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Channah 10-29-2008 04:46 PM

Channah's House of Horrors--Tell Me A Story
Hello all my lovelies! I haven't given out anything good lately and have been neglecting my duties as charitable person and crotchety old battle axe.

So I've decided to create a thread to give some stuff out. I've got gold of course, but I've also got some CI's and some Halloween stuff from last year and a few other odds and ends. I don't have crowns or anything expensive like that though so don't ask..

What I want you to do is to tell me a story. What's the best prank you've pulled on someone for Halloween? What is the worst thing to happen to you? Got the crap scared out of you on Halloween? How come?

I won't tolerate begging. If you come here and beg for my stuff, I'll boot you in the butt so fast your head will spin. I also won't tolerate anyone spewing crap about anyone else in this thread. You want to fight with each other? Go somewhere else.

Pretty simple I think.

And no... I'm not giving out poisoned apples either. I'm mean and unruly, but I'd never poison the kiddies.

Smellerbee 10-29-2008 04:51 PM

One time when I was trick or treating someone said boo and I was scared.

Channah 10-29-2008 04:53 PM

You gotta do better than that kid.

Smellerbee 10-29-2008 04:54 PM

Sorry, that's all I've got :gonk:

Whos is that behind you!!!

Uzura 10-29-2008 04:56 PM

Hm, I remember when I was about 5, I went to visit my grandma for Halloween. When we got to her house, this guy dressed up in a scary outfit and jumped out from behind my grandma's house. Well, he scared me so bad that I started crying. It ended up being my uncle who jumped out and he felt so guilty! I wouldn't even stop crying when grandma tried to take a picture of me in my costume. I think my uncle was sulking in a corner somewhere, head hung in shame xD

Your Paranoia Is Leaking 10-29-2008 04:59 PM

Channah.. I think you are being stalked... :-|

I want a poisoned apple :( :lol:


Once upon a Halloween, me and my cousin stayed up really late, I was staying at her house that night and we had just watched the Exorcist. Freaked the HELL outta me!

So after the film and trying to laugh it off as not to look scared, we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. We were that paranoid we locked the door.

Then there was someone at the window with a torch (or flashlight, for you ol' Americans) and we screamed. We couldn't see who it was, 'casue of the forsted glass. Then the lights went. We screamed again. Then there was a really slow, loud knock on the door and we screamed so much :(:(

It was her parents. Her dad at the window and her mum at the door. They shut off the electricity. They did it to scare us and it was mean. :(

Channah 10-29-2008 05:00 PM

I know. That chick keeps following me around in her damn undies. Gives me the creeps.

Spanish Leek Squared 10-29-2008 05:04 PM

More importantly, why is he naked? xD

Uzura 10-29-2008 05:05 PM

Dang Halloween streakers xD

Your Paranoia Is Leaking 10-29-2008 05:06 PM

Channah! You've dissapeared!

p.s. I wrote a story *points up*

Channah 10-29-2008 05:07 PM

Well Uzura, at least you didn't pee.

I bet he did feel bad but was probably laughing on the inside.

Smellerbee 10-29-2008 05:08 PM

She turned into a he :yes:

Channah 10-29-2008 05:09 PM

WHAT THE HELL! Where did I go? LOL! Damn stalker boy. I thought it was a girl.

Uzura 10-29-2008 05:09 PM

Oh no, he was laughing out loud for a while before the guilt set in.

Kultura 10-29-2008 05:11 PM

That's just creepy there Channah. Report to the Authorites!

To the BatMobile! *na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN*

Edit: This is Paranoia on her main account. ;) I like to confuse.

Channah 10-29-2008 05:12 PM

I've been possessed by a man in his underwear. My beehive.. gone. This sucks. I wonder what else is going to happen to me today.

I don't see your story Paranoia :(

Ah, there it is.

Freakin Body Snatchers. I'll find you and burn your pods!

Artsydaze 10-29-2008 05:15 PM

Okay, I was trick or treating a few years ago in my neighborhood. Most of the night went smootly, even at that 'horror house' the local karate school pulled out each year. But we've gone to that house, where there was this long walkway and two scarecrows on their chair, so we've gone there for some more candy! BUT, when I was halfway down the path, the scarecrow just beside me moved and said "BOO!!", his friend doing pretty much the same with the same scare. Turned out that was two men VERY good at appearing to me made of straw and who liked to scare little girls shitless. That was the only time I was truly frightened on Halloween, I think.

So, how about that?

Kultura 10-29-2008 05:15 PM

You came back!

Nice hair ;);)

I still haven't forgiven my uncle and aunt for that. It was horrible.

Rylynne 10-29-2008 05:16 PM

Oohh! This is a really cool thread~ =D I'll have to dig up some really cool stories then. I actually have a lot, but I need to organize my thoughts first. xDD;

Channah 10-29-2008 05:21 PM

I'm still being followed by a boy in his underwear. Now, normally this wouldn't be a bad thing but he looks way too young for me.

Artzydaze, my husband Earl and I were mean one year and we hid in the bushes of the trail that leads up to the Mayor's place and there were kids on their way to the Halloween party he throws every year and we'd jump out of the dark and scare them. Oh we laughed and laughed!

That wasn't the year the chimera was running around in the forest though, although I would have liked to have seen him. I'd a kept him for a pet.

Kultura 10-29-2008 05:21 PM

To be honest, the scariest thing to happen on Halloween was people putting fireworks through my uncles letterbox on his front door, his curtains caught fire. A-Hole kids >:( That's not a prank, it's dangerous!!!

Artsydaze 10-29-2008 05:21 PM

You seems to float in the hair on the stalker's feet, Channah D: !

Aww, that's mean, but seeing someone and mistaking them for an object first is worse, I think... bacause you let your guard down, in this case *nods*

Bloody Hell... I think he try to -merge- with ya O.o...!

Channah 10-29-2008 05:28 PM

I wish I could make up my mind as to whether I'm going to be a naked boy or if I'm going to be stalked.

Artsydaze 10-29-2008 05:29 PM

Indeed.... seems... bothersome :s

Rylynne 10-29-2008 05:31 PM

Wow Channah, you were your regular self when I first posted, but now the strange stalker boy in his underwear is back. =O How weird. xDD;

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