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Ignis 06-12-2017 11:04 PM

Wonder Woman
I've watched it twice now, and I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely.
I think the casting was great. I'm a fan of wonder woman, so I may be biased.
Anyone else get a chance to see it?

hummy 06-13-2017 12:08 AM

I haven't gotten to see it yet I was supposed to but got cancelled on so I'm totally up to go see it as soon as I possibly can it was so good you paid to watch it twice that's a stunning recommendation right out the box

Ignis 06-13-2017 01:05 AM

[lol] Well...I usually see movies I like twice. Mostly because I get invited to watch movies with different people so I end up watching it twice.
I've watched lots of movies in theaters 2 or 3 times like : Star Wars Force Awakens, Logan, The Dark Knight, Moana, Finding Dory, and now Wonder Woman.
But yeah. I think it was enjoyable enough to watch it a second time.

Kory 06-22-2017 05:39 PM

I loved Wonder Woman. :)
I saw it about two weeks ago, I think. It was awesome!

I also tend to see movies twice, but my dad gets movie tickets for a discounted price at his job. So we can pretty much go to the movies for a lot less than what it would cost to actually pay full price for a ticket.

hummy 06-25-2017 11:30 PM

oh I love a discount =3

Eldweena 09-30-2017 11:35 PM

I thought the movie was great, but it was a little too long for me. I briefly fell asleep during the final battle, to be honest.

My favorite parts were in the beginning, where Diana was with her family. And it was funny how she was unused to modern society and had to be taught what was and wasn't proper, civilized behavior. I wish that part had been drawn out longer.

alice.the.queen.of.hearts 11-08-2017 02:07 PM

I saw it when it came out. I loved it. I loved everything about it. Now I am not a huge DC universe fan but I love Wonder Woman. I love the whole jumping over into No Mans Land. That to me is the biggest and important part of the movie, its like how LOTR The Return of the King and the whole

"I am no man"
part. Its like hey no man can cross this part (which is historically true) and Diana is like Hey i got this, gotta go be a superhero now!
So yes that one scene is my jam in life at the moment.
By chance did anyone you hear they are making a movie about the creator of Wonder Woman?

Ignis 11-22-2017 08:34 PM

They are making a movie about the creator?? I have not heard of this ? :o

Btw I'm gonna try and watch Justice League simply for Wonder Woman lmao

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