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The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 03:50 AM

The Auction House: Quality goods; ahead of the competition.
Greetings, Menewsha!

I'd like to announce that from time to time, I will have special items in my shop.

Sometimes, of course, they will be rare items dug from the depths of banned accounts. Sometimes they will be items you can get from nowhere else....

....And sometimes they will be pre-releases of items not yet available to the general public, such as Contribution Items. (I obtain these only from the most reputable means, of course.)

Keep an eye out on my shop! Sometimes I'll announce special updates in this thread... Other times you'll just have to look at the right time.

Have fun!

PS: A guide or FAQ of sorts is available here if you have questions.

Insomniac 02-28-2011 03:51 AM

Oh my!


The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 03:52 AM

Oops. Didn't mean to lock this.

Please feel free to chatter and speculate here!

Liztress 02-28-2011 03:53 AM

I saw the wonderful goodies you have. o.o Oh, how I wish I could afford them all.

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 03:54 AM

Buy low and sell high, my dear. *chuckles*

Or plunder. But I didn't advise you to do that.

Liztress 02-28-2011 03:55 AM

I'll have to.

Buy low and sell high, that is. Plundering is bad. Unless I've got my pirate outfit on. :lol:

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 03:57 AM

If you miss out on the deals I have on offer currently, there are always future offers. Though I'll admit to putting in more stock at more outrageous deals this time than I intend to in general. *chuckles*

Liztress 02-28-2011 03:58 AM

Yeah, I don't expect to always see a Crown being offered. :lol:

My eyes will be stalking your shop though. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Protagonist 02-28-2011 04:01 AM

Oh, Im so excited ^ ^

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:03 AM

I know! ^_^ This is exciting. <3

.Simplicity. 02-28-2011 04:09 AM

Mmmm, K. Crown! :drool:

I shall do my best bidding~ >8D

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 04:16 AM

I shall be interested in seeing which items get the most bids. It may help me plan what my next stocking will be.

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:18 AM

Well, I know which item I am focusing on first. *not telling in hopes no one else bids on it* :lol:

I really think the pre-releases of CIs is a novel idea.

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 04:41 AM

Added another pre-release item. *wink*

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:46 AM

You want me to go into the poor house, don't ya? :lol:

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 04:47 AM

Of course not!

If I put you in the poorhouse, who would buy my stock?

...But, yes I do want to line my pockets. *laughs*

.Simplicity. 02-28-2011 04:48 AM

Rofl~ xDD

I can't wait for the Marketplace to get busier than what it is~ :'D

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:50 AM

*eyeballs gold count* Your pockets are lined pretty good right now.

Same here, Simplicity.

.Simplicity. 02-28-2011 04:51 AM

I bet his pockets will bust soon, so we can grab some "spare" change, Liz~ ;)

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:51 AM

Oh! I love "spare" change.

.Simplicity. 02-28-2011 04:52 AM

As do I~ :ninja:

The Auctioneer 02-28-2011 04:54 AM

Hmm... Perhaps I should "invest" my gold so people aren't tempted to tamper with my pockets...

Liztress 02-28-2011 04:55 AM

I'd love to get about 10k in "spare" change. And then use it to buy the item I want. :ninja:

I wouldn't do that though. Liz is a good girl.


You can "invest" it with us. ;)

.Simplicity. 02-28-2011 05:02 AM

Yes, me and Liz are good things to invest in~ ;)

We rise in value daily~ :XD

Liztress 02-28-2011 05:03 AM

Yes, we do. xD

Or at least, Simplicity does. Liz is never sure of her worth. :lol:

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