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~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 01:40 AM

Long Pixels ~open~
I'm teaching myself pixel art and Avi edits are fun.
As a note I do not have a tablet. I do not have a mouse. I use my laptop's touch pad. I use GIMP as my art program.
I could use all the help you can offer!

Finished pieces:
Cowboy boots
I have other pixel art in my art thread!

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 01:40 AM

Second post

Working On It:

Mermaid tail dress:


Cowboy boots:

Crazy blue male shirt:

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 01:40 AM

Third post For that nifty color thing!

Thank you Xuvrette for the reference piece!!

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 01:41 AM

And one more for good luck.

Seridano 01-04-2013 03:58 AM

Alaptop touchpad eh? That's rough. I'd likely start throwing things and rampaging about the house if I had to use a touchpad. >.<
/snuggles wireless mouse

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 04:17 AM

Yeah. I might use my christmas and birthday money to get a tablet. :3 I've wanted one since my last one died years ago. I think the touch pad works better on pictures more than edits now that I'm working with them. :/

xuvrette 01-04-2013 04:40 AM

... People like to conquer something big without starting small. XD Dress is very difficult business. XD

before I comment, could you explain more on the dress? What you want the dress to be? to feel like?
The material, weight? elasticity? flexibility?
Inspiration, if you have. Shoot those keywords out that you want the dress to be like, to express, and all those artistic verbs.

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 04:18 PM

I really should have gotten a reference when I started the dress. I'm skilled in traditional art so I'm coming at pixeling from a painters point of view. It's probably not the best method but I'm using something I'm already familiar with.

The dress itself is based off of a dress I had. I think it was a taffeta fabric with enough elasticity to form fit the body. but at the same time it was a crunchy material.

I'm thinking of putting the dress on hold anyways and starting a new project anyways. I didn't bother to put in where the folds were when I first sketched it. I also didn't know about the Mene color pallets.

xuvrette 01-04-2013 04:29 PM

Well... I don't mean to be rude or mean or insulting.

I find it better to understand what you are drawing regardless of medium.
That is what makes it real/nice.
Even you want to achieve unreal/fantasy/abstract, you need to know the real thing to break them.

I apologized if I sound very stern up there. It is just that people come from different medium should be utilizing the experience skills theory they learnt to apply to other mediums. Some could work, some might not. When it works, great, but when it doesn't, it just means that you have more new things to learn!
Coming from different medium should be something to be proud of, not to be blame.

Now I sound like a lousy motivationer... DX

Maria-Minamino 01-04-2013 04:32 PM

LONG - your pixel fish in your other thread look really cool!!!

Maybe try starting with a shirt or some socks or something? Tackle a smaller project first? I tried tackling a dress as one of my first and it's STILL not's beyond repair to be honest with you XDDD

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1771501073)
Well... I don't mean to be rude or mean or insulting.

I find it better to understand what you are drawing regardless of medium.
That is what makes it real/nice.
Even you want to achieve unreal/fantasy/abstract, you need to know the real thing to break them.

I apologized if I sound very stern up there. It is just that people come from different medium should be utilizing the experience skills theory they learnt to apply to other mediums. Some could work, some might not. When it works, great, but when it doesn't, it just means that you have more new things to learn!
Coming from different medium should be something to be proud of, not to be blame.

Now I sound like a lousy motivationer... DX

No it didn't come across as stern!! I've been through so many critiques that I felt that was what you were doing. It was helpful.
My traditional art background helps me break things down into light and dark zones and as I work it gets more detailed. This might not be the best approach for edits, but I don't know yet. I've only done the one and I'm only really pleased with the shoulder. XD
I am going to start smaller, maybe focus on shoes because I love designing shoes.
You also reminded me that I should be working from references. When I forget to the picture never comes out as I wan it to.

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1771501086)
LONG - your pixel fish in your other thread look really cool!!!

Maybe try starting with a shirt or some socks or something? Tackle a smaller project first? I tried tackling a dress as one of my first and it's STILL not's beyond repair to be honest with you XDDD

Thank you Maria! I'm working on a dolphin right now too. I want to try some backgrounds and I figured water was a pretty safe start. (I got the idea after re-playing Monkey Island)
I am probably going to scrap the dress and work on it only when I want. I'm going to start a new edit project soon. I want to try shoes. :3

xuvrette 01-04-2013 05:00 PM

hmm? Longcatcat...
Do you just paint... backgrounds?
You didn't paint anything more shape defining? like... rocks? vase? flowers? human?

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 05:40 PM

Xuv, I painted just about everything. By background I didn't mean physical backgrounds I meant my history in using traditional media. I have been oil painting for almost 15 years, acrylics for 8, water colors for 4. Oil and watercolor I took professional level classes in and have had my pieces in competitions and in local community shows.
Here's a link to my professional site. Lindsay Aspen: Traditional Artist

xuvrette 01-04-2013 05:44 PM

oh lol, sometimes English can be so confusing. XD *blames the language*

Do you sketch with pencils before painting?

Maria-Minamino 01-04-2013 05:45 PM

backgrounds are fun to draww....but I've never successfully pixelled one before D: XD

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 05:51 PM

It's fine I figured it was something like that XD language barriers are tricky when it comes to sayings.
Yes I do start with several sketches first. depending on the media depends on what I sketch with. Watercolors, pastels, colored pencils and charcoal I will start with pencil sketches. Acrylics I will either start with pencil or a wash paint sketch. Oils I use charcoal or a wash paint sketch. For pieces that I'm working from photo references there are less sketches. If I'm working from real life references like still life sets then there are many more because I will make dozens of thumbnails to figure out how I want the finished piece to look. I have dozens of sketch books with 3 minute drawings that never see the light of day after I decide the direction of a picture.

---------- Post added 01-04-2013 at 05:55 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1771501238)
backgrounds are fun to draww....but I've never successfully pixelled one before D: XD

Here's a picture of the game that makes me want to try backgrounds.
Classic early 90's computer game. :3

xuvrette 01-04-2013 06:01 PM

Wheee~~~ <333
Longcatcat, I am impressed with your gallery!!! It is very good!
Teach me how to use watercolour!!! *clings to*

I am a bit taken aback. How come being able to paint so prettyful, your pixel is... not as good. It really looks like different people's work. I always thought medium doesn't matter... because, you have your eyes to judge whether it look nice. The difference would be just taking how long and how nice.
Proofs that I am naive...

Regardless, I pixel the same way like I draw. I start out with pencil drawing in real life. Only then slowly go in digital.
Even before getting use to new medium, I managed to make the unfamiliar medium outcome looked fine and close to my traditional medium standards. Guess that it doesn't apply to everyone...

Your approach to your art is as professional as it can be. Use it for pixel.
I will wait for your next outcome to see how you flair. I am not surprised if you work out the kinks and make me shut up. XD

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 06:11 PM

Xuv the main difference is that most of my paintings are HUGE! My watercolors are all about 2feet by 1.5feet I'm not used to small canvases. Unless I'm working in ink. So bringing my techniques into pixel art has been a challenge because I'm used to getting so much more into my pieces. Did you see the tadpole I pixeled? I took a much more painterly approach to that one.
Eventually I will figure out what I'm doing and (hopefully) my pixels will get more refined as I go. I'm still learning and there's so much to learn!

xuvrette 01-04-2013 06:17 PM

..Size does matter!
and talking about that... it must have cost you a fortune to buy so MANY canvas?
But I think you could sell the art in higher amount. *nods*

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 06:25 PM

My largest pieces I made my own canvases for I made and stretched a 3foot by 3foot canvas for an oil painting. I've actually only sold one piece and it was to a family member who wouldn't just take it. So they gave me 50USD so I could buy more supplies. I want to sell more of my art but I don't know where to start. I move fairly often so I can't have my pieces sitting in a consignment studio.
My fiance bought me a dozen tiny 2inch canvasses for my birthday so I could make tiny paintings. That might help me with pixel art too! XD

xuvrette 01-04-2013 06:30 PM

Longcatcat... etsy and Deviant are the art and craft online website that I know off.

2 inch? That is small... and cute! Do you have small enough brushes? XD

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 06:38 PM

I haven't sold anything on either site. I don't have the popularity to sell on either of those sites. I'd have to start doing fanart to get recognized first to sell anything. It's unfortunate but it's true about those sites.
I was planning on making some top quality prints at a print shop and package them to sell at the spring art and craft shows.

xuvrette 01-04-2013 06:42 PM

I see...
The high price of art supplies really put me off from learning it.
I am very financial conscious, so.

I didn't join any of those sites... so I don't know how it works.
But the fact that you need 'fanart' to gain attention means that, the audience is not your target customer.
Real interested customer would be attracted to your art for what it is, not because of fan art.
I do think that you need to go elsewhere to find prospective customer.

Spring art and craft sounds like a good one. *nods*
At my place, the art were mostly obtain through gallery or artshops, as in physical ones. Very seldom to buy from online.

~LONGCAT~ 01-04-2013 07:15 PM

What do you think? It still needs a lot of work, it's still early but I wanted to show you to get some hints and help.

xuvrette 01-04-2013 07:20 PM

We are working on a similar silhouette! O__O
But yours is pointier. XD

NOW that is great! You don't need my tips! very good.
What program are you using?
I think you need to be careful that pixel are is different in a way that, they are hard edges.

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