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NekoLen 03-28-2014 08:31 AM

To Be Human
To Be Human

An rp by Tachigami and NekoLen

Warning: This rp will contain horror elements and gore.

"Humans... They have lived for millennia without changing, without evolving. How boring a species we must be to observe. Always the same, predictable happenings throughout our history, the same stereotypes, the same advances... I want to change that. Make humans evolve into greater beings. To have the eyes of an eagle, the strength of an elephant, the hunting abilities of a cat... I have seen what the future holds, and I will start it... Right now," Dan Goldberg sighed, flicking the switch of his voice recorder off and placing the small device in the top drawer of the desk he sat at. He placed his head in his hands and rubbed his temples, looking down at the papers strewn across his desk.

A small hissing noise could be heard under the desk and Dan smiled lightly. "I'm glad you liked my speech, my pet," he spoke, looking down as though he could see what was by his feet. "Don't worry, I'll feed you again soon..." He glanced at the laptop that sat open nearby. No one had replied to the ad he had listed just yesterday. Only the truly needy and desperate would reply to it, so sometimes he had to wait weeks before anyone seemed interested. Then he had to make sure the people that replied were ideal for his research.

He got from his desk and wondered about his office, stopping to look out the window at the forest that surrounded his smallish house. He had lived there mostly alone, with only his pet to keep him company. Yet, Dan had never felt lonely or in need of a wife. He may have been 32, but he could see that he had his whole life to live. He wasn't about to waste the good years getting married and having children. As he thought about this, a small beeping noise made him return to his desk and look at his laptop. He had a reply to his ad, and he opened the email, his heart beating in his throat. "We got a bite, pet. Yes, yes, yes... He looks like a perfect candidate too... Oh I hope this one survives... You need some friends to play with." The creature under the desk hissed more, and he shuddered as a long, forked tongue ran over his exposed ankle.

Tachigami 03-28-2014 11:16 PM

Jake flopped down and sighed forcibly, pulling the top button of his shirt apart and letting the mid-autumn breeze hit his skin. "God, I'm hot..." He sighed, looking at where Tim sat beside him. They had just gotten out of the library, which had hosted a book sale and fundraiser, and the thrumming of bodies in that carpeted, closed-up area had made him start sweating just an hour into it. He pulled back his curly brown-blonde hair and tied it up high so it was off his neck---a necessity, to keep his hair long just so he could do that---and leaned against the metal railing beside him.

"You're always hot." Tim said, rolling his eyes and sitting heavily beside Jake.

"Gee, that's sweet of you to say, but that's not what I mean." Jake smiled for the first time since lunchtime, and it looked somewhat weary. Tim shoved him a little.

"You know what I mean, ass." Jake laughed at that, holding out his hand. Tim huffed, pulling his smartphone out of his pocket and handing it over. "You don't know what's gonna happen to you, man. You shouldn't have sent that email."

"Tim, I'm pretty desperate here. This whole thing isn't helping me keep my apartment every month."

"Then live with me! We'll split the rent, you don't have to worry anymore..."

"And you keep your place's temperature set to 'inferno'. Especially when it gets cooler in these months." He looked up to his unexpected friend. Tim was pretty sweet, but he was basically coldblooded naturally, and anything below boiling was considered 'jacket weather'. In Jake's opinion, anything freezing or below was tank top and shorts weather. He seemed to steam in the deeper winter months. "Hey... Hey, I was accepted!" Jake looked up with a shocked, surprised air. "I got directions to the place here... Tim, wanna drop me off?"

"What's this entail...?" Tim looked at him with unexpected concern. "I mean, anything... weird?"

"Hell, I don't think that's legal. But look, it's only for a while, then I'll be back, be able to start up a business, even, and maybe I'll make you a partner so you don't have to waste your life here. Soooo... What? You gonna take me, or no?"

Tim sighed as he took his phone back. "Fine... Good God, I know I can't talk you out of this."

Jake smiled and stood, sliding out of his shirt and sighing as the cool air hit his constantly heated skin. "Good. We head off tomorrow morning!"

NekoLen 03-28-2014 11:29 PM

Dan leant back in his chair, glancing out the window at the trees whose branches cradled the starry night sky. His research had given him hope. This person seemed perfect for his studies, with no one mentioned that would come looking if he went missing. He bit his lip and stood. His pet had already left awhile ago, probably to lie under the heat lamp Dan had installed in his room. He thought about meeting his new patient and smiled, leaving his office and heading towards his bedroom. This one will be a success, he was sure of it.

He entered his room and undressed, glancing over at his pet, who was already curled up in the corner under the heat lamp. Some days he missed having someone in bed with him, as his pet no longer joined him in his bed. He sighed and went over to his dresser, staring at himself in the mirror. He was quite handsome, and looked a lot younger than he really was. His hair was honey-coloured and he had startling green eyes. His complexion was only marred by the dark shadows under his eyes. Dan didn't sleep well. He was always thinking, thinking about his work and about the future. He looked back down to his pet. Such a beautiful creature he was. He smiled as he watched the slow breathing and heard the hissing, seeing the long tongue flicker out of his mouth every now and then. His pet would sleep through the night, and Dan was slightly jealous. He would have to work on his insomnia...

He returned to his double bed, crawling under the sheets and staring up at the dark roof. Tomorrow he will be meeting Jacob. Tomorrow he will be able to work again. He closed his eyes at the exciting thought, rolling over a sleeping lightly.

Tachigami 03-28-2014 11:49 PM

He parted from Tim halfway home, turning left while bundled-up Tim in his winter coat and knit hat and padded thermal gloves and heavy hiking boots and wool socks lumbered down the opposite road. He didn't know how to comfortably curl himself up in padded clothing, or heavy blankets in the winter, or even keep his thermostat up above what most would consider ridiculously low. He climbed his stairs, pausing outside his door to find his keys and stepped inside, sighing in relief at the slightly lower temperature. Once the door was closed and locked he threw the rest of his clothes off, going to his bathroom and starting a cool shower. He had the smell---the feel---of people clinging to him, and that was uncomfortable. Almost sticky. He shuddered and put his head under the water, breathing out in relief as the feeling was washed away.

Tomorrow Tim would drive him to a quiet little place. He assumed it was a facility he'd be spending some time in, and had been assured his apartment would be taken care of while he was there. That would help, at least, and the money was tempting. He needed it. Wanted to start down the road on something. If he had his way, he'd open up an ice bar---those things were really popular nowadays it seemed. And it would help him. It would keep him relatively cool, if that were even possible. Even a few minutes out of the cold shower had his body heat up again, but he'd learned to deal with it. His parents had always been so worried about his overheating, which he never seemed to do, or getting hurt, which never seemed to be a problem for him. His family had cats. He'd grown up around the half-feral creatures and had gotten dreadfully scratched hundreds of times. But he never had a scar. Hell, he never had an open wound for more than a few minutes.

Without clothing himself, Jake went around his apartment and began unplugging things he wouldn't need for a while. Phones, lights, the little television, and put things from the fridge into the freezer. the rest he threw out, and, checking carefully for anyone in the stairwell, took the trash bag out to the chute and bounded back inside before anyone saw him. Then he started folding clothes, putting them in a duffel and sliding it to the front door. He didn't know what he'd need, so he packed a week's worth of clothes, a few books. He didn't have much, so he usually relied on power of imagination to distract him from the monotony of silence or worthless television. When ten 'o clock hit, he flopped down in bed and pulled the lightweight sheet up over him, only halfway. He was suddenly nervous, but pushed that out of his mind. He had no right to be nervous. It would be fine... He was awake for another hour, repeating the words in his head. It'll be fine... It'll be fine...

NekoLen 03-29-2014 12:03 AM

The alarm clock hadn't gone off yet, and already Dan was wide awake. He had been since 1am, lying on his back and watching the shadows move across the ceiling. He had heard his pet move from its heated area, possibly to use the bathroom. It returned a few minutes later, crawling onto Dan's bed and licking his face. He enjoyed the company, hugging the cold thing and kissing it back. He talked to his pet, though he wasn't sure if it could understand what was being said. Eventually, it slid off his bed and went back to its heat lamp, curling up and falling asleep.

Finally the alarm went off and Dan leapt out of bed. Even though he hadn't slept for too long, he felt energised. He grabbed some clean clothes and dashed down the hall into the bathroom, showering himself and shaving before dressing and heading to the spare room. His guest would be staying in this room until Dan could get the experiments ready. After that, the man would be kept in the basement, if he survived.

He went to the kitchen, making up a simple breakfast for himself and leaving a slab of meat on his pet's bowl. He ate quickly, watching the clock as the time got closer and closer to when his guest would turn up. His pet had eaten the meat left out for it, and was crawling about the kitchen, its tongue flickering about the floor as though it expected more.

"I'm sorry, love. I'm going to have to put you outside, just so you can't scare our guest away," Dan felt a bit bad, but he led his pet to the back door and pushed it outside into the fenced in forested area that couldn't be seen from the front of the house. He then returned to the living room, waiting to hear the door bell ringing.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 12:25 AM

"Oh, shit this place is creepy." Tim shuddered as they drove down the two-lane road, following Jake's printed directions and bumping along in the road. Jake wasn't looking at them anymore, though---he was fanning himself with the papers, sighing when the warm air from the vents hit him. Tim had drawn the line at putting the passenger side window down for Jake to lean out of. Tim was in a thin but insulated denim jacket and still had the collar pulled up high, another hat pulled low over his black hair.

"I'm more interested in the location, not the means to get there." Jake said after a while, puffing out a breath and sliding down in the seat, shifting the bag at his feet.

"God, this is some serial killer shit, Jake, you can't be serious about this..."

"Look, I get the guy or girl or whatever it is. They want a quiet place to live. I want a quiet place to live."

Tim rolled his eyes. "Well... what are you gonna do after this?"

"Dunno. Might head out. Find a good place... I'm not sure." Jake sighed a little as the car came to a stop and he looked around. "Not bad."

"Not good." Tim mumbled.

"Good God, Tim, settle down." Jake grabbed his bag and opened the door, relishing the beautiful cool air that met him, smelling of woods, of gentle frost that had yet to melt away. "Get going, I'll be fine."


"Sure I'm sure." Jake smiled, masking his worry, and stood up straight. "I'll be back soon enough. Might even call for a ride when it's over." Tim smiled a bit, and Jake returned it, closing the door and not watching as he backed down the road to make a turn and stepped up to the door. He breathed, and pressed the doorbell.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 12:38 AM

Dan jumped to his feet at the sound of the doorbell, smoothing down his suit and hoping he looked friendly and not at all crazy. He glanced at the back door before opening the front, hoping his pet had crawled off to a warm rock or gone hunting in the bushes or something. Smiling, he opened the door. "Hello! Mr. Samson? Nice to see you arrived safely!" He shook Jacob's hand, stepping to a side to let the man in. "I'm Dr. Goldberg, I'm glad you replied to my ad. Would you like any help with your bags?"

He led the man inside the entrance hall, showing him the living area and kitchen before taking him down a hallway to his room. "Make yourself at home, Mr. Samson. I will be in my office down the hall and to the right if you need me. I need to get some paperwork sorted and then we can discuss the nature of my research." He smiled and looked Jacob up and down. He was perfect. "All I ask is for you to stay inside, and don't go downstairs to my laboratory without me. All safety precautions, nothing to worry about. The forest around my home has many dangers, and we can't have you hurt as soon as you get here."

Dan grinned wider and laughed slightly, taking his leave and heading towards his office. He kept the door open so Jacob could find him if needed. He found some papers and started to do the equations and maths necessary for his experiments to work.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 01:02 AM

Jake startled slightly when the door opened, almost not expecting it. What had he been expecting? Frankenstein's Monster to open the door and manhandle him into a tiny electrified cage? He shook off the surprise, smiling a bit and accepting the entry. Though he didn't accept the request to take his only bag---it was a sense of familiarity in this odd, new, alien place that he wanted to keep right by his side. He followed the man---what was his name again? Goldberg, right---and looked around each place, a bit apprehensive the further he went. What was he expecting...? He'd been expecting white walls, floor, ceiling. No windows, no comfort, just sterile environments that had no love, no wear, no signs of anyone existing inside it. But this was a house. Just a house. With a lab under it? In the basement, so fitting. Maybe Goldberg was just a cover for 'descendant of Dr. Frankenstein'.

He was quiet, until he spoke specifically to Jake again. He nodded. "Sure. Sure... I won't go anywhere you ask." He had so many questions, but Goldberg was gone before he could ask anything. Most specifically, he wanted to know what the hell Goldberg had meant by that last little bit he said. Why would he get hurt at all? Jake shuddered, setting his bag in a chair and sitting on the edge of the couch. He was already burning up, what did this man have his house's temperature set to? He shrugged it off as his nerves, but nonetheless Jake reached up to undo a button on his shirt and use the directions to fan himself. His hair was up off his neck again, as it usually was unless he was in his own frigid apartment.

He was just so nervous. He wanted to know what Goldberg had planned. He didn't think these experiments were dangerous---doubted it, really. But maybe Tim was right. He shuddered, closing his eyes and fanning the air in front of him. He just had to cool down, then he'd be able to think easier.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 01:12 AM

Dan sighed as the papers were all in order, leaving his office and finding Jacob where he had left him. He smiled and knocked on the door, noticing how hot the man seemed to be. It was strange, because it was in the middle of winter and his thermostat was on so it was warm, but not sweltering so. "Are you alright? I hope you aren't sick," he commented, feeling his heart rate lower slightly. The last thing he needed was some virus contaminating all his research.

"I guess you want to know what kind of research I do here," Dan said after awhile, leaning slightly against the door frame. "I research human biology and evolution. I believe that humans, as a species, are not in their final stages of evolution. We can grow stronger, better - as you will." He tilted his head slightly and continued to smile, hoping that Jacob didn't think he was spouting craziness. "So our experiments we will do together will be mostly medical, but I won't be giving you things that will hurt or make you sick. Don't worry. I have a form here I would like you to fill out, as well as a contract to read over and sign. This is just for legal matters, and the questions are so I don't do anything unknowingly that would harm you. Please answer them truthfully and bring them to my office." He handed the forms and contract to Jacob, leaving the room and going back to his office.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 01:33 AM

He was alone for a while, and that gave him time to think. What the hell was he even doing here? Tim was right, in a vague way. But he was always worried about something. Jake had known him long enough to be aware of that, and painfully so. He didn't have too much time to dwell, however, as Goldberg returned with papers. He took them with a nod, digging in his pocket to find a pen---he didn't often keep them in his pockets because they would leak or burst because of his body heat, but this one was manufactured to endure extreme temperatures, and he was glad for that. Lying out the papers, he scanned them and began marking. There was the usual, name, age, birthdate, blood type, allergies, history of illness, allergens. He was quiet, answering them gradually.

Then odd ones appeared. Opinion-based questions. What was his physical endurance? It had a number chart from one to ten. He marked high. Then temperature tolerance. He hated, absolutely hated heat. He could handle it, but barely. It was hard to deal with. He loved the cold, could handle far colder temperatures than anyone else around him, really. His opinions on animals, strong and weak. There was a number chart from one to five, with one being the strongest and five being the weakest. He furrowed his brow, putting the pen between his lips and drawing it in and out while he thought. A tiger was very strong. Maybe a lion. A big cat or dog, either of those. And what was weakest? A butterfly, no doubt. A hummingbird. What else? He never really thought about it.

Sighing at his answers, Jake spit out the pen and pocketed it again, scooping up the papers and taking them to the open door down the hallway. "Um... I'm not sick, no." He said as a delayed reply from earlier. "I'm just very... very hot natured." He grimaced, stepping into the room and handing the papers over. Goldberg took them with a smile and Jake shifted uncomfortably. "I'm... not sure what the point of those... other questions..." He indicated the later pages.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 01:42 AM

Dan was glad to have the paperwork back, looking over them. He was also happy to hear that Jacob wasn't sick. "If there is anything I can do to make life a bit more comfortable, please tell me. I don't mind cold, so if you want me to turn the thermostat off, it will be OK. I only have it on for my pet, who is naturally cold-blooded." He glanced at the other questions Jacob referred to, smiling at the replies. "It is all part of my research, Mr Samson. It is good to get some opinions from other people. It seems the ones before you answered in the same way."

He put the papers on his desk, on top of the lists and charts he had devised for their experiments later that week. He liked his patients to feel at home, relaxed and happy before he started his research. "Your pain tolerance and physical endurance is rated quite highly, I see. That's rare to find in someone so young." It made him even more keen to start the experiments. "Ah, forgive me. You must be hungry from your drive. Would you like me to fix you something to eat? Or maybe you'd like a drink?"

Tachigami 03-29-2014 01:55 AM

Standing near the door, Jake felt an unusual sliver of cold work its way into his spine and slide down to settle at the small of his back. He shivered hard. What the hell was this guy talking about? Was he some weirdo? Maybe he should have done some research into the ad, but he'd been so worried that someone else would grab it up before he had the chance to... He breathed out, carefully, and steeled himself. Did this mean he wasn't the only one that had been asked to do... whatever this guy had in mind? What if he was some kind of... what was it? Masochist? Or was it sadomasochist? He didn't know the difference, didn't think he'd need to. Which one got off on watching or inducing pain and/or humiliation? God, he didn't want to know.

He breathed in, remembering the pet. Well, he didn't want the poor thing to get too cold... He could deal with the thermostat being higher than he'd ever set it. "Um... no, no. No, thanks, I'm not hungry... I ate before I arrived, stopped at a cafe before heading off." He shifted uncomfortably, trying to force the thoughts of being tortured out of his head. This was just normal. He was a doctor, after all, Dr. Goldberg. Dan Goldberg, Jake remembered his first name. That was it.

"You sure?" Goldberg leaned forward slightly.

"Yeah, yeah... Sure... Uh... I'll just look around... up here." He stepped back as the doctor watched him, feeling as if his eerie gaze was pinned hard on him, and slid out of sight, breathing heavily, pulling his hair out of its ponytail and refastening it a little higher. He felt even hotter than usual.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 02:04 AM

Dan sighed, wondering why his guests always were so suspicious at first. He wasn't some serial killer or torturer. It was unfortunate that some of his patients never made it, and that most suffered immense pain. He did everything in his power to prevent this, he didn't like watching people suffer. Just like his pet... It made him sad when he remembered the screams and the tears of horror as its body shifted. But he had asked if it was alright. He was sure his pet knew what was going to happen to it. He covered his face, becoming lost in thought.


It was cold outside. Too cold. Why had he been locked out? It was unlike Dan to put him outside in the winter, where the frost on the ground bit at his skin. Even his large rock wasn't warm enough to give him any comfort. He wailed slightly at the door, hoping Dan would let him back inside. Hadn't the man said something about a guest? He flickered his long forked tongue and could taste something faint in the air around the house. Yes, a stranger.

He crawled up the side of the house and peered through the only window that he could reach. It was near the living area, where Dan would lit the fire that he loved to bathe next to. An orange shape moved about, and it wasn't quite like the shape of Dan. It seemed hot, as hot as the fire that usually burned where it was sitting. He hissed and left the window, slithering through the bushes and towards the door again. He wanted to be let inside so he could see this stranger, and taste him.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 02:25 AM

Jake was shaking a little when he sat again, and it took a minute to breathe out the immediate panic. He was reading far too much into everything. Everything he possibly could. He made a mental note to kick Tim's ass when he met up with him after this was over. He was the one that put the nervousness into Jake as they approached their destination, and more than once Jake had almost told him to turn the car around immediately, just go back, go back right now and he'd live with Tim, split the rent, take the slow, steady way to his hopes. But of course his pride had overridden his fear. He wanted to do this. If only to prove Tim wrong.

But now he was debating the sanity of all this. He pulled his cheap cell phone out of his bag and flipped it open, shocked---and somewhat dismayed---to find it had no signal here. What did that tell him? That he was too far away from anyone to call at a moment's notice. And so Tim was definitely out of reach. He sighed shakily, putting the phone back in his bag and glancing at the window. Something moved, and he startled, going still. "Um... hello...?" He called, shocked and horrified to hear his voice so unsteady and hoarse. He stepped to the window, looking out, seeing only the outside, the yard and the woods. He wanted to go out, cool down a little. He didn't know why he didn't sweat buckets, but he didn't sweat more than the usual human, so his doctors said.

He turned, feeling his heart pound his sternum, and leaned against the window, gasping at the cool glass that met his back and humming to himself. That helped him feel less horrified with his surroundings, at least. He felt tired, even though it was afternoon. He didn't really sleep during the day, not until it was evening. He closed his eyes, feeling a bit at a loss. What was he allowed to do? Did this guy have a list of rules set up on a chalkboard or something? He snorted, shaking his head.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 02:33 AM

"Is everything alright?" Dan asked Jacob, who was found in the living room, leaning against a window. It was one of the only windows that looked out to the backyard and he hoped the man hadn't seen his pet. He wasn't ready. Many became shocked and frightened when they met his pet for the first time. Dan had to make sure the house was locked so Jacob couldn't get away. "You look a bit shaken, are you sure you don't want a cup of tea to calm your nerves? I'm sorry if the setting is a bit creepy, but be assured that I am not a bad guy. You can use my home phone to call home if you want a familiar voice." He gestured towards a cord phone that hung on the wall. "My reception out here isn't that great, so even that phone fails sometimes."

He grinned and sat on the sofa, turning on the TV. The large satellite dish on his roof made it so he could get clear reception, but for some reason the phone lines always suffered. He had also set it up to disconnect if certain numbers were dialled, but he wouldn't tell Jacob that.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 02:45 AM

He startled when a voice spoke, then relaxed after a moment. Pushing away from the window, Jake shook his head a little. "Uh... I could take care of it if you point the way to the tea." He said after a moment, wringing his hands. "I don't know whether I should eat or drink... Food and I don't mix well when I'm nervous..." He couldn't help the cold trickle down his back again. God, Dan was so creepy. He just wouldn't let that feeling go. The more he denied it, the worse it was. He might as well have admitted that he was the weirdest freak in the world and it'd make Jake feel a little better. Then at least he'd be more clear cut in Jake's eyes.

"Oh no?" Dan looked at him with what he thought was a bit of sympathy. But Jake wasn't seeing much right now.

"No... Um, but maybe I could just... find my room, stay holed up for a little while. I'm just not used to strange new places... It'll take a little while but I'll come around." Hopefully... God he hoped he'd come around. Hoped his suspicions, fears, horrors were just the result of too many late night horror movies boring their way into his head. He plucked at his shirt, not feeling much relief there.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 02:52 AM

Dan nodded, feeling a bit sad that his guest wanted to hide in his new room. Would he want to hide after his surgery? His pet hid for weeks before finally being used to what it was. How long would it take for Jacob to adjust? Maybe give him some cat-like abilities. He'd be able to balance, climb, hunt and see in the dark well... Dan hadn't yet thought about what he wanted to use on Jacob. Those sorts of things usually came on a whim, maybe that was why he lost so many.

Time passed quite quickly, soon it was growing dark and Dan worried about his pet. It was cold outside, after all. He went to the kitchen and started on dinner, bringing a bowl of the soup to Jacob in his room. He then went back to the kitchen and put some meat on the floor, opening the back door and letting his pet inside. It seemed grateful to be allowed back into the warm house, and it affectionately licked Dan's hand. He smiled and watched it as it ate the meat whole and then sniffed about the living area, no doubt tasting Jacob in the air.

"I don't want you scaring our guest, pet," he said, crouching and petting the creature lovingly. "You stay out of his way, OK?" He smiled and straightened back up, going to the front door and locking it with a golden padlock. There was no way to escape, as none of the windows opened and the back yard was fenced in with tall wire fences with barbed wire on top. Jacob would stay with them forever, or until he died.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 03:11 AM

The small room was warm, and he opened a window to let in the cool air. It relieved him a bit, and he sat in front of the window, arms on the sill, a book in hand, reading without really taking in what he was reading. What was it he was reading, anyway? Some zombie book he'd picked up from the fifty-cent stack on a whim. He closed it, finally, going to the door when Dan came with a bowl and taking it with a word of thanks. He didn't eat much, however. Jake hadn't lied when he said he didn't do well with food when he was nervous. And then again, he was still a bit wary as to what Dan had put in it, if anything. So he let it cool, then drank half the broth, taking it to the window and looking down. It appeared there was a ditch under this window where rain slid along the house when it was warmer, and he dumped most of the bowl there, licking the side before bringing it back and setting it on the dresser.

He had to admit it was a nice room. It even had its own bathroom. There was a double bed with wood headboard, soft carpet, a chair and bookcase in the corner. It just didn't feel right. Not home. He didn't love it, but didn't hate it. It was better than an electrified cage, anyway.

He finally got some reading done, then looked at his watch. Nearly ten. How had he managed to stay awake this long? Yawning, he disrobed, not bothering to put anything on as his paranoia had led him to sweep the room for hidden cameras, even going so far as to check under the nondescript painting on the wall. He felt stupid as he climbed into the simple bed, but it was better safe than spied on. He shuddered, throwing off the heavy blanket and using the lightweight white sheet instead, as he always did. Shockingly, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep despite the strange new place, with the window closed since he didn't want Dan to be annoyed in any way or invite late-to-die insects to find their way in. Or any other odd little creature.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 03:20 AM

It was dark. It seemed Dan had gone to bed, or was in his office at the end of the hall. He didn't mind the dark, as he could see the warmth of objects and taste the air about him, like a snake. Right now he was in the living room, casting about for the stranger's scent. The spare room. Yes, that was where most strangers were kept before being taken down to the basement. Most never came back. He was sure he had eaten the products of those lost souls.

He moved up the hallway, finding the guest bedroom easily. He pushed the door and found it wasn't locked, so slithered inside the room. Yes, the bright glowing shape was in its bed, not quite asleep yet. He crawled to the end of the bed and found his way under the sheets, climbing up the bed and licking the stranger with his long forked tongue. He heard a noise and felt the stranger move, recoil in shock. The sudden movement made him hiss and show his fangs, moving backwards and glaring at the stranger who had startled him.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 03:29 AM

He was in something that resembled sleep, but somehow felt somewhat alert to his surroundings. The house seemed to creak, seemed to move and shift, and he could distinctly hear the wind outside the window. It sounded like it was howling. Maybe it was the effect of the wind through the mostly bare trees. He shifted a little, feeling the bed dip, and something move, and something cold slide along his leg. He gasped, giving out a strangled yell and bringing himself up and to the headboard. Then the sheet fell back and he pulled it against him, widening his eyes in the semi darkness.

"Uh..." Jake clamped his mouth shut, shuddering hard. "Uh... what the hell... What are you..." His heart was pounding---he felt overheated, like he had many times before. What the hell was this thing? Was this the 'pet'? It sent a hard shiver down Jake's person, his hands clutching the sheet around him in a half-assed attempt to remain somewhat modest. He couldn't get to the door to run off. Hell, he wouldn't run out completely naked into the unknown, even if he had a road to follow. He wasn't that stupid. Or terrified, though he was nearly there.

NekoLen 03-29-2014 07:51 AM

Dan had heard the screams and came running, seeing the cause of the problem as soon as he stumbled into the guest bedroom. His pet was so curious to meet the newcomer, he had crept into bed with the poor man and given him a huge fright. He quickly dashed in, laughing slightly and pulling his pet back, so he wouldn't bite Jacob. "I am so sorry, he must have wanted to see who you were. The warmth would have made him curious." He stroked his pet's long black hair, smiling slightly at the naked form of Jacob.

"Don't worry, he's not poisonous... He doesn't usually bite, you just startled him with all the movement you were doing." Dan continued to smile, running his hands through the soft black hair that his pet had. The creature that looked just like a pale, thin young man. He had long black hair and slitted yellow eyes, like a snake. He had sharp long fangs and a long, forked tongue. His nails on his hands and feet were long, and hooked like claws. It had been so long since Dan had had a guest, he had forgotten how shocking his pet would seem to 'normal' people. His pet hissed softly, no longer startled by the stranger. Instead, he flickered his long tongue in Jacob's direction, tasting his scent.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 10:44 PM

His eyes were glued to the thing. It looked human, but weirdly... bestial. Ridiculously so. There was no mistaking that cold, long, wet thing that slid up his ankle and leg was a tongue, and just remembering it made him shudder hard and be thankful that he hadn't eaten much of anything before bed. The thing's eyes were snake-like. It hissed under its breath. It was a male, that much was for certain. The long hair covered its cold body, which he could feel even though it---he---wasn't touching him. Dan looked psychotic---that calm, quiet kind of psychotic that was even more dangerous than the raving, screaming, foaming-at-the-mouth type that rampaged through town backhanding random people and pulling knives for no reason on any passerby that got within fingertip distance of him.

He was shaking his head, trying to get his breathing and body heat under control. The faster his heart beat, the hotter he felt. "Uh... Right... Right, so... Um..." He felt the tremor in his voice and cleared his throat. "Um... S-so... can you... get him out of here, or something...? He's kind of..." Kind of freaking me the fuck out and I'm about to jump out the window. He swallowed the last of his thought, however. He wasn't about to jump out the window in lieu of clothing. Or any other idea of where the hell he even was. Did Goldberg have a gun? Stun gun? Sleeping darts? What the hell was he even doing here? Fuck you, Tim, I hate when you're right...

NekoLen 03-29-2014 10:59 PM

Dan frowned slightly, still stroking the head of his pet. "Oh now, don't be like that." He flicked his pet's nose, who hissed in annoyance and backed off the bed. Dan pointed towards the door and his pet followed where he pointed, if a bit sulkily. "He is harmless. No need to be afraid." He smiled again at Jacob. "Well, Mr Samson. It seems you have seen my wonderful creation a bit too soon. I was hoping to surprise you tomorrow."

He went to the door, pulling out a lock and humming to himself. "There's no point jumping out the window. The fence is electrified. Besides, the drop will hurt you. I will come to get you tomorrow. You can be apart of this, a wonderful human evolution. I'm thinking about splicing you with some cat genes. I'd love another pet." He laughed and put the padlock over Jacob's door, closing it and locking it. Humming to himself, he went back to his room, smiling at his pet, who was now curled up under his heat lamp.

Tachigami 03-29-2014 11:18 PM

It was as if the scene were playing in slow motion, and he was in a tub of tar. He tried to move but couldn't---his paralyzed body, stuck to the overly soft mattress, pulled in, wouldn't let him up in time to do a damn thing. Jake's eyes were on the padlock, the way it glinted, and he opened his mouth but no sound came out. Then the lock clicked when the door was closed, and the air seemed to rush back into the room and fill his lungs painfully in a gasp. "Oh shit!"

He jumped up, heedless of his nakedness despite feeling eyes on him all over the place. Was there really a camera in here? He'd checked, but what if? God, was he going to turn into one of those... whatever that 'pet' was? Suddenly he felt sympathy for the thing, the guy that used to be. Before he became some snake-minded... thing. But then he worried about himself. Was that why he had such odd questions to answer? He'd signed himself over, basically, to Dan Goldberg and now he was at the psychopath's mercy. He felt his stomach churn, and bile rise in his throat. He barely made it to the window and opened it before the meager bit of soup he had eaten some time ago came back up in force, leaving an awful taste in his mouth. The world was spinning.

Was he going to be tortured? Cut open? Dissected? Forced to---Ugh---mate with animals? God, how would that even work? The thought made him feel sick again, but there was nothing left to come up, so he gagged. The cool air, at least, wafted onto his fiery skin and cooled him a bit. He almost felt his heart stall a few times, the silence coming back on him, pressing down, squeezing his heart and making it stutter, making him feel as if he were about to pass out. "God, Tim, you were right, you were so fucking right, God... C'mon, come back to see how I'm doing... I know it's like the middle of the damn night but I don't give a shit, come back... You're like my only friend..." He felt like crying, but bit it back. No, if that freak were watching him with his weird... pet-human-thing... he wouldn't let him see that.

NekoLen 03-30-2014 12:00 AM

Dan slept surprisingly well, snoring within a few minutes of lying in the bed. His pet watched him, thinking about the stranger. Such warmth that radiated from the man. He wanted to see him again, but knew he was locked up in the room. Once the sun rose in the sky, Dan would take the stranger down to his torture chamber he dubbed a laboratory and preform a strange surgery that would eventually turn the man into something like he was, part animal. Or he would die and supply him with fresh meat.

He moved from his bed, going back down the hallway and stopping outside the stranger's room. He could hear crying and swearing, and a weird feeling clutched at his heart. He felt sorry for their guest. He tilted his head at the feeling. It had been years since the last time he had felt any sort of human emotion. Heck, it had been years since he even remembered he was a human. He curled up on the mat outside the stranger's room, hoping that his presence would calm the man, even if he didn't know anyone was there thinking about his predicament.

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