn't even on to sign up for the teams... not that I'm on anyways... Life will probably pull me off and not let me post.
I struggle to get on normally.
*sigh* This isn't a good time for this event to happen.
In between my daughter and husband, I have no real free time these days. I miss y'all!

Antagonist 12-23-2014 03:57 AM

I was wondering why the tokens seem to be adding up slower this event. DDDD:

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 03:59 AM

Not even sure if I'll be around because of that - if I can't get tokens - I liked it when I could get them faster even when I Was slow at posting... but with them taking even longer this time. It may not even be worth it. I don't have enough time these days to even try to get up enough tokens for the EIs. Let alone commons. T_T

ClockReject 12-23-2014 04:00 AM

Moon; yeah, I need to be packing up the house and such, but I'm so sick right now.
I wont be around for the end of the event most likely, so I'll miss out on some rares unfortunately.

and why did they suddenly change it back again? because the event is longer? ugh.

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 04:00 AM

Heh, my hubby just got our daughter down for the night - he just walked in and asked me why I was glaring at my computer screen like it killed something. [sweat] Heh.

jupiter 12-23-2014 04:02 AM

I guess you just can't trust those darn computers.

Amane 12-23-2014 04:02 AM


Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 04:02 AM

I don't know, as long as I've been around it's always been .5 of a token per post, now it's .25 token per post. *grumbles* Dan's threatening to take away my laptop in fear I may throw it. D:

Sorry to hear that you're sick Clockie! :( That's no good! *tucks you in*

ClockReject 12-23-2014 04:02 AM

bahaha, oh Dan!

---------- Post added 12-23-2014 at 12:03 AM ----------

hello jupiter and Amane!

Moon; awh :C but I need Moon time. no throwing!

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 04:05 AM

He definitely knows what to say when I'm pissed off to make me laugh.

I'll try not to throw the laptop - I do have a bit of time now that's Norah free to post for a bit, given that Dan can leave me alone long enough to not distract me. Lol!

ClockReject 12-23-2014 04:07 AM


Amane 12-23-2014 04:08 AM

The tree is so pretty.

ClockReject 12-23-2014 04:08 AM

yay! I don't have a tree.

Amane 12-23-2014 04:12 AM

Our tree is huge.

I'm running RAK games, and, boy, does it feel weird.

ClockReject 12-23-2014 04:13 AM

I have no real desire to post in high traffic threads right now /:

but I bet it does!

Moonlit Freedom 12-23-2014 04:16 AM

Clock, you can spend some time with her - I'll just go and clean up the kitchen now that our little shadow isn't following me around and clinging to my legs!! Here is my darling wife who's crossing her arms and tapping her foot at me as I stole the computer! :P

hummy 12-23-2014 04:19 AM

happy holiday wishes to everyone

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