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Melody 04-19-2014 02:32 AM

Baskets full of love!~ Come hang out with meeee!
Alright, maybe not love, but stuff AND things!

I need to make up my kids Easter baskets still. And come up with some ideas for crafts for us to do on Easter. We're not the most religious bunch (like at all) but Easter acts as a bit of a rebirth/back to life celebration after winter for us, so let's focus on that!

Help me come up with fun craft/basket ideas!

Also: What are you making for Easter Dinner? I'm craving HAM. and Blueberry Cobbler... haha

hummy 04-19-2014 02:34 AM

*leaves chocolate bunnies*

Melody 04-19-2014 02:34 AM

oh, tasty! <3 Thanks Hummy!

hummy 04-19-2014 02:37 AM

you are very welcome, Melody
i hope you are having a lovely spring

Melody 04-19-2014 02:42 AM

I am! At least, I would be if the weather would cooperate! We had sunny skies this morning (so nice that the kids rode their bikes to school!) then light rain around 10 am followed by heavy rain at 10:30 and snow at 11 and then more rain and sun when the kids got out of school at 2pm! The weather is so confused!

(so I bought myself flowers and my house feels springy even if outside is confused)

hummy 04-19-2014 02:43 AM

i actually love that kind of weather
i pray for a blizzard every Easter
i forgot to buy some freesia
*sniffs Melody's flowers*

Roachi 04-19-2014 08:39 AM

Hey Mel! No easter egg hunt for the kiddies this year?
No idea what's for dinner. But i did go out tonight and buy my partners family (coz i live with them now) some chocolate bunnys and a big box of all sorts of different chocys. :)
AND hopefully we get to go to the easter show tomorrow if the weather holds up! Hasn't been good so far. Lots of rain and wind :(

lina-chi 04-19-2014 10:34 AM

hello there! :D

actuallly i was told by mom that its a surprise for me at dinner so i dont really know what im going to have -heartbeat/ excited- > u <

hummy 04-19-2014 02:51 PM

aw, so sweet of you, Roachi! i hope you all have a wonderful day

LumpySpacePrincess 04-19-2014 02:53 PM

You might want to add an "I don't celebrate Easter" option - just saying.

hummy 04-19-2014 03:29 PM

happy springtime!

---------- Post added 04-19-2014 at 03:30 PM ----------

i don't think we can change/add to polls

noming is a good option for everyone <3

Melody 04-19-2014 09:32 PM

Roachi: yeah, the kids will have an egg hunt this year. I've got a bunch of eggs filled up so far. I need to get more stuff to put inside. I need to find small toys and stuff because man, I don't want them to have so much sugar! lol

hummy: I always try to NOT have a blizzard for Easter. >.> We've got horrid rain now and I'm totally not digging it. *sigh* I want pretty weather for Easter like when I grew up! This Alaskan "spring" isn't cutting it for me!

lina-chi: how exciting! I love surprises!

Captain Howdy 04-19-2014 10:07 PM

Afternoon, Melsy. ;D

Melody 04-19-2014 10:16 PM

Hey there Howdy! You're looking festive! How's it going?

Captain Howdy 04-19-2014 10:23 PM

I are lazy and sleepy today.

... Which, I suppose, isn't much of a departure from my usual days. :P

hummy 04-19-2014 10:27 PM

i wish you good luck on not getting an Easter blizzard, Melody.

Captain Howdy 04-19-2014 10:29 PM

You don't wish me good luck on not getting an Easter blizzard, too? [cry]

hummy 04-19-2014 10:32 PM

oh goodness you would freeze your tata's off, Captain. so yes, i wish you don't have an Easter blizzard as well. send it all to me, i always want one for Easter. my father thinks i pray for it just to piss him off but it is because i love the surprise of a blizzard when the flowers should be blooming. i believe that was long winded =)

Captain Howdy 04-19-2014 10:34 PM

I'd send you one... but I live in California. ... And it doesn't snow here. [:P]

Melody 04-19-2014 11:11 PM

We've got wretched rain still. Like pounding rain with 25-40MPH winds. :/ I think our egg hunt will have to be indoors!

I miss flowers!

If we get snow, I'm going to be cursing you Hummy! SEND ME FLOWERS!!

I slept until 12:30 today. I feel great! Not like I want to do anything mind you, but still great! I need to run to the store and buy a pineapple. Dare I dream to find one at this late hour before a holiday? haha. Hubs has the kids doing their piano I'll make him go out with me for shopping once he's done.

Captain Howdy 04-20-2014 01:51 AM

Pineapple?! You would consort with that wicked fruit?!


hummy 04-20-2014 01:53 AM

lol, i hope you don't have a blizzard, Melody. i'm praying specifically for me to get the blizzard.

Melody 04-20-2014 02:30 AM

I will pray for you to get one as well Hummy!

Howdy- I do. It's delicious on ham. :x I don't care if it's evil, pair it up with ham and OMNOMNOM

Captain Howdy 04-20-2014 02:34 AM

That poor, defiled ham. [cry]

Melody 04-20-2014 02:43 AM

xD Should I do strawberries instead?

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