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Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:05 PM

it was the first thread I joined too.

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:06 PM


There for the longest time, just me and Taiyo were posting. But then she had to go home and she doesn't have has like kinda died again...

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:08 PM

maybe I'll go post there.

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:08 PM

Yuen is on! She posted....XD

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:10 PM

cool, I haven't talked with yuen in a long time.

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:10 PM

I know!

I think I am going to get me some noms. :D I know what I want... :D

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:11 PM

cool. I got crackers next to me.

I want to go buy new items and try them out.

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:14 PM

I got to remember to get them in five I don't burn mah food!

If you get that 450 coat...I want to see it...I don't want to buy it when I don't know what it looks like. XD

llonka 12-22-2010 11:17 PM

sure slowed down in here.

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:17 PM

It did...I think everyone left to go to bed just about. And I have to go check my food now.

llonka 12-22-2010 11:18 PM

ok! i burned my pigs in a blanket lol

zeapear 12-22-2010 11:18 PM

Look at what I made, Kat! :'D

/edit/ He made the thread!

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:21 PM

I wonder what will be fore dinner....

zeapear 12-22-2010 11:21 PM

Facade made the Sprinkles thread~

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:21 PM

I have noms! I have the garlic and cheeze ciabatta bread. XD

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:23 PM

yay for facade!

I want some, ter!!

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:23 PM

If it would through the computer screen, Kat, I'd give you some. :)

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:28 PM

yes, I need to work on my zap machine that zaps food from one place to another. the ultimate sharing device!

llonka 12-22-2010 11:29 PM

haha that'd be cool Kat!

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:29 PM

Yes! You need to work on that! That would probably be the greatest thing ever invented!

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:30 PM

*gets to work on that* give me a few years and I'll have the zap device up and running! I think...

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:32 PM

Yay! But it needs to be ready now... :/ ... XD

Kat Dakuu 12-22-2010 11:33 PM

sorry, not happening!

TerrenaAnimula 12-22-2010 11:34 PM

Well...if you have a time traveling machine just get on it and go to the future and bring the device back from the future. :D

llonka 12-22-2010 11:34 PM

gotta wash dishes, be back!

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