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Isendor 07-25-2011 07:28 PM

¤Monarchy of Betrayal¤ ( O/A )
Welcome to my monarchy!

I shall greet you with a heavy heart. I, the Queen of Drostia, have just lost a husband. Our King, David Drostia died in a terrible accident. Who could have known that jumping from a tower would be so dangerous?
The court is on the verge of disaster after our loss, but do not fear. I am here to rule. Unfortunately, my raise to power and glamour has required... sacrifices. Bloody ones, yes, but they were necessary. Because of these sacrifices the court is rather empty. Thus, I've sent you this letter.
Join my court. Join the path to power, love, fortune and WORLD DOMINATI---- No, that sounds too aggressive. Let's call it "spreading of the peace and tactical growth".

But be aware! I am your friend in this court. I am the one who can give you power! A name! The problem is that even my purge didn't get every rat. There are still many of those who oppose me, and I hope that you wont become one of them. Things could turn quite... unpleasant.

To join my court, you're asked to send a personal letter to me. After all, I do need to keep track of those wondering my castle's hallways. Fill this:

Title in the court: (You may invent one!)
Picture: (For the guards)

I shall then tell you if you're allowed to enter my gorgeous and rich court!

Let us make a perfect and powerful monarchy!

Sincerely yours,
Rosalie Drostia, the Queen of Drostia, "Yes, Your Highness" to you!

Isendor 07-25-2011 07:37 PM

About Drostia

Drostia is a small country, surrounded by many others. Its history is filled with wars with these other countries, but the latest king Daniel Drostia brought peace back to the land.
The country is filled with magical creatures like elves, dragons, goblins, vampires and even humans. The race doesn't matter in the court, though.

About the castle of Drostia

Here are the rooms we have, you may suggest more if you have any good ideas.

-One chamber per person! You may live elsewhere, too, but it must be within the castle.
-Queen lives in a tower. (Yes, the one where our king jumped from)
-Alex (our knight) lives in the forest
-One garden with a lake (Saphire lives in it)
-Right next to the previous one, a forest.
-One dining hall
-A ballroom
-A throne room with one huge throne (yes, the queen ditched King's chair right after he died) and a few smaller ones for the princes and princesses.
-A library
-A fighting room, for fencing, archery and such.
-A graveyard, currently in poor condition.

Pictures: Castle, the ballroom

There is also a town surrounding half of the castle (rest is for the forest) and there is a platform for executions...!


-The usual ones, read the ToS.
-Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13!
-Violence is allowed too, but inside the limit of ToS.
-No god modding please! Mistakes can be easily forgiven, though.
-Aim to a plot with twists! Betray people! Try to get people killed! Be two-facey and aim to power! You are encouraged to aim for a huge soap opera!
-If you use spells, give the target a chance to avoid it! But targets should also let some spells hit 'em.
-> You can be the innocent one, though. :D
-The Queen can be dethroned! :D She's not the main character here, everyone is! But the dethroning must be impressive then!
-You may control and create smaller characters, like butlers and such. (For ex: "King snapped his fingers and a maid came to him. "What is it?"she asked) BUT, you may not control other people's characters! These "ghosts" can be used in their natural environment and they may do routine stuff for you, like open a door or clean the table. You may not have a maid to assist you in forest and so on.
-If you're trying to kill someone's character, ask him/her first if you'll success.
-Keep it around semi-literate and literate.
-Please post me if you have any questions! I'll be happy to answer! I'm also willing to edit the text for grammatic errors. (I'm not a native, so chit chat happens!)
-Have fun!

Isendor 07-25-2011 07:38 PM

Members of the court

Because we don't have many players yet, I'll start this post with basics.

-You may have 2 characters! But only 2, so plan them carefully! Or then not, we can get rid of them in the storyline. ;)

Suggestions for your character:
-Prince/Princess (can be a visitor from another country!)
-Assassin and such
-Pretty much anything!

You can also have many positions in the court! For example, you could be a nobleman who also works as an assassin! This way you can wonder around the castle as a "normal" person. You also have the freedom to appoint yourself as someone's relative. Remember to add this to your character's title! (For ex: Title: The king, cousin of the cook). You may also choose your side, or at least on whose side you are at first! (For ex: Title: The king, always on the queen's side but has grown doubts about her motives)

Taken roles:X


Originally Posted by Isendor
Name: Queen Rosalie Drostia (Yes, Your Highness to you! :D)
Age: 29
Race: Human
Title: Queen of Drostia
Personality: Wicked, greedy, evil (and mean)
History: Rosalie was born into a very poor family. She was sent to the castle to become a maid when she was merely 10 years old. She couldn't stand for her position. After seeing how the noblemen and royals lived, she decided to become what they are: Powerful! Rich! A ruler!
With her charm and vicious plans she climbed up in the courts social hierarchy. By the age of 29 she married the king right after the previous queen died in suspicious circumstances. But alas, now the king has jumped down from a tower! Rosalie has become the ruler and is now a stepmother to king's children.


Originally Posted by shadow_universe
Name: Kaleido
Age: 20 (looks like 12)
Race: Nymph/Sylph (stops getting older with 10)
Title in the court: maid
Personality: silent, mysterical, ruminative, unpredictable
History: Kaleido once belonged to a noble family, but after the King has died, they lost their powers through the Queen, and had to sell Kaleido, their only daughter, as a servant to the Queen, where she is now living.
She promised to herself, that she will rise her current status, back to what she was earlier. Until then, her only will is to serve the princess(es).


Originally Posted by WinglessFairy
Name: Lydia Raven
Age: 28 yrs human equivalent; Actual age unknown
Race: Dragon, Ice; From the line of royalty of the Ice Dragons, last of her kind.
Title in the court: Lady Raven
Personality: Very quiet, observant. She was brought up to speak only when speaking is needed, and to know much more than she tells.
History: Lydia was raised in the Mountains of the far east, with the ever dwindling race of the ice dragons. She was raised an only child, knowing no other children until she met an air dragon named Rai who was about her age. He's long since died, leaving her by herself. She was invited to the court of Drostia when her own courts became empty by a kind Queen who wanted her son to learn of all peoples. She was once revered in the courts as teacher of the crown princes and princesses, but as the times changed, her position was seen no longer as that of the one empowering the next generation of royalty, but as someone who was good for nothing else. She stays out of everyone's way, as she always has, quietly raising the children as their parents rule the courts. Seemingly unaffected by her former student David's death, she escaped the bloodshed inflicted upon the courts with the beginnings of the new queen's rule. Yet, the dragons are a quiet, remembering race. Slow to anger, slow to act, but when they do, the world shakes. Who knows what lies behind her odd eyes.
Picture: I really effing need to redraw her -sigh- but let me give you what I have.
The girl on the very right, without the wings and stone on her head
She has raven black hair, very pale skin. She's cold to the touch, as her natural body temperature is lower than a human's - that is, if you could even work up the nerve to touch her at all. In court she wears Victorian clothing like most of the other court dwellers, but while she roams the halls or in events and gatherings, she can be seen wearing a simple blue kimono, the clothing of her people.
Only once a year will she been seen wearing the grand furisode, and that's when she hosts the Lunar Festival in the winter. Her eyes are cloudy-grey, with little serpentine circles in her eyes.


Originally Posted by princessofdarkness101
Dear Your Highness,

Name: Meilin
Age: 23 (appearance)
Race: Elf
Title in the court: Assassin
Personality: A bit Dark at times and a bit bubbly. She is short tempered and bipolar.
History: She comes from the best Assassin family. Her entire family has been very successful in Assassination. She has many enemies and has offered to defend the Queen against her enemies.


Originally Posted by Palmoun

Name: Alexander Von Shay
Age: Looks to be 24
Race: Werewolf
Title in the court: Knight of Drostia
Personality: He is cold to those who he doesn't know but if you can break threw that layer of stone there is a nice guy down there... or at least as nice as a werewolf can be.
History: If you asked for his history he will just growl and get you to back down. His history is his own business. The only thing you need to know is that he grew up in the forest, fought his way to where he is now and isn't going to give up this place for anything. He will stay a knight of Drostia or become something even greater in the kingdom. He was just brought into the kingdom a week before the king died.


Originally Posted by Isendor

Name: Leandro Drostia
Age: 21
Race: Human
Title in the court: Prince of Drostia, son to the king
Personality: Some princes are having trouble to stay in their graceful position and fulfill the expectations. Leandro doesn't have such problems, he enjoys his position and doesn't let it stop him from having fun! He is relaxed and calmly approaches his targets of his life.
History: Nobody in the court was able to control Leandro when he was a child. He still comes and goes however he wants to and takes no pressure on schedules and etiquette. King's death meant really nothing to him because he had been very distant to Leandro. Leandro's mother's death was more shocking to him and he still seeks the truth of her death.
Now he lives under the new queen, whom he knows from the time she was a noble. He seems quite happy in his position.

Originally Posted by princessofdarkness101
Name: Elliot
Race: Ninja
Title in the court: Spy
Personality: Mysterious and dark. Has an ulterior motive
History: He comes from a Ninja clan in the south. Secret enemies of Assassins.


Originally Posted by shadow_universe
Name: Princess Gaiae
Age: 21
Race: human
Title in the court:princess
Personality: loud, friendly, shizophren, mean, arrogant
History: She is the daughter of the King, who had loved her mother, a maid. After she gave birth to Gaiae, she died.
So the king named his daughter after her mother. She was raised as a princess, although she is a bastard. As her stepmother died, the first Queen, and the King took another Woman, she started to surround the Queen, to gather her sympathy. But after the Kind had died, she started hating the Queen, not showing it and pretending to love the Queen as she used to


Originally Posted by SecretIenzo1
Name: Saphire De Lucano
Age: 21 (looks 16)
Race: Siren
Title in the court: Princess from another Kingdom
Personality: Saphire is a sweet girl with a childish nature. However she is knows when to be playful and when she needs to be serious. She cares about everyone and won't hesitate to help them.
History: Saphire got caught in the nets of a fishing boat when she was 16 and they took her to Drostia as a present for the Queen when she was still a noble. The King let her stay in the lake until she would be able to go back. Unfortunately her Kingdom began war so she stayed in Drostia. She respects and loves the Queen like a second mother.


Originally Posted by SecretIenzo1

Name: Shadow
Age: 5 (Says he is 15)
Race: Crocodile
Title in the court: Knight
Personality: Shadow is wise, gentle and caring. He is a respectable person and is very considerate. He is quiet but a gentleman. People besides Saphire see him as a walking enigma.
History: Shadow used to be a crocodile but his home was destroyed in a storm and he was moved far away from it. He ended up in the Drostia castle lake where he lives with Saphire who turned him human. He can still change back to a crocodile at will and vise versa. He is very powerful and is loyal to the queen like Saphire.


Originally Posted by WinglessFairy (Post 1769646769)
Name: Damien Darconia
Age: 15
Race: human
Title in the court: no official title, as he is still young, tagging along with his mother and father, Duke and Duchess Darconia. Perhaps he will make a name for himself.

Personality: Rather dark and brooding, but with good reason. His mind bothers him at most times, conflicted between like and dislike of just about everything, the uncertainty nearly driving him mad... But on a good day, he can be found reading a book in the climbing trees around the garden and the river.

History: Damien is the first child of David and Amelia Darconia, middle-level nobles, who had an estate not too far from the capitol, where serfs worked their lands. While his mother treasured her son, his father was rather distant, often away trying to procure some special item for someone, as he specialized in finding rare treasures. While his father neither showed much affection, nor rejection of the boy, Damien had always felt his father had wanted a female who would be able to handle the book-keeping and general running of the estate like his mother had, instead of a boy who would go off to fight wars or otherwise leave the estate. While from little, he had been a fast learner, his tastes changed from day to day, and his mother had a very hard time finding food he would eat that wasn't neutral water or bread. She eventually just began stocking up on large variety of jams, allowing Damien to pick a different flavor for his toast everyday. He tends to adore chocolates and sweets, especially bitter drinking chocolate, with that being his only constant liking.
When Damien turned eight, he began having random moments where his personality changed. While these moments were fleeting and soon passed, they were very unsettling. Then, one day...they stopped completely. While these moments left, he soon became more quiet, and unhappy, a change from the bright, though odd, child he had been. He's facing pressure to pick an occupation, as soon he will be old enough to get an apprenticeship, but every time he's asked, he spits out an "I don't know!" His mind wants to be many things, and yet wants to be nothing. His parent's are hoping his time at the court will help him decide.

Picture: Will draw one eventually. I'm sorry, but I hate picking pictures that I don't make myself, since I make the picture match character, and would be rather unhappy with a picture that wasn't exact >.<

He's got dark black hair, scattered around, slightly spiky. Deep green eyes with golden flecks, a face that looks both stubborn and strong. He's about average height for his age, and prefers the more comfortable leather and less layers than he was often seen in during courts. On the worst of formal occasions, he can be seen wearing a rather uncomfortable looking ruff that his mother likes to see him wear, despite his own feelings on the garb. He has one particular pendant he wears all the time, A golden hexagon, with intricate metal work, holding several different smooth stones, each a different gem. It hangs on a thin golden chain, though often hidden beneath his shirt.


Originally Posted by DarkSecret2

Name: Alruna Vertos
Age: 19
Race: Witch
Title in the court: Queen of another Kingdom
Personality: Careing, compassionate and sly. Ruthless at times. Very Intellegent and Cunning.
History: Alruna came to the Kindgom of Drostia from the Kingdom of Vertos on official business however she ended up staying as a court member. Her sister is taking care of her kingdom while she is away.


Originally Posted by DarkSecret2
Name: Yun Vertos
Age: 24
Race: Wizard
Title in the court: Prince of another Kingdom
Personality: Yun normally stays out of people's business but he gives good advise and he is a kind soul. He can fight and has quite the temper.
History: Yun grew up a spoiled boy however he never grew spoiled himself. He grew up sounronded by as much nature as possible and now that he is older he has went to Drostia to marry their princess. He doesn't want to if she doesn't though.


Originally Posted by Cuddlymoon
Here is my Character

Race: Human Father Elf Mother.
Title in the court: Queens Lady in Waiting.
Personality:Shy and Quiet she usually lurks by the Queen assisting her in any way possible. She acts as a translator for the Queen if any Elf comes from a foreign place. She is a hopeless romantic and loves reading poetry. She probably has the closest chamber to the Queen.
History: Lisanna was born in an Elf kingdom that had prospered when the King was still alive. When the Queen came to rule she sacrificed most of the kingdom leaving the rest to die of hunger or cold. Her father who works constantly to dethrone the Queen sent her to the castle to pass information to him.

exept with elf ears


Isendor 07-25-2011 07:39 PM

Previously on Monarch of Betrayal

This post is for a quick brief of the story. Who knows, maybe we'll have new players in the middle of the story! It's easier to start playing when you don't have to read 100+ pages to know what has happened previously. =3

Chapter 1: The new court has entered the castle!X

Elliot and Meilin have jobs in the court as a butler and a lieutenant, but beneath that they are actually a spy and an assassin. Will Elliot discover the secrets of the kingdom for his masters? Will Meilin be able to protect the queen from rebellions? Meilin has also had hassle with Alex, the knight who despises the queen from the bottom of his cold, lonely heart! Only Kaleido, a maid who has gotten a secret task from the queen, has brushed that heart. Will this be a problem to the promise she has made to the queen?
On the top of this, Lydia, the dragoness teacher tries to balance between the memory of the latest king, her old student, and the new queen's terror. Will she stand up for her believes of good ruling or accept the new ruler? Luckily her Highness isn't alone and has minions by her side. Saphire, a young and naive siren is trying to be a good girl but ended up turning her pet crocodile into a human. Can she save the boy from the hatred of Rosalie?
Oh yeah, Gaiae and Leandro are just hanging around.

Chapter 2: SocialisationX

Alex, our dear emo knight has been touched again! (Hehe... You pervs if you thought what I thought...) Saphira has made a promise to help him in knight's journey of revenge against his evil werewolf brother. She has started to teach him the secrets of pressure points in order to make him stronger! Will this help at all?
Leandro and Kaleido are training elsewhere. Because of pure boredom, Leandro has started to teach Kaleido about the art of throwing knives! Can the maid even learn such a thing or... or... eh, I don't know, or will she learn nothing?
Meanwhile Gaiae and Lydia have taken young Shadow under their wings. The princess has appointed him as her personal knight. They try to keep him safe, but there is already one danger in their quest: the queen has let Shadow live only to be tested by Alex! Will the crocodile boy prove his worthiness and become a knight or will he be kicked out from the court?

Chapter 3: Newer meat in the court!X

Two newbies have entered the court! The first one, young Damien, has a great decision to make:will he stay as a new kid in the class and become a socially awkward emo, or will he become a cool kid? One thing is sure though: there's a great chance that Lydia's heart will warm near the kid who was pretty much dumped to the court by his parents! But will the foretold friendship become something else when the queen herself seeks for a minion from the class the dragoness is teaching, and has already noticed Damien? Oh no! :O
Meanwhile, Leandro has been attacked by another kingdom's queen! *DO-DOOOM!* Why is she still hanging around the court after being done with her official business? Why someone would want to hurt my poor, pretty Leandro? Why someone--- *sob sob* I'LL MAKE YOU PAY, DARKSECRET2 ! :illgetu:

Ahhem... But the reason for Alruna's longer stay has been revealed! Her older brother, Yun Vertos, is doom--- BLESSED to be married to Drostia's princess Gaiae. But Rosalie isn't only after getting rid of her dear daughter, no, she has a new scheme! A secret one, of course... But does Alruna have anything in her sleeves too...? And will Yun's and Gaiae's relationship become... something...?!

Chapter 4: Plotting? What is that? (Continuing)X

Leandro gets another serious coughing attack but survives. (Yey?) Kaleido (a spy of the queen) and Elliot (a spy hunting after the queen!) cheer him up with... ALCOHOL! (Drinking is bad, mkey?) And of course our drunken fellows end up plotting against the queen of Drostia AND the queen of Vertos! But the plans aren't even revealed when Meilin rushes in...


Isendor 07-25-2011 07:39 PM


9.8 - Made this update post! :D Now you can keep track on my moves, whenever I've edited the briefing list and such...
8.9 - New profile added, welcome DarkSecret2!
9.8 - Added a new chapter to the briefing list!
9.8 - Deleted the weather broadcast, you may change the weather however you want! Just don't over do it...!
9.8 - Edited the profile's post! Now it's all bundled into a neat spoiler box. Woah, the firt page nearly looks proper now! O.O
24.9 - New profile added, welcome Cuddlymoon!
24.9 Briefing updated.

9.8 - New profile added, DarkSecret2's 2nd
12.8 - Edited the rules a bit to make few things clearer.

Isendor 07-26-2011 09:43 PM

Queen Rosalie wonders around her castle's empty hallways. The echo of her foot steps fills the air while she gracefully approaches one of the huge windows in the ballroom. Darkness stares her through it but when the queen has looked out enough, she can see it. The execution platform that is still stained by the blood of her opponents.
"I hope that my new court wont be so tricky..." she whispers to the window's glass and looks at the king's picture that is hanged on the wall. King's dead eyes are still there, pleading for help, just like on that night when he fell.
Rosalie turns around to find something else to watch, but there's nothing or nobody with her. She starts breathing heavily. Where are the people?

shadow_universe 07-26-2011 09:59 PM

Kaleido rushed off to the Hallway, where she has been awaited to let the late guests inside.
On her way, she saw the Queen, as glorious and imperial as always.
"Your Highness", she quickly bowed down.
"I presume you called for me. The princess was brought to bed and is now sleeping.
I suppose we are awaiting guests?" Kaleido lurked behind her eyelashes and looked at the Queen.

Isendor 07-26-2011 10:07 PM

Queen turns her head slowly towards Kaleido. She stays silent for a brief moment. "Yes..." she starts. "Yes, we are waiting for guests. Some of the new members are coming tonight", she continues. She takes few steps away from the maid. "I assume that you have done your duties and prepared chambers for them" she says and gives Kaleido a demanding gaze.

shadow_universe 07-26-2011 10:15 PM

"As you wished, Your Highness",
Kaleido bowed a second time and straightened. "As I heard, the Princess will be having lessons and will
be raised by a new Teacher, since the other was a traitor. Does the Highness desire something else? My humble selfe will take care of it immediatly." She stroked her dress smooth and looked around the place, avoiding the Queens sight.

Isendor 07-26-2011 10:25 PM

"Yes, they are going to have a new teacher! But that isn't your concern!" queen hisses and raises her head. "Maids! Always poking their noses to their owner's personal life! Can't you be more professional and mind your own business? All you need to do is do your work WELL and keep it quiet! I only want to hear 'Yes, Your Highness' from you! Is it really so hard?"

Queen turns her back to Kaleido and walks up ballroom's stairway. She stops at the top of them and sweeps the banister with her finger. "And clean this ballroom! It's all dusty!" she yells.

shadow_universe 07-26-2011 10:42 PM

Kaleido twitches and bows. "I am terribly sorry. I just care about the peace in this court." ,she mumbles. "As you wish, Your Highness. I will clean it right away." She turns around and rushes off to get a bucket full water, a broom and clothes. "You just wait, Your Highness. I will be waiting, not only me, you will never be able to yell at me like that some day"., she thought and took a deep breathe to calm herself.
"Lets make this place look pretty!" The Moon lightened up the ballroom and flooded the hall in magical light.
It was already midnight, after Kaleido finally cleaned every corner, no dust was left, everything shone cleanly.
Dumping the cleaning equipement in a cabinet, she sighed deeply and leaned against the wall.
"I hope I can rest soon. This is going on my nerves."

Isendor 07-26-2011 11:18 PM

Queen sits in her tower, reading a book until she falls asleep.

[Yes, I'm going to sleep now. Feel free to continue here, you may change the time of the day however you want. I'll edit the "Time:" post when I return tomorrow, possibly around 6pm GMT +2 hours]

Palmoun 07-27-2011 01:06 AM

Alex headed into the castle and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He had been out in the forest for a little while training and getting some of his anger out. The Queen here was a bitch and made his blood boil to the point where he would take her head off. He may be a knight but living in the forest for part of his life had taught him that only the strongest survived. If she proved to be a weak leader or just plain annoying he wouldn't hesitate to take her out. He headed down the hall of the castle. He sniffed around and could tell that he queen wasn't near this place which suited him just fine. Slowly he headed towards the garden and would sleep under his favorite three there. It was the only place he felt some kind of peace in this palace besides the forest.

WinglessFairy 07-27-2011 02:18 AM

A haunting melody flits through the air in the lonely castle gardens. The breeze picked up, carrying the tune throughout the castle courtyards, unsettling any passerby's who happened to be outside. The creature was playing the flute again.
No matter how often she came to play her sad melodies, the court never quite got used to it. The gardens remained deserted, with only the flowers and the tress as a silent, unmoving audience.

It was here she could think, her thoughts unknown save in the moving tones she produced. The dragoness always trusted in her children; she taught them to think for themselves, to know right from wrong. But she had little influence with their mates, even less than they often had in choosing them. The song she played now was an ancient rite played at the funerals of great warriors. She had played the tune for nearly every ruler she had taught, but something darker lurked in the musics this time.

princessofdarkness101 07-27-2011 02:19 AM

Meilin with her bow on her back said her last goodbyes to her family. She was the chosen from the Eastern forest to become a member of the Queens court. The Elves were known as supporters of the royal family. She has sworn he life and duties to protect the Royal family. She quickly dashed through the woods being very quick and silent. She had moves much like a ninja. It was completely dark now and she could move much easier without being seen. She arrived to the castle and awaited for someon to come let her in. She looked around using her incredible ability of sight and sound to scope the castle around for intruders.

Palmoun 07-27-2011 02:41 AM

Alex Started to hear a haunting melody that had a dark tone to it. He could already tell that the music was comming from the guarden and growled softly. He was hoping for some peace and quiet, not music filled air. His anger started to bubble but he made himself calm down. All werewolves had a short fuse and he was no exception to that. He was just one of the better ones that were able to actually controll there anger sometimes and not go on a blind rampage and kill everything. That was the reason most werewolves lived out in the forest and away from everyone. But he was different, even his packs cheif had told him that. Yet he was more dangerous since his cotrol could slip at any moment.
As he got closer to the garden he saw a girl there. Her sent smelled of something scerpent like, probably some kind of snake or something. He growled softly and then looked at her, "the music is irratating, so shut up." he growled as he headed over to her. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his tree. A nice sterdy one that had a big branch that looked like a cradle. That was his bed and always would be. He had marked it his when heforst got here so if something happened to it he would Hurt who did it. His attention then went back to the girl and he found he had to breath slightly and count silently. He had to keep some kind of calm, he had too.

WinglessFairy 07-27-2011 03:26 AM

She paused momentarily.
"The tune is almost over. Leaving it unfinished would leave it to linger incomplete forever." She said, otherwise showing no sigh of acknowledgement. She placed the silver flute back to her lips and continued her song.

Werewolf. Male, young, but not a child. Bad-tempered, but posed no threat. Probably could withstand another 2 minutes, 47 seconds.

She knew all this by smell, and by his voice. She had learned to notice these sorts of things.
Her song would be finished in 90 seconds. From the last note, she would leave David to rest in peace, in the halls of the warriors in the Great Mountain.

princessofdarkness101 07-27-2011 03:37 AM

Meilin could hear the commotion going on and went to investigate. She moved like a ninja in the dark. Her Assassin skills were much higher than the average assassin. She approached the two. " Are you member of the Queens court?" she asked not knowing who all to expect. She just knew that some of the new members were also arriving tonight like her. She did not smile and kept her bow near for a quick draw if need be. She was curious as to who they were, but her first priority was protecting the queen.

Palmoun 07-27-2011 03:48 AM

Alex just glared at her as she resumed her song and wanted to pound his head into a wall. Music bothered him more then anything else, it hurt his ears and made him want to bite whoever was playing the damned song. Once it was done he sighed slightly and his body relaxed to a degree bit it didn't last long. A sent of long ago blood came to him and a deep growl came when he turned to see a girl there. She looked young but smelled of blood and flowers, probably a elf. They always smelled of flowers to him. "yes, I am, Who might you be?" he said and surpressed any kind of werewolf want. He wanted to run over there and fight her. If she smelled of blood, even old blood, then that ment she might be a threat to him. Old blood ment a experienced killer and that was never a good thing for anyone.

princessofdarkness101 07-27-2011 03:53 AM

"My name is not of your concern. I am here to protect the queen" she said coldly. First rule to assassin is to never tell who you really are until you can trust them or prepared to kill them. She turned toward the castle and walked away. She still had to meet the Queen. She had heard she was mean and evil and most likely the one who killed the Queen, but none of that mattered to her. She had already sold her soul to her and was prepared to fight for her majesty.

WinglessFairy 07-27-2011 03:58 AM

A second interruption? Poor David's song was malformed, like his death.

A Female. Younger than the were-boy. Dangerous, but only when herself or her liege is threatened. She could wait till the song had finished.

As the two newcomers talked angrily amongst themselves, the dragoness started towards one of the fountains, peering into the water. She stroked the water with her fingertips, leaving an icy path where her fingers touched. It was times like these she missed the snow, and the mountains. Yet, she could not go back to those empty caves.

Palmoun 07-27-2011 04:14 AM

Alex watched thr blood sented girl leave and and let out a deep growl. He had a feeling that she was going to be a pain in his ass. He then headed over to the tree and hopes that whoever that girl was would die. Quickly be lifted himself up onto a branch in the tree and just layed there. Slowly he relaxed and breathed in the calm night are and listened to the sounds around him. This was one thing he missed, having no noise expet those of nature. This was true music, natures music. He then stil smelled the scerpent girl in here and looked over towards her, "why don't you get out of here? Your desturbing me." he said. His voice was more calm this time, less angry and only annoyed now. Once he had actually calmed down more, tothe degree that he could sleek without growling slightly was a good thing. It ment that his mind was more clear and human then beast like now.

WinglessFairy 07-27-2011 05:12 AM

"I'm a creature of habit, much like yourself." She answered, surprisingly calm and collective, showing a stillness and politeness almost polar opposite to the visitor, "Whenever one of my pupils die, I send them off in the way of my people. It's almost finished now." She said softly. She expected the half man half beast to hear even though a normal human could not. She cupped both hands in the clear fountain. Had David been one in touch with the elements as she was, he would have been water. Diana had been water, as had Richard, and Rebecca. Long ago had their souls been laid to rest. Water is flexible, and giving, but also with the strength to carve paths in mountains. Slow, stubborn, steady. She whispered a few words into the water in Darconic, watching as the water began to float away into the skies. The rite was finished, David's soul now among the halls of the great warriors.

shadow_universe 07-27-2011 12:23 PM

As Kaleido finished her late duties, she went into the huge garden, to take a calming walk. She loved being outside at night, the nature
began to live silently, without the humans knowlege.
She heard the melody of the trees, the thoughts of the animals, and started humming to the beat.
Kaleido sat down on the grass and looked at the moon, stroking a little cat that had found his way to her lap.
It purred loudly and closed his eyes, laying next to her, cuddling into her dress.

Palmoun 07-27-2011 03:45 PM

Alex smirked when he heard her, "we are all creatures of habit." he grumbled but then shook his head when he heard her and slid out of his tree and landing on the ground. "when a werewolf dies or a close friend we use out voices to let them know where to go. We howl and let our voice mix with the music that nature makes. No other noise would do for a werewolf or a warrior." he said since he remember doing that many times with his people. "when your finished leave, I want to sleep sooner or later." he said and started to walk away since he had a feeling sleep wouldnt' come with her around. He then started to walk around the garden and relaxed some more.

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