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LiviInLove 11-01-2017 04:46 AM

Livi's Typical 'I'm Late to the Party' Thread
Hallo!!! ^_^

Soooooo as usual, I'm late to the party - thank goodness for rollover, I've gotten a few commons I like (I actually like some this time around) and two of the 4 EIs (the ones I can see myself actually using).

Come and join me, I will do my best to stick around! [sweat]

There may be page prizes, or posting prizes, or something. Stick around, and we shall see! [hug]

hummy 11-01-2017 04:46 AM

happy halloweenie

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 04:48 AM

Happy Halloween to you as well, hummy!! [hug]

We finally got the last of the kids down for the night -- they're not going to be in the best of moods tomorrow. >.< Sorry to Becca's teacher! [sweat] She refused to go to sleep. [oops]

How're you doing?

hummy 11-01-2017 04:51 AM

maybe teacher will have them take naps =3

i'm okay, how about you?

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 04:53 AM

I only hope that she's got something planned-- because tomorrow I'm sure isn't going to be an easy day. [sweat]

That's good!
I'm doing okay - just tired, I'll probably crash soon.

hummy 11-01-2017 04:58 AM

if she's been a teacher for over a year I am sure she doees

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 05:01 AM

At least it wasn't any later than it ended up being -- the twins crashed on our walking around the neighborhood earlier - and they're both still out (they went as Thing 1 and Thing 2) -- Alex's idea! XP

Soph crashed soon after we got home (she has recently fallen in love with Lilo and Stitch so she decided that she wanted to go as Stitch... [lol] We asked her if she meant that she wanted to be Lilo... she went "no mumma, I means Stitch! Not Lilo!" Okay then! [lol] So she was Stitch.)

And Becca is the one who fell asleep at 9:35... she went as Moana.

hummy 11-01-2017 05:03 AM

oh. adorable all four of them!

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 05:05 AM

A very random unique bunch - all four of them!
I love them all!
The joke with Thing 1 and Thing 2 -- was those were the names that Alex wanted to call them before they were born and we were trying to come up with nicknames for them. [lol] He finally got his way!

Soph kept going all crazy -- we may have to hide her candy from her... she doesn't need more sugar! [rofl]

hummy 11-01-2017 05:06 AM

it's very cute

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 05:09 AM

Ava The Vampire:

Come join us! (Doing individual people because I detest the my friends ping, so that thing won't be happening in my thread. [lol])

---------- Post added 10-31-2017 at 10:10 PM ----------

YES! I remembered how to ping people properly!

Hummy: Yeah! plus the costumes we got them were pretty warm, which was needed because it has definitely cooled off at night over the last few days.

SuperZombiePotatoe 11-01-2017 05:11 AM

Hallooo! [glomp][kiss] Potatoe would love to stay, but alas, uni is back on. Will be around later!! [wave]

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 05:12 AM

No worries! I just wanted to ping a few people in before I forgot and spaced off and fell asleep at my laptop. [hug] I hope that your day at uni goes smoothly for you!! [glomp] Go learn some stuffs!! :D Get smart! Smarter than you already are!! [hug]

---------- Post added 10-31-2017 at 10:17 PM ----------

Okay -- time for this sleepy mummy to head off to bed!! I'll do my absolute best to be around tomorrow! [hug]

---------- Post added 10-31-2017 at 10:21 PM ----------

Also - anyone is free to post in here, I only tagged a few people who I thought would like to know that I am still around and made a thread and whatnot -- but it is open to any and everyone! [hug]

All I ask is just be kind to one another.

Okay, really headed off to bed! Night y'all!

Kory 11-01-2017 03:10 PM

Hi Livi! :D
How was your halloween?

Shadami 11-01-2017 04:51 PM

Happy halloween livi and welcome to the party. better late than never. ^-^

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1773993723)
Hi Livi! :D
How was your halloween?

It was okay -- crazy as always. How was yours?


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1773993884)
Happy halloween livi and welcome to the party. better late than never. ^-^

Happy belated Halloween to you as well! [hug]

dragoness129 11-01-2017 09:25 PM

Lovely avatar, Livi!

Kory 11-01-2017 09:34 PM

My halloween was alright.
I didn't do anything special other than passing out candy...
It was pretty boring. :(

I wish I could have a crazy halloween. :D I love halloween!

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 09:41 PM

Ava: I meant crazy Halloween in terms of a handful of tantrums. Sugar insanity and sugar crashes And our oldest refusing to go to bed until almost 10 pm (her bed time is usually between 7:30-8 pm on school nights.) so not crazy in a good way.
Crazy as in an insane way that leaves me with a Headache.
Not all fun and games.
I’m glad Halloween is over.

Dragoness: Thank you!

dragoness129 11-01-2017 09:47 PM

I would love to be able to go to a Halloween party one year. I've never done so before.

Livi - You are welcome. ^_^

LiviInLove 11-01-2017 09:54 PM

The few years I lived with my twin on our own - he threw crazy Halloween parties.
I’d be the one hiding in my room.
I can’t handle that level of socialization.
Too many people. [sweat]

hummy 11-01-2017 09:58 PM

Boo to you

Kory 11-01-2017 10:01 PM

Ah, I see, Livi. :(
That sucks!

That's too bad that it was THAT crazy

I wanted to go to a Halloween party, but there are none where I live and even if there were, I probably wouldn't have gone because I am too shy

hummy 11-01-2017 10:12 PM

hiya, Ava

monstahh` 11-01-2017 10:21 PM

welcome to the party! [lol]

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