Menewsha Avatar Community

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CosmicFoxKitty 08-08-2013 08:36 PM


Welcome! This is my official art request thread!
I hope you enjoy and will stay and chat!
(I might be giving out free arts)
- Follow Mene's Rules -
- Follow Subforum Rules -
- Be nice! -
- Be Patient! -
- Realize that I may not be able to reply right away. -
- Understand that if I offer you free art, you should be kind and wait for it. -
- Please re-frame from posting nudity or foul language if possible -
- Only Use Constructive Criticism -
- Do Not Bash Me -
- When/If I Don't Choose To Buy Your Art. -
- When/If I Don't Give You Free Art. -
- Rules Can And Probably Will Change -
My name is Ashtyn, I also go by Ash.
Favorite color is black, but since everyone says it's not a color then it would be Dark Red.
Camouflage is my favorite pattern (if rainbow isn't a pattern ;) )
Silver is my favorite metal and my favorite stone is Amethyst or Black Diamond.
Rock, Country, and Christian music is preferred but I listen to everything!
I am Christian, if you just ask I wont talk about it.
My birthday is February 23, 1994.
Sometimes I act like a child and others I act like an adult.
Art isn't a hobby, it's a passion!
If you want to know anything just ask~!
(If you promise not to stalk and kill me I will give you my facebook, I talk more on that than anything because it's easy to use on my phone.)

CosmicFoxKitty 08-08-2013 11:21 PM

Ashtyn PayneX
Other images found [Here]
DOB: February 23, 1994
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Basically I want a young lady who looks like this...

Details: Under left eye is three "freckles" that make a line that are big to small, the last one (smallest) is a bit further away from the others. Usually has smokey eye makeup. Ears are pierced. Normally wears cross earings and necklace. Wears hoodies. Hair is kind of like a bob....

Other reeference pics:

Other meaningless details:
Hair would love to be colored like ithis, maybe spikey in the back like scene. Facial expression doesn't really matter. Eyes are hazel; more like sunflower looking around pupil, golden. then blue, then green... but the blue is a little more dominant at the top and green near the bottom. Lips are pale pink or hot pink normally. If you do chest up, chest isn't super big... looks like b-cup. lol XD

Inari KazutakaX
Name: Inari Kazutaka
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170

Bio: Inari was born a civilian, she was somehow cousins with Lady Tsunade. Growing up In the leaf with Kakashi as her best friend and Tsunade her other best friend. Both Kakashi and Tsunade taught her how be a ninja, however she never went to school so she was never recognized as a ninja. When she turned 18 her demon that was sealed came out in a blood frenzy, feeding off others blood and chakra, although there were no deaths she wounded 30 to the point of death. They had to almost completely behead her. After that she was sent away from Konoha and live at the edge of wave with little contact to Tsunade and kakashi..

Looks: She has orange hair that is pulled back in a bun normally or in a long braid with her bangs parted in the middle like Haku's. She has her left eye silver and her right eye purple. She wears a black mask like Kakashi's to hide her fangs and the scar around her neck where she was almost beheaded. Her build is athletic yet could easily be mistaken for a villager. Her chest is average and she has long legs. She normally wears thigh high boots and a kimono looking outfit that stops about and inch above the boots; It is black and hast purple butterflies along the bottom with a silver obi (is that right?)

Personality: She doesn't like to be confronted but will fight if necessary, no one has ever lived from her battles. She is rather calm but can easily be set off. She has very low self esteem.

Demon: She has a butterfly demon that feeds off of life sources, meaning blood or chakra. Her demons name is Nova..

Specialties: She can tap into Nova's chakra which then gives her charkra butterfly wings like Chouji. She can then fly around, her tongue becomes sharp and she uses it to suck the blood of her victims almost like a vampire. When she transforms back she has to rest at least a day.

Jinx Ch'shireX
Basically this sweetheart is related to the Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wonderland (don't ask how) and she can morph into a cat, however she prefers her anthro form. She can have a creepy cheshire grin or a normal one, even a frown. Her style is more of a modern day cheshire. As long as it matches her hair she'll wear the outfit. Though she loves the colors of the outfit she has now.

Chase Alexander RyderX

Bio is there and a few reference pictures [here], the password is Menewsha

Tabitha BennettX
Other images can be found [here]
DOB: January 1, 1990
Sex: female
Age: 22
Orientation: straight
Personality: introvert, quiet but can be loud when needed and gets talkative around close friends. Very stubborn. Caring and passionate. Has many old school views/morals. Hick.

Bio: Tabitha was raised in an orphanage, she doesn't know her birth parents and was emancipated at the age of 17. She has worked at a bar since she was emancipated which is where she met Eason.

Looks: natural bleach blond hair with red dyed underneath like the picture in my profile. Blocky glasses (like in my picture) which is usually pulled up in a ponytail with a ball cap. Has spiked snake bites and a ringed labret. Has several piercings in ears. Tattoo of a butterfly on left shoulder and in it's wings it says "the pain will only make you prettier", right wrist in script says Psalm 23, and left forearm has a tattoo of a cross like it's painted on (black) and watercolor behind it. Kind of chubby. Eyes are hazel. Button nose. 3 freckles in a like under left eye.

Other Details: likes muddying in her tricked out truck, artist, loves fishing and hunting, and loves to read. (in a relationship with Zayne)

Eason Roberts:X

DOB: November 24, 1987
Age: 25
Orientation: bisexual

Looks: Eason is 6'2". Ice blue eyes, shaggy "skater" hair that is raven black. Tan and very buff. If not wearing v-neck with blue jeans and Osiris' then he wears "skater" clothes. Has a chisels face, definitely could be a model. Can tell he is Native American. Usually scruffy chin. Has tattoo on back; tribal wings.

Personality: very cocky, he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips. Eason is such a man whore! He will do anything he deems hot. He is very protective of Tabitha. More of the typical "jock".

Other Details: was in military, is a total player, and yea

Zayne AlexanderX

DOB: October 25
Sex: male
Orientation: straight
Bio: Zayne was raised in the orphanage with Tabitha and was her best friend until he was adopted at age 16. Zayne's adopted family practiced both black and white magic which he dabbles in.

Looks: soft chocolate brown hair that is short but spiked up at the front. Green eyes with a touch of blue, light tan. Muscular. No tattoos but has snake bites and a tongue ring. Mainly wears camp cargo pants with a band t-shirt and combat boots. Usually has headphones in.

Personality: angry and sarcastic most of the time. Very stubborn and loud. Likes to annoy people on purpose. Gets riled up pretty easily and gets super quiet when thinking or listening to music. Loves joking with close friends but doesn't have many. Definitely a leader.

Axsher RhettX

Like axe-sure, or Asher. He isn't picky.

DOB: September 21
Occupation: Artist
Looks: 5' 10" and slightly tan. Shaggy blond hair and light green eyes with flakes of gold. Fit, has six pack. Looks German but has a Texan accent. Has no tattoos or piercings.
Personality: changes thoughts fast; one minute talking philosophical then the next talks about unicorn poop. Usually very optomistic. Loves to read and stares at the sky a lot. Doesn't like being pushed around and tends to take dominant roles in everything.
Clothes: wears a suit jacket with graphic t-shirts underneath it with jeans and Osiris'.
Random facts: is a cannabal. Enjoys drawing what he does to get food.

Fable AoifeX
More images can be found here.

This character is a work in progress, she acts as Death, meaning she takes souls that have passed away and helps them find their way to eiither hell or heavan. She is not biased and tends to not talk. Fable likes to hang out in the world and will dress to fit in, casting a spell to hide her wings and horns. She usually goes for corsets and more victorian style clothes but she somehow always finds outfits that let her fit in. She is very cut off from the humans. She enjoys coffee very much and she smokes. Need more details just ask.

Keira O'NallyX

Her profile is here, if you read it all she will probably be easier to draw XD

Ashtyn LeighX

Her profile is found here, she is one of my few "normal" looking characters.

Rahlia FreanilylthX

Can be found here.

I Would Like You To Buy Art:

[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][U][B]I WANT TO DRAW FOR YOU![/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]My Name Is:[/B] (your username here)
[B]I Would Like To Give You:[/B] (sample of art here)
[b]I Would Like To Be Paid:[/b] (amount and items here)
[b]Anything Else?:[/b]

I Would Like To Recieve Art:


[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][U][B]I WANT ART PLEASE![/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]My Name Is:[/B] (your username here)
[B]I Would Like To Recieve:[/B] [ ] Free Art [ ] Paid Art
[b]I Would Like It Of:[/b] (hide your character/ request here.)
[b]Anything Else?:[/b]
[b]I Am [Not] In A Hurry For Art![/b]
(Delete the brackets or both bracket and word to fit your preference)[/FONT][/CENTER]

I Would Like To Trade Art:
*This Is How You Will Get Art Faster From Me*


[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="red"][B][U]I Would Like To Trade You Art Ash![/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b]My Name Is:[/b] (Username Here)
[b]A Sample Of My Art Is:[/b] (Link your art here)
[b]In Exchange I Would Like: (Post character/request in spoiler here)
[b]Anything Else?:[/b]
[b]I Am [Not] In A Hurry For Art![/b][/FONT]

I Would Like To Give You Art:
This Is Preferred And I Will Normally Tip You


[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][B][U]I Want To Give You Art!!![/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b]My Name Is:[/b]
[b]I Made You This:[/b] (Link it or put the image, either is ok on this one.)
[B]Anything Else?:[/b]
[b]I Would [Not] Like A Critique.[/b]
(Delete brackets or brackets and word)[/FONT]

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 04:01 AM

Art For Original CharactersX

Chase Alexander RyderX

None TT^TT

Ashtyn LeighX

None [cry]

Keira O'NallyX

Click on thumbnail for full view - By Neller

Rahlia FreanilylthX

None :/

Tabitha BennettX







For Those Who Gave Me ArtX
I cannot even tell you how thankful I am, just please know I am very thankful! Even to those who I have bought art from! You guys are super amazing and I love you all greatly!

( Sorry I kind of went crazy with the spoiler bars [ohyeah] )

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 04:38 AM

(Only putting freebies/art trades here.)

Person - What I'm Doing

(I will more than likely update this more often than my art thread)

Person - Finished Product

neller: - Here

(I will post the sketches and then change it with the updated version later.)

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 04:38 AM

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 04:39 AM

Kirin Rosenbaum 08-09-2013 01:04 PM

Hey kiddo.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 01:37 PM

*Gives big hug*

How are you today!?

Shadami 08-09-2013 02:33 PM

oh yes it is. i wasn't sure when i checked last night.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 02:36 PM

Oh what is? Wait... I'm confused XD

Shadami 08-09-2013 02:39 PM

The art request thread is open :D

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 03:11 PM

Oh, yes!
I'm working on Ashtyn's profile right now XD
But I hope you find a character you can draw!

I still haven't made a profile for my male damphir (Sp?)
Basically my vampire halfling ^w^

Shadami 08-09-2013 03:15 PM

I'm working on other things at the moment. But i usually get to everything that is art requested. :D
also i'm tired at the moment.. And need an inspiration for an avatar. :O some item maybe.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 03:21 PM

Hmmmm what's your favorite colors?

And I understand... I have like no insperation to draw now myself.

Kirin Rosenbaum 08-09-2013 03:33 PM

How is everybody doing? I am doing well.

Shadami 08-09-2013 03:39 PM

Emerald Green. :3

I ended up turning myself into the fish bag.

Kirin Rosenbaum 08-09-2013 03:41 PM

You look awesome Shad.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 03:50 PM

I'm tired xD

I would try and make you an avatar but I don't have access to a DAC...
I wanna donated to Mene, but I don't even have money irl to buy things I need TT^TT

Also I like your avi too!

Shadami 08-09-2013 06:00 PM

Noooo no makes me avatars. i have fun making avatars :D

I was just stuck on the inspiration today cause i was sleepy. I'm actually thinking of opening a thread . But i have to figure out exactly how its going to work:
Basic Idea:
- People can submit a certain item suggestion (or donate it for me to build around)
- I use that one item to design an avatar around
- Perhaps do it as a if people join me give them a point towards something like items or art.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 06:12 PM

I'd join in ^-^
But what if their avi gets picked for the admin's pick or whatever.
Wouldn't that kinda make you mad?

Shadami 08-09-2013 10:33 PM

not in the slightest. they probably deserved it :D

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 10:44 PM

Oh. Well if you make it, then link me to it and I'll post XD

Shadami 08-09-2013 11:03 PM

I will . I just have to get the layout done, and figure out exactly what i want it to do. ^-^

CosmicFoxKitty 08-09-2013 11:17 PM

teehee, okay!
Just don't forget about me!

Shadami 08-10-2013 01:52 PM

I won't. :] Promise.

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