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hummy 03-03-2014 04:48 PM

♥movies from A~Z♥
i love movies!
so let's play A~Z only with movies

feel free to critique them
give them a thumbs up
or down or both!

chatting is welcome
and encouraged

Antagonist 03-03-2014 04:48 PM


hummy 03-03-2014 04:50 PM

B~~Batman~The Dark Knight

Antagonist 03-03-2014 04:53 PM

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Iro 03-03-2014 04:54 PM

Die Hard

hummy 03-03-2014 05:15 PM

E~~'eat, pray, love'

i've never seen this i wonder if it's any good?

Iro 03-03-2014 05:18 PM

I've not watched that either, though I thought Fast and Furious was not a bad movie to watch. :)

hummy 03-03-2014 05:41 PM

G~~'The Great Gatsby'

i liked 'fast and furious' especially 'find a new way home, pizza boy'
i love movie one liners

Iro 03-03-2014 05:45 PM

Gatsby was another good movie I've watched recently. xD

H... The Hunger Games count, yes?

hummy 03-03-2014 06:01 PM

I~~'Ice Age'
i love scrat [twitch] i love his eye twitch

yep it counts
i've only seen the old one not the remake

Cora 03-03-2014 06:28 PM

Jungle Book

I wanna see Gatsby actually.

jellysundae 03-03-2014 06:38 PM

Kill Bill

I saw the Great Gatsby recently, the original, I was mildly disappointed. I think it's something that you expect to be totally amazing because it's a "classic", and it didn't quite live up to its hype. It was still enjoyable to watch though, and I think I'll definitely read the book if I can find a nice old volume of it, because that will have so much more depth.

I don't want to watch the new version. I really dislike them remaking classics, also, Leo is not aging well! He looks like some fat and sweaty Italian store keeper, even though he's not fat there's just this corpulent aura about him that I find gross.

Pistachio_Moustache 03-03-2014 06:42 PM


Korean movie I have yet to watch.
I love horror, so I'm stoked to see it.

Cora 03-03-2014 06:45 PM

I totally didn't think Leo was good looking young, but he's aging worse.

My Sisters Keeper. (this movie makes me cry like a baby....)

Pistachio_Moustache 03-03-2014 06:54 PM

The Naked Kitchen

Another Korean film.
I loved this movie~
Although, it is about cheating and stuff, it was still a good movie.

jellysundae 03-03-2014 09:24 PM


Gotta love Bond films :D Though Roger Moore...[t2h] Sean Connery all the way!

Velvet 03-03-2014 09:37 PM

Pacific Rim - Interesting movie. :D

Wonderlands 03-03-2014 09:53 PM

I love that film so much, I've watched it so many times. I went through a huge mod phase, sigh.

fireprincess 03-03-2014 10:35 PM


I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds Leo unattractive. [ninja]
I saw Gatsby and I didn't care for it much. My brothers really liked it though, so maybe it's because I haven't read the book? [:?]

waytodawn 03-03-2014 10:45 PM


Pretty interesting movie.

fireprincess 03-03-2014 10:48 PM

Tuck Everlasting

waytodawn 03-03-2014 10:54 PM


fireprincess 03-03-2014 11:04 PM

V for Vendetta

waytodawn 03-03-2014 11:08 PM

World War Z.

Btw, V for Vendetta is awesome!

Wonderlands 03-03-2014 11:10 PM

One film in which I never want to see.
Or do I >.>

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