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Iltu 08-07-2011 06:03 PM

Summer Reading - A hangout for people who love books. (And people who don't!) Pageprizes inside.
Just off the boardwalk, there is a small library. As you walk in, there is a desk of books and other reading material labeled 'recommendations'. The shelves are packed tightly together, and the air smells of old books. There are plenty of sitting areas, at tables, desks, and in big, comfy chairs, so people can sit and chat, or peacefully read their books, newspapers, magazines, or whatever else they've picked up. Through the backdoor is a patio. Brilliantly colored flowers in pots sit all about the space, and shaded tables and chairs are in abundance. Tables lined with free cups of water and lemonade sit close to the building, for anyone who gets a little thirsty while sitting outside. Please don't spill the drinks on the books!

Hey all! This here is just a little thread to discuss books, what you had to read for school this summer, what you've read for fun this summer, what you've read for school or fun at any other times, what you thought of them, and anything else you can think of! Books are NOT the only topic of conversation in this thread- you can talk about anything you can think of! So welcome, and happy chatting!

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:04 PM

Got a book recommendation or five? Fill out this form as many times as you'd like and I’ll post it up here!


[B]Plot:[/B] (No spoilers, try to keep it less than or around twenty words!)
[B]Why You Love It:[/B] (Again, keep it less than or around twenty words!)[/COLOR]


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1769697349)
Title: Destiny Binds
Author: Tammy Blackwell
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy,
Plot:'s the amazon page because I couldn't really summarize it D;
Why You Love It: The characters were written very well, it was humorous and heartbreaking.


Originally Posted by Ashtyn Leigh (Post 1769699129)
Title: The Black Tattoo
Author: Sam Enthoven
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy (Or my library says it is.)
Plot: A boy gains powers, ends up in 'hell', and fights to save his world.
Why You Love It: It goes against the 'normal' and makes you think.


Originally Posted by Angel Spirit Girl (Post 1769699365)
Title: The Bookseller of Kabul
Author: (Forgot)
Genre: Biography
Plot: An Afghan man and his family and their real life drama
Why You Love It: It's so interesting to see what things are like for people living in a different country.


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1769699810)
Title: The Eyre Affair
Author: Jasper Fforde
Plot: A British police officer finds that she can read herself into books, where she finds the bookworld has it's own police force.
Why You Love It: It's got a wonderfully brilliant plot with odd circumstances and quirky characters.


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1769701979)
Title: Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
Author: M.R. James
Genre: Horror, short stories
Plot: These short stories will take you to a heart pounding landscape, which appears normal until you stray from the path...
Why You Love It: I found these stories quite by accident, but Prof. James atmosphere and images of shadows that cross between worlds has made me fall in love with his stories.


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1769712757)
Title: Iron Fey Series (Iron King, Iron Daughter, Iron Queen)
Author: Julie Kagawa
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery (just my opinion lol)
Plot: A girl finds out that she's part faery and is drawn into a world full of lies, love and heartbreak.
Why You Love It: Because when I read this series, I feel like I'm a part of the world I'm reading about.


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1769713169)
Title:Perdido Street Station
Author:China Mieville
Plot: Issac Is trying to build a Crisis engine when Yagharek a Garuda (bird person) who has had his wings cut off approaches him to use his Crisis engine to help him to fly again. This Leads Issac to some remarkable discoveries about the city he lives in.
Why You Love It: China Mieville creates an outstanding world, with very realistic characters. The writing, and the concepts in this book are just masterfully rendered. Just don't read it too late at night.

Title:The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Author:Haruki Murakami
Genre:Fantastic Realism/mystery
Plot: Toru has a very ordinary life until his wife Kumiko disappears, and he set out to find her with some very odd people helping him.
Why You Love It: Weird and wonderful, with some bonus History lessons from a Japanese perspective that are far from ordinary and boring.


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1769732361)
Title: Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Author:Thomas Hardy
Genre: Vaguely Gothic Victorian Novel
Plot: A young woman becomes both a victim and antagonist of Victorian mores.
Why You Love It:It's very much in keeping with the Victorian literature I love, and the asides that Hardy works into the plot on the human condition are profound.

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:05 PM

What books did you have to read for school this summer? Fill out this form and I’ll put them here!


[B]Did you like it?:[/B]


Originally Posted by D.J. Dead (Post 1769699286)
Title: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
Author: Mark Haddon
Did you like it?: I'm still reading but so far yes I like it.

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:05 PM

First poster on page 5: 50 gold Won by Shishunki!
Last poster on page 10: 100 gold Won by Skrae!
5th poster on page 15: 50 gold Won by Sovie Kays!
10th poster on page 20: Any event common under 150 gold
15th poster on page 25: 100 gold
First poster on page 30: Any event common under 150 gold
Last poster on page 35: 100 gold
5th poster on page 40: Any event common
10th poster on page 45: 150 gold
15th poster on page 50: An event item of your choice!

Note: You can win a maximum of two prizes. If I am the poster for any of these, the post after mine will get it.

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:06 PM


And now we are open for business, ladies and gents! :D Feel free to post.

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 06:07 PM

Hello ^^; I didn't have to read anything, but I read a lot of $.99 Kindle books, mostly by sort of unknown authors. They were pretty good! I'll post some rec forms later ^^;

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:12 PM

Hey, Sesshy! Welcome to the thread.
Those $.99 e-books sure are great deals. Having to only pay a dollar per book for so many books probably makes up for the cost of the e-reader its self pretty quick. Can't wait to see your recommendations. :yes:

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 06:19 PM

Thanks! ^^
They are! Yeah, and most new releases are way lower than they would be if you bought it from the bookstore or something. So that'll be good for when some books I'm waiting for come out xD The only thing I don't like about the 99 cent books is they have a lot more mistakes than more expensive books. >w< I'll go ahead and post a rec of one of my favorites though ^^

Title: Destiny Binds
Author: Tammy Blackwell
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy,
Plot:'s the amazon page because I couldn't really summarize it D;
Why You Love It: The characters were written very well, it was humorous and heartbreaking.

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:27 PM

Yeah, that's definitely a big draw! Definitely money saver sin the long run.
Oh, really? I guess its because 99 cent books are more unknown authors, like you mentioned? And unknowns probably don't have the money for really great editors or publishers or anything like that. Which is a shame!
Thanks for the recommendation! I will go put it up right now. :yes: It sounds like an interesting read.

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 06:32 PM

Yeah >< I plan on publishing like them once I get finished with my first book. It's easy and free, and helps you get noticed ^^ It would be nice if they had an editor or something that at least skimmed through the book a little lol
No probs, it really was! :D

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:38 PM

So are the 99 cent authors often self-published, then? That's so cool!
Also, love the fact that you are a writer who wants to get a book published one day. So am I! :D

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 06:44 PM

I believe so, Amazon has something called Kindle Direct Publishing so I just assume they use that. xD
Oh cool! :D What do you like to write? I'm really into the whole young adult fantasy thing, so I write mostly that. But I'm working on something apocalyptic x3

Iltu 08-07-2011 06:50 PM

Neat-o! What a great way to get recognized.
I mostly write fantasy as well, and I sort of go between adult and young adult. :yes: I sometimes try to write some pain ol' fiction, but I'm afraid that's not a strong suit of mine. Oh, apocalypse stuff, nice! How si that going for you?
Have you ever read The Road by Cormac McCarthy? That's really the only truly post-apocalyptic book I've read, and I loved it. I must read more books about the same topic.

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 07:12 PM

Mhm ^^
Oh cool! Yeah I'm not the best at fiction either lol It's...not going all that well haha. Lately I've not been able to write much >w<
Hmm no I don't think I have. I'll check it out though ^^ I recently read something called Hollowland, it's a 99cent book but it was about zombies and stuff. Pretty good. I love watching stuff with the whole zombie and alien invasion thing though, more than reading lol Seeing the kicking of butt is much better! 8D

Iltu 08-07-2011 07:19 PM

Oh, no! Well good luck getting back to writing. :) You can do it! I'm sure it will be super fantastic when it's all done with.
I cannot handle aliens at all, they're too scary for me! I'm such a big baby. :XD But zombies, zombies are cool. So I will take a look at Hollowland!

Okay, I absolutely need lunch, a shower, and to put my laundry away! I do have some misgivings about leaving a baby thread instead of keeping it going, but I'll be back in an hour or so. :yes:

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 07:22 PM

Thank you very much! ^^
Really? Haha I'm the opposite! Not a huuuge fan of zombies (they scare me to be honest) but I looove aliens lol

Same here actually >_< Talk to you later then! :D

Iltu 08-07-2011 08:11 PM

I guess it's just scary that aliens could be out there in the universe, whereas I don't think zombies will suddenly start rising from the grave. :lol: I mean they might still frighten me, but not NEARLY as much.

I am back for now! But I have not eaten lunch yet (it's almost dinner time anyway :P) and y dad will be home soon so i might vanish after a bit.

rain drops 08-07-2011 08:19 PM

Hey guys! I can already tell I am going to love this thread. :squee: I love books, and just finished reading A Tale of Two Cities for my homeschool teacher, which turned out to be an interesting read.

SesshysMiko 08-07-2011 08:22 PM

@Iltu: Ah okay I see where you're coming from. I think about that sometimes. But then I also think that they could accidentally create something that could turn everyone into zombies. Or well, maybe not zombie zombies but...something similar xD I guess anything really could happen, huh? lol

Welcome back! ^^ I just finished my lunch, cheesy hamburger helper (chicken instead of beef xD) Whatcha having for dinner?

@rain drops: Hiya :D What's that book about?

Iltu 08-07-2011 08:26 PM

Hey Rain, welcome! It is a pleasure to have you. :) I have never read A Tale of Two Cities, but I really would like to someday. The only Dickens I've ever read is A Christmas Carol. And that was maybe five years ago. :P

Sesshy- Yeah, like in I Am Legend! And yeah, anything could. Ought to just build and underground shelter and live there the rest of my lie. :ninja:
Mmmmm, yummy. :drool: I have no idea what's for dinner yet. We'll probably either have to go grocery shopping or out, there's not a lot of food in the pantry or fridge!

Ayreiya 08-07-2011 08:32 PM

Anyone else reading the mortal instruments series? It is a great series. I am rereading city of bones right now.

Amice 08-07-2011 08:34 PM

Hello! I'm so excited to see this thread. I love reading. I'm in the middle of two books right now, Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hoddar and Grim Tuesday by Garth Nix.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-07-2011 08:35 PM

Title: The Black Tattoo
Author: Sam Enthoven
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy (Or my library says it is.)
Plot: A boy gains powers, ends up in 'hell', and fights to save his world.
Why You Love It: It goes against the 'normal' and makes you think.

Iltu 08-07-2011 08:40 PM

Ayreiya- I have the first book in the series but have not read it yet! I do really need to. I've heard wonderful things.

Amice- Hello, and welcome! I'm glad you are excited. :) How are they?
I love Garth Nix, by the way. The Mister Monday books are (I think) the only books of his that I have not read!

Thank-you, Ashtyn! I'll go put that up. It sounds like a neat concept for a book.

CosmicFoxKitty 08-07-2011 08:43 PM

It really is :)
I loved reading it!

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