Menewsha Avatar Community

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shosho 08-04-2008 03:51 AM

(thank you, MAI, for the AWESOME art!!!)

Hello~ Thanks for dropping by! I thought I'd make a thread with mai and Dr.Seiji ;D I didn't have a lot of time to prepare, but there will be some freebies here~ And may be an auction or two? 8D

Anyway, please, enjoy your stay! My only rules are:
+ no drama
+ follow rules & t.o.s. bla bla
+ no stealing/editing any non-mene graphics without consent, please :[
001. intro
002. guessing game (win august '08 set!)
003. FOR NOW --> TEMP BID HISTORY for collab auction XD;
004. Dr.Seiji's solo auction --> AB'ed by chipyun + sangalee!! <333 CONGRATS!
005. Dr.Seiji's bid history
006.--reserved SEIJI--
007. sho x mai collab art auction! --> WINNER: chipyun @ 80k <333 CONGRATS!
008. Joint Auction Bid history

shosho 08-04-2008 03:53 AM

(thank you, DR.SEIJI, for the AWESOME art!!!)

You've played those "20-Questions-Game," right? No? Well, proceed to read how to play this, please!

p r o c e d u r e
1. I think of any word in English
2. You ask a "yes/no" question to me.
3. If you KNOW the answer, just state: "THE WORD IS ____, SHO"
4. Becareful! YOU ONLY GET 1 GUESS PER ROUND! If you guess a word incorrectly, you cannot guess the word for that round AND you lose 1 point. However, you can still ask questions to earn points! 8D
5. Highest points will be the winner!
p o i n t s
Each question I answer "yes" to = +2 point
Each question I answer "no" to = 0 point
Each word you guess correctly = +3 points
Each word you guess incorrectly = -1 point

p r i z e
most points = (panda/bee headsets)
most answered questions = (panda/bee headsets)
p a r t i c i p a n t s
sakura_madison = 3 points
minoru = 4 points
veen = 51 points (ROUND 2)
crepsley = 36 points (ROUND 1) (ROUND 6) (ROUND 10) (ROUND 12) (ROUND 16)
eroy = 1 points
miro = 39 points (ROUND 7) (ROUND 25) (ROUND 26)
dr.seiji = 18 points (ROUND 3)
alex = 54 points (ROUND 13) (ROUND 18) (ROUND 19)
sane = 46 points (ROUND 4) (ROUND 5) (ROUND 21)
branny = -1 point
kirayuki = 4 points
eliechan = 8 points
rawr = 6 points
telstelnsg1 = 6 points
twizzy = 25 points (ROUND 11)
bartuc = -1 point
chroma = 7 points (ROUND 8)
sasa = 37 points (ROUND 9)
seiki nova = -1 point
linapii = 2 points
starshine = 13 points
naeru = 15 points
witch = 29 points (ROUND 15)
raze = 16 points (ROUND 14)
anoni = 7 points (ROUND 22)
mai = 4 points
Lissi = 6 points (ROUND 17)
snowflower = 2 points
kurenai = 5 points (ROUND 20)
randeh = 7 points (RANDEH 24)
leek = 4 points (ROUND 23)
and love saiid no = 2 points

shosho 08-04-2008 03:54 AM


temp storing for shoxmai latest bids, whenever mai forgets/cannot access to update bid history XD;
- Chroma = slippers set (16k) + pudao (14k) + march 08 set (5k) + scepter of order (2k) + scarf of order (4.5k) + welcome balloon set (4k) + 2xmay 08 sets (3.2k) + 800g = 49.5k
- chipyun = gold clover pin (45k) + 2xhalloween 07 sets (5k) + 3k = 53k
- Chroma = slippers set (16k) + pudao (14k) + march 08 set (5k) + scepter of order (2k) + scarf of order (4.5k) + welcome balloon set (4k) + 2xmay 08 sets (3.2k) + Easter 07 set (10k) + 800g = 59.5k
- chipyun = pure love sash = 70k
- Chroma =
slippers set (16k) + pudao (14k) + oriental fan (18k) + scepter of order (2k) + scarf of order (4.5k) + welcome balloon set (4k) + 2xmay 08 sets (3.2k) + Easter 07 set (10k) + 2.3k = 74k
- chipyun = pure love sash (70k) + 3xhalloween 07 sets (7.5k) + 2.5k = 80k

Dr.Seiji 08-04-2008 03:55 AM

+ Seiji's art auction. +

Aug 04th - Aug 09th 2008
+ Dr.Seiji's individual art auction +

This area is my individual art auction ;D. I would say even though I'm one of the first 1k member, still haven't been around much and still so poor OTL!! and I'm willing to be your art slave for your gold XD eee~~~♥♥♥


  • Gold [highly prefer]
  • Event & Contribute items
    [base on lowest Menewsha Price guide.]
  • All store items at 50%

Do and Don't

+ I will do +
  • Menewsha / Gaia avatar / RO character
  • Original characters
  • character from your abjd.
  • fanart
  • Artistic nudity [for showing tattoos and stuffs, but not too crazy please] XD
+ I don't do +
  • Coloring [and I don't allow anyone to color my art either.]
  • ugly character / avatar
  • complex character / avatar
  • Furry
  • Disney
  • Pr0n / Hentai / yaoi [shounen ai is acceptable]

+ Bid Ladder +

SB : 1k
AB : + *shot*
[Dr.Seiji loves rotten crowns in her inventory. Please don't mind her.]
  • 1k - 4k : single headshot
  • 5k - 9k : single waist up pencil work
  • 10k - 19k : couple bust up pencil work
  • 20k - above : couple waist up pencil work
  • AB : couple full body pencil work with background.

Dr.Seiji 08-04-2008 03:56 AM

+ Bid History+
ABed thank you so much, chipyun ♥♥♥


Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3724107)
SHOSHOOO * H * <333333

Lina and I want to co-ab Dr Seiji's auction (if we're allowed) please ! 8D
And um, I'll bid a vday pendant on your and mai's collab ? :heart:


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3723387)

Fwosh on Gaia/DA~8D

Er, is it inexpensive to common people? x,DD!

AALSDGKHF <3 (All valued lowest in price guide x,D ) I can sell for pure tooo > w< :heart:
Can I bid a slipper set (16k) + May 08 set (1.6k) + Bleeding hearts fan (400) + boa (300) + Yumeh cat hairpin (500g) +2.2k pure= 21k? x,DD;; on Collab slot * Q*

Ahh, want to AB Seiji's auction but missing queens crown :rofl: :heart:
I'll bid Pudao (14k) + Scarf of order (4.5k) + Scepter of order (2k) + May 08 set (1.6k)= 21.5k


Originally Posted by SangALee (Post 3717412)
D8< LOL I WANT ARTT. -nomnoms-

can i bid a queen's crown (20~25k) on dr. seji's auc, and 20k on the collab auction?


Originally Posted by Yumehayla (Post 3710787) are teh bidz:
For dr.Seiji's solo auction, I bid a pudao of time (16k)
For the collab auction, I bid an oriental fan (15k?)

thank you. xDDDD

XD it may be 16k highest MP price xD but I'm going for the lowest ;0;' = 14k


Originally Posted by Bartuc (Post 3704842)
May 08 Set + 5k <3 for the Seiji Art <3

*disregard my gold count on my under my name. I have quite a bit more stashed away in a trade to a mule* :ninja:


Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob (Post 3703633)
sakura- what doI win?! O: lulz
and ohh wow~ haha have fun with the comforting? XD

sho- event ends the 10th I think ^^
and ohh a sho/mai collab @___@;; wonder if I'll have enough haha... xD; anyway uhh I'll bid uhh... 2 june 08 sets (2k) + a dove headwing (2k?) = 4k?! is that okay? XD;


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 3701631)
Uh, I'd like to bid on Dr. Seiji's art with 3.5k.


Originally Posted by Sane (Post 3701028)
lol all my questions fail :rofl:

ahhk sorry i was checking back and forth with invo XDD i'll outbid myself with carni pin then rofl


Originally Posted by Sane (Post 3700927)
uhhkay, now i have gold x'D

i start with 1k + yumeh pin (500 gold with price guide but its outdated i think 8'D)

Dr.Seiji 08-04-2008 03:56 AM

reserved for my ABJD obsession.♥

mai 08-04-2008 12:36 PM

Aug 05th - Aug 09th 2008

A collab auction where you will get sketch/line by mai and sho's color (((: We are willing to try almost everything with the exception of full anthro (because mai sucks) and OC without good image reference. We accept bid in gold, event items and contribute items (based on MPG).


Bid Ladder

SB : 1g
AB : (2007 + 2008 CI sets) ... x2! /shot
  • less than 5k = 1 headshot/bust or single chibi
  • 5k - 10k = 1 waist/couple chibi
  • over 10k - 20k = couple bust
  • over 20k = couple waist
  • AB = couple fullbody

i copied sei's post for this because i suckkkkk at making layout. please forgive me ;^;

mai 08-04-2008 12:36 PM

Bid History
HB: 80k O___O__O_o__O


Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3747627)
I bid pure love sash (70k) + halloween08 set x 3 (7.5k) + 2.5k
= 80k

omguhhh, it's been a while since I've seen/competed in a bid war. SO FUN. :rofl::rofl:


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3747417)
Chippuuu~ F-fomg, your determination is BEAUTIFUUUL :rofl: :heart:

(lololol my invo will be empty soon x,DD)

Slipper set (16k) + Pudao (14k) + Oriental fan (18k) + Scepter of order (2k) + Scarf of order (4.5k) + Welcome balloon set (4k) + 2 May 08 sets (3.2k) + Easter set 07 (10k)+ 2300g
=74k <---WHOAH.


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3746753)
CHIPPUUUPUUU 8DD -=rubs hands together=- BRING IT ONNN 8DD

Slipper set (16k) + Pudao (14k) + March 08 (4k) + Scepter of order (2k) + Scarf of order (4.5k) + Welcome balloon set (4k) + 2 May 08 sets (3.2k) + Easter set 07 (10k)+ 800g

Ahhh, brb, I want to read this book :rofl:


Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3746581)
I bid gold clover pin (45k) + halloween08 set x 2 (5k) + 3k
= 53k

8 u 8 !!


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3746513)

Slipper set (16k) + Pudao (14k) + March 08 (4k) + Scepter of order + Scarf of order (4.5k) + Welcome balloon set (4k) + 2 May 08 sets (3.2k) + 800g
=48k (All valued lowest from price guide?) TADAAA :rofl:


Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3731179)
Um I bid gold clover pin please * H *
= 45k+ according to MPG (not sure how you value it sho 8D;;;)


Originally Posted by SangALee (Post 3730988)
and i bid 30k + headwings set(5k) + royal cape and jester hat(2.5k) = 37.5k


Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3730922)
A family war started haha >8D

vday pendant (28k) + halloween08 set x2 (5k) + 3k pure
= 36k


Originally Posted by SangALee (Post 3730533)
>8D OHOHO. BRING IT ON, CHOOOO. -rummages through inventory-

Can I bid 25k + Headwing set? (5k? XD) = 30k?

Lul, I don't know how to price items anymore. XD


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3724708)
Slipper set (16k) + March 08 set (4k) + 2 may 08 sets (3.2k) + April 07 set (4k) + 2k
=29.2k on Collab~



Originally Posted by chipyun (Post 3724107)
SHOSHOOO * H * <333333

Lina and I want to co-ab Dr Seiji's auction (if we're allowed) please ! 8D
And um, I'll bid a vday pendant on your and mai's collab ? :heart:


Originally Posted by Chroma (Post 3723387)

AALSDGKHF <3 (All valued lowest in price guide x,D ) I can sell for pure tooo > w< :heart:
Can I bid a slipper set (16k) + May 08 set (1.6k) + Bleeding hearts fan (400) + boa (300) + Yumeh cat hairpin (500g) +2.2k pure= 21k? x,DD;; on Collab slot * Q*

Ahh, want to AB Seiji's auction but missing queens crown :rofl: :heart:
I'll bid Pudao (14k) + Scarf of order (4.5k) + Scepter of order (2k) + May 08 set (1.6k)= 21.5k


Originally Posted by SangALee (Post 3717412)
D8< LOL I WANT ARTT. -nomnoms-

can i bid a queen's crown (20~25k) on dr. seji's auc, and 20k on the collab auction?


Originally Posted by Yumehayla (Post 3710787) are teh bidz:
For dr.Seiji's solo auction, I bid a pudao of time (16k)
For the collab auction, I bid an oriental fan (15k?)

thank you. xDDDD


Originally Posted by Anoni (Post 3704137)


Originally Posted by Sane (Post 3704134)
oooh, i start bid off with 1k! :outbidded soon: xD

mai 08-04-2008 12:39 PM

twizted child eve 08-04-2008 01:12 PM

Hey guys. :heart: Can I post yet? Sorry if I'm not supposed to yet.

Sakura_Madison 08-04-2008 01:23 PM

Hello shosho, mai, and Dr.Seiji!!

I just wanted to be in the first page. XD

twizted child eve 08-04-2008 01:24 PM

Hello there. :) How are you? ^^

Sakura 08-04-2008 01:25 PM

I miss you <333
Love your threads so much D<

Sakura_Madison 08-04-2008 01:27 PM

Hello twizted child eve and my evil side Sakura. XD

@ twizted child eve:

I am doing well, but my thread is not though....

Sizzla 08-04-2008 01:29 PM

Shoooooo! :hug:

*waves to Seiji and Mai* Hey guys! :D I've been waiting for this thread to open. XD

shosho 08-04-2008 01:29 PM

haha, that's fine, guys <333 i'm just trying to figure out what kind of games or a game to use for this XD;; want to give out some more freebies, but yes @__@;; dunno what yet

aww, sakura_m ;__; i suck at hunting for threads TAT;;; /hug

Sakura 08-04-2008 01:30 PM

@Sakura_Madison; owo I'm not your evil side! So hurt ;3;
My heart is broken </3

@The Shoster; No problem, I is lub you mmkai?~

twizted child eve 08-04-2008 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison (Post 3684850)
Hello twizted child eve and my evil side Sakura. XD

@ twizted child eve:

I am doing well, but my thread is not though....

That's good. Aww. It's not? I'm sorry. D: *hugs*

Sakura_Madison 08-04-2008 01:32 PM

Hey Sizzla! :glomp:

I know the same feeling. XD

How you been?


@ twizted child eve:

Aww thank you for the hug. *huggles back*

I have been improving on my artwork and I guess people are busy at other threads.

twizted child eve 08-04-2008 01:32 PM

Hello Sizzla. Nice avatar. I love purple.

Sizzla 08-04-2008 01:33 PM

Games are fun. :D I loved the games for your birthday, even though I sucked at them. XP

Hey Sakura! I've been doing relatively well I suppose. Better than some other people I'm sure. XP It's hot here, so I'm complaining about that a lot recently. :rofl: How are you?

Hey Twiz, how are you today? And thanks! I don't want to change into new stuff just yet. It is Monday after all, and I am quite fond of this outfit. :D

lilis 08-04-2008 01:35 PM

oh.. woh i am so gonna lurk in this thread *^*;;;

-waves hi to everyone here-

twizted child eve 08-04-2008 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sizzla (Post 3684933)
Games are fun. :D I loved the games for your birthday, even though I sucked at them. XP

Hey Sakura! I've been doing relatively well I suppose. Better than some other people I'm sure. XP It's hot here, so I'm complaining about that a lot recently. :rofl: How are you?

Hey Twiz, how are you today? And thanks! I don't want to change into new stuff just yet. It is Monday after all, and I am quite fond of this outfit. :D

I'm good. Thank you. :) And yourself? ^^

Yes, it is Monday. New avatar gets chosen today. ;D I don't have many of the new commons yet, so I don't want to change yet either.

Sakura_Madison 08-04-2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sizzla (Post 3684933)
Games are fun. :D I loved the games for your birthday, even though I sucked at them. XP

Hey Sakura! I've been doing relatively well I suppose. Better than some other people I'm sure. XP It's hot here, so I'm complaining about that a lot recently. :rofl: How are you?

Hey Twiz, how are you today? And thanks! I don't want to change into new stuff just yet. It is Monday after all, and I am quite fond of this outfit. :D

That must be the feeling of a lot of people recently.

Yes, it is very hot where I live, but it has been doing good lately though.

Last year, it got 120 degrees plus.

Oh yea, today is another Monday. Going to see the next Admin's Pick.

Sakura 08-04-2008 01:38 PM

*waves back to lilis~*
Enjoying the event so far? The chatting is quite novel to me XD;

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