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For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:13 PM

❀ Wallflower Room Party ❀ A Place for Shy Nerds ❀

Woo! Mene-Con! So much cosplay and merchandise and panels and madness! And what's a good con without a crazy room party! Oh, but this is not that party. It's a nice quiet room party with drinks and nibbles and people squishing against the walls and shyly looking around. The crazy party is down the hall. But, really, our nibbles can't be beat. So pull up a patch of wall and stay a while. We might even get a bit crazy and start chatting!

hummy 07-18-2015 11:15 PM

cookie! *glomps*

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:17 PM

Hummy *snuggles* Look! I put a tiny you on my avi! :D

hummy 07-18-2015 11:17 PM

i saw, i'm so happy you were acknowledged!
*shines brand new star*

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:20 PM

Thank you [heart] I've been here a long time. Never thought that would happen! I just sort of threw this together the other night, playing with some of my new pastel-y things. I was like "Let's be a fairy unicorn flowery thing!" Ok, those weren't my exact thoughts, but I liked the results. :)

hummy 07-18-2015 11:23 PM

you did a beautiful job!

i'll be the only starless member

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:28 PM

*throws a handful of stars at hummy* ☆☆☆☆☆ :D

Just for my lovely hummy [heart]

hummy 07-18-2015 11:29 PM

*giggles* i would be upset if they were hearts
i've never been very creative so i'm used to it

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:35 PM

Nonsense. Everyone's creative. Just in different ways. You can be creative visually, or creative in music or writing, but crap in other aspects. Like, my real life wardrobe would never win any fashion awards by any stretch, but I like to think I can put together a cute outfit on Mene. Or I love to write and I'm decent at it, but I am awful when it comes to drawing. I like to be a creative baker, but in the savories, I'm not always that creative either. It just all comes out in different ways. I'm sure there's stuff that hummy is awesome at that leaves the rest of us in the creative dust.

hummy 07-18-2015 11:38 PM

lol, nope, not really
it's all good, though

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2015 11:44 PM

Whaaat? I don't believe you. You must have amazing hidden talents. Like recreating Van Gogh paintings with your nose and a ketchup packet. Or being able to fart the alphabet with one leg tied behind your back!

hummy 07-18-2015 11:57 PM

lol, farts are funny!

For-Chan Cookie 07-19-2015 12:00 AM

Just imagine how hilarious farting the alphabet would be! [rofl]

Nephila 07-19-2015 02:54 AM

Ooo lookit all the treats. :D

hummy 07-19-2015 02:55 AM

gotta love our cookie

For-Chan Cookie 07-19-2015 03:13 AM

Hi Nephshomaru! [rofl] Have a nibble. :D

Gotta love our hummy *huggles*

hummy 07-19-2015 03:54 AM

*huggles back* awwww [blush]

For-Chan Cookie 07-19-2015 04:46 AM

*nibbles hummy* Hmm. Needs more sugar.

Gonna get up to some nerdy Cookie activities now. Like diving into lots of anime. A new season just started, so I have lots to watch. Even though....I haven't finished up everything from last season and even some previous ones because I am a lazy Cookie! [gonk]

hummy 07-19-2015 02:47 PM

hummy never needs mores sugar
you must have gotten a bad spot!
this hummy buzzes around like crazy =3

i have been watching pretty little liars
i went back and watched what i missed
now i am so confused i probably will rewatch
all the way from the beginning to unconfuse myself!

For-Chan Cookie 07-19-2015 11:24 PM

I must have *nibbles some more* Ah, that's a better spot.

My cousin also made me start watching Steven Universe. It's the only non-anime thing I'm watching at the moment. The last live action thing I watched was Agent Peggy Carter. A new season is coming up, so I can watch real people for a bit instead of just animated ones. But hey, I enjoy the animated ones, so it's all good.

That show must have a really complicated plot if you're all confuzzled. I'm sure watching it a second time through will let you pick up a lot of stuff you didn't catch the first time around!

Moonlit Freedom 07-20-2015 12:02 AM

*peeks in* Hello?

For-Chan Cookie 07-20-2015 12:52 AM

Hello. You look very fancy Moonlit!

Moonlit Freedom 07-20-2015 12:53 AM

Thanks! I feel fancy! And lovely and green (my favorite color!) :D

How're you doing?

For-Chan Cookie 07-20-2015 12:58 AM

It goes well together. You look like a moon princess or something :D Very spacey.

I'm doing ok. Trying to keep out of the heat. Just puttering around the internet.

Moonlit Freedom 07-20-2015 01:01 AM

It's pretty much all the items that I have currently. [lol] :D At least they work well together!

That's good! I'm trying to hide from the heat too - and my little munchkin just stole my fan. Ugh, time to get up--- AGAIN --- to go and get it again. She's a little fan thief! xDD LOL!

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