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Shadami 08-12-2011 07:11 PM

Hello, My name is Shadami and I plan to adopt a baby Yan for the day. I hope to start my adventure out with him with some drawing lessons, and than we will explore the house. I hope he doesn't get into my laundry though. :o

Yay! My Baby Yan has arrived via the internet and I decided to name him artsy fartsy Yan, because the first thing he did is glare at me and doodle jellysundae. Apparantly he didn't like me much yet because I had waited until the last day to adopt him!
Picture Number 1:

While he was doodling my fiance was making all three of us tuna fish sandwhiches.
Artsy Fartsy Yan seemed to like it, he hate all of his up.

Picture Number 2:

That's when Artsy Fartsy Yan noticed my Kitten Specklefur, She was sleeping on her box and he decided to try to ride her.
Picture Number 3:

JaiJin and I thought it was adorable so he helped me hold Specklefur so she could let us take a good picture...It wasn't that easy though.
Picture Number 4:
Both of the babies kept fidgeting. <3 They're so cute though.
Picture Number 5:

By the time we were done playing with the kitten Artsy fartsy seemed to be warming up to me. And I was able to calm him down enough to sit him up in front of Spongebob Squarepants because I knew little kids loves the show.
Picture Number 6:

He quickly chose Mr. Krabs as his favorite character because of his cheapskate ways always being able to find free things!
Picture Number 7:

Now it was time to get cleaned up and ready for the day. I took Baby Yan into the bedroom to take a nap, but before I knew it he was diving into my laundry. Silly little artsy fartsy really love the panties and bewbs.
Picture Number 8:

So I took my shower letting him take a nap in the bedroom. When I got out I brought Baby Yan in and he played in the sink while I was brushing my hair. He thought it was his bath, but that wasn't for a little bit still.
Picture Number 9:


That's when I caught Baby Yan looking at himself in the mirrors. He was trying all kinds of angles to see in which way he looked the best. We decided that this one looked the most fascinating.
Picture Number 10:

Now It was time for his bath, he seemed to enjoy it quite a lot, splashing everywhere!
Picture Number 11:

While I got dressed, Artsy Fartsy Yan found my PS3 controller and my Little Big Planet Game, he decided he was going to play it even though my PS3 is in the repair shop. He must have quite the imagination!

Picture Number 12:
I thought he even kind of looked like the sack boy, maybe I'll make him an outfit later. I've been describing the game to him and he seems to like the idea of playing dress up later on tonight.

So here we are all dressed up and ready to take on the day.
Picture Number 13:

Baby Yan of course wasn't satisfied with me being in the picture and wanted a close up of him laying on my chest pretending that the lightsaber was his own.

Picture Number 14:

Shadami 08-12-2011 09:29 PM

I had to get on my DSi so that i could water and pick my berries on my Pokemon soul Silver. Artsy Fartsy decided he would help, but he wasn't to satisfied with the game because there was no killing of other people in it.

Picture Number 15:

When we finished, it was time to get back To our favorite avatar site and join back into the posting galore event at Seito and Iro's Fairly Fun thread!

Picture Number 16:

Shadami 08-12-2011 10:03 PM

While I posted some more on Seito and Iro's thread, Baby Yan kept asking me to dress him up in different outfits. He was having fun making different outfits and he would doodled them and ask me to cut them out for him.

here are a few of the outfits that he made.
Picture Number 17:
He told me he was a secret Ninja in the society of Yan Ninjas. They come from the far side of the mountain.

He wouldn't tell me where that mountain was though.

Than he wanted to see what it was like to look pretty in a dress.
Picture Number 18:

It wasn't his favorite outfit, but he thought he looked to cute, so he wanted to go the exact opposite and be a wild pirate.
Picture Number 19:

And finally he wanted to just look cool for the day.
Picture Number 20:

Shadami 08-12-2011 11:48 PM

Baby Yan wanted another bath and he took his new pet "dino-saur" in with him. I told him it was a pokemon but he insisted that it was a dinosaur and that was to be its name

Picture Number 21:

When we got back to the computer we found out that Seito had put up another competition of sorts and we studied the picture very hard together to come up with a cool avatar to match it.

Picture Number 22:

I than taught artsy fartsy yan how to play one of my favorite card games, magic the gathering, I thought he might like it because it is like a video game where you get to kill other people, but with cards!

Picture Number 23:

When he thought he had figured it out we got back on Menewsha and updated his journal together. He likes his ninja picture.

Picture Number 24:

Icarly was on and it was a bloopers episode, we couldn't stop laughing!

Picture Number 25:

Afterwards we decided to play World of Warcraft for a little bit, the loading screen took forever!
Picture Number 26:

But we finally got in and set out on adventure to kill some evil monsters in Northrend.

Picture Number 27:

He got bored very fast and moved on to kill zombies!

Picture Number 28:

We went to our room to get our books to read outside and Artsy fartsy found one of my art sculptures and thought it was a jungle gym!

Picture Number 29:

We finally got outside after getting him off the jungle gym and we read our books. I found one of my mangas for baby yan to read while i read my warriors book.

Picture Number 30:

We read for awhile before Baby Yan insisted that i give him a ride on the swing

Picture Number 31:

And than we swung together, it was lots of fun!

Picture Number 32:

Just before we got all tired out from pumping our legs to swing we saw two bunnies and a bunch of birds in the yard!!
Picture Number 33:

This is as close as we could get without the bunnies running away.

Picture Number 34:
They're right in between that tree and the shed.


Yan and I got hungry and went shopping to get some food for dinner. He insisted that we make Mac N' Cheese for a snack since Daddy Jaijin is bringing home pizza.

Picture Number 35:

We realized that boiling water takes forever to boil if you watch it...

Picture Number 36:

So we came and borrowed Daddy Jaijin's Warmachine book. We were trying to plan our own army so that we could beat him in a minatures battle!

Picture Number 37:

While we were reading spongebob came on again! And I think Baby Yan scared Spongebob, it was that or the fact that Plankton seemed to be succeeding in finally stealing the Krabby Patty Formula!

Picture Number 38:

We went back to the stove because the water was finally boiling and Artsy Fartsy stirred it the best he could do to help out in the cooking.

Picture Number 39:

Mmmm , its really starting to smell delicious!
Finally we added the rest of the ingredients.
Picture Number 40:

Look at what a good job Baby Yan is doing cooking!
We finished mixing up our meal and we poured it into a bowl to share.

Picture Number 41:

But we couldn't forget poor Specklefur, So Artsy Fartsy and I fed her some of her food as well. :]

Picture number 42:

Now we're eating up and waiting for Daddy Jaijin to get home from work. :]

Shadami 08-13-2011 01:12 AM

Picture Number 43:

Look at Baby Yan eat. :]

Picture Number 44:
Baby Yan is taking a nap waiting for daddy jaijin to get home with the pizza.


When Yan woke up from his nap we did a little bit of quick shopping after setting the stove to 400 for the pizza that daddy Jaijin was bringing home after work. He went shopping for us and artsy fartsy says he's going to dive into the bag and explore when Jaijin gets back home.
Picture Number 45:


Picture number 46:
This is Baby artsy Fartsy yan turning on the oven for when the pizza gets back. He is super excited for some pizza tonight!


Picture Number 47:
Look what Jaijin did! He brought home an extra treat for baby yan, not only did he bring pizza, but it came with breadsticks!

Picture Number 48:
artsy-fartsy played in the shopping bags that jaijin brought home, though i kept a very close eye on him to make sure he didn't put his head in any!

Than it was time for dinner!

Picture Number 49:

Baby Yan enjoyed his pizza.

Picture Number 50:

He even got to eat some breadsticks with Maranara sauce on it!

Picture Number 51:

After Dinner Baby Yan managed to find the ice cream, and before we could stop him from getting to far into it he had stuffed his face with delicious vanilla ice cream!.

jellysundae 08-26-2011 04:57 PM


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