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-   -   THE GHOST OF KING HAMLET | Come chill with me, Victorian style. - I've got poison! (

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:19 AM

THE GHOST OF KING HAMLET | Come chill with me, Victorian style. - I've got poison!

Or chat with me. The spirit plane is rather boring, if you ask me. Not that the castle was much better, with being poisoned, and betrayed, and my brother marrying my wife and all...


Either way, come, indulge in my debauchery, don your undies, and run freeee~

Vanellope 10-31-2010 02:21 AM

*growls* fear me!! *stares*

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:23 AM

NEVAAAA~ -floats around, doing ghost like things nonchalantly-

Vanellope 10-31-2010 02:25 AM

*tries to bite flying ghost*

Bearzy 10-31-2010 02:27 AM

You have poison? Phreaky.

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:28 AM

Totally. It's fantastic. :drool: I've acquired a taste for it over the years.



Originally Posted by Lexicon Doll (Post 1768550085)
*tries to bite flying ghost*

NUUU~ not my spirty rump.

Bearzy 10-31-2010 02:32 AM

It's been more than a few years since the murder has it not?

Vanellope 10-31-2010 02:33 AM

*take a chew on the ghost's butt cheeck*

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:35 AM

It was around the 1600's when I died. Or so it was written then, so perhaps even longer. Who can remember these days?


OH NOES NOT MY BUTTCHEEK. I do hope it's not the left one, that's my fave one. :gonk:

Vanellope 10-31-2010 02:40 AM

well since you are a ghost.. I cant really tell which one it was lol

Bearzy 10-31-2010 02:40 AM

Ah... that's a very long while.

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:41 AM


Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:42 AM

... You don't know your right from your left? FOR SHAME.


I AM NOT ROTTEN.... just a little past my prime.

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:43 AM

Expired things belong in the garbage!

Vanellope 10-31-2010 02:44 AM

only rotten thing I know are the fishiees in my belleh!

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:45 AM



The only one who should be locked away is that horrible Claudius, and that harlot Gertrude. -grumbles-

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:48 AM

I'm hungry :(

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:49 AM

I've got some poison, would you like some?

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:49 AM

Yes please.

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:50 AM

HUZZAHH~ -pours chu a glass-

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:53 AM

If I disappear, it's because I ran away and died.

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:56 AM

OMG why would chuuu?!

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 02:57 AM

Because I'm in a bad mood.

Precarious Fool 10-31-2010 02:59 AM

Aww, how come? Is it because people are stupid?

Vix Viral 10-31-2010 03:00 AM

Yeah, specifically my boyfriend.

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