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ScarletStratholme 04-04-2007 08:42 PM

What Colors Do You Use Where?
I was thinking just today, "what colors do I use? What colors do I like?"..

And I found that if I thought about it a bit, a lot of the colors I paint with given an option, tend to be blues, purples, blue-greens, black, grey, silver... Kind of more in the cool-color zone.

With Fae, pixies, elves, water-creatures...
I tend to usually use a little tan and blend that in with a smudge of purple, for example, when I do areas around the eyelids. Guys and girls, it's just that with girls I might make it a lot more obvious of a color difference. Shadows I do in blues and purples if on skin.

With humans, even though the person may be more peach-colored, and warmer-colored, a lot of the times, I dress them in cool colors rather than warm. o.O

Loud people I tend to do warmer colored, quiet people I tend to do cooler colored. o.o'

Do you notice any color patterns you use in this situation or that? O.o' Or is this just me?

Mou 04-04-2007 08:45 PM

I tend to use a lot of earthy colors, browns and greens. On pretty much everything <<;; These browns and greens are often spiced with some red details though.

Whenever I do more chibi-ish or otherwise cute art, it's always pastells though... an overload of them. Tend to use a lot of these colors in my random clothing designs too, I think it's just some kind of obsession right now.

I think I should learn how to use more blue... and also perhaps more "normal" life like colors <<;;

fongmingyun 04-04-2007 08:51 PM

Hmm. I can tell you waht colors I like, but not sure about which I favor.

Reds and burgundies, I like... it's fun to shade with the greens and all to make it really pop, and with some orangey/yellow lighting. I'm not so good with blues and greens and stuff.

Jitsumi1221 04-04-2007 09:58 PM

humm i know the colors i like to use al ot, but not so sure which ones i use most often. I like light grays, black, reds, and all kinds of greens. but i rarely use blues or yellows.

hum i suppose the colors i use the most would be this light light brown (cinnamon toast) and gray (cool gray 30%).

ScarletStratholme 04-05-2007 09:30 AM

*ponder ponder* I gotta jot this down sometime and then go back to skim and figure out what exactly that does feel-wise. Cause I'm not sure why exactly I pick this or that, other than it "matching" in my head, but why the hell it matches in my head is beyond me. x.o'

joke-mus 04-05-2007 11:11 AM

oh, color wise, i have a weird aversion towards the color blue O_o
but it's the easiest to shade for me, anyways ^^

i love warm colors [orange, red, yellow] and earthy tones [green, olive, moss, brown].

i like my colors saturated, and i rarely use pastel colors [maybe i should try that ^^']

kairek 04-05-2007 11:31 AM

I like every color, but I REALLY RARE use green Oo;

Tirael 04-05-2007 01:12 PM

.. @__@;; a lot of my pictures end up being a color palette of red, white, black...

I don't do it on purpose but it kinda... just... happens... it's not extremely obvious either since I do pinkish grays with whites and etc... but if it's not red-white-black, then it's earthy tones like tans/browns/greens.

I do like using all the colors *w* those are just the ones I happen to lean towards... o_O;

fongmingyun 04-05-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
*ponder ponder* I gotta jot this down sometime and then go back to skim and figure out what exactly that does feel-wise. Cause I'm not sure why exactly I pick this or that, other than it "matching" in my head, but why the hell it matches in my head is beyond me. x.o'

I've taken like, classes that tell you not like, which colors do what when other colors are around them, but what kind of thought process people go through when viewing a color - like communications and stuff. It's really neat and it helps a lot to convey an idea behind an image.

Zurie 04-05-2007 04:29 PM

  • I tend to use bright, exciting colors with most of my art, but I have been known to use subdued/bland colors like when I painted Victoria Everglot(from the Corpse Bride) for a portrait project 'cause I fail at painting realistically. xD

ScarletStratholme 04-06-2007 03:08 AM

Hrrms, I didn't realize they had classes like that, I should try to take one sometime. X3 Would prolly help me a bit. :)

fongmingyun 04-06-2007 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Hrrms, I didn't realize they had classes like that, I should try to take one sometime. X3 Would prolly help me a bit. :)

Yeah, they're not finearts. WEll, maybe they are. I mean, you do it in graphic design. But I know a lot of them here are found under the communications department.

Shishunki 04-06-2007 03:36 AM

Emotions do affect the colors you use. Same with the setting. I know I'm not too good enough to do that on purpose. Though good enough, I do it by accident. X3

tearsofblood 04-06-2007 09:49 PM

Blues, greens, purples, white.

I try to wear a lot more than that, but those are mostly my fall back colours.

Rawrr__x 04-07-2007 07:02 PM

usually in anime / manga you use typically bolder and more differant colors for the hair such asa purple /blue or likea green not your everyday brown or blonde . for the clthes you use more neutrals like grey or brow or earthy tones :]

fongmingyun 04-08-2007 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rawrr__x
usually in anime / manga you use typically bolder and more differant colors for the hair such asa purple /blue or likea green not your everyday brown or blonde . for the clthes you use more neutrals like grey or brow or earthy tones :]

Un-natural colored anime hair bothers me.

Haha, all my OCs have like, genertically-possible hair.

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