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Woofie267 06-23-2018 05:18 PM

Clever Girls
Marie grinned as she looked at the paddock below her. A new batch of prototype miniaturized longnecks had hatched a few days ago, and she was supervising the current interactions. There were a handful of handlers in the paddock just letting the little ones get accustomed to people. She knew she was expecting visitors soon, but the people she was expecting weren't exactly subtle.

Mageling 06-23-2018 05:25 PM

Mina was on her way to the observation deck. She had left her raptors in their specially made enclosure so they could roam a bit without such close supervision, and was taking the moment to come and see the tiny longnecks.

“Hey,” she said when she saw Marie. “I heard noises about new babies?”

Woofie267 06-23-2018 06:21 PM

"Yup. Six of them." Marie grinned. "They're all currently down there. So far, medical checks out, so all is well. Looks like these six will be sold in a couple months."

Mageling 06-24-2018 01:51 AM

"How big are they likely to get?" Mina asked as she watched the little longnecks. "Half-size or true miniatures?"

Woofie267 06-24-2018 03:44 AM

"True miniatures," Marie told her. "Half-size of the long necks is still too big for the public, so these are only going to get max four and a half feet tall." She paused for a moment. "At least, if the scientists are right."

Mageling 06-24-2018 11:38 AM

“Meaning we’ll plan for six feet,” Mina said, nodding . She grinned. “This really is excellent work, I hope you’re proud of it.”

Woofie267 06-24-2018 05:46 PM

"I am." Marie grinned. "So far it's all going smoothly, which is awesome. I love it when things go smoothly."

Mageling 06-25-2018 01:31 AM

"Don't jinx it," Mina advised, knocking gently on a nearby wood panel. "It doesn't take much to tempt fate around here, remember?" She grinned a bit.

Woofie267 06-25-2018 05:15 AM

Marie made a face. "No kidding," she muttered. "Speaking of, I'm expecting visitors today. Of the high profile sort." She grinned teasingly. "In case you want to stick around for some eye candy."

Mageling 06-26-2018 02:25 AM

"I might just," Mina said, grinning a bit and stretching. "Indy and the twins will probably appreciate the time to just run around in their enclosure."

Woofie267 06-26-2018 06:10 AM

"No kidding." Marie smiled. "I'd let Topaz in to play, but not with Indy. Indy's a bit too rough for her." She leaned on the railing, watching one of the baby longnecks settle into someone's lap with a low cooing sound.

Mageling 06-26-2018 08:20 PM

"I'm going to take Indigo out later for a solo run," Mina offered. "Topaz can play with Ruby and Garnet then." She watched the longnecks cuddle the people in the enclosure.

Woofie267 06-26-2018 08:34 PM

"Sounds good to me." Marie smiled. "I'll probably get Topaz in here too, to get used to these little guys."

Mageling 06-26-2018 11:35 PM

"Cool," Mina said. She grinned a bit. "Ruby and Garnet are a bit wild for that. And I wouldn't dare with Indigo."

Woofie267 06-26-2018 11:42 PM

"Indigo would think they're food," Marie said with a grin. "Topaz is the only one of those four calm enough."

Mageling 06-27-2018 12:02 AM

"Yeah, pretty much," Mina agreed. She grinned. "The twins are on the cuddly side, though. Sort of."

Woofie267 06-27-2018 12:21 AM

"When they're in the mood, you mean," Marie teased. "Whereas I can get Topaz to agree to cuddles just about whenever I want."

Mageling 06-27-2018 12:23 AM

"Topaz is just a slightly sharper cat," Mina teased. "The twins are more like toothy puppies."

Woofie267 06-27-2018 01:25 AM

"Something like that." Marie grinned, and then looked over when she heard the Quinjet. "Ah, here they are." She straightened and headed for the stairs to get back down to ground level, as the Quinjet landed on the helicopter pad.

Mageling 06-27-2018 01:59 AM

Mina followed her sister. She was interested to see who was going to get off the Quinjet, since she hadn't heard of any Shield visits today.

Woofie267 06-27-2018 06:19 AM

Tony was out first, followed by Clint, Steve, and Natasha. Marie grinned and raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey Tony. Bringing more guests out to show off?" she teased easily, watching the group of them.

Mageling 06-27-2018 05:22 PM

Mina blinked when she saw them. Well. She hadn't expected that.

"They wouldn't shut up about it," Tony complained as he took off his sunglasses. "I figured this would get them off my back. You know them all, right? I would hope you know them all at this point, I mean, honestly, not hard to figure out."

Woofie267 06-28-2018 12:26 AM

"Never been introduced, but I've seen them around," Marie agreed. She shot a winning smile at the three. "I'm Marie Pavlov, nice to officially meet you."

Mageling 06-28-2018 12:35 AM

"I'm her sister Mina," Mina added. She nodded towards the three newcomers. "I've met them in passing once or twice."

"Pavlov, what, like with the dogs?" Clint asked, grinning. Natasha just rolled her eyes and nudged him a bit.

Woofie267 06-28-2018 12:51 AM

"Something like that, but replace dogs with raptors," Marie shot back with a grin.

"Raptors, huh?" Steve looked around a bit. This whole bit was still very strange to him.

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