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Angelic Rain 11-04-2012 10:11 PM

One Direction
I keep hearing this everywhere. It's all about One Direction.

I have nothing against them. I even like their music and I think they're cute! They worked hard to get where they are. But it's just too much One Direction, no offense to Directioners!

To put it simply, I do like them. I don't dislike them or hate them. I like them. I just think they're taking over and it's getting a little annoying how you always hear about them! [gonk]

Thanks for reading and I respect your opinion as I hope you respect mine. :)


Kiba_Ryuun 11-08-2012 07:28 PM

I hear tons of their songs when I'm at work because we play the radio there all day. While I don't mind them, you could understand why I'm tired of them after hearing a song of theirs every ten minutes or so. Otherwise, my life is One Direction free.

The only time I got really annoyed of them was during the Olympics opening and closing ceremony. My dashboard and feeds were flooded with "OMG 1D!!!!" and such so I had to wade through them before I could get to the other parts of the ceremonies.

strawberry witch 10-28-2014 05:55 PM

I knew there had to be a 1D thread somewhere, and I'm more than happy to bring it back.

I hated 1D at first; my best friend was obsessed with them when they were on the X Factor, and I couldn't care less, in fact I found them really annoying. Then I watched a few of their video diaries out of boredom and made the mistake of telling her I kind of liked Louis. She ran into the kitchen, grabbed a carrot, and shoved it in my face.

Yeah, it makes me cringe now, but somehow I still stuck to liking them, and Louis.

I figured that now that I'm finishing up college I would have grown out of them, but I more grew up with them than anything. In fact, I've made quite a few friends in liking them on Tumblr. Liking 1D introduced me to RPing on Tumblr, which introduced me to people I consider to be my best friends. One of which even got us tickets to see them in concert last August, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. I plan on getting tickets for their next tour this Saturday.

One Direction is a silly boyband, but I definitely cannot shake them.

Cosmic Dangernaut 11-05-2014 06:09 AM

I have a few friends who are obsessed with them (they even had me over to watch the movie once). I fought listening to them for a while because of the over-saturation of obsessed people in my life, but I finally caved and gave them a try. They have some pretty good songs that are solid jams. I'm not above singing along with their stuff when it does come on, but I don't really follow their careers. I don't search out their music, but I won't automatically skip over one of their songs when it comes on the radio.

Aimless.Wanderer 12-28-2014 10:52 PM

I think the 1D hype has declined a lot over the past year or two. The people who I knew were hardcore 1D fans have calmed down a little bit. I think that their boyish charm has worn out a little and they aren't attracting a whole lot of younger girls anymore (maybe I'm wrong, I haven't been keeping up a whole lot!), but their songs aren't totally bad. I wouldn't really follow them, but I wouldn't skip over their songs if they played on they radio either.

allycat 01-23-2015 12:07 AM

I totally agree! I'm a big fan but sometimes I wish they weren't so popular

strawberry witch 10-01-2015 06:09 PM

I was able to see them in concert for the second time less than a month ago and they're still (surprisingly) amazing live, even after losing a core member. But at the same time, I'm hoping that there can be a bit more of a decline in their popularity now that they're going to be starting a hiatus soon. Some of the fans have become very mean and angry for various reasons and it makes it pretty exhausting to like the band as a whole.

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