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Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:13 AM

The Naked Nation II

I happened upon an interesting item glitch one day- it makes your underwear disappear! This, for someone who was a part of starting the tradition of Naked Wednesday so many years ago, is splendid news. It gives the chance for those who love their birthday suits to show off all their glorious nakedness on Mene! Minus some bits...

And so! I present you with the NAKED NATION!
Come one, come all! Doesn't matter if you're a nudist or not, come and share the gloriousness that is the nekkidness! And while you're at it, have fun!

Unfortunately, the glitch only removes the lower half of the underwear for the ladies, as of right now there are currently no way to remove the upper part unless you're wearing a skin item.

^ ...Though now that we have the panty/bra-removal items, the above glitch is no longer necessary, but it still works.

Nekkidness FTW!

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:41 AM

...join in the nekkidness?

Easy! All that is required is 155g and a trip to the local shop of Lingerie Land! Purchase yourself a pair of Icy Jolly Smalls and put 'em on! And poof! There goes your panties/boxers! :D

NOTE: This method is no longer required. The item in question has since been fixed and you can now make your underwear poof instead with the NO BOXERS!, NO PANTIES!, and NO BRA! items instead, found on the first page of Lingerie Land, priced at 1g each.
Nekkidness FTW!

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:42 AM Respect and follow the rules and TOS of Menewsha. Be nice.
Nekkidness FTW!

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:54 AM

100th poster 100g Won by Paranoid Doll
500th poster 150g Won by me xD
1000th poster 250g or avatar art by me o_o Won by Cora Lorington
1st poster, Page 200 222g Won by McNugget
10,000th poster Common of choice. (Diana's Moonlight Dress) Won by Lexadis

More to be added in the future...maybe. >.>;

Nekkidness FTW

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:54 AM
Past Thread Banners:
Signature Banners:

Made by IkuAki Ikuto Akihiko Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa:


Made by McNugget:


Nekkidness FTW

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:54 AM

Antagonist 05-06-2013 01:54 AM

MinakoAxule 05-06-2013 01:56 AM

*Pokes her head in* Hello there! You are the one I think that told me about the ice jollies or was it Anarchy. Which ever it was one of the first items I had lol.

ClockReject 05-06-2013 01:56 AM

-cries forever-

ClockReject 05-06-2013 04:27 AM


momochan 05-06-2013 04:36 AM

-rolls into thread like a badass spy-

ClockReject 05-06-2013 04:37 AM

-hides in momos tail-

Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:37 AM

Hahaha yeah, it's time! XD

*cuts virtual ribbon to thread* o wo

ClockReject 05-06-2013 04:38 AM

I got a little excited about the new thread [sweat]

R u b y 05-06-2013 04:39 AM


Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:39 AM

xDDD No probs, you can make it into part of the reserved posts if you like. :P

---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 12:39 PM ----------

Hey Ruby!! :DDD

ClockReject 05-06-2013 04:40 AM


R u b y 05-06-2013 04:40 AM

Hey Nisty! :D I feel as though I should draw something to celebrate the new thread...but I'm lazy lol

---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 12:40 AM ----------

CLOOKI!!!! <3333

Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:41 AM

@Clock: Yeah, sure why not? XD
What kind of stuff do you want to put in it though? o.o

@Ruby: lol! xD Just a random doodle of everyone naked? xD

I have the rough draft of the new banner done, though I don't know what do have Iku wear yet. xD;;

momochan 05-06-2013 04:42 AM

There's a clockie in my tail! [gonk]
nope, Chuck Testa

Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:43 AM

Clock needs a tail, the rest of us all do. xDDDD

R u b y 05-06-2013 04:43 AM

Nisty: I could possibly manage that xD
Who counts as "everyone"? xD

---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 12:44 AM ----------

Oh wow, I had a derp moment xD Nisty said we all have tails and I was like "I don't! *looks at avi* Oh...right xD"

Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:45 AM

Er....good question. [rofl]

I know you, me, and Momo, but who else...[sweat]

R u b y 05-06-2013 04:45 AM

Clooki and Iku! And Whimmy! And possibly nuggets xD

Antagonist 05-06-2013 04:46 AM

Oh wow, that's a lot of people. xDD

For the banner I only have you, me, Momo, Clock, and Iku listed. :o

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