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Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 12:32 AM

The best part of Halloween is......
Show off your Halloween costumes! (Be it your real one or your avi's!)
What were you for Halloween?

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 01:03 AM

Tada! *twirls in a circle* My costume!

I shall call it... voodoo princess. Yes.

In reality I dressed up as a devil. It was a last minute costume thrown together, dress and horns borrowed from my friend. It was her costume last year. Add in a masquerade mask, and yes! New costume. It was pretty damn cute if I do say so myself. ;)

Only issue was the dress was REALLY short, and chesty. My boobs kept trying to pop out, and it was REALLY drafty. I'm glad I was wearing tights!

I have no pictures though. Might put it back on and take some in the next couple of days, my genius friend wants to take pictures in our costumes in a graveyard.

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 01:09 AM

What's up Glam? I've seen you around the AT. Always a well layered avi *applause*
My friends where some pretty tiny coustumes, but I was nice and warm in a cloak, though I did seem to have an issue with my boobs coming out of the corset top I was wearing. XD My friend calls Halloween "dress like a whore night" ... but we all look so good!

Pictures in an appropriated setting are always nice, I have a few pictures of my self in graveyards, they turn out nice XD

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 01:37 AM

Thank you very much! *bows*

Er, not too much. Excited the event has finally started! But anxious to see the rest of it popping up, like the trick or treating! I'm trying to be patient, but Halloween was the first event I'd ever been to on Mene, and I always love the Halloween events.

I love your costume! That corset is gorgeous, not very good for preventing boob spillage though. :P That cloak does look warm, I had one like that. I don't know what happened to it.

I was plenty warm this year though. Last year I froze my tushy off, but this year it was surprisingly warm. Not that it stopped little old ladies from asking if we were cold.

Yeah, taking pictures with them should be fun. Definitely worth the excuse to dress up again!

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 02:46 AM

Me TO! I'm glad they put at lest some of it up, even if it's not fully ready, at lest I can satisfy my curiosity for what the new items are. My first event here was a few Halloweens ago myself. It was free like this one so I had a pretty extensive wardrobe pretty quickly. XD

Thanks I was quite happy with it. I've had the corset for like 10 years, and it's starting to show it, but that cloak is my baby XD It stays super nice, which can be hard because it almost drags on the ground, and I'm always worried about it getting muddy.
It rarely get's below 40 here so it wasn't bad at all, we got a lot of stares and "aren't you cold" in that "why aren't you wearing any clothes" kinda looks at m friends XD
I'll take any excuse to dress up. My boyfriend is lame though, he didn't even wear a costume last night :(

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 03:04 AM

Aw that is lame, but at least you had fun! lol

I love a good excuse to dress up too. My boyfriend went trick or treating as well. :P Not with me and my friends, but still. I think I'll probably keep dressing up for many years to come, even if it's just to give candy out.

Ai-con makes a good excuse to dress up too!

Oh yeah, it usually gets super cold here. It was nice last night though, thankfully. No snow, though many years we've had it. It started to rain around 8:30, but we were just about finished by then anyways.

I'm glad they put something up! I've been super anxious all day, wanting to get some posting done!

Melody 11-02-2011 03:11 AM

The best part of Halloween is...making costumes! ^o^

Apparently I can't just steal the link for one picture from my facebook page, so you get the entire album. :P

plants vs zombies Halloween 2011 | Facebook

Had a great time trick or treating with the kiddos, sadly only a few people got who we were/what we were doing with out us explaining it. *le sigh*

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 03:41 AM

Oh, that is such a cute, creative costume idea!

I would have definitely gotten the reference had I seen this. xD Sometimes an awesome costume is wasted on other people. At least you got to enjoy the humor, right?

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 04:02 AM

Sorry for the delay, I had to go brownie mix and ice cream
I had fun indeed! Went to a place called Voodoo donuts! I love the crazyness of that place, and they make very strange but good donuts XD

Oh we get quite a few comic/anime/Lolita/pirate conventions out here so I get a few chances to dress up now and again. My favorite time for dress up is the Rennissiance fairs though XD next to Halloween!

Awww those are super cute Melody! That's okay genius is very rarely understood without explanation!

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 04:17 AM

Voodoo donuts? That place sounds amazing! I am very intrigued by that. Strange places always catch my interest.

Well lots of conventions certainly come in handy then! Aw, a rennissiance fair sounds like fun too. I love stuff like that!

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 04:22 AM

There VERY strange XD They had a nyquil donut before the FDA made them stop making it XD
I have pictures of the place I'll post a few

Me to, I always try not to blow a ton of money at them, but I always end up finding the coolest stuff!

Fluffsamasprime 11-02-2011 04:26 AM

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. This year I worked really hard at getting my costume together only to have one of the big old wings break, but from what every one said I was pretty scarey.

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 04:27 AM

A nyquil donut? lol That hilarious. Sounds like a pretty cool place.

What exactly were you Fluff? Big wings, hmm....

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 04:36 AM

If they were angel wings you could just be a fallen angel?

that's just one. My favorite is called "old dirty bastard" it's oreo resees and snickers. Russ's is one that looks like a blunt, and they have a triple cream filled cock and balls (the one that says not a rocket ship in the pictures) XD not for all members of the family, but they do have a surprising vegan selection

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 04:37 AM

Oh... oh wow. Yep, that would be my all time favorite place ever.

hummy 11-02-2011 04:37 AM

it is Bound Birdie's♥ birthday!

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 04:39 AM

Yes indeed! I said happy birthday in another thread before, but incase you missed it (can't remember), happy birthday! :D

Fluffsamasprime 11-02-2011 04:40 AM

I was a giant mutant raven, it was awesome.


I have eaten those donuts before, I had to wait in line for 2 hours. It was the best thing, and I got to go too kumoricon at the same time

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 04:43 AM

It's one of mine! It's even open 24 hours, for late night munchies.

oh that does sound pretty awesome
You have Fluff? That line time sounds about right for the downtown one. I know of one on the other side of the river that's slower and more of a secret XD
XD yay for more conventions

it is indeed! Thank you both >.< I get to party two days in a row!

Fluffsamasprime 11-02-2011 04:46 AM

It was the closest one to the convention, but after visiting there I've decided to try and make it my goal to move to that city. I'm tired of living in the town I'm in, its not very artistic or unique.

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 04:47 AM

Well it's hard to compete with Portland for those XD I live in the suburbs off the max so while I don't get to live right down town I can take the train in, which is perfect for nights out!

More pictures of the one that's not downtown:

Fluffsamasprime 11-02-2011 04:53 AM

I just really want to get out of North Bend, its a town for retirees. I love the agricultural part of this area but theres nothing for any one out of high school.


I'm hoping the next Kumoricon I will get to go back up, I want to have a really sweet cosplay unlike last time where I was a last minute Dreed.

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 04:56 AM

A giant mutant raven? That sounds like an effin awesome costume! No pictures? D:

I want one of those donuts now *flail* I'm super jealous!

Bound Birdie 11-02-2011 05:17 AM

oh bend is pretty empty... I'm sorry

lol *shares donuts*

I gotta go make dinner and cake I'll be back in a bit

GangsterGlam 11-02-2011 05:27 AM

Yay! Donuts! *nomnomnom*

What's for dinner? *sits down to pig out on donuts* I had subway. My super spicy steak and cheese sub still exists in the refridgerator. Well, half of it.

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